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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

Streets of clear gold.

Christ JESUS Offers for knowing in these last months for so many facing the end of their vessels, such as through You Christian Leader(s) unraveling for them, that the Book Of Revelation destructions are Truly Prophetic and pertinent to unsaved sinners.

And Christ JESUS also Gives for Christian Leadership to Wisely See that such destructions apply to the unsaved sinners though hardly so to the Saved In Christ JESUS, even so with Hearing of things coming, and Wittnessing of things coming many Christian Members may be shaken when rather to be only for Highest Good Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS offers the Holy Highest Street Of Clear Gold, "Clear" unto the True Faithful Highest In Christ JESUS. "Clear" hardly refers to the clear vessel shown below with the wine spilt out, but to the wine, the shedding of innocent blood, which Flow Of Holy Highest Blood should not be improperly censored, edited, nor otherwise corrupted (Highest concern). Like unto the first, the wine glass should not be corrupted ("wine" ibid. with lowest concern "wine glass" [Eucharist with Holy Unleavened Bread]). In Christ JESUS (John 18.9 with time and Eternity Matthew 11.27):

Holy Spirit with Blood with wine with unleavened bread / Blood with wine with unleavened bread / wine with unleavened bread / unleavened bread.

Like unto the ball-with-stick models shown below, the Holy Spirit per se, in the Father In Heaven, the Given energies including Words and Doings, include the linear set(s) and other sets.

How to perform Prophetic Miracles:

Final End Time and or the Second Coming Prophesied by year 2046AD as Miracle pertinent signs abound Revelation 10.11 as JESUS Christ answers why spirits move for Christian Leaders (without having to ask) with specifications concisely illustrated and plotted in graph form with Prophetic directions of movement(s). Time frames concerning time travel for the sakes of others. 3D Blood Of JESUS depicted in 2D in various ways such as for preparing to conquer time warp sequences as the <I>Second Coming</I> and Final End Time approach (or in Highest Eternal sense: come already in JESUS Christ). Great as Christian Faith indicated was how Christian Leaders can be over time control as Christ JESUS revealed, also Christian President Don Trump Leading Zion toward the Second Coming signed the $717 Billion Defense Bill within the stated time frame enacting Space Force. China against Christians so far has been Chinese leaders against Chinese lawmakers, and against all, as their Articles of law clearly show, also including expansions into the other nations and 45% usury. Christian Preacher Ernest Angley for instance visited Germany and Preached and it was Good and Faithful, but many rejected the Christian Word and as soon as His jet left a terrible hailstorm struck Germany, and just recently Christian Preacher Ernest Angley won a federal appeals court case which overturned a previous federal judge's ruling. Movies: with Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, and James Garner Space Cowboys, movie Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade with confiscated books and of true history, as sinners repeat low sins so cannot hide, movie Noah they eat because they think it gives them strength movie Godfather 2 when the Extortionist the Black Hand Don Fanucci for to be seen as if good gave $100 at the Church Parade Mark 12:42.

Above left under the spilt wine for Edifying, so You can relate to it in a way, is a arc arrow indicating a pulse situation, though actually it is the Straight-And-Narrow Save Lower Mission Work Once For All in the case of Christ JESUS: a Perfect thing stated bounces off both the nearest and farthest stars and other and returns as Holy Gifts and Holy Benefits for You and that all be One. Lower left are intermittent Earth mirror images so a warp effect, though the prism yields the warp effect without the Earths.

In Christ JESUS this is hardly about You controlling time and miracles even if for their sakes, instead first for and in the Highest Will In The Name JESUS Of The Father In Heaven for Holy Highest Victories, then from Christ JESUS, hence agreeing You controlling time in Christian Faith (Christian Leader One In The Name JESUS) and miracles includes no less than each and all people and things and for such that best and properly all be One Immaculate (the First Coming) And Innocent (as the Holy Precept Grafting [obedient pure child and/or pure vessel]);

Though Christ JESUS with this to be more than a child following: Christ JESUS ascended. From fleeing to Egypt / Parents / Angel, and then with return so the first of the Second Coming(s) to Promised Land Israel counted by the world as though in weakness (though actually Christ JESUS is Creator even if known only as a child, likewise even if known only as a face (normal to New Members and Followers for a Good Highest Purpose)(the Drawing below explains more on value(s) of levels), or if known only as a census part: even so Christ JESUS Is One Creator Of All.

Each and every person is Christ JESUS One Creator Of All if agreeing to such constantly and not merely ideas of knowledge and not merely words of knowledge and not merely works of knowledge which negative things of knowledge as if alone have tempted many to miseries. First be in Christian Baptism In Christ JESUS to be so "agreeing", next be properly ascending to be so "agreeing" and more perfect so perfecting not only the outflow of the Spirit Of Heaven yet also

be careful how heard: be in them, in those lower level hearts-of-their-vessels for their sakes though without leaving Christ JESUS and the Highest Purpose In Heaven. Being (from above in Heaven) is how the lower levels fit the Highest Creation Purpose.

They in lower levels would perish unless Your JESUS Spirit is in them, to offer the Yes option [tied to exclude sin or instead] inculusively to alway(s) be for One Highest Purpose In The Name Above any other concern JESUS including after In The Name JESUS Christ to then be properly best with all other concerns In One Name JESUS Creator Eternal.

Therefore every vessel becomes best through You One JESUS Highest as You so Guide so vessels best value Highest Your Giving From Christ JESUS Father Spirit.

Above is stated "be careful how heard" meaning [starting with more easy to understand:] if to appear in a dream with a view and hearing (hardly aware of Your own body as You see things and hear others) then perhaps not even in the body vessel You know when You are awake. You are with many spirits (and fewer spirits example is Mark 9.44 toward alone due to sinfulness though not the same as Oneness In Christ JESUS and this is not tied to passing Judgement since Judgement is when vessels and greater are accounted worthy and so then lifted level on level).

So if to witness a nightmare in a dream, then after-the-fact: therefore prepare Holiness in each and all Before-The-Fact Prophetically explaining in every vessel and greater the Will Of Creator JESUS: even able to create Heaven (Genesis 1.1), and able to create Heaven On Earth and Heaven Multiverse: joining with Christ JESUS prior to the Second Coming [traditional sense] so together to enlighten all Perfectingly.

Then the greater more complex levels can be best conquered (Given opportunity to be more valuable in Christ JESUS: so that even the levels are raised: Final End Time as measured from the beginning of this generation).

Spirits as from dust and as from birth gathered, such as evolution and such as adaptation, from knowledge from the Tree Of Knowledge (Yes the sinner is similar to the amoeba the virus and the dust in that respect, even so yet greater, even the worldly laws count sinners as vessels like unto You JESUS Above Holy Vessel controller or at least like unto the leaders in worldly things).

The dust (example Isaiah 5.24), the critters, and greater each and all are driven by spirits (many are over, control, and drive a particle of dust for instance while such spirits are of One Highest Spirit, even an unaware worm feeling lonely is with higher friendship, so toward previously forbidden to be told now Prophetically from the precepts of Christ JESUS for You and not reason to sin (miseries) eternal damnation is for Good but only in Christ JESUS with Love for each and all:

in former interpretations it meant that sinners pay no penalty, but that was not true. Now in New Christianity (Matthew 9.17) is made known in this Prophetically Eternal context that the old wineskin can be made Anew In Christ JESUS (only).

So even a worm in Eternal damnation, hopeless in itself, is with life and greater according to the outpouring of Christ JESUS,

in New Christianity this is accomplished according to Praying, Faith, and key to this in Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS is as New Christianity revealed the ascending and charted such, even like unto with others listening, though complex for a tongue alone to tackle:

for Highest Purpose with the Spirit Of Interpretation of tongues, is this Spirit Of Interpretation of eyes and other members, as though individual vessels though instead One In Highest Christ JESUS!

In other words a sinner did many sins, but that did not stop the Christian Evangelist. Sin is not the source of Christian Evangelism nor the purpose of Christian Evangelism. A worm is hardly the reason to Evangelize except from above Evangelize each and all. In other words: would You be in Heaven if to know there is a tormented worm?, if to remember any sin (and so if to remember any suffering) then such pesters the spirits and is not Highest Heaven: so Heaven is for all One In Heaven (as much as Given from the Eternal Good One JESUS Father Spirit).

In the above Drawing below the wine is shown the Godhead (with more than shown, unseen entered into One Trinity, One Duality, One, Four, Five, and so on: triangle including as many as properly entering Eternally). From the outside (cast out) and from lower levels perspectives is the sensing, impressions,...from the Creator JESUS One though interpretations also involve somethings of the recipient vessels: agreeing (Good), or other (sin). If a person works to go around, or is intermittently agreeing or otherwise is shaken, then sin except in Christ JESUS from [the Three, the Triangle shown, the One] Highest Good Purpose is energy, Holy Life Giving Energy.

Similar to how a microwave interacts with water, this Holy Life Giving Energy interacts with the True Highest Law so the Pure Vessel (Genesis 1.26 if Christ JESUS): the Pure Vessel is in tune with the Will Of The Creator Physics, and that "in tune" situation is not only about vessels yet in the Straight-And-Narrow Christian Faith Path properly ascending.

In the former sense it meant a human and not a worm. Yes though conditionally (see above "Evangelize each and all" so for a Highest Reason). If there is a free spirit (a spirit free to opt: God or sin, Psalm 51.12) then from vessel internal spiritual worm ascending to Pure Whole Person Christ JESUS The One True Example: so no worms nor monsters: convert to Whole Pure JESUS (transcendental Pure Person Pure Spirit). Note plants and worms have been trained, including such as electrical stimuli, and You can train dust to attach itself to a filter; similar to the following

"I think 'training' hair refers to combing or brushing your hair enough to get to lay a certain way" (

Note: "enough" does not necessarily mean repetitive works of the hands. If to flatten or round hair then to have it curl or be straight as much as for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS: Christ JESUS set the Holy Design in motion and with Second Coming(s) to restore or instead to find so already Doing (also reference for instances polymers and metals that spring back to their original design shapes, and increasingly living design restorations as from stem cells to designed cells functioning together, and increasingly from Flocks to One Christ JESUS Fold).

The Straight-And-Narrow Christian Path is more valuable than a street of gold. Below the wine and triangle is an astronaut with a gold visor, not so the astronaut sees gold, instead so the astronaut sees (other things).

Gold, and "My Father's house there are many mansions" (John 14.2 BL) is not for to lust, instead for the person to see.

For the person to awaken from dust, worms, hell, and monsters of sins and monster creatures and monster systems Before-The-Fact: therefore Prophetically In Christ JESUS seeing properly, hearing properly, in those disgusting things properly to right them, including for their sakes.

You have a priority to ascend. They do too. So if they seem selfish (in Your estimation) toward greedy to want themselves to ascend, then decide in Highest Purpose concerning extending Mercy [(mercy if without Christ JESUS is lawlessness)(if You would be Perfect)]: of properly applying precepts comes: whether to apply mercy in a Given situation or not, if not then "without Christ JESUS" except if to cause not to be with "precepts" (Jeremiah 2.14): a refusal is required such as 1 Corinthians 11.29 for Highest Yes. Yet instead of "refusal" as stated above "Before-The-Fact" (John 19.11)

so this key, the Tree Of Knowledge offers yes or no,

therefore plan ahead Prophetically In Christ JESUS in them all: that only Yes In Highest Christ JESUS Be Evermore.

Christian Faith has been described in many ways ( such as about "things not seen" (NAS). But God "sees everything under the heavens" (Job 28.23&24), so if You are responsible for forming, creating, bringing, and/or otherwise establishing Heaven On Earth, then a new definition of Faith is for You.

In other words if to ascend Heavenly, then to increasingly know the path for the sakes of those lower levels as You lift for Christ JESUS above, and for You and all to better know the Holy Path increasingly. So as Heaven abounds the more in Your Magnifying, then Faith to You is hardly as the former and the unseen, instead You in the Highest Given for You to responsibly be is an all seeing Faith (not only these End Times) for best leading all righteously according to Christian Faith over righteousness that is to mean only the "yes" part of the Tree Of Knowledge (without sin, with proper inviting): so not to lead righteousness astray, instead

for all properly One JESUS Eternal.

Leaping In Christ JESUS Victoriously over the Good Given via Christian Leadership previously, a new definition of Christian Faith is now Given:

in brief: JESUS, the Christ; and in Holy Heavenly Oneness in Christ JESUS the longer defining of the Living Faith is

Christian Faith is a Miracle noun in motion in One Christ JESUS For Highest Good, the Holy Working Of The Spirit Creator JESUS Given to function best [within and] for each vessel [and external to vessels is known as the Physics Of The Creator JESUS]: Christian Faith is the Gift Of Creating for to be as the Creator JESUS so One JESUS.

The second sense of this definition is like unto the first:

In each vessel for One Highest Purpose are nouns in motions, often in the Spirit Of Creator JESUS, known generally as ascending (otherwise turned spirits so not faithful).

Christ JESUS saw Good though to Edify in secular terms conflicts in two styles in this example so being conquered once-for-all or in secular terms conquering sinners and sin once-for-all: one party in Highest Faith and the other party sinful with some goodly points, or both parties sinful with some goodly aspects (if both parties in Highest Christian Faith then already ascending so already the Conquering One Highest).

Christ JESUS would that in You come springing up Holy Spirit One overcoming and conquering former translational and interpretational confusions, Anew In Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS though reasonably maintaining the former original data. Now concerning Christian Faith, here is the former definition stated in two (each valuable) valuable ways Hebrews 11.1:

While the NAS definition has been the more popular view, the KJ definition is the more accurate though only in the higher levels and therefore of the greater unseen in the increasingly high eternally Heavenly Holy Levels And Realms In Christ JESUS One Father Spirit. Only seen in the higher realms, means unseen to the lower: consider for a moment aerospace: it is bigger than a person and bigger than Earth and the Sun, and if to cool air then it starts to become visible or if to heat it the power is seen, and in outer space is the fabric of space with vibrations and powers causing expansion and other powers many of which can become seen such as via computer enhancing techniques such as finding flow patterns in outer space.

The lower levels do not see faith according to disbelief (each vessel freely opting as much as Given time from above).

The word "hoped" is stated in the above verses, though if to already have everything Good and all Good Perfectly then hardly would there be hope as replaced with higher such as Saving Grace Of Love In The Free Will Opting Of Creator Father Spirit JESUS Christ One Name: hence then perfectly creating greater Good Anew known as the New Heavens and the New Beginning. In other words if to be with Perfect Hope, then Creating Perfectly to so fulfill.

Christ JESUS would that the people in lower levels be raised along with all people through [Christ JESUS] to One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, so here are some step on step matters starting with simple to understand Converting Concepts (precepts found in the Christian Bible And Spirit Of Highest Heaven), and to state plainly for You though as You already likely know concerning lower levels, many have been confused concerning some lower steps including some that sought to represent themselves as Christian Leaders.

Step 4. This is You controlling time.

In the secular is written for instance "Mark Mattson, PhD, chief of the neurosciences lab at the National Institute of Aging" explained "scientists are starting to understand" (The Arthritis Foundation)

[the Old Testament concerning Bible Foods and]

"health benefits" tied to "Fasting" such as [sic:] "One- to three-" weeks [full or partial types of fasts] including "followed by a vegetarian diet (for at least a year)"

as with calorie restriction, and as with carbohydrate restriction known as Ketogenic Diet also known as Atkins Diet (ibid.).

If the secular can advance so much such as concerning "Fasting", so much the greater in the Truly Faithful In Christ JESUS. Christian Leaders generally, already knew this (Daniel 1.12-15) and greater in the Newer Testaments: the works of the secular experts become added to the ascending Christians, the Christians that are Hosting for the sakes of the invited, and for as if instead and yet rather for as included in the One True Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS for all One.

If You learn in Christ JESUS to prepare Prophetically, as to prepare for the coming of the next Prophecy due to arrive soon (instead prepare for All True Prophecies [One Prophecy In Christ JESUS]) then You appear unto others of lower levels as though to control the future.

How to describe the Holy Spirit:


FDC, is a way to describe space, time, and the Holy Spirit As It Interacts Through Christian Leadership.

Christ JESUS describes the Eternal and the Heavens in words and characterizations that are as destructive monsters attacking (also reference parables) in the interpretations of the unfaithful sinners, though thorough beauty to behold including in functionality for the Faithfully Ascending Christian (see verse below). While the unfaithful (and somewhat the less ascending witnessing both destructions and beauties) fears destructions and monsters, the Truly Faithful Christian [Leader (not necessarily an Ordained position holder at a Church other than fully repentant with proper Baptism, in this aspect)] fears only God In Highest Purpose therefore the as if "destructions and monsters" are maintenance matters subject to and Guided by the Truly Faithful Christian (conditions apply)

so for One Highest Purpose, for instance huge destructions in the skies with dramatic noises can be children's delights known as fireworks increasingly in the shapes of faces, people, words, pics, and monsters.

Synchronized drone swarms are replacing fireworks (

To see a monster in the sky unknown to the faithless invokes fears of threats and such as sinful attack tactics. Though proper Christian ascending unravels the mysteries of the Kingdom Of Heaven such as to reveal for the secular-known-real-world that the [frame] monster is a set of drones [frames] so to consider the controlling aspect as such, or such as to reveal the monster is a parade balloon that got away so a threat parameter if not caught.

The tactics are after-the-fact and in a person as a life of fear, suspicions, and all too often false accusations. The properly ascending Christian is with the same real-world matters though first with Christ JESUS: then Gifts from above, and not to pretend, this is known as True Faith, this is as Christ JESUS Taught, and this is a key to Healing including self Healing (parameters and conditions apply, reference older ICCDBB Sermon(s) In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders).

Stuck in a rut is tied to this same Faith [and Healing] key. To properly ascend is to properly prepare in Highest JESUS Purpose to not become stuck in a rut though if to receive such "stuck in a rut" Gift then to enjoy in the Lord JESUS (such as a rest from long time driving, or such as a vacation awhile,...) or that the Lord JESUS presented this Gift to the worthy thus far for You to conquer (such as repair the rut for all future people, or such as lift people in other ways such as out of routine miseries).

If a person concludes they are stuck in a rut, perhaps with many chores, perhaps with oppressive teachers, perhaps with exhaustive Sermon preparations due to many real-world conditions,...then seek Christ JESUS all the more: Prayerfully, and Thankfully; also with Doing! Exclamation point added for the exhausted: fainting and rest are Miracle Gifts too! Even so, Christ JESUS enables Miracles: enjoy when other people receive Miracles even if the self seems without: God Planned some things now for them and other things later for You!

Though stuck in a rut is tied to selfishness which is tied to lack of proper ascending, perhaps sinfulness. Stuck in a rut is generally a mindset, and similar to awareness of a higher level (which is great) though often as a parameter of aspects as if framing a situation: framing in the person's mind: framing can impose limitation in the secular-known-real-world aspect of conditional awareness, limited awareness, while framing in the all of the Eternal JESUS enslavement is proper liberty.

To describe Heaven, Christ JESUS for instance described monsters [human animal creatures ( with astounding powers (see above as with children viewing fireworks", and "beauty" with "functionality").

Rates and FDC can overlap and function together or seem as though toward independent of each other. Time is a rate so can seem independent of space, though space can be put into motion ("rate") so put into time. A bank for instance might accrue annually so a rate applies in that timeframe, in that frame. A rocket can travel through a timeframe and another through another timeframe. In the secular sense a rocket can make money faster than another rocket.

Personal frames are typically self made, example youth frame themselves as under parents, otherwise they might walk away ("Jesus gives the parables of the lost sheep, the piece of silver, and the prodigal son" The prodigal son (ibid.) was stuck in a rut of his own faithlessness [a lower level faith value ("value" especially later toward Evangelism)] frame, his own mindset.

Hosea 5.4 has been interpreted many ways though according to [the precepts of Christ JESUS and likewise] commentaries key to "them" in Hosea 5.4 is their self constructed "frame"(s) as detailed at

The above Drawing lower left shows Earths with a net shaped with bumps generally, though more specifically alive with You for instance impacting those "bumps" (a person has mass, mass influences the greater conditionally, see above "lower level faith value" which is subject to the Highest Purpose In Creator Christ JESUS). In the secular a person can gain or lose mass. In Christian Faith a person might move a mountain (Matthew 17.20) and the fabric of space, time, and Holy Spirit frames;

here now and increasingly in pace, FDC, and function all things Will become known (Matthew 10.26) including the New Christianity In Christ JESUS as with including the reality of "things that now terrify you" [if to fear other than God ( Pulpit Commentary)]

and "all will be made alive" (1 Corinthians 15.22 NIV), none can overcome Christ JESUS and Christ JESUS Does not fail.

The Holy Spirit of which space, time, and FDC describe (under: as Christ JESUS described Creator Physics) as the Holy Spirit Interacts Through Christian Leadership, is [(as previously stated in previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders at as a "mitten" and likewise as] a dove when Elias Baptized Christ JESUS, so "mitten" and "dove" as forms, like unto net thread frames (see FDC above) so the Holy Spirit is with form and function details pertinent to specifics of living time and space as Christ JESUS Reported From The Father Spirit In Heaven:

as the Holy Spirit touches the frames of the Given created, since the created is measured, the Holy Spirit to that extent is measured:

if to manipulate a part of the created, then with New Measurable Assurance From Promises above the unseen becomes Measurable in other words Miracles In Fact Of JESUS Faith.

As a Dove From Heaven the flapping might be heard by ears, the wind on the flesh, and so on; therefore

through Christ JESUS for You-for-others to be all One, as much as sensory awareness (from the soul, from Christian Faith From The Heart) is known real measurable Faith, Love, and Christ JESUS Himself In The Father.

"The LORD spoke with Moses face to face, just as a man speaks with his friend" (Exodus 33.11) therefore measurable:

the measurable source of Christian Highest Faith,

the measurable source of Christian Highest Love,

the measurable source of Christian Highest highest thinking,

and so on.

Key: note the above Did not say the measurable source of Christian Highest Miracle(s), instead the measurable source of Christian Highest Faith!

God can appear in the flesh or not (if not flesh then Spirit, since continuing Eternally). So concerning for instance transfiguring, flesh is optional even if Pure Flesh.

Christians have said They have felt the presence of God, and felt the Holy Spirit, and felt Someone touching Them, Someone Holy as much as They could tell. So for instance if a person shakes Your Hand then You can measure the surface area: this is part of a measure-of-Faith.

Christ JESUS said if You had Faith of a mustard seed amount, You could move a mountain. The previous hand shake measure is toward surface area only, even though actually greater in Christ JESUS, though for instance the Faithful do not try to steal Faith nor Love from Christ JESUS, instead seek to Give such: then with 3D substance.

The above Drawing lower left to Edify attempts to show 3D effects with simple and clear to understand spheres and net waves portrayed. Hence such in Christ JESUS is toward understanding Highest 3D Holy Spirit substance(s) unseen for One Highest Good Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Since "unseen" then less toward Miracle and more toward Faith. The secular might feel spirits and envision spheres and nets, yet the Christian is with Christ JESUS Guiding so not to feel any spirit nor envision any sphere nor net, instead first for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS then after that is accomplished then victory on victory in proper precept on precept so as to seek to feel the Highest Holy Spirit, and to envision any sphere and net for the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS:

then to walk the Highest Holy Unseen Path Of Christian Faith Most Perfectingly (and with greater criteria coming in Christ JESUS).

Key: all the lower levels rely on Miracles (and each higher level relies more on Faith) though the Highest Level In Christ JESUS relies on Faith.

In other words, Miracles are seen, Faith is not seen by lower levels; though Highest Faith the source of Miracles sees the unseen Faith because of knowing the True Path Of Christian Faith, with knowing it is Straight And Narrow.

So a key is these two agree: knowing the True Faith and the Straight And Narrow.

Secular knowledge is tied to works and then repeats. Highest Christian Work is already complete in Christ JESUS. Yet the ascending learns wisely. Speculating into these precepts, if You become Highest Level One In Christ JESUS (as described in previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders / Christ JESUS criteria) now today for Your first time, then to be unaware of much of Eternity except if Christ JESUS explains, though if to travel with Christ JESUS through Eternity experiencing each and every coin flip and dust turn and such, then again and again, then to know Eternity from experience(s),

and that is partly true in Highest Ascending; even so there is no other way around, no other way into Christ JESUS, so agree with knowing only Faithfully in Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS Gives insight such as precepts and keys, and such as shown above as proven also in the secular such as with subatomic-tech and as with aerospace, and these and in between are included in the Christian Church.

So the precepts of Christ JESUS are correct according to Faith as specified above, and according to Miracles Of Faith as Christians enjoy and as the secular enjoys.

So Faith agrees with the above, and continues to be Faith, or can opt to be Faith With Miracle(s). So even Pure Flesh is optional (see above "transfiguring, flesh is optional even if Pure Flesh").

The above Drawing lower left shows mass with curved outer space fabric, square frames of time space though due to mass each frame is distorted or warped. Such enables warp drive. Previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders offer Drawings with specifications concerning Christ JESUS fishing and nets though for people (Matthew 4.19&20). When a net is flat then with square frames (Word without works, without harvest feast in Christ JESUS), when stretched around fish [or people] similar though of spherical arc generally and stretched larger (Magnified Christ JESUS), though when gathered and lifting each frame is stretched long though narrow [toward Straight And Narrow], or when empty and crumpled together the frames are compacted and smaller [(Luke 6.38) harvest complete Hosting Feast, or sinners without harvest for Christ JESUS One].

Note the above Drawing lower left motif from a secular site does not exactly match fabric matters (see above "stretched around") though instead matches more important gathering "stretched long though narrow", along with the following overall (assembled pattern utilizing their motif). The motif is inverted repeatedly for Edifying and for all though class B below would have special concern toward awareness for proper ascending:

A. Some people are the more Faithfully ascending Christian Leaders.

B. Some people are Faithful Christians at times, though at other times shaken by the winds of fads (driven by Miracles in proofs), Saved Followers.

C. Some people are uninterested sinners.

Class A is of the Straight And Narrow: the whole straight pattern Flow, though instead vertical (not shown).

Class B is of the slowly ascending (intermittent / steps) wavering at times in situations, often going with the flow even if secular (as for popularity, survival,...).

Class C is of the sinners that refuse to listen though tied to dull of hearing so tied to the ways things they value are or are not presented.

From the above Drawing lower left toward the right is as a gear or meandering or serpentine or snake or ladder or stairs and such to be automated toward minimal maintenance, with such maintenance (Miracles Of Faith Victories For King Christ JESUS The One who sent You and other Christian Leaders) subject under highest Faith Purpose Authority (Physics Of Creator JESUS). This "gear or" "snake or" optional body, though for Highest Holy Awareness more than to rise above instead of under such control, so to serve responsibly though to maximize the Highest Purpose of creating to lift each and as many as agree through precept levels.

So from the Given pattern a Spirit can transfigure (with or without Pure Vessel Miracles) into Pure Energy [and Pure Energies in talents].

Above is Higher Spiritual Christian Faith with a specific Firmament concerning the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, and another Firmament concerns being Saved, and these two can agree in a Christian, though have not always agreed. Below is the secular, and another Firmament below the secular above the vessels for dominion over such lower vessels. Such lower vessels include the above pattern and frame modifying options, for One Highest Purpose. Such lower vessels can be arranged, such as to designate a key thread and to put a finger under that thread to lift the thread and the entire net with all the threads and frames spaces and energies and lifting all at one time or in steps at times such as lift at a certain rate for 1 second then shift to a slower rate to stabilize then repeat to accomplish a Mission In Christ JESUS: for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

So for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, You are to dominate such things (not merely animals, plants, and soil). Since the fabric of time space and such are things, vessels, then Given Miracles from above (through Christ JESUS to You to go through You to Give).

Since Miracles, then optional. Though be aware to be able to properly best dominate, like unto Guiding oxen to drive the plow.

Since Miracles, then part of Your Maintenance Responsibility (and to minimize / automate)(simplify with user friendly Helps for Your Flock for instance).

So conquering outer space and micro physics is hardly Your option, instead make it part of You In Christ JESUS and opt that it be required in You: Eternal Grace For One JESUS.

Is the previous sentence a Command Of God?, yes though a Command is a law and instead a greater is coming.

In other words laws fail: rely on Highest Purpose Faith In The Father Spirit JESUS.

For Perfect Example: Christ JESUS as a Lad of 12 years of age interacted with the highest leaders around, but under [laws, under] authority of His Parents Did other unseen by the public until the time space was full victory per se (Psalm 20.5)(in this generation in these times out of Zion Psalm 20.2 Christians came forth and arose, and returned).

The Straight And Narrow One is aware of such inclusive of the pulses of their thoughts, though instead far greater aware Faithfully in One Highest JESUS Purpose.

Ascend properly in Christ JESUS and with such is Grace to be Comforted In Miracles Of Faith at times if so opted, though not to fall into Class C save Highest Purpose lower Mission service (which may include products, see above "optional"..."Pure Flesh"). Note some things such as fabric of time space, frames, and energies can hardly be Anointed with oil (Exodus 40.9) so at least Prayerfully In Christ JESUS Faithfully In Christianity Saved Heart Anoint (even if without oil, even if with artificial heart).

Now the above Drawing lower left pattern is with unseen gold until the prism: know in Christ JESUS it is a street of Clear Gold even whether seen or not. Also be aware, as with the prism, a person might tap into the "Gold".

Now the Spirit is in the unseen "street" and in the seen prism. So in the Holy Spirit You might see or not understand to see, Save if Highest Purpose agreed and lively rightly active in You to so see as much as the Will Of God and the Physics Of Creator JESUS.

Now for instance if You select a color such as "Gold", then like unto discovery of an ore vein of pure gold or clear gold. As shown in the above Drawing lower left it is less a fabric (with Earth type masses) then prisms with rainbows (of value(s)), and instead as a train toward greater straightness, less meandering (as a canal rather than a natural stream toward random tactics [not without values]). So You not only select "Gold" yet more importantly normally You select better functionality over Given Miracles: for One Far Greater Miracle (in Faith).

You move from a variety of tools to normally the best tool for the job, similar to a Straight And Narrow fishing net thread or rope, even a Straight And Narrow line of time space frames, in Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS (from proper Faith: traceable, therefore measurable spirits employed for Christ JESUS).

These "measurable spirits employed" are the spirits You Convert into and for One Greater Holy Spirit Purpose).

This is like creating the heart and mind of God The Father in You.

Even so in appearance on the surface in Miracles at times, actually agreeing in Christ JESUS in You as Christ JESUS already gained that Victory and Gives freely to You.

The Countdown Dream.

Today is Sabbath Day, 11th of August 2018AD, and in the Holy Spirit in a dream about 7 in the morning four or more counters appeared one after the other, of at least two styles of different heights and widths. Each counted as much as remembered had four digits a decimal point and another digit. Two things came to mind, days and then minutes.

Because the counter styles changed every half second or so, the numbers could hardly be read.

So all things are revealed of the Holy Spirit Of The Father In Heaven In Christ JESUS One (Matthew 24.35), though no one of this generation knows the day nor hour (Matthew 24.36)(see previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders concerning precepts of Christ JESUS specifications in pertinence with details).

Analysis of the Countdown Dream.

The dream quickly ended and when awake thoughts about years arose, and something to do with site visitors. Four digits of days is a maximum of about 27.39452 years, while four digits of minutes is less than 7 days.

Concerning the Given of Christ JESUS Creator Spirit Original Plan with Tree Of Knowledge, people are free to opt, so "site visitors" is with traditional meaning though also since "a decimal point and another digit" appeared, then hardly the traditional sense [(yet agreeing with: see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on spirits everywhere including within the subatomic) pertinent to this page concerning time frames such as if to transfigure and transport the whole of a person including Spirit, neurons, synapse matters, memories, lively current thinking, and so on].

In other words the counter went to a tenth of a unit of precision, and that symbolic placeholder for that digit and the digit itself each and both were of spirits (as is ibid.).

Since the 17th of February of 2012AD the seeing and/or hearing of Christ JESUS in dreams has started ( and increased such as once every few months or such as once a week, and has decreased at times, and so as a witness perspective toward the free opting of Christ JESUS instead of former secular pattern match ideas (Matthew 9.12 not only for confession yet rather or instead for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, and there are many non-highest level spirits in dreams and in awake life Matthew 24.5).

So Final End Time may come within 28 years so prior to 2046AD as much as understood, or the Second Coming might be by then. Also within "7 days" something great might happen, so by the 19th of August 2018AD.

It didn't seem that this page would be complete by the "19th", though visitors often visit such pages prior to completions (note prior to a completion might be out-of-context)] so a note prior to completion was posted at the main site of ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders.

Christ JESUS Did make it happen "by the 19th of August 2018AD", see time control "18th of August 2018AD" below, and also Christian President Don Trump signing into law "Space Force" below).

Analysis of the Analysis.

Spirits of a talent to move items with thoughts and be over weapons of terrors and wars (so considered secular and sinful mainly as evidenced)(also reference previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on lower level Missions, on Guiding, and on Helping others properly ascend) have very often made there presence known typically sinfully, in these years after 2012AD (and rarely though previously and long ago similar types of spirits). Though as in the work-for-money world similar to pay day, there have been times of delights amidst such collective spirits in the sense of as a whole, as some Spirits have been heard saying "JESUS" and some spirits showing things not otherwise revealed to this witness per se (that is such as not seen among the people nor on television, ibid. on Drawings), and such as to say "Breathe".

Not stated above is that after the dream and with awakening a breath came as often previously reminding of Christ JESUS, indicating the True Nature of "Breathe" in agreeing at least to that extent in Christ JESUS, in other words the Holy Spirit In Christ JESUS

now properly distinguish in Christ JESUS how You interpret this following part: as much as Your Faith In Christ JESUS "Breathe" in the Holy Spirit For One Highest Purpose, though be aware of the sources such as amidst various spirits of various people, and perhaps from disadvantaged subatomic levels or other Galaxies of other turned or same level or higher spirits.

A key to the Galaxies.

The Clear Gold Holy Path Into The Heavens is not only increasing Christian Faith In Christ JESUS, it has also been followed by Miracles. Sinners have changed options from that Clear Gold Holy Path Into The Heavens For Christ JESUS, to abuse the parts of the Miracles as to tear away parts of flesh for themselves, so corrupted the originally in Good condition miracles or temporary things.

So what was the Pure Heaven above, has increasingly turned into the secular Know Universe and more currently the Known Multiverse (such as a sinner wondering how they might selfishly capitalize on it as some spirits did).

So as with the above counter(s), there is a Final End Time lest the Heavenly Places in the outer space sense (and more senses) become only corrupted more and more.

Even so, the Miracles follow Faith, and not the things leading Faith, at least in the Christian level.

Also with this therefore is the better rate and effectual value of Christian Faith: the Highest Yield Straight (as if in secular highest yield curve).

So lay down weapons of hateful thoughts, voices, and other instruments as if to intentionally cause harms against other people because of [lower level] circumstances.

The Righteous Path agrees with reason to have created those people, and with reason to lift them thus far, and the Righteous Path turns not against itself.

Even so, Pray Christ JESUS Father Spirit that Christians no longer be tempted nor damaged: therefore let all properly ascend and Help all to properly ascend that all be One Christ JESUS: but since as many as opting whether to agree applies then there is a Final End Time coming.

Celebrate! First comes the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS With Glory!

Christian Faith can Righteously be built upon Miracles (3 Nephi 18.12) though is Best when Growing as Grafted Into The Living Vine Christ JESUS (John 15.4).

Christ JESUS transfigures and travels through frames. Final End Time is a frame.

And Christ JESUS is much more than a frame, and has specially designated this coming particular frame: Christ JESUS Is Eternal And Almighty, so this "specially" value is for You Eternal Christian, that as much as You agree and Do (see previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on building Your aloft Christian Chapel neo-planet ark and on Growing Your Christian Flock [crew]) then You enter into such [level of] Glory.

Understand it is not by the works of hands that a Christian properly ascends, instead for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS Father Spirit whether with hands or not as required by the Mission Will For Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS Father Spirit.

Therefore build Your Highest Purpose Aloft Christian Chapel, Holy Comforter, to Do Your Highest Responsibility to Comfort Christ JESUS One, while not leaving the other undone

pending above "Final End Time" and/or "the Second Coming" with Anew Yet Original Plan Guiding: from the source of Comforting: Christ JESUS.

Very many people see and hear Christ JESUS and offer awesome testimonies, such as reason for converting to Christianity. Also Christ JESUS might be seen with a squirt gun and with others with squirt guns playing and:

"Because that's when I saw Jesus ride a bicycle." (

So when You think of Comfort, be with Christ JESUS in mind.

Some children allow themselves to be tempted by gangs (mobs, not necessarily sinful, consider how Christian Churches invite sinners though to properly Help from JESUS Above, and the gangs often want a way out of snares too though toward other snares all too often). So the problem with gangs is often additional snares of temporary false comforts, though the value of gangs is at least hope by those so tempted: so the solution is Christ JESUS and precepts: in between that "hope" and the "precepts" properly arranged is the Clear Golden Ascending Path unseen to the tempted so if a Christian Church Building sign out front for instance mentions their problem, it might be a key unto them, for instance some Christian Leaders have said things about the heavy burdens [secular] people have, similarly a Leader might explain challenges a local gang faces concerning being heard in a meaningful way (for Highest Evangelism purposes [some have involved teens in sports, better than gangs, though in Christ JESUS are real things to Do not limited to washing feet only for example, rather such as with meeting Christ JESUS in the sky: Doing every Good Work possible]).

People don't join gangs simply to cause future problems against themselves: therefore they plan ahead. Not every person is smart, not every person is lovingly kind and considerate of others, yet each and each organization is from the Creator JESUS, and above is a Firmament for Salvation (and there are other high Firmaments), below is a Firmament over animals (and lesser Firmaments) and in between the "above" and the "animals" is the JESUS precept of equality of each person (Matthew 15.24)(valuations are otherwise as subset for the sakes of the people for Highest Purpose Matthew 19.5: "For this reason"...and for as many as pertinent precepts in Given situations)(Old Testament is subset to Christ JESUS in the New Testament, and the newer Truly Holy Testaments are with Anew pertinence(s)).

If You like new aerospace technologies for instance, Christ JESUS is with such things heaped up. Yet be with Christ JESUS in mind for One Highest Purpose In The Father In Heaven [in secular terms for them, for their sakes, and in Highest:] as Highest Purpose Will In Father Spirit In Christ JESUS leads. Possible examples You might encounter: ride a bicycle in a certain direction, and pilot a spacecraft in a certain direction.

In the above Drawing lower left: straighten the curves, though be aware in this point of Faith concerning frames, noting even if images are missing there are frames as of moving pictures while picture frames might often go unnoticed, or the opposite that there are pics without frames symbolizing the living, yet the Holy Living Spirit is already in all: yet there are levels;

also there are the precepts from Christ JESUS Given to Help You properly Guide others (and with proper preparing to so Do then also Yourself included with Christ JESUS Of Highest One).

Earth as if alone is with a fabric of space time formed (instead in the forming process) around it. Such is with new meaning in the above Drawing of "Frame dragging" with Earth type spheres. Greater, such is with new meaning in the above Drawing of the salt ball-and-stick model, if to put that same net time space fabric or line of frames not only wrapping around the whole yet also thorough including the shown as free agent (see above text on "free to opt" and similar) chlorine and sodium, and tied to an aspect of digital terms (0 or 1: in actual practice such as at the molecular level often three are utilized [0 or neutral or 1] so as to not be with a material such as an atom that moves only about half way then perhaps slips back; "-1" and/or "+1", or "-1" and/or buffer or emulsifier scenario then and/or "+1").

Christ JESUS offers signs of the Will Of Spirit Physics with the "Living" spirits in levels in each whether of the above Drawing lower left Planet Earth or the nearby (Mark 12.34) fabric of time space even long before Adam and Eve.

Be for all properly One In Christ JESUS, yet also aware Wisely so for proper Edifying and not to improperly divide (, consider in the above Drawing lower left if to further separate the top row of planets from the bottom row the line of frames becomes straight (Isaiah 28.17) though the slingshot effect needs [as if tweaked, instead] augmented of other of the Gifts of Christ JESUS toward and for proper ascending Oneness (John 6.27); formerly it was Isaiah 28.13 and the Faithful entered into that level of harvest already, and be with Wisdom In Christ JESUS that instead this applies:

For instance do not normally use the eraser end of a pencil to write, instead [convert] turn the pencil around to fit properly toward writing; even so the precepts are not law (conditions apply, see above for instance "Commands") for example an art class might properly teach to utilize the eraser end on red crayon marks if to form pink.

So this key applies over precepts of Grace Given Of Christ JESUS:

1. There was a perfect line of precepts of the Holy Original Plan (Holy Word Perfectly Spoken),

2. but there was sin in the world so that needs converted properly over sinner circumstances,

3. though also until sin is no more (New Heavens New Earth / Second Coming with Final End Time) or Heaven On Earth (Matthew 9.29) groups of precepts can Help if for One Highest Purpose (conditionally, see next sentence) as with the above example ("to form pink").

So because of "3", even the secular can arrange some things properly, such as to assume command if a leading nation turns to sin, though they too and such per flip-of-coin practices are temporary if not in the name of the Christ JESUS.

This is also tied to how so many Faithful people long ago are for instance unknown today, and of lost works and records; though Good efforts are not lost in Christ JESUS, although possibly seemingly misplaced in the opinions of some Faithful Christians today and also reasonably as fact (save records in the Heavens and the Holy Spirit).

For Christ JESUS, spreading the Holy Word through the Universe, yet also the Holy Work (Spirit whether in flesh or not [meaning with Your Given flesh at least for now] yet Prayerfully In Holy Spirit Highest Purpose JESUS), therefore with properly applicable Wisdom for understanding if to separate the lines of planets (or Wormholes or Dark Matter threads) then of properly fitting precepts to add other values in pertinence (see previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders at for related ideas), such as to spend fuel at some points and not so much at other points along Your Highest Holy Travel Path.

Instead, like unto the Holy Original Plan (see above text "1") continue to Work to Convert sinners, though otherwise be mainly functioning in above text points "1" (Top Priority In Christ JESUS) and "3" with point "2" typically toward maintenance (this does not mean stop loving neighbors at times nor intermittently): so David overpowered evidently of appearances greater Goliath (so David was respected though war related, yet the Physics Of God "slingshot effect" value continued: instead as Christ JESUS explained for safety for all the net effect [and frame line effect] as shown in the above Drawing).

While to go Straight And Narrow as a rock from a slingshot, instead consider how a net functions, a net can be as a slingshot, though with other talents such as if to pull the net laterally then to shorten the time space distance. Also if to cut the net and patch with extra netting then to lengthen the time space distance (see previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders at on Trammel Nets which basically is a net with another net (or more) overlaid with another sieve size and strength, or a net with tubes closed at one end so fish enter and smaller fish turn around to escape but bigger fish become stuck and can't turn away).

Above left in the pic concerning time and framing it, is a road of bricks symbolizing loaves (and fishes symbolized such as with immersed bricks) and the frame outline of the puddle (blood with spirit of net Firmament or on the other side of the net protecting Gracefully the Christians One).

Yet concerning time which puzzles many, the clear to see through to gold street part is as to time travel back in time, yet whether relatively forward or back, the point of a frame of time as evidenced in fact is presented, not only as a pic or vid, yet in living real time with any involved growing or leaping whether in seen Faith or Miracles Of Faith.

The broken road loaves unleavend can hardly become involved per se, save such as it's called in the secular: an act of God (it's the law). It is the law of the Physics Of Christ JESUS Creator One Time. So unless an earthquake or if a vessel step into it (a sinner might corrupt the value, a Christian For Highest Purpose or at least in Christ JESUS so at least goodly), then the time frame continues (other conditions likewise unto ibid. apply, such as evaporating, freezing,...). So a living time frame is applicable even if a sinner or "other" applies, and even if a sinner slept there.

Be of Good Comfort Friend (meaning Comfort Christ JESUS for all One: so then, so thereof for You Eternally properly ascending too), whether asleep or awake the Holy Spirit Father Christ JESUS is with You. Many ask where, and they look and listen, and their eyes and ears are already with finding already with found. This is how it is possible that Christ JESUS said "You do not know what you are asking" (from Matthew 20.22 NAS):

hardly ask for anything from Christ JESUS, this is a clear gold treasury key, Christ JESUS already asks the Father In Heaven perfectly:

so do not exchange that for less value, slave Friend, though You continue to be free to opt

(though see above text "Final End Time"); for instance as written in Jacob 2.19:

"if" to seek riches is stated, not "seek riches": so "if" to seek riches then You lay an added responsibility on Thyself to Give riches: so go Do

yet for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS: this therefore is

a major key in properly ascending in Christ JESUS

(tied to properly distinguishing)

for a Christian ascending from Following as a slave

to Best Leading As One:

"if" to seek then seek first the Kingdom Of JESUS, and then for Highest JESUS if to seek anything such as a Pure Flock, Pure Vessel, Pure Tools, Pure Systems, [Pure] riches, or other for Your Mission for Highest Purpose, then minimal maintenance Miracles for Victories though maximum Faith

(conditions apply).

If to build mansions for colonizing outer space, then toward "conditions" (Golden Rule), and if to build ornate golden Eucharist items with golden artwork backdrop behind the Pulpit, then toward "conditions" (see Your Christian Church criteria). And the subset "conditions" are like unto the first: if to build systems then backup systems (not only in case of failure, also for shutdowns-for-maintenances)(see below text on "convoy" [principle]), and if to plant seeds consider whether to keep some in reserve (conditions apply such as see Your Christian Church criteria on censorship and the Word, and on planting plant seeds and similar).

In brief: if to bring anything on Your Mission For Highest Purpose then bring the needful instead of the excess except if best, while distinguishing what the Mission critical needs are and what should be otherwise brought for their sakes, so a key:

for Highest One, provide [Your Pure Vessel if with vessel] New Christianity Spiritual Faithfulness;

and for same level and lower provide the same and when appropriate Miracles as much as appropriate

toward smaller that such might in them be able to be properly maintained for their ongoing victories toward perpetual learning the Christian Leadership Faith Path, and including mansions, corporate systems, and greater as much as they be worthy and hardly to tempt and instead for the Most Effectual Ascending In Christ JESUS.

If to Give a space of land or a quadrant of outer space or a time portal, then hardly beyond their means to comprehend.

So this key, there is a Whole Comprehension of the Eternal One JESUS Christ, and subset is the vessel comprehension ("vessel", and/or system, and/or energy set,...). The vessel comprehensively needs best match the "Whole Comprehension of the Eternal One JESUS Christ" In Highest Purpose, and then after that orientation to consider subset "vessel" priorities and concerns.

So subset to this key concerns the Mission, whether the Mission is for instance more about the Mission itself or for their needs, for example: people use the road though the road is closed for higher purpose construction when appropriate.

So this great key, close the time portal when Best In Christ JESUS,

yield the Second Coming when Best In Christ JESUS,

provide Final End Time when Best In Christ JESUS,

close the Door Of Heaven when Best In Christ JESUS so sin does not enter:

verily many try to enter Heaven under false pretenses, as wolves in sheep clothing. Those sinners do not want to truly repent, so of their free Gift to opt, Given from Christ JESUS Above, allow them to so continue as they wish under laws and pains against themselves and then after Miracle Harvesting then the weeds are burnt, even so in Christ JESUS One is offered greater better, that for instance if Your New Christian Church Member wants to start Preaching, then consider orientation and Your Christian Church criteria that might or might not yet all Evangelism for instance for the New Member (such as requiring Eucharist first, and Anointing,...) so then the New Member might ascend to an Officially recognized Evangelical Position, so it could be quick or slowly ascending and one could be better than the other rate conditionally; though if a New Member wants to be Highest Priest and change Your Christian Church then hardly though this is not to put any person to the Faith test.

Instead Prayerfully consider not only the new, yet also the Path Of The Previous and distinguish the fruits according to One Highest Purpose Above In Christ JESUS as Christ JESUS One Does (a difficulty being to hardly judge Thyself in so distinguishing).

To the very young a magician is a miracle worker, though with Wisdom In Christ JESUS the current Highest Priest of Your Chapel is with the True Holy Christian Faith normally best able to distinguish though Your Christian Church criteria may have checks-and-balances (consider Psalm 8.2).

Likewise for now in this generation such applies to time travel. Later with victories [successes] as simple as enjoying finding a New Member aboard (add to roster [white stone] and similar tasks in many Christian Church traditions [such as with designating tasks for the New Member to Do instead of reverting to former sinful habits]).

The sinful time traveler has known interests such as to cover tracks, and to sin more. Let Your time traveler be mature in the Holy Spirit (even if young) so as to not be tempted to go off Mission (a big concern if with a secular Commander so see above text "have checks-and-balances")(note the previous ibid. did not say merely "have checks" and instead the lowly servant and youth and any unable to help themselves, accordingly need fair power to each of their levels of worthiness; along with Mercy such as for both or more agreeing together such as Parents and teens which might tie with the Christian Church for Help).

With the above "fair power" with "each of their levels of worthiness", than subset (typically) let the Doers report for Highest Priority Christ JESUS. Even the closed door of Heaven can be from above set ajar for the Worthy (Luke 4.27).

Properly through Christ JESUS a Christian can properly see through the time space portal as symbolized in the above Drawing upper right concerning the living and Highest Purpose instead of the worldly legal bricks and pothole, and better than to envision secular work [for money typically] to patch when the next crew might have to work extra

to undo the patch to fix the leaky pipe for example. Christ JESUS Does something greater, with Eternal Truths, even One Eternal Work: Once for all.

After the Great Flood Noah put offerings on an Altar as shown in the above Drawing, prior to doing other things. The offerings did not save Noah, nor the decision though with the decision the appropriate Holy Work for the time space frame sufficed, and the latter Priests and Prophets entered into that Holy Work Of Noah and built upon it, and even though generally punctilious, such was futile save One Christ JESUS With The Holy Elias Christian Faith Path Unto Highest Purpose Eternally Better Excellence, not previously available (as if Matthew 17.3, and after Adam and Eve) save that Christ JESUS brought from Heaven above.

In the previous sentence "as if" applied, though today in this generation the time space requirement has already been overcome, even prior to Einstein: in parts, from precepts, though now be Pure with the whole of the precepts of the Original Living Plan Of Christ JESUS Physics.

Of the above Drawing, if to move the lines of planets apart then more as to match parts of the salt atom design from the Physics Of God, and if to spread the bricks as even underground pipe repair workers can do today, then to be able to fit Thyself through [a time space portal].

The golden sphere shown above is less about the currently considered very long time journey and more about the colony (at least symbolically, the artist might have had other in mind), so to some people the spacecraft is the destination already. Even so, keep in mind to meet with Christ JESUS in the sky (and hardly be anxious to judge any that wait, conditions apply)(note Statue Of Liberty shape of the golden sphere, for newly created Space Force a rocket taller than the Statue Of Liberty is planned called the Space Launch System with micro tech for deep space activities).

The pothole shows a fence, what more can be done?, as Christ JESUS Edified And Did, for instance form Your [weapons and] fences into plows to plow through the Universe, perhaps in the shape of building a planet (golden sphere), and/or for instance form into portals with many moving parts perhaps, yet each and all functioning for One Highest Purpose. The fence might be great where and as shown. Yet the symbolism in Christ JESUS is greatest. Normal things sensed everyday can [when properly] become great keys in the Hope Of Christ JESUS.

How to explain is almost to ask each person what things they do not know, so instead through Christ JESUS First then the answer(s) comes.

In the center of the above Drawing are three...portals of different times and spaces [depicted in each portal], but that's not the all of it; in Christ JESUS You view from one point: three in One. Three time portals are in You. Mary Magnified The Lord. You as Holy Lens through from Christ JESUS to Your Flock, likewise "Lens" Magnify the time portals of the Lord JESUS Christ. So One aspect is that You travel not (on your own for example) though Your Flock might travel through You (and You through Christ JESUS as Moses and Elijah did transfiguring with Jesus.

So this Anew-ish Principal Of Christian Faith, that is, a Principal Of Christian Faith in modern terms normal to this generation (and many others):

if there is something or any unknowable in Heaven above, then it is Your responsibility of Highest Grace JESUS Christ to be with such now

Faithfully, or at least as much as manifested (therefore Faithfully first then Miracle(s))

including for these End Times the "unknowable", that is, first in All Knowing Christ JESUS Father Spirit One make enabled the formerly "unknowable".

Consider how a teen doesn't know how to drive a car until shown: they thought they knew how to drive, but they realized generally speaking that far more responsibility was first needful, such as alertness and constantly (reasonably) even though they saw many drivers looking around as if not paying attention, much less controlling everything pertinent simultaneously (thanks to Christ JESUS)(see above building on previous works).

To many people it seems impossible to ride a unicycle if they previously never saw a person ride one. The unicycle might not require any permit, and there's hardly risk of a speeding ticket, so this key applies:

as some precepts apply anew, other precepts as if fade toward not applicable, but the Whole Of The Precepts Of Christ JESUS continue to apply forever.

So it doesn't get harder for the properly ascending Christian, but easier and more delightful in Christ JESUS (see above text point "1" rather than point "3": this enables the proper arranging of point "3" precepts along the vertical levels of Your Personal Christian Faith Path For Highest JESUS Purpose). So there is a comprehensive Truth, and within are many precepts and some have been turned by sinners: so if tales were twisted (less faithful translations, interpretations, and indicators, or out of context...), then when Converted these can of You Christian Leader be fitted into the Holy Whole, the Highest Purpose Whole In Christ JESUS ("3" is a subset of "1" and the Whole Of The Truth JESUS)("2" is contrary though to be properly Converted to "3": and "3" being as much as of Faithfulness higher unto Oneness like unto the Highest First Commandment).

The above Drawing center can be talked about through Your Preaching and You might opt to Preach about the mid puddle first and then the other puddles, or some other pattern (even so preferably the Best Way In Highest Purpose). You might visit the mid puddle first. So You might Say and Do, according to Highest In Christ JESUS (see above text "Your responsibility"). The time space portals are not the same, though nearly the same subset of precepts apply, along with the greater Whole Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS being applicable Eternally.

Yeshua HaMashiach Christ JESUS said "I am the light" ( The portal symbolized in the above Drawing is seen with light (even water can be with light). JESUS offers the Spiritual Portal, and so You may Give such for Your Flock:

so Faith,

then manifest

(see above text "Your responsibility"). You, bringing, manifesting: Heaven On Earth (Heaven In The Multiverse) such as via the Faithfully Given Of Christ JESUS, such as frame line threads counted as if warped yet hardly to Your Path: a straight line of frames, and of the living thread(s)(see above text "shorten" or "lengthen" time / "Frame dragging"). Hurricane clouds show how to do it, hardly smart are hurricane clouds.

Christ JESUS In The Father In Heaven In The Spirit And Flesh ( plus each that ascended into Heaven with example: see above text "Moses and Elijah") as in the era of the Exodus led the Chosen People out of the former to rely on [the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS and] God

and key for this generation now is that God was in the form visible mist (previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders at illustrates the vacuuming, paving, and other effects for Good), see above Drawing top center,

and with such God was in the swirling winds plain for all to see as much as to safely keep the Faithful alive as they journeyed for God [and the Promised Land] along the Straight And Narrow [yet of a winding path overlapping (see next two sentences)] yet for Highest Purpose God Edified: to be with God.

The "swirling winds" as One is like unto wheels on a car for going the Straight And Narrow, yet with this the "winding path overlapping" with the "vacuuming, paving, and other effects for Good" as One is as a similar to the first though another pertinence type as people can travel of feet or trains, or the people can be at [a space,] a place (as with "overlapping") and the other change: example a person or machine can travel along a path or a person or machine can be stationary at an assembly line or on a moving walkway.

This swirling key applies now in this generation for overcoming bondage to Earth to travel ["with God" "to be with God" (Matthew 16.27)] in the Heavens not only Holy Witnessing yet also Doing as God Does, Doing With God for One Highest Purpose; and secondly Graceful protection with being up there in the Heavens "with God" Given to include overcoming the former ways witnessing sinners not only harming themselves and other people, also the relatively long duration witnessing of sinners in adversities of situations including as written in the Book Of Revelation.

So You can opt to focus on watching people suffer below, or [aware] You can be Exemplary unto them as Prophetically Christ JESUS Will Be. You can be with sinner tactically, or show how to overcome [sin and lower levels] Holy Strategically Faithfully In Christ JESUS for all One.

Trammeling (see above "Trammel Nets") has been used to "hinder the activity or free movement" though anew in Christ JESUS to be conveying, transporting, and transfiguring as much as appropriate in One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

A person spoke of a spaceship to colonize, another person spoke of a space conveyor, Christ JESUS Creator spoke for all simultaneously though Given free opting as many as willing at their respective agreeings rates (agreements in the sense of agreement after agreement pace).

Be aware: sinful paths lead to their painful reward(s): sinners have built circumstances as altars to themselves, and other sinners similarly have in this generation weekly sinned as a matter of their unfaithful work practices and at the weekend tithed as if a get out of jail free card (Hosea 8.11);

but tithing money is not the same as tithing the self.

Not all Christian Churches need money, though many are counted as so needing in this world so tithing is with value [(note to Christian Leaders, rely on God JESUS instead of money: see to it) also consider how a newborn is not typically immediately weaned but first on milk, also some have died if to immediately drop medications to have Faith (God is not bought by medications nor machinery nor by hands nor other than with through Christ JESUS Christianity properly) so not only Faith Above In Heaven yet also the amount of Faith Unto Miracles via person or via set].

A newly discovered tribal colony hardly needs money, astronauts leave their wallets below, and some inner city dwellers share and trade, and such spirits in people can carry into the spiritual world in many ways at many levels.

Beware: to be concerned for sinners is a maintenance responsibility though instead for their sakes be more concerned for the One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS (including to add greater means for Evangelism Conversion Victories),

so to be aware of sinners including their hopes and activities (though be unstained), though far more be concerning Doing the Faithful Will Of God [only, which Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS includes "sinners" though "for Evangelism Conversion Victories"].

So a spiritual key is that even among to Exemplary Holy Spirits a Spirit may want to go to a sinner (to Help yet properly), so to the other Exemplary Holy Spirit such is Witnessed Rightly as heading toward sin or thinking about sin (this is a proving ground, though far greater in Christ JESUS): let not the "heading" by another Spirit temp You away from Doing the Will Of Christ JESUS In Highest Purpose.

So for instance You may be of mindset to ascend in Highest, but encounter another "thinking about sin", hardly be changed save if Anew Higher than Your former idea (and if for One Highest Purpose Anew In Christ JESUS). In counterpoint for instance if to think to properly in "Highest" to Help sinners [Convert] then seek to not draw down others into Your lower level maintenance responsibility Mission unless evidently appropriate for same "Highest" In Christ JESUS (Luke 14.27 NAS).

Truly, truly, there is a spiritual world and a higher Highest Spirit In Christ JESUS. A Christian can be in each and both simultaneously. The spiritual world is known as the "Holy Spirit" though it is not if not with Christ JESUS With The Father Spirit Creator God Eternal: this is stated for Your sakes for not only as long as the world lasts for You, also for if any be left behind in the world (see above text "maintenance").

Consider the lily of the field that neither toils (works of hands and chores / such as Martha had done Luke 10.41 yet instead 42 an enabling key) nor spins (clothing / yarn) nor travels through time (Frame dragging / transfiguring) yet the Father Spirit Physics already Helped with Victories over such for You (Matthew 6.27-29)

having already toiled, spun, and traveled through time for You not only to Follow yet also of greater value to properly Lead others:

even to be reliable as written in [see verse and commentaries at] Matthew 16.18 JB2:

Do not associate with a person whose mouth is always open (Proverbs 20.19 GWT) unless for Highest Purpose In The Name Of Christ JESUS. Do not mingle with a spirit much concerned about their own concerns.

Quote Christ JESUS: Give such in the form of pertinent precepts (as Christian Preachers normally Do: as Good And Faithful Servants Of Christ JESUS).

Above the salt molecule in the above pic is a [swirling] circle elongated as though rather linear (see above people "conveyor" belt, and "Trammeling" Anew In Christ JESUS), that is, if to colonize outer space and/or time travel, consider the process, the return (at least communicating in the name of Christ JESUS: be the voice from the Heavens above and for their sakes below literally and of levels: Drawing below), and the greater Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS. For example:

Straight And Narrow Living Line Ascending / Properly ascending train / Properly ascending convoy / Artificial planet with supply ships / Rocket.

So a leap of Faith per se is instead of building a rocket, to rather (not required by law: yet fulfilling the law in Christ JESUS Highest Purpose: this is something few Christians seem to understand in the Walk Of Christian Faith Properly Ascending similar to the Highest value for respecting the Sabbath properly, and similar to the Highest value in Christ JESUS for Old Testament Bible Foods instead of merely parts: Victory Yes, though not to be abused, so also as an obedient child Doing the Will Of JESUS, Luke 5.14) the best route and then freely opting to perhaps choose to be building [and growing] a "Properly ascending convoy"!

Go into outer space for their sakes that all be properly guided One In Christ JESUS and return in the Glory Of Christ JESUS from outer space for their sakes that all be properly guided One In Christ JESUS.

As with a highway in this generation, there is a one way route on each side; so too You may opt to enable Dark Matter threads or elongated Black Hole mouth to so Help accomplish such. Even a series of such may properly Help, and greater in Christ JESUS is available, and

with new endeavors come new subset (see above text "whole"..."Flow", and "collective") responsibilities and some subsets or parts of subsets need properly Converted to properly fit for the Highest Whole Purpose In Christ JESUS.

In the above Drawing lower right is shown an inverted story of the city of Chicago [or an image like unto a thousand words in cliche (note for Preachers concerning props: and rather actual functioning props: field trips are not for secular schools alone: people by far learn according to by doing with hands in the secular, so

so much greater Doing (while You Instruct / Preach) for the Highest Whole Purpose In Christ JESUS.

By doing with hands people remember what they did: Help them remember Your Holy Highest Sermons In Christ JESUS>

The above Drawing lower right is a pic from an airplane, and since a pic to be shared, it is likely the picture-taking-person remembers the scene (and related things at the time in the situation such as contributing factors) more than others merely hearing the story or merely seeing the pic. Likewise the pic source person sharing knows about why the inverted Chicago appears, while others have yet to figure it out (save Miracle from Higher Faith Level from Christ JESUS).

If You lay a mirror under it You can see the as if un-inverted view of Chicago as presented from Heaven above. So this key is Given of the precepts of Christ JESUS for One Highest Purpose, that the effects in the Heavenly levels are One Truth from the Highest View In Christ JESUS above, though for the ascending with reason for the ascending to change from past ways of former interpretations, for the better, for the One Highest Good In Christ JESUS, yet with True Highest Holy Wisdom to know in this generation already known somewhat that if to fly higher than a level is not the same as perceiving more clearly (Hebrews 2.7-9 with Psalm 8/4-6)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on star vessels, exoplanets, and such as at

Christ JESUS Physics provides answers to questions a person has not yet thought to ask to be solved:

No need of questions / The correct and best answers / Original Plan [Physics Of Eternal Christ JESUS].

A circle in Side View perspective is a straight line. In the above Drawing upper right are lines with spirits.

In the Drawing below Earth revolves around the Sun (such as to explain in part the Official Second Coming of Christ JESUS), with the revolution path oval or partly Top View and partly Side View. The revolution is of the time measure of a year. The Side View line is of time going back and forth. The End View of a line (or in this case as a distant star point) is the perspective of timeless.

That is, like unto the Big Pulse or Big Universe Leak Portal where Christ JESUS pulls the net, the time portal is One for Christians. Like unto the Holy Heart, all is already answered in Christ JESUS yet a greater than Wisdom is come in Christ JESUS.

Consider for a moment what Christ JESUS Did about 2,000 years ago; now with this awareness consider what the Other(s) (such as known as the Father In Heaven) was(were) Doing: on the seventh day God rested, the seventh day is evidently over (save Oneness, conditions apply such as according to Faith level(s)).

To know what God The Father is Doing, Helps to know what the Godhead Will Do.

How to perform Prophetic Miracles:

Final End Time and/or the Second Coming Prophesied by the year 2046AD as Miracle pertinent signs abound Revelation 10.11 as JESUS Christ answers why spirits move for Christian Leaders (without having to ask) with specifications concisely illustrated and plotted in graph form with Prophetic directions of movement(s). Time frames concerning time travel for the sakes of others. 3D Blood Of JESUS depicted in 2D in various ways such as for preparing to conquer time warp sequences as the <I>Second Coming</I> and Final End Time approach (or in Highest Eternal sense: come already in JESUS Christ). Great as Christian Faith indicated was how Christian Leaders can be over time control as Christ JESUS revealed, also Christian President Don Trump Leading Zion toward the Second Coming signed the $717 Billion Defense Bill within the stated time frame enacting Space Force. China against Christians so far has been Chinese leaders against Chinese lawmakers, and against all, as their Articles of law clearly show, also including expansions into the other nations and 45% usury. Christian Preacher Ernest Angley for instance visited Germany and Preached and it was Good and Faithful, but many rejected the Christian Word and as soon as His jet left a terrible hailstorm struck Germany, and just recently Christian Preacher Ernest Angley won a federal appeals court case which overturned a previous federal judge's ruling. Movies: with Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, and James Garner Space Cowboys, movie Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade with confiscated books and of true history, as sinners repeat low sins so cannot hide, movie Noah they eat because they think it gives them strength movie Godfather 2 when the Extortionist the Black Hand Don Fanucci for to be seen as if good gave $100 at the Church Parade Mark 12:42.

In the above Drawing upper right pic people wailing at the Wall insert Prayer notes on papers into the cracks. Sadly if to utilize thin metal sticks to push gold deep into the cracks the Wall might quickly be brought down. Instead let the Wall keepers hear the Prayers. Note their papers actually reinforce the Wall (reference paper mache).

Let the people send forth their monies (see above text "subsets need properly"..."fit"..."Whole"). Some tried to buy the Wall, others flew over and moved forth, some for higher purpose, others not.

Begging Your Kingship's pardon to Edify, Your quest for streets of clear gold, is already answered in Christ JESUS, awaiting Your Return (see above Second Coming with Christ JESUS). Yes, You can bring Your Flock along.

The above giant Golden Cube City Of Christ JESUS Will be coming (the smaller golden cube illustrated approximates the actual size relative to the shown Earth): so here is a New Commandment for You: do not undo it in order to get the gold for sinful purposes.

You already know that Christian Leader. Such is the Walk Of Christian Faith: anew known, properly fitting on pertinent known(s). As a puzzle yet instead as a line of living frames and pics Eternally able to fit through a portal or Universe leak point into another Multiverse aspect. In the secular the laws of physics become inappropriate such as if too small or on a scale too large. Yet if You Christian Leader start in the name JESUS the Christ, then the lower levels fit Best (or similarly toward best according to a person's faith).

Below the Golden Holy City Of Eternal Sanctuary at the top of the big arrow shown in the above Drawing is a slice of bread symbolizing the broken Body Of Christ JESUS and the horizontal plane on which the Golden Holy City Will travel (at least on approach to Earth). The Golden Cube may likely orbit long enough for all to behold and so to orbit from positions that each person wherever on the planet might witness (even if blind such as to at least feel, and rather know of surety to be Healed). Do You want to vacation and/or work in a land where there is much crime, sin, sick people, poisons, many dangerous traps, and such; hardly save to save; instead return for Good, and make such known in advance for their sakes and One.

Clear Gold:

Christ JESUS Physics at the atomic level are with gold similar to the top ball-and-stick model of salt which in large uniform crystals is transparent, and uniform is a key to transparency of some items while non-uniform is a key to transparency of some other items.

Translations concerning not only gold, rather the purity of the most pure gold often use the word pure, pure gold, when beyond typical worldly purity standards should apply and in all aspects (as much and as long as a person temporarily witnessing in Heaven might be in sufficiently high Spirit).

The sinfully failed secularly curtailed hence censored aspect of for instance "The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that you can never simultaneously know the exact position and the exact speed of an object." (

Flips of a coin for predictions is certainly not the best way for instance to safely search the Heavens, and is not the true spirit of Baptism In Christ JESUS as Christian though full repentance under law is tied to predictions.

So the greater value of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, is the Christian Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Of Faith, not merely of awareness of censorship parameters (such as to define for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS) yet the far greater is hardly the meaning in the secular sense, and instead the living Eternal meaning including the True Holy Path revealed of this aspect, level, step as a rung on a ladder, and as a slingshot effect, and launchpad.

If to interfere against anything pure the Lord has made, then transgression like unto the Christian Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Of Faith. Though transgressions of lower levels can be in Christ JESUS Highest Purpose accomplished properly, for example to Edify, if to run a rocket computer simulation that pretends disasters then counted as if from good to turn it to show bad, but it is for higher purpose, such as in that great though largely secular movie with Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, and James Garner Space Cowboys.

So this key, sin is wrongfully turned away from the Christian Path Of God, while a lower Mission (such as a model or a simulation to Edify)(also reference a little lower than the Angels) can be for Highest Purpose so also with proper ascending (even if of appearances counted as if "Flips of a coin for predictions" which secular interpretations are not true, since for example the Christian Faith is followed by Miracles, such as currently happening among Muslims seeing JESUS so converting to Christianity [various sources], so beyond the parameter of the secular count).

Note: be aware mind control can make people see and perceive things whether false or true, yet through Christ JESUS is only True. For instance debit in the mind of one group maybe surplus in the mind of another group, yet if all groups together function Best in Christ JESUS then all are entered into Oneness, as financial equality, though distinguish the fruit of Christians with the Christian Standard: financial regulations serving toward the bottom levels so toward minimal though of responsibilities legally in these Given times, while to Give Thy Christian self and Christian Group In The Name JESUS As Top Priority: then is True Holy Value.

In other words former sinful ways measured self importance as top, often tied to weapons, money, parental ability to overpower children: toward punishments often. But the ascending path is first toward Highest Love, and rewards when appropriate (worthiness) and generally of Hosting Grace Comforting.

So a surplus to a sinful nation can of the Physics Of God can become a snare against itself, revealing traceability not to Highest but instead to sinful sources. While a debt to a properly ascending Christian Nation (if any is in the name of the Christ: JESUS) becomes the proper authority: repayment due. Yet in other words (related as though overlapping) precepts the Highest does not mean repay (Christ JESUS paid once for all, yet conditionally of properly arranged precepts according to reliability and worthiness whether abundance or lack).

August 13, 2018AD Christian President Don Trump for creation of a Space Force to be in effect by 2020AD signed a $717 Billion Defense Bill.

Clear gold is not only about the element gold, though in pertinent situations it virtually can be in Christ JESUS as much as for One Highest Purpose, though mainly clear gold applies to the greater sense of the Living Good Highest Flying Value and most effectually properly ascending for Christ JESUS. The lower Missions were accomplished already once for all, though a first encounter of a threshold, portal, door, or a higher level, in this Given world is also with maintenance such as to sense whether a pitfall or Good would be next beyond in that direction (prepare and restore apply:,13?lang=eng&clang=eng)(subset: if "restore" then needful is Final End Time)(subset: " 13, 2018 In China Christian "Bibles have been seized and banned." [see above within "7 days"] and a similar ban and seizure of Christian Bibles freely provided by the author of this Sermon happened years ago in the US after permission to so distribute).

In Christ JESUS Physics also comes the Good for the Faithful Christian(s) while the sinners prefer bad for themselves. So for instance while clear gold is with the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS as much as for properly furthering the ascending for all One For Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, as the sinners receive pains toward sorrows toward full repentance, the Christians receive Oneness Anew Higher more clearly more purely for greater Good In Christ JESUS, so while sin in bad, nonetheless Christians benefit from Highest Christ JESUS so in proper Christian Faith rather than Miracles typically, even though Miracles for Good come including parts of Miracles that apply for Good through Christian proper ascending.

Proper ascending is with straightening the encountered spirits [and interpreted to Edify: more] so even if in the midst of various situations Good can endure and greater even if not seen immediately (conditions such as free opts and rates apply).

Some interpret clearly while others offer the word pure, and yet values come from each and rather both for One For Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS as at noting the APE interpretation:

Consider a campfire or a fireplace and how the flames are yellow as gold though intermittent so as to see through it as glass, as the flames move about. And some energies can see straight through fire to see things on the other side, while other energies can see straight through things to see and measure fire of therefore measurable spirits.

Rocket flames can be clear blue pulsars, or for instance if to rockets are to refuel at a space station where oxygen is in overabundance then perhaps to refuel for free and even to be paid to remove the excess and so to perhaps yield rockets' trails of intermittent golden flames so as Heavenly streets of clear gold and yet of Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS also to Help light the darkness so others see, and to Help properly warm the cold deep of outer space so a great New Blessing via a New Revelation for the properly ascending Christian as written concerning Revelation 8.12 LDS:

So while some rely on the Sun, they would see their need to rely instead on Christ JESUS as You One are the Sun and greater (as they come to account and attest and reason toward ascending).

True Prophets clearly see all needful Truth Of God (Amos 3.7) including about former pains and instead the greater clear Good for all. China is mentioned above, and per se Will Prophetically fall (alot or a little is up to their free opting), though until such duration terminates, China might immediately fall to chaos or might first rise to great power and then fall (the Old Testament has many examples). If to rise to great power first, then it is hardly the free opting of China alone but according to other worldly power(s) falling according to not being in the name of Christ: JESUS.

Such is as clear gold.

The belt of "astronomy-signs" in the above Drawing are not shown for the reason of Astrology, though Astrology and/or astronomy had value for people with the Birth Of Christ JESUS, many non-Christians in the world have stated evidently confused info associated with lack of Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS (Jeremiah 14.14&15 pertinent in this generation Jeremiah 14.19 & "belt"). Instead the above belt as a round table shows the horizontal plain on which (in which as in the parameter of a slice of bread as shown) the Second Coming travels not North nor South, so not vertically but traveling horizontally as much as reasonably indicated in the Drawing [though slightly tilted to see some pertinent constellations], coming from the East ( as Earth rotates and revolves: hence along that Horizontal direction and level,

[not shown is the direction radially or more likely] spirally Christ JESUS come and more comprehensively for witnessing from all of the surface of Earth and felt within. Though Christ JESUS is able to instantly transfigure to be in a place now, or appear only flying down to a specific location (The Book of Mormon:Another Testament of Jesus Christ pic before page 405), or appear in each person now; though for the announced Second Coming the Sent Will Come for greater than mere witnessing, including preparing for the Final End Time.

Anew Revelation In Christ JESUS is as clear as gold for each and all to Faithfully In Christianity to see and so to realize this great Truth preparing for the One Highest Comprehensive Eternal Truth: consider the Spirit Of The New International Version of 1 Peter 1.5:

This above verse is not merely about things "ready to be revealed" as some translations express, rather allowing for the higher interpreting for One Highest Event Of One (and in One Christ JESUS): therefore not merely to witness, nor also then prepare after awaiting:

instead prepare now.

Christ JESUS already explained as much as this generation needed to know yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

If You are with a Christian Church building, then likely serving Your local community and the greater region. As stated above there is a new Space Force, so if a person becomes Commander over Space Force but is not Christian, or notes a name (of group, nation,...) other than in the name of the Christ JESUS, then who would lead to agree with Christ JESUS?, let it be You Christian Leader, and as a Prophet of this generation proclaimed for example:

"The Lord has impressed upon my mind the importance of the name He has revealed for His Church, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," church President Russell Nelson said in a statement. "We have work before us to bring ourselves in harmony with His will." The new article also noted "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has about 16 million followers worldwide." (

And while on the Christian Faith Path like unto clear gold, there is a Firmament under people, so China, North Korea, and other nations and groups must not call people animals nor treat people as if animals; so if to lead nations and peoples to Give them and all the greater benefits of Your Leadership From Christ JESUS, then to set the Highest Example that You be impeccably unimpeachable, full of their loving respect (though Guide any of their devotion toward Christ JESUS instead of the self: if to receive any devotion let the Christ JESUS of 2,000 years ago pronounce such Oneness on You and even so if All Highest agrees in One Holy Spirit Give it immediately to Christ JESUS and One Father In Heaven).

"China, North Korea", and other have done many great works, so accept such. As much as possible, Mercifully Giving room for a little maintenance, follow not after their flaws (understanding some are legally required to so follow, so a little greater amount of maintenance might have been appropriate to their jobs): from Salvation: see the Good (Psalm 106.4&5) as written in Amos 5.14 HCS:

People make mistakes, each and all people (save One Christ JESUS), so love the leaders of "China, North Korea", and other people, that of the whole [in Christ JESUS] that Your Eye Be One: even Heaven On Earth. Note many Christians have been "followers" (such as stated above, and as has been typical, many have merely imagined Christ JESUS Leading [perhaps with Their Preacher or Priest also leading] but not Themselves Leading: but in this generation this is changing, via Christian Faith In Highest JESUS Purpose agreeingly with the whole or with as many as would, or as per the Book Of Revelation (related peril examples: Mark 13.16 & Luke 17.31)(being a witness does not make a person immune).

Explain lovingly to Your Beloved Flock: You don't have to look around to see who You are talking about when Hearing to Give Benefits to all (in Christ JESUS there is a free Giving Charity often in Churches having ranged from 10% Tithing with Work(s) to [in Christ JESUS] 100% as in Christian Marriage: yet in Christ JESUS there are other Giving matters, such as: it is not illegal to also Give the Preacher feast offerings [some Christian Churches run food shelters] and You may Give extra such as the sin offering and the guilt offering and the freewill offering and remember the Good Samaritan...).

Lead in calling others friends, and Christian Preachers, and Priests, and Kings, and such (as much as legal and as much as appropriate and not to mislead), that as it is written in Numbers 14.14 NIV:

Lift the followers and/or others lest to be left behind in the flames of Revelation and worse (Matthew 7.13 & without protection Job 26.6), as the clear gold of Yours of One Properly Ascending (until the Second Coming) appears as "a pillar of fire by night."

If Giving Benefits but they continue to sin "Avoid them" (Romans 16.17 CS), "ask them not again" (Luke 6.30 KJ), though if to properly ascend reasonably then Give "extraordinary gifts" as of "Life and immortality are brought to light by the gospel, and the Sun of Righteousness is risen on the world." to best lead all nations that they advance anxiously, not disputed nor questioned (

In the Drawing lower right is a key to this Sermon as a Comfort: the levels as specified in many details is not only for ascending (even so John 20.29 pleases the Lord) yet as shown here

all the Good Spirits You create radiate as the Sun including coming back to You.

Like unto lighting a Minorah in many cases, and like unto the Christian practice of Members in the dark with candles and passing the flame to the next until all is alit of clear gold.

Though Good Spirit(s) coming to a person might not be received such as symbolized of a person shaken in their interpretations of some aspects of things. Christ JESUS comes to people including Christian Leaders at times to reset such onto the Straight-And-Narrow: note this subset key: a Leap Of Faith can be toward the blind leading the blind, while a uniform step by step procedure is often more certain, though the "step by step" is nominally at a slower pace and even of the secular generally, while often Christ JESUS invites people be of proper Christian Faith to leap and for higher more effectual purpose more quickly, even some levels require the proper Holy Leaping and greater unto Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS Anew: so learn the Christian Faith Path, as with properly ascending and learning greater leaps values in One JESUS.

If the shaken hardly receives the Life Giving Spirit, the Faithfully Ascending so much the more receives to Give others.

Behold the arrow below the levels:

You Helped others, so You are already seeding into the future, already harvesting, and agreeing in the Work In Highest Christ JESUS Will One.

In other words, You Work in the future.

So how hardly can so many Christian Followers have said They hardly count Themselves as True Holy Prophets

although They know it is True because They are in Christ JESUS: yet now this may Help explain more from You for Their understanding. Your Flock is Victorious over the future.

So according to their Faith, Romans 12.6 CS explains They are Given (already, They realize perhaps when You make clear in Them) that They have ["realize"] a new talent, the Talent To Prophesy (and for Good Highest Traceable Purpose In Christ JESUS!) and even more "talents" therefore (Matthew Henry Commentary):

so a subset talent with this is Spiritual Power In Christ JESUS One In Them In Each Vessel to Faithfully unto Highest oversee and control though only according to the Faith amount of the particular Vessel (like unto vessel strength, vessel Love such as maintenance and moreso outgoing Love, and such as vessel leaping ability and soaring ability,...).

Acts 26.7 speaks of instantly, earnestly, and constantly serving God day and night: this in Christ JESUS is like unto automating proper Love in Faith, and therefore Your Miracles for others and all for One In Christ JESUS. This is similar to perpetual motion machines, to fuel, to lubricate, toward feeding the hungry and such; yet for Greatest Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS Faith: New Heaven: Christian Faith Leaping Beyond measure Best, on Christian(s) (above Drawing of Those Christians You Help ascend are also Helping Faithfully Spiritually In Father Physics In You even if unawares) Faith.

Though this is not only about Christians (Mark 9.41) yet if You properly Help one person or even a lower creature or item or anomaly in Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS then You Help each and all (ibid.).

So now a special key is Given though this does not change the need for full repentance and proper Christian Baptism:

if a person, any person, do anything fitting within the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, then they even if secular even if otherwise sinful: Help all.

Now Behold a greater value!: if any low level thing perform properly such as a flower pleasing a Christian or a pencil for Christian Sermon Work, then the whole Benefits In Christ JESUS (according to faiths, see above Drawing shaken aspect and Finger Of God Code symbolized).

Now there are few Christians compared to many flowers for instance. Now each (or many) flower(s) may do many properly pleasing things for Christians: hence many spirits. So there is a cornucopia of overabundance of goodly spirits pervading for One Highest Good Purpose agreeing in Christ JESUS: even so many molecules with freely Given options often opt (such as toward yes JESUS Purpose or not) so such as the number of molecules in the Multiverse supportive of Your Flock often and on the increase as Each ascends and such as other Christians ongoingly Praying Christ JESUS For Them!

With this "Praying" therefore straightening spirits for Their sakes.

A Prophet Seed is planted (Holy Word, and/or with Miracle) and if with Miracle then a physical seed (not Spirit only, yet all Spirit is physical since there is a creation and all Heavenly One Christ JESUS, therefore Heaven on Earth even though many have not yet seen, many spirits have not realized).

So as the proper Christian Word(s) is(are) planted the Prophecy is planted, and as much as with appropriate Faith the immediate via Christ JESUS (John 13.32) Glory Spirit abounds everywhere (like unto something that can be tapped, such as to tap a maple tree for making syrup)(see above "all Spirit is physical": these agree as long as Original Plan And With Having A Created [though much greater beyond words applies]).

If for instance a sinner takes a penny for instance, then that sinner may not notice any reward at all (since the taking is a weapon so it cannot prosper (Isaiah 54.17)), though if a fish give a coin from it's mouth for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, even if the fish was unaware it prospers (if other reference Matthew 21.19).

Note the below Firmament (both spiritually and in the flesh physically) "fish" Prophetically carried the coin for Christ JESUS and for the law and for that all be One In Highest Purpose Christ JESUS.

The previous "fish" participated in Holy Prophetic Work For Christ JESUS (see above text "enabling key" concerning "Frame dragging / transfiguring")

so Christ JESUS having encompassed a little lower than the lowest of people to enable each and all, how to explain to lowest sinners the Christian Holy Faith Path? (right to left):

Moving the Temple trashcan / Avoiding pitfalls / Wide is the way and easy to travel that leads to hell

Christ JESUS Gives the Faithful Christian control / Christian Prophetic awareness of pitfalls / Properly ascend from sin (Matthew 7.13).

In the above Drawing lower right under the horizontal lines is a big arrow pointing right as the historic timeline into the future, though above it are many arrows pointing back to person "A" ascending (through "G" and higher): each person (shown as yellow with a purple line above) is of the future relative Doing Christian Work and per se according to an action by person "A".

So each subsequent action accordingly (in hearers of Your Preaching for instance) due to Your Preaching is as a future time frame dragged back to You.

It is that when Christians (at least: there is also far greater above) Work because of Your Highest JESUS motivating force, then each Helps You and all.

Each such Work is a moving of a time frame.

You Christian Leader therefore change future time frames.

Those Christians (ibid.) therefore change past time frames (and current and future time frames [God is Eternal]).

The Good You produced from JESUS, as much as Christians Hear and Obey Doing to Best ascend becomes in Them therefore better than the first state of You (Philippians 2.9) unless You also Best ascend, though in this example of these level steps: so that Their ability to Help becomes better than the level You had been:

Look at the chart, "A" first gave the Sermon then the others (yellow) started to Do likewise and better, and (because of ibid.) the Doers became approximately up to Your level, some not as high, some same level, some higher (except if You continue Highest Matthew 10.24) according to Their talents (also Matthew 18.20 applies, also John 15.4 applies in the sense that a single person "A" bears fruit though many (yellow) can bear far more fruit though exceptions apply such as a beloved by many television Star Preacher may bear far greater than others not on television and not with a following though Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago was hardly associated with starring on television).

If to Hear a Good Work and so Do likewise, then to build on it and grow, so not only same (vine or branches, vine supports branches, branches support fruits) then greater and better in the Physics Of Creator Walk In Christian Faith: so the Holy Spirit manifests in the Doers (Miracles Of Faith) to Do likewise and if able to Do even better as "A" Taught of Christ JESUS. So the Spirit immediately through Heaven goes from Doers to "A" that the students not be greater than the Master.

So person "A" finds the Guiding Holy Spirit (many spirits are lower and stumbling blocks, noise, or rather Christ JESUS protects from such, allowing a little at times for awareness reminding) immediately uplifting, if not from the Doers (including Prayers) then from Highest or as much as appropriate so as not to tempt too much; so person "A" realizes how to Best build (and grow) on that which person "A" had already started in Christ JESUS.

So the Holy Spirit as a Whole continues to Best ascend Forever In The Father In Christ JESUS!

The above yellow is of Christians, some Christians follow, yet some are Leaders So As One, though not to distinguish for lower sinful purposes (Exodus 20.7 see above text "few Christians seem to understand" or properly make manifest, though also reference for instance Discovering The Jewish Jesus, and Sid Roth Ministries [walking distance from here]), instead that all things be known now for the coming events as Christ JESUS Taught And Did (some aspects once for all already, other aspects as a matter of Faithfully Continuing The Holy Highest Work Therefore In The Name Of Christ JESUS ibid.).

The Third Testament built (and grew with Gold Pages: when Christ JESUS spoke in the Testament circa 2,000 years ago) on the First and Second Testaments somewhat (with other stories while not adding to nor subtracting from the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS) though far more importantly on the Second Testament, since it was far Better than the First (while not straying away from the First).

So the Third became Best of the Three Testaments (Gold Pages especially). Though to be Whole Highest important it to increase awareness, for instance some things not mentioned in the Third are mentioned in the Second: while the Second is more thorough concerning Christ JESUS in some senses, such as genealogy, various accounts (Harmony Of The Gospels), and other; the Third Testament is greater in the sense of the Highest Purpose:

Third yet Highest / Second Testament Highest at the time / First Testament yet toward the Highest.

Yet the above Drawing yellow is of Christians (other Drawing in this Series are of people: the yellow when similarly symbolized). The Christians grow, though toward time frames and time control for the Greatest Good is that not only Christians exist yet also with Christian Leadership is often the Doing aspect such as with Preaching (and building aloft Christian Chapels and Manna Machines and such) and so if with Preaching then the Living Word, the Doing of the Living Word: Creating Life and Comforting so more abundantly: Joy to the world and greater in Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS, as much as You continue to live (such as in the flesh), therefore as long as You continue to properly ascend (in this world tied to the above "Frame dragging"), Gives You in this far ascended Generation(s) Of Christianity, ascending precept on precept generation on generation properly much:

Christ JESUS Gives You much the previous people were largely not able to comprehend (exceptions apply).

Back then in the First Testament times, the people evidently could hardly understand a balloon, much less deep space satellite telemetry.

So now Christ JESUS Give You this great New Revelation, that is, Anew over the former translation (BC) and interpretation of Deuteronomy 5.16 NIV:

For many secular generations many parents divided the "land" to heirs so each portion was smaller until many lands became without significant value (reference related homelessness),

though now Christ JESUS Gives for You Advanced One More Comprehending than previous generations, to go into outer space

that Your spaceship be Your aloft Christian Chapel and with the many other Holy Mansions in the Holy Kingdom Of Your Father In The Heavens.

If a person doesn't for instance know what "telemetry" is, then let them go and sell what they have and Give the self (aloft Christian Chapel) to the poor, and buy without money "telemetry" devices and all other needful (exceptions apply).

Your Holy aloft Christian Chapel Mansion(s) would be

New Land!

Therefore the above stated "parents divided the 'land' to heirs" toward insignificant value, no longer applies!

Thankfully, praise be for Christ JESUS!

This is not Your Living Testament unto the Eternal Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS unless You make it so.

Then Your Christian Flock more clearly becomes Your street of clear gold Highest Value In Christ JESUS, with all the lands and Mansions as possible for each and all though not toward overly tempting any.

Concerning time: above Drawing person "A" did something, later person "C" for instance and though shaken Did Their Best to Do likewise and greater in Christ JESUS, later though toward simultaneous the Good Of The Spirit (as much as Good) reached (Anew, perhaps higher, 1 Corinthians 12.31) person "A" though in this example greater than previous so person "A" Does their Best to Do likewise as person "C" Did and greater in Christ JESUS, so time frames passed in both directions horizontally (or at least counted as if such, see text below, be aware the One True Time Standard is Christ JESUS Eternal One).

Proper Christian Faith ascends, so independent of Time, though all One In Highest JESUS Purpose, so not independent yet counted as such for One Good Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Therefore now a new Christian Faith key is become enabled of Christ JESUS:

formerly "counted as if such" had been something largely associated more with sinful purposes, but

now in Christ JESUS The Redeemer is the Victory over such, so a meaning for You Anew

as is written in Leviticus 25.31 NIV:

So "counted as if such" or likewise "considered as" becomes with properly better meaning in Highest Purpose Christ JESUS. This does not mean Christ JESUS sinned. Instead this means "once for all" applies, so "for all" is coming to pass for You now (Hebrews 10.10).

So now the above stated "Concerning time" is with new "for all" meaning. For the example of the above Drawing lower right, if person "A" was unable to understand directly from Christ JESUS precepts initially so only ascended part way in a Given time, then as Helped via Christ JESUS functioning through person "C" then person "A" was Helped (to continue Helping). Until person "A" started Helping again time passed (shaken a little from the Straight And Narrow at point "G")(or for instance a vacation might have applied so person "A" did not Help per se as time passed [though person "A" might have continued to Prayerfully agree and Help even when on "vacation"]).

Frankly there are many ways to look at the time matter for Highest Good In Christ JESUS, such as to overlap the yellows so it appears as if only one yellow.

Though to Edify consider that a person not born for a year after a Sermon, then the person grows 10 years and then the ten year old such as person "C" writes the Sermon, then person "A" writes Anew in the Spirit and better precept on precept. So then person "A" would be with an 11 years time lapse unless of Miracle Christ JESUS intervened (or Work of any of higher level than person "A").

The above Drawing vertical purple lines are emphasized more than for instance the birth time frames of people, even that generations be One. Consider that Moses is Helped today if Christ JESUS opts to put into You Help for Moses and You then so Help Moses (whether Moses in Spirit or in Flesh With Spirit). So then ascending Moses Helps You and all, via Christ JESUS (Matthew 17.3).

So if person "A" is Moses, and You and Moses Help each other, then You control time past, present, and future (see above stated "control though only according to the Faith amount").

And that same "Faith" is that same thing that controls Miracles,

past, present, and future.

This font size [with the above in Christ JESUS] as proof in Victory over proper time travel (in the Highest Purpose Holy Spirit, and if opted with Pure Vessel(s)), it the type of Christian Faith Awesomely Ascending properly on Christian Faith In Christ JESUS, followed by this type of Miracle Of Faith that was imagined that might happen within "7 days" as written above, and here is proof such Did happen in Christ JESUS with the above same font size written the 18th of August 2018AD

while this sentence was written the 19th of August 2018AD; and yet this morning in the Spirit at times while dreaming further knowledge came from various sources concerning out-of-body Spiritual travel (if to travel, as for the Will Of God) through time and/or space, though [again] only briefly [such as a few minutes] as the body if left behind is as a sleeping infant, as if helpless (though Matthew 10.29 & John 10.28), also if to change the Spirit of a person (such as a Spirit coming and going) then to change the physical vessel (pulse with Christ JESUS As One).

Even though some spirits were not able to put into words properly (not fitting precepts and Way Of Christ JESUS), Good parts were [reproduced for You And Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS (the "reproduced" aspect included the harvested part(s))]. Consider for instance if a lower level (such as perhaps Your Body, or another) consider whether Your Spirit should immediately attend (see above "maintenance" criteria) as the body might be relocated, entangled, or there might be a fire, be alert in the Spirit and aware in any vehicle aspect (Spirits) not traveling in that situation.

So be sure to be in Christ JESUS first and alway(s) since as written in Matthew 12.25 NAS:

In the dream was with the Heartfelt Wisdom gaining (for Good aspects) how to turn off a vehicle for "a couple minutes" or so,

with responsibility, to attend, as to babysit (similar to a driving permit requiring obeying a licensed driver also in the car instructing).

To further Help toward thorough clarity, to simplify the time travel aspect of the above Drawing lower right, consider in Christ JESUS if to consider Saint John (of the Gospel Book Of John) and You and a Christian that heard Your Flock Member and Did likewise (person "F"), so in other words You with indirect ties (yet directly in Christ JESUS at least Spiritually) with Christians of the past (John) present (You) and future (person "F") and each learning lovingly in Christ JESUS so ascending. So the past vessel had opportunities to ascend long before the present and future vessels, therefore likely (prediction, Tree Of Knowledge [even so thanks be to Christ JESUS for conditional precepts]) the past properly ascended higher, though not always the situation, as a person of great Christian Faith can come along.

Among the spirits, the elders are often Wiser therefore, while You can be free to Help the younger-than-Yourself more often predictably; though in any case alway(s) Help as though the person might be Christ JESUS. If to receive Spirit Good Value from the past or future (a time travel contingent matter as each and all matters should be in Christ JESUS One [for their sakes for all One]) then to receive including for their sakes and since with the previous sentence and since the Holy Creator created "all" then for Their sakes though this is not to be confused with True Christian Baptism as Christ JESUS requires. So likewise consider their-sakes-for-Christ, so for JESUS Christ Goodness perfectingly they can be respected according to the level of as much as Your True Christian Faith For One Christ JESUS.

So the time travel accordingly is of this previous parameter key over such aspects.

Because of Christ JESUS in person "F" of the future might Guide Your Spirit properly, so Good; but such does not mean worship person "F". Similarly for clarity, if a person in the past or now or in the future offers parameters, higher guidelines, and multitudes of proper Helps; even so such does not mean bow down to worship them, even if they are Christian (some Christian Church criteria includes [or not] the reverencing parameters such as whether to stand, kneel, and/or other similar, and such is according to higher Grace [since "Christian Church"] so Good if or not with such generally though some talents have so revealed Faith keys though see above verse Matthew 12.25).

So from precepts circa 2,000 years ago from Christ JESUS Teaching In The Temple Daily, comes forth [slowly adapting generation on generation (and instead properly ascend from JESUS Highest Above In One Eternally)] living growing leaping means for Best advancing Christian Science today, establishing in You and in the greater (past present future) Spirit new (to You) or Anew [(in the Eternal One) new to Christians entering and ascending] parameters being established for Guiding and Helping others, as included in the One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

So there are vessels and works of the vessels, and of lower values; and yet there are parameters for the higher levels of Spiritual matters and ascending Christian Faith for Christ JESUS One, that the Christian Preacher and other Christians need manifest in the Given (such as in this world, not limited to Earth).

So in Christ JESUS this (including Your Christian Church criteria, as typically with Preaching, Evangelism, Ministering, and along with task list for Members, and maintenance...) for the current Best of their understanding (current generation) is for Standardizing the New aspects as they are revealed from Christ JESUS (Faith) so they are properly applied in the world (Miracles from Christian Faith In Christ JESUS).

This is increasingly important with rapidity that Guidance be Given properly and most effectually for the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

This in You makes You the Most Needful Leading One from the lower worldly perspective even if they know it not. This less means You are needful, since with Christ JESUS, instead this means the world is increasingly needful of someone such as You.

As You realized, yet also consider current applicability so as therefore pertinent in this Given generation immediately: that You realized Christ JESUS is available, though previously people walked while today (far beyond drive or fly) people text and have the Internet (with any Good of the previous): so applicability has changed sharply even though Christ JESUS has not, and so from that original Holy Teaching, in You is Given From Christ JESUS to interpret into current context, in other words

place the worldly concerns into Your One Standard: and the following is verily pertinent:

if without Your Guiding Standard, their politics become shaken, if without vertical politics their wars increase.

But this as if has nothing to do with You, instead Christ JESUS, and therefore for their sakes that You approach Christ JESUS in Holy Spirit for Highest Purpose for all One.

The Book Of Revelation is on the increase

if without Anew From You (ibid.).

Beyond the greatness of these "7 days" the Prophetic is coming (see above text "prior to 2046AD") with quickening times and achievements (to some an achievement is when another person is killed, instead offer from You True Achievements Leading Miracles: this from other Christians Leading is how the "7 days" Miracle if to happen was thought would happen [very similar is noted above from Christian President Don Trump]).

Christ JESUS would that Christians Lead, and in the name of the Christ: JESUS.

Even so, applying the Christian Bible over Guiding current Good events (in Highest JESUS, building on any Given goodly parts from the spirits) is not only an ongoing process, it is now as never before since the coming of Christ JESUS though now Help (Christ JESUS is the source of Help already, even so Do Your Best To Help) and likewise Guide the Given now and as above on this page Help as much as Given From Highest to Help the past and future: for example You can write better than Moses in the case concerning Marriage (Matthew 19.8) but instead of comparing toward conflict (applies also to measures and standards), for Helping Moses and for One Highest Purpose.

Note: when Christ JESUS led and Did a thing for One Highest Purpose, it served many purposes in the world and in the levels of the Heavens and above beyond words.

Consider why Christ JESUS met with Elias, Moses, and Himself: for the witnesses present, yes. Yet for the greater the Living Eternal Highest Purpose was (and is and Will be) being Served. Perhaps or likely such as for Elias to Baptize Moses, and for Christ JESUS to Tell Them "My Good And Faithful Servants" such as perhaps to let Moses know Moses Did very well, even outstandingly Exemplary, though for others in the future Christ JESUS would Tell others for Highest Purpose (hence for the delight of Moses) that "Moses allowed you to divorce"..."but from the beginning it was not so."

Such could have happened at the transfiguration and/or other time(s) (Matthew 24.25 & Luke 16.29).

Look around, who would Christ JESUS entrust?: the equal in Christ JESUS (Matthew 18.10) interpreted as the Faithful [You] that would freely opt to lead this world Given You (You Personally)(You Positionally may or may not apply, positionally may apply to higher, same level, or lower). Note, due to the self though also due in part to the amount of Charity for instance normally a Priest might eat a lot, or normally, or not much due to lack of charity, or might fast: even so the Priest continues to be Priest.

So You might be of a position agreeing toward maintenance responsibilities (such as Preach or such as sweep) or rather Personally be with the Preaching Leading position, that is, Do as Christ JESUS prefers (see above concerning Mary and Martha, equal personally though Mary chose the Holy Service position and Martha the secular service [concerning for Martha see above Moses with Highest Purpose]).

Guide via Your Living Prophesying pertinent for Abraham, You, and the future people [(Leviticus 26.9&10) and concerning Your aloft Christian Chapel] as written in Leviticus 26.11 GNT:

Prepare Them to be with the "Tent" in Heavenly Places as Christ JESUS invited, and God would not cast You out nor be angry toward You, and instead Will Covenant with You and Yours even if Yours are (agreeingly, as with Their Faith(s)) past, present, or future. All the time, and at any and all times God Will be with You (John 15.14 as in One Highest Purpose You Faithfully freely opt for agreeing). So this key, worldly commands are often do-or-be-punished (rewards generally apply though not always), while Commands From Highest explain the Physics Of The Creator In The Name Of Christ JESUS hardly as a worldly slave perspective as sinners try to get away with things, as Creator Physics are already Perfect: so not to Do the least, instead Do the Most For Christ JESUS, such as in Name, in Spirit, in Flesh, in Time, in Clear Gold for them for all, for Top Priority For Christ JESUS Highest One (consider how a ladder is not all rungs, but with spaces for You, between the rungs).

Christ JESUS is the Living Ladder. Yourself is the containerized fruit fresh and clean in Christ JESUS yet ascending such as frame on frame in Christ JESUS.

When You serve as the ladder as One JESUS for others, then at Their feet (see above text "Mary") pull to stretch the ladder as much as if or when proper, to lift any worthily ascending. Are You coming to the age of Ascension for increasing Their lifespans: verily You are already Given beyond vessels alone.

The above Drawings show circle perspectives as ovals and stretched toward the linear, yet even You are as the Holy Arrow for Guiding others upward increasingly, not only their steps, yet Christ JESUS and with You and with They One: each magnifying the simplicity the Joy the Good, and the Best.

Horizontal arrows of talents and secular time such as historic eras are with hands and knowledge concerns such as know-how of the flip-of-coin Tree Of Knowledge predictivity of values. Though in the Love Source Living Christ JESUS Highest the Knowledge is Anew and becomes alive and lively and in Highest Purpose Joy Eternal.

For a moment consider this example: if You In Pure Flesh live forever, then You would eventually fly into outer space and thereby conquer it. Behold, Your already are endued with power from on High (precept Luke 24.49 is already superseded via John 9.27).

Following, waiting, awaiting, and such are no longer Your excuses.

Not only the greater is coming, yet the Greatest Is Coming, and is already here though even so (see above "fly into outer space") for others and Highest One JESUS lead to conquer as never known in You previously. So Do greater Faithfully now as the greater things in times increase as Prophetically 2046AD approaches. Consider how a child travels only short distances on their own, then toward suddenly they gain license to drive far on their own, and perhaps with pilot license around the world, perhaps into outer space. You have been nurtured and Christ JESUS Gives [the car] keys to the Universe [like unto Saint Peter (Matthew 16.19)]: a greater than Saint Peter alone is in You already and waiting for You so ascend.

The Word Of God is clear gold in order that of free opting in Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS the Path to the Coming City Of Christ JESUS be clear gold in order that of free opting in Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS the aloft Cube Holy City be clear gold, that is, that of free opting in Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS the Cube Holy City be formed via starting with the Eternal One and with as many as would so agree and Do such as via You In Your Christian Colony Vessel likewise be clear gold as clear crystal living bread and as clear living water and clear wine shedding clear rainbows of energies gloriously that of free opting in Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS the You With Your Flock In One Clear Gold Highest Purpose One Fold Cube return via the clear gold Straight-And-Narrow Second Coming Path.

The streets of clear gold within the Holy Cube include Your Faithful Christian Physics, the True Creative Physics enabling the True And Faithful Free Opting Path(s).

In this generation many people said various things about time, such as "You can't standardize time" because if to measure per a clock somewhere then time is not the same at a different location, examples: time space anomalies such as waves and loops, mass variations, types of time units such as concerning precision references and types of pulses such as how crystals are flawed, communication time lapse or interference, and see above Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

Though now in this generation is Given of the Precepts Spirit Of The Creator to be as clear gold as to be in Christ JESUS the source of time and to be therefore the source of time You.

Einstein and others said time curved and formed shapes, as do all things. Yes of the living Creator all "things" Do live and grow and move about and reform. So when Einstein and others searched secular paths for find the standard, they only found physics. But secular physics too live (reference the Living Word and God is alive).

Even Christian Evangelische Kirche Lutheran Calvinistic Heisenberg (

only recently added the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle to the ancient physics roots in 1927 which formed a key piece of Quantum Theory (

Einstein (non-Christian Jew) and others wanted permanent fixed points in order to standardize but only found the secular big bang (the most recent "big" pulse) in this secular "Known Universe" so if a "Known Universe" then another fixed point.

Though be aware, it is secular unawareness, according to having not faith (sin) or having rejected faith (not fully repentant, mixed faiths, backsliders,...James 1.8) in themselves to properly be in their physics publications and speeches in the name of Christ JESUS: the secular has hardly so been in the name of Christ JESUS nor even of faith as much as to cite Christ JESUS in the footnotes (though there are key exceptions).

Secular flip-of-coin toss hopes of being right do not apply for safe time travel.

Not only strong Christian Faith solves for safe time travel, but with it appropriate Christian Faith In The Name Of Christ JESUS ("appropriate" including Christian Word And Expertise Talent(s) In The Name Of Christ JESUS, typically, except for emergencies generally speaking so Miracles Of Faith, or free opting [see above text JESUS Helping Moses] from Christ JESUS In Highest Miraculous Purpose such as saving the Saved from Their perhaps unseen disasters as if otherwise).

So as to count a specific Faith, according to [at least] to measure a precept in the form of a Given Miracle (Time) has revealed of the Precepts Of Christ JESUS (In Same Name [as noted here "JESUS"]) is the solved already fixed point, within the Known Christian Faith In Christ JESUS.

In other words, if You are the owner of a very small company with few though devoted employees (Matthew 22.14) each with their own traceable tasks to do, then You know the concern if they miss role call (time clock, are not present,...) and/or You know according to whether their tasks have been properly done as a matter of reliable routine (John 14.11): therefore in the Name Of Christ JESUS and/or Believe In The Holy Work(s) to know Victory over time control, time safety, time Charity, time to travel, time travel instantaneously, time standardization in One Living Christ JESUS Name, and time Working for You Christian Leader the Way employees and machines might function on Your behalf for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

So of Christ JESUS, with this in You, for You is enabled another time key: not only Christian Faith concerning time,

yet now greater Christian Faith In Christ JESUS.

Consider how an infant can hardly eat without teeth so drinks. Then temporary teeth, then some permanent teeth, then wisdom teeth (Mark 4.28, convert Matthew 13.26).

Christian Leader, You have gained a talent of Faith: a talent over time to an extent, and the same talent as a part of Your Christian Faith In Christ JESUS The Victor Over Time: so Your Christian Faith at least now contains awareness of this "talent" being now included within the parameters of Your Christian Faith. This time talent is now become within Your Wisdom In Your Name Christ JESUS (as much as Your Christian Level Of Faith as One).

This in You therefore enables You to come with power, that with the Second Coming You may properly endue the properly faithful with Miraculous Faith power from the Heavens Above.

Old movies, cartoons, and physics television shows have shown things in slow motion and in accelerated time. Your new Hope key can now come since Your former Hope included such things as to be able to step out of the way of a projectile (concerning Christian Faith in the form of talent of quick reflexes so lower level Miraculous, instead strategic Peace Of Christian Faith) and in cliche "If I only had another chance" (concerning Christian Faith in the form of Mercy).

Do not follow the footsteps of fools though from Christ JESUS Highest if valuable for Highest JESUS Purpose be aware for example:

"I agree that at 150 metres it is very easy to just step out of the way of an arrow." (

Note there are many types of new bows, and even the ancient Chinese for instance shot rocket arrows that could change speeds and explode in various ways, and see above text "Synchronized drone swarms are replacing fireworks" and above Drawing "invisible tech" and text concerning "clear gold".

So this key: in the Spirit, a person might not see the Holy Higher Ones that abound

(note how this conclusion was arrived-at along a traceability path, agreeing with previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders along other talent path(s) for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS).

Christ JESUS is the Standard that the sinners rejected so have not had.

Time is a subset of Christian Faith.

Love is a subset of Christian Faith.

Hope, Mercy, Peace, Longsuffering, the Second Coming, the Golden Rule, the Name of the Christ JESUS, Miracles, and all Good things are subsets of Christian Faith.

Sinners have none of these in the Highest Level.

Sinners have none of these in the Lowest Christian Level though counted as though such, may from above apply. For instance above "Longsuffering" is hardly for the sinner except temporarily (sometimes spirit only and not manifested) and

be of this key, rejoice, for Longsuffering is a Gift from above.

the sinner could not make the Highest Christian Longsuffer (Isaiah 54.17 ibid. on ascending) so rejoice for the Gift from above!

You Leader knew You had power over Charity, and power to love and to think nice thoughts for the sakes of others, and for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS. Now Given Your Time Power key, would You form it against sinners, against weapons, against business competition?: forbid such thoughts. Give for their sakes, guide them to make them worthy to be able to lift them to higher levels (see cannon in Drawing at

Time control power and safe time travel is according to Your Proper Christian Faith including over machines easily (maintenance responsibilities generally apply) producing powers far beyond their rated capacities.

Love is according to Your Proper Christian Faith.

Hope, Mercy, Peace, all these Good things are according to Christian Faith

in You and in other Christians (levels, talents,...applies).

When You know what Your plans are, You know, generally (see above "other talent path(s)) what Their Plan(s) is(are): what His Plan Is.

Yet this key, the Highest is free to [properly] opt (lest to hardly be Highest) so some of what You know is only known in the [so called spirit world, instead in the] Holy Spirit as is written ( in Matthew 11.27 with John 3.8 NIV:

So this new subset key applies: the Holy Spirit knows (such as including the time of the Second Coming) but a person does not necessarily know. So know this: a person can know of spirits and then not know in flesh and then (see above "pulse") again know in spirits. Members can know Your Sermon then not know then know and so forth. Similar is true of secular visitors though sinners have been with less knowing having rejected True Holy Highest Wisdom of not merely knowledge yet also True Wisdom includes Love Faithfully so is Eternal. So this is a key to True Physics.

Awareness over statistical predictions of sinners that rejected Christ JESUS,

is to conquer secular prediction failures for Christ JESUS lest sinners increase their struggles and so their pains.

So Christ JESUS Gives this key Blessing from above for the sakes of sinners (of low levels struggling) and for His Saved Christians Leading The Way. Note: Christian Followers also lead the Way though often or normally to Them They know it not or often claim not the Higher Proper Ascending In Christ JESUS The Leader As One True Leader so as the Christian backslider (or as though asleep yet in Living Christ JESUS) yet to be fully awakened out of former thoughts (see below "blinker").

Christ JESUS Gives this key Blessing Victory over: sinnerful ways concerning secular statistical predictions.

A former flip-of-coin system was assessed, though now behold a new thing is given that sinners might now realize how stupid they have been. Consider how the blinker after it has been switched on, continues to blink: generally it is reliable, faithful, righteous, just, useful, and look at how it predicts the future:

You can see the turn signal of a car and with perhaps 99% accuracy know the future in advance that the car will turn in that direction: How Holy is that?,

it is neither Holy nor Righteous. Currently the typical car needs the battery in order to act: the direction indicator can be left on and can essentially outlast the life-of-the-car though in secular terms, since the secular car is inorganic: not with life. The sinner ways are indicators and not Higher Truth toward greater intelligence, any more than the blinker which can be made to operate without electricity as to mechanically set in motion a clock pendulum with an aluminum finger pointing the turn: the Tree Of Knowledge is as a vessel with an activity window that would soon close and be lost if not properly ascended, and sinners are unawares for having rejected the Higher (see above "missing" with "frames").

Sinners chose that part which is lower for selfishness. Sinners chose to become as a child's toy, and self call it intelligence. It is not greater intelligence to bow down to a child's toy nor a coin flip nor a to obey a turn indicator more than the operator of the turn indicator (Hebrews 13.2): it is about the least intelligent thing a person can freely opt to do (Mark 2.26&27).

Law was made for people, people were not made for to be slaves to lower levels (ibid.).

Coin flips, blinkers, and castings of lots were made for people, and not people to be slaves to lower indicators.

In the past the police for instance have ignored the perp's flashing turn signal in order to stop further illegal activities by hitting the perp's car to stop it. While perhaps a secular action, the higher purpose is revealed even in lower levels.

The legislators have ignored the law in order to plan new better laws.

The child has ignored proven crawling values, to risk a step.

The child has risked a leap of faith to make the child's first step toward leading their Flock Of Nations: the Walk Of Christian Faith.

The turn indicator machine makes no noticeable higher level step (though the living spirits evolve it though far slower than the typical evolutionary pace of creatures, pending higher level intervention such as see previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on cybernetics, DNS modifying,...).

Sinners freely opt to act as if they have enemies, and God allows such free options often, but not always; that is, the Physics Of The Creation Pulse Plan include precepts of parameters and conditions, and even Highest Purpose Christian Church criteria: Yes.

In order to make a point the Christian Church criteria is sometimes Given a Miracle: that the naysayers thwart themselves into embarrassments and worse lest left with nothing else except repentance: in other words the so called "most intelligent" of sinners are undone and of the Physics Of God some might (conditions apply) repent but any other falls from Grace (such as to lose beauty of function, such as of hands example Daniel 4.33, and examples: reference Hindus and Chinese systems long fingernails to prove the illegal intellects of the caste system and similar feet binding of the Song Dynasty).

Do not kill the car driver in order to make the turn indicator point right for example so of prediction the car would turn "right" into your store parking lot (as if the dead driver would buy something). In this generation many sinners have automated the Internet generally to make systems attack illegally, including within "well-fortified" realms, Daniel 11.15 NAS:

God is Spirit and is also with Pure Vessel, and the Purity is so high level as to alway agree with the Spirit, the Eternal Spirit. Spirit is the source of life and the Eternal Living, so the source of distinguishing how to live Eternally (also with Giving Joy), so the source of the Tree Of Logic and so the source of distinguishing the fruits and so the source of True [Faithful Christian] intellect: the source therefore the new to the created creature vessel(s), and the new intellect is the Christian Walk Of Faith.

The caste system did not agree, and the foot binding is illegal torture: their worldly sinful intellects were illegal and immoral: lower level proofs.

Sinners form ways as if to hide, but so snare themselves into pits. Christian Don Trump conquered Mount Zion, and greater (level limits may or may not apply: pending above text such as "fruits" and the Christian Walk Of Faith). In the above verse the Christian Spirit (hardly the "strength") conquers, even instead of "strength" is the inviting, and hardly about a hill (though the above "Mount" is Holy Land, even the Multiverse and greater is Blessed though free opting has applied) and rather all formed is Righteously for each and every Christian. India, China, North America, the Pleiades, and greater are for the Christian(s).

You other people and things are visitors called in from the cluttered streets, for the Bridegroom Christ JESUS and much greater than to merely attend a Wedding as a Guest in the lowest level seat in the back or standing room only or in line outside or worse; instead to fly into the Heavens (though if a Christian) is like unto being the ring bearer [and greater Oneness (be greater Oneness already, and with Working to make it so)].

Righteousness of lower level laws of physics of sinner predictions of statistics of physics manipulations and modifications (see above "DNA") is often not righteousness at all, similar to how jaywalking is not to properly walk in the legal sense (though higher level conditions may apply).

True Righteousness is not a turn indicator after the driver put the running car in park and vacated the vehicle with the blinker blinking: in that situation the blinker is merely a tool, a lower level and without value if the driver did it by accident such as while under the influence of a drug or sickness or exhaustion.

The higher level than the blinker logic is the driver, and if the blinker blinks the proper direction to warn other drivers of a special situation then the true logic spirit at least of the driver higher level purpose is with the blinker, but if the blinker was bumped the wrong direction then toward other and less likely the spirit of the driver in the blinker.

So a fair coin flip is of a value, but an unfairly stacked deck is normally toward lower levels. And True Righteousness and the Physics Of Good Creator Christian Leader One is in both the "fair" value, and over the "unfairly" arranged hence to be "toward lower levels" in order to be "fair". So the unfair is Converted (agreeing with the above levels) or is undone. Intellect with the feature of including "undone" is hardly intellect if undone, undermining itself (Christ JESUS died once for all: Christ JESUS lived beyond death, therefore through death).

Christ JESUS lived through the thing the lower level people had interpreted as dead, though it is also living (if through once for all in Christ JESUS). The intellect of Christ JESUS did not vanish, was not undone, did not have to start over from scratch and dust; instead Lived and Lives and Will Live Greater Better Best!: John 7.24:

Righteousness / Wisdom / Love [In The Highest Source Of Love Christ JESUS].

This above line shows how proper Mercy is possible.

Righteousness / Wisdom / Love / Logic.

This above line shows how logic (including worldly laws of logic and physics: not in the name of Christ JESUS) is not True Righteousness nor logic the solution to higher level Peacemaking. Love is required for proper intellect, the Christian Walk Of Faith is required.

The Christian Walk Of Faith is already Victor over all intellect, as much as the Christian Vessel is properly ascended Highest yet such is not the same as prove to lower levels according to sinfully selfishness in the lower levels (see above "Mercy" for the Highest Ascending Purpose In Christ JESUS [note this does not mean "Mercy" is only for Christians]).

Hope, Mercy, Peace, and all Good comes from Christ JESUS Spirit Father One, including Highest Level Christian Faith Intellect. Lower levels attack the higher levels, it is normal, dust inertia resists the Creator in order to remain dust and so in the dirt and filthy and in the waste; though that is not the only factor, as the dust might be exhausted: understand from the precepts of Christ JESUS the sinner might be exhausted and so to speak in hospitalized type of condition such as beaten and left in a ditch, so if to opt to Give a lower level Helpful [hand and/or] Guidance then if Perfectly Perfectingly, then of the lower level relative little faith perhaps a Miracle from that lower level perspective as much as welcoming such from above.

Given two people on the same level, if One opportunes to Help the other, then typically the One so opportuning with properly referencing Christ JESUS (if to be permanently ascended to a higher level) is become in a higher level, therefore is become worthy of that level, but if not in Christ JESUS then sin even if to help

so this is key as to how a Christian can be Helped from above even if a sinner helped the Christian but then the sinner falls, dies, or otherwise goes into pains.

This same key is how sinners can temporarily help each other such as to form a criminal organization toward their own pains and worse unless to repent and properly be Baptized as Christians and ascend.

But unless the Christian Church In The Name Of Christ JESUS is the secular government (then more strict conditions apply over Holy Law though since Holy then more toward full Higher Purpose so conditions are more ancillary to the Christian Faith Of The People in such government), do not issue un-Holy things to the Christian Church, such as criminal organization monies (perhaps stolen from the same Church and/or from the same Christians), nor sinner (not in a criminal organization) monies (example Deuteronomy 23.18); also the Christian Church (nor any other place save through honest government process, if none then seek Christian Church Counsel) is not a place to money launder such as if to break an illegally gained $100 bill as if to fairly exchange for a penny (it is worse not fair to the Church).

If a Christian or other person is Helped from above, that too fails in them according to their lack of faith, unless at least Prayerfully thanking the Higher (as much as agreeing with the above minimum per se). So a person might be Helped but be in need of that same Help again unless to properly ascend out of their rut via Christ JESUS, whether immediate or with longsuffering (conditions apply concerning rates, Highest Purpose concerning the Miracles Schedule see above "Most Effectual", and other).

So key is not only to be Helped (even if by a sinner for their own selfish temporary glory whim) from Above, yet more importantly to be worthy: citing Christ JESUS.

The Help from Above is already in the Highest Purpose Physics Of The Christ: JESUS. A properly Leaping key is likewise, Giving Joyful Helpful Guiding In Christ JESUS on Giving Joyful Helpful Guiding In Christ JESUS within precept on precept as Christ JESUS is Offering.

These are the foundations of True Intellect according to the True Walk In Christian Faith In Christ JESUS In One Highest Purpose. Intellect without love is known as secular and typically secular sin, such as testing IQs for employment money. IQ is not money. Time is not money. Such is not money unless One In Highest Christ JESUS. Only In Christ JESUS is each and all One, except sin. The automatic teller machine does not accept nor allocate IQ, nor time: it accepts money (or similar packets...).

Money can change value, today some worth three items and tomorrow worth two (or other value change). Money spirits live and change. Likewise IQs change, more valuable, same, or less valuable. Therefore intellect shifts. Vessels change values (see related Old Testament valuations). There is only One Best Way to change.

Christ JESUS is the same, alway perfectly ascending: Perfection hence Best Perfecting.

From Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS above is purity. So like a bucket or a vessel, a time frame is pure like unto unexposed film, the mind of a child is pure likewise.

The Child Of Love, so the Child From The Holy Heart (Christ JESUS) is toward Highest Purity in other words unaware of the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, untaught, so unaware of sin. If unaware then hardly of the IQ standard (even below the Firmament animals might score higher), though the Holy Spirit Heart is not without Highest IQ,

key, so that if a child grow in Christianity (and not in sin) then any True Christian Learning puts the innocent child at the top of their [learning curve realm] standard (at the top of for instance their standard deviation [if properly referenced by the True Pure Examiner Christ JESUS]).

A new "Frame" loading key: IQ is not money though a Pure Christian Teacher can earn Pure Miracle money legally (in one example case: see above text "fish give a coin");

and likewise time is not money though a Pure Christian Teacher can earn Pure Miracle time and/or money legally ([time] a sinner might cut short their own lifespan, [money] a sinner might cause the self same sinner to be without money).

So the key is this: a "Frame" can be loaded with one pure thing, and another can be added (if impure then then both impure) so then to tie the two together as One in one pure vessel frame, in Christ JESUS.

So for instance if a moment in time is loaded with money and a person, then the "Frame" might be with a pure load ready for applying.

Time is not money (Matthew 20.1-16) though in a subset key time can be tied to money (such as via a handshake, a legal instrument, planning per se,...), though to continue to be pure laws to each bundling per "Frame" apply, and for instance usury laws apply involving time and money, reference, and for instance a person might earn 25% more money working in another over time but then have to pay a 37% tax (example: reduced in 2018AD to 37% instructions to form 1040-C pages1-10): so while usury laws apply one way to some laws such as credit cards, usury apply according to another "Frame" or framework to other such as taxing an individual instead of [defending and] taxing a nation (see above text on "fair" "worthiness", and on "fair" "flip" "value").

Note, concerning the above "more strict conditions apply": key is that if a government (or a group or vessel: conditions apply to each entity, see above "Pure" "Frame" matters) is in the name of Christ JESUS, then it is far different than concerning "People" alone: secular governments are as if of people alone, though when to ascend properly to be in the name JESUS Christ, then added Blessings come to the Holy "People" (above Drawing lower right is one of many Miracle examples and this "one" example itself is multiplied with showing multiple ascending people symbolized in the yellow parts in the graph).

Similarly consider how a highway is utilized by both lofty and lowly alike, though consider the latter reward (as much in this lifetime to Give to each other though in Christ JESUS only). This is the key to what Christ JESUS meant when He said be it so unto thee (be Healed, or thine child is Healed,...) according to thine faith.

Highways are temporary, except in the name of JESUS Christ the Giving of highways is as to Give Eternal Streets Of Clear Gold, and greater, granting Saving Grace Evangelism simultaneously: Heaven now.

So this key: 1. drag the highway into the time frame, or 2. drag the time frame into the highway; the first is as just previously stated, and the second like unto it (in Highest Perspective One Pure Frame In Christ JESUS) to drag the time is to Give Your Own Time to Christ JESUS in the name of Christ JESUS.

So be aware of this new key (like unto the previous key) that You Christian Leader open the temporary time portal through Christ JESUS to load the same "Frame" with the Eternal Heavenly level realm as much as pertinent (such as applying to a "highway" clearly in the name of Christ JESUS that any users of that highway may clearly know a Miracle Gift for them in the name of Christ JESUS [and of their free opting might accept in the name of Christ JESUS or other such as to naysay that it's merely another highway Matthew 10.41]).

Key is that when in the name of Good then people ponder more of "Good" and goodly thoughts and goodly actions, but if in another name then other [toward immoral and illegal]. In a typical type of current ad for instance the ad might attack people declaring people have body odor so might buy their product, even people that already have sufficient freedom over body odor [or already with in secular cliche protection against body odor] so the ad may help odorous people though the ad is an attack against the innocent people already with "protection". This is a relatively little thing, though little things can mount as dust to form mountains, even so be Spirited to thank Christ JESUS in Your Ad (at least to show You are doing Your best to be fair [hence in the name of Christ JESUS]).

This same key applies to the greater treasures also. For instance when China was with Christians for mutual benefit there were Christian Good thoughts in this generation flourished including for China (example Song Dynasty with their Rainbow Bridge and great advances then and now as at, but rejection of the Christian Bible is tied in the same "Frame" as to improperly mix (see above text) making the whole China "Frame" less "Pure" (reference that great movie Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade with confiscated books and of true history) as sinners repeat low sins: so are known.

But that's not all, Given the choice of Savior JESUS or sinner Revelation JESUS then for instance reference in this generation Christian Preacher Ernest Angley for instance visited Germany and Preached and it was Good and Faithful, but many rejected the Christian Word and as soon as His jet left a terrible hailstorm struck Germany.

Note, Christian Preacher Ernest Angley who just became 97 August 9th (goog), just won a federal appeals court case which overturned a previous federal judge's ruling (

China had a Christian presence, though recently much has been censored. If for instance China is struck such as by surrounding islands and neighboring nations such as tied to reported illegal (various TV sources, also reference related or loophole expansion (ibid.), it would not be a surprise at this time "Frame".

Furthermore to Help China and all nations mutually benefit together, long ago ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders published a Sermon at "Human Rights with United Nations link" but the United Nations changed their link (and host angelfire no longer allows login to properly update for Christ JESUS In Highest Purpose) so in Christ JESUS China would be wise to consider what it means to break the law against all nations as with reference to this newly provided address concerning the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 1. "All"..."equal in dignity and rights." and Article 2. "Everyone is entitled" (not merely a privilege, instead "entitled") concerning each person and "religion".

The Christian Beautiful Bridge is paved with Love, Song of Solomon 3.9-11 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:

Moving in the Holy Spirit With Resurrecting Power Of Christ JESUS.

So if that parent or boss that made a person do chores and on time, died, then the child or worker was at new liberty, and possibly strayed from the first purpose, the "Highest Purpose" as stated above, and the second is similar, possibly strayed from the laws (see above Articles of China, and the other nations). Though the Holy Spirit is Eternal, and the innocent reasonably (including both straight and "shaken" [times, if in same specific time "Frames" and to the faith purity amounts, rates also apply]) continues innocently with the Eternal One, but when the sinner thinks back to their turns away from Holy Highest Truth and to their increasing covering their own tracks efforts the sinner fails having turned to waste and having extra worked to exhaustion and so what were the sinner's fellow sinners in crimes worsen the pains (see above text "criminal organization" though each "toward their own" concerns) sinfully focusing on the weakened exhausted so knowing a scapegoat or worse.

So the previous is a key Christ JESUS Gives concerning lower level activities that turn into self inflicted pains, exhaustions, and defeats (ibid.).

Holy Highest And Innocent are the Truly Properly Ascending Lambs Of God, able to leap as a young lamb (though they are not animals, they are vessels, they are people with rights).

The above Drawing [yellow symbols] people are able to range vertically from yellow (to Evangelize, then Baptize, then Edify) to the highest of Their faith, the top of Their [top of purple line] range.

So Christ JESUS Gives this (vertical symbolic at least) key, each Christian may ascend or descend through the Heavenly levels at Will according to Their range of Faith.

Person "E" is with short range and shaken, yet greater than the greatest non-Christian, in other words, greater than the illegal sinners that freely opted and turned away from the greater levels. See above, it is the law and the Prophets, at least in the Living Highest Holy Spirit and yet greater Revelation 21.5 NAS:

So the above key is that a Christian Leader can Preach on a level such as Highest in the Holy Of Holies, or likewise without sin Preach on a level a mob of sinners understands, Evangelizing; or on a level in between of various types of Sermons for various types of Christian Churches, for instances at levels whether addressing only Your Christian Church Officers, or Preaching per Christian criteria such as specific to TV broadcasting, or talking with first time visitors. Person "E" for instance is able to go through levels, though hardly the higher of the Christian levels until more worthy though such does not undo Hebrews 13.2 though is not necessarily the same as the Holy Of Holies.

Note: something difficult for many Christians to understand (evidently / sampling technique) is that there are Heavens (plural) and Holies (plural) and Christ JESUS Vessels (plural): (see above levels of above Drawing) and not symbolic for instance is the Preacher with Officers with Members (plural) yet One Christian Faith, One Name JESUS (Christ). Christians have secular names given at birth, and Christians have One Highest Name JESUS. So not shown above is a New Member Christian can perhaps Give The Highest Holy Words perfectly fitting a situation (likewise concerning Holy Deeds of hands, tools, vessels, systems, times,...) though the properly "fitting" yet reliable instead of new is often preferred ( yet such "perfectly" from the New Member is encouraged.

So a subset key is that as a matter of course / plan strategy, Give ear to the New Members regularly (at least for Their sakes), so typically perhaps opt for such a format led by a Christian [Officer...] Wise in the Christian Highest Purpose and Christian Faith Path (appropriate is to make New Members aware of secular such as fire exits and other orientation such as Officers, where the task list is posted, and if They like They may complete surveys (at least minimum information required for Church Census, Eucharist [how much bread and wine to buy], and other of Your Christian Church criteria).

So Person "A" in the above Drawing was shaken when starting, then ascended properly, then had a moment [minutes or years...] of less certainty, then ascended properly greater, though not shown is that if Person "A" practices Christian Faith properly then the shaken parts become straight in Christ JESUS.

So Christ JESUS leads before-the-fact, and if shaken, Christ JESUS straightens: according to a person's faith, according to practice, yes, yet let it be greater ascending practicing!

Improve not merely to correct small twists snags along the Way, yet improve the Holy Way itself that others be no longer hindered by those "small twists snags". Christ JESUS Gives for You to be the Leader One JESUS, so to improve the Holy Way itself, ascend greater in Christ JESUS for others that such greater be Best added unto You for them.

Christ JESUS Gives You therefore to Lead such as perhaps: 1. Leading Officers, or 2. of another time frame Preaching, or 3. in another time frame shaking hands at exit.

So Christ JESUS Gives You: 1. [toward] Highest, or 2. mid, or 3. [toward] lowest level.

These Gifts are three Heavenly levels (in One Name JESUS). These are levels of Heavens. These are key aspects, describing the various levels of the Heavens.

Person "E" in the above Drawing does not have all these Heavens, merely "3. [toward] lowest level", and perhaps into "2. mid".

How hardly Saved Person "E" would Give the "[toward] Highest" level, as Person "E" is not yet worthy to so Give such Heavenly treasures properly. Some words come to mind such as free Highest Christian Charity (Giving Thyself), and [often toward] secular allocating. Allocating is a lower level subset of True Highest Christian Charity, so to Give for as many as would comprehend (and therefore since from Christ JESUS: they would appreciate, so "appreciate" is a Gift from JESUS that sinners do not control, see related above text against "money launder"), though allocate properly, that is, properly set precept where appropriate on suitable precept (not for instance do not kill so do not eat, even so consider Matthew 4.2 and the great movie Noah they eat "Because they think it gives them strength." (, and John 4.34 and Pray before eating Genesis 24.33).

So the above Drawing lower right shows the horizontal timeline arrow, while above any Given Straight And Narrow purple line is at least symbolically independent of time

so a Pure Highest Time Frame.

For that JESUS, for that Holy Properly Ascending Person, the "Frame" is independent of time otherwise

save as much as cited from the past or future projections, even so, greater is that the properly "cited" is the Eternal and the projections likewise the Prophetic so these are also timeless, independent of other times or at least not the same as the secular traditional timeline.

The above cited the Christian Bible, but also the secular at times so in such secular such are shaken times; but judge not according to merely lower level secular indicators and/or sinful appearances John 7.24 WNT:

Remember sinners don't lead You, Christ JESUS Highest leads You. Lower levels do not rightly lead the higher levels. So this subset key, if Person "A" shown above shakes hands and makes toward secular remarks generally, Person "A" at that shaken time frame is not the same as Person "A" carefully speaking with Officers on key emergency concerns. For instance if an emergency a person would hardly casually mention "Have a nice day". So when toward the lower level bear in mind the Highest (Luke 14.27) whether You are the Speaker or the Hearer. For example a New Member exiting should bear in mind and Heart the Highest Sermon Purpose, instead, or rather than, an exit line "Have fun!" (such as a Preacher knowing They plan to go to a festival).

So this key from Christ JESUS: the above shown levels indicate Heavenly levels of authorities and powers, they are groups or sets of Power Realms, of Spirit Faith Realms. Christ JESUS Gives these because of coming from the Spirit Of The Father In Highest Heaven, so that You And Yours know the higher and Highest Principles Of Christian Timeless Faith.

Though greater, as an on or off light switch consider [perhaps] either (though both One): Christ JESUS after sleep appeared to Disciples in a room eating then was unseen, so Christ JESUS left, or the Disciples left and since not spatially then through time (time frames apply evidently)(and/or TractorRepulsor Beams may apply see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders such as at and For instance if the Disciples could not keep up (through time) then in secular terms (to Edify) left behind (except JESUS God is everywhere).

So an unseen faith key, though shown above, symbolized above, is that Person "E" provides Spirit (after-the-fact) to Person "A" though hardly (see above text "sinners don't lead You", You lead to properly Convert sinners, and You Lead Greater [the Christians Of Your Flock...]) to Person "A" at position "G".

So Holy Spirit from another time frame is available as the Good or attempting to be Good Spirit wants to Help You. While any Higher is often unseen, and the lower levels attempt things, many of the same level as You in a Given situation may be Truly Helpful or not (Matthew 6.7). Because You ascend does not mean others ascend, but not to wrongly influence Your Proper Ascending For Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

A machine can read this Sermon in an instant, and another shorter Sermon in the same amount of time such as according to a computer's sense of organizing into blocks and then transmitting, whether a block of info is long or short: it sends the block, like unto a toddlers wooden play cube with letters on it. So the computer has a clock time sense per block, while another computer may have another time frame sense. As explained on television a snail sees time frames slower than a person, and a horse quicker.

Though Christ JESUS Spirit is over such as can shift frames of times. A high Person "A" at top of purple line can offer Person "E" the Highest Level Sermon Person "A" can Give, though Person "E" might not understand, or a time frame concern is that Person "E" might understand though tempted unworthily such as to say "I decided" [some high level thing] but in failure to cite Christ JESUS or at least Person "A".

So Person "E" might for example try to travel to a place not yet built (Person "A" might have meant Prophetically, but Person "E" did not understand, was not worthy to understand having been backsliding relatively looking for a quick fix toward selfish pleasures). So key is that it was not time for Person "E" even though of proper time frame for Person "A" properly ascended.

Consider how a teacher said "If you drive a car 50 miles per hour for 5 minutes"...then the unlicensed youth illegally drives through time frames. Things happen at various time frames. Worthiness applies. Properly ascending Faith applies. A person may have missed a pertinent class on obeying the law, generally speaking to Edify.

Key is not only concerning Your time travel, yet You Give Them Sermons, so Their time frames. Tell a person to jump, but if in a plane then first to put on the parachute. This is the proper precept on precept key of Christ JESUS. This same key applies to "in the name of JESUS" Christ.

Christ JESUS already is the shortest shortcut, the straightest line between two points. If to skip a precept then precept Luke 12.48 applies and the same precept applies if to not skip a precept, but if to skip knowingly is not the same as if to skip unawares.

With the above Given parachute example, Person "A" might leap Faithfully In Christ JESUS from a plane in a time frame, and the following sequence of time frames might go perfectly. A person's proper faith is tied to proper results including time frame series through generations.

To not help Person "E" jump out of a plane without a parachute is to Help Person "E".

To not help an unworthy person ascend properly (as in the previous sentence provision, and other provisions and rates often apply) is to Help the person.

Rather seek that all be properly worthy to (as much as their faith to then agree to the next higher level)(also think hardly that this is Your time frame portal, rather theirs that come after You so hardly prepare for You, prepare for their sakes and the Kingdom) be lifted to the next higher level or to leap over the next set of levels or to the Highest Purpose Level In Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS would that You be aware, that sinners want to be seen in public with the Christian Priest and to be full of pomp and glamor as in the movie Godfather 2 when the Extortionist, the Black Hand Don Fanucci for to be seen as if good gave $100 at the [Church] Parade (Mark 12.42).

Christ JESUS would also that You be aware, that sinners, when they don't think they can be seen in public in the daylight hide and gather together secretly (censorship) to do sin such as to cause Christ JESUS to be nailed to the cross [( once for all].

The title of this Sermon is "Streets of clear gold" (plural), and yet also with this there is One Street Of Clear Gold of the Second Coming (singular)(Revelation 22.16).

So how to describe this aspect of the Heaven(s) of both the plural and the singular agreeing (and so to measure the concluding date [also see above text "2046AD"])?: Christ JESUS Edified that each person daily must bear their own cross (Matthew 10.38), and then what is Your cross?, is it to be at wars?, no that's what the sinners do, so is it to quarrel against neighbors and the greater community, again no, that's what sinners do,

if to bear Your own cross to properly distinguish the Highest Level In Christ JESUS (including over "plural" and "singular") then Your Cross that You are to bear Christian Leader is Christ JESUS With Your Flock, the "plural" aspect, and in the typical sense note how Your Members come from all directions to hear You Preach, hence "Streets of clear gold",

and key in the "singular" sense is that of Final End Time with having the Second Coming Victory is that as many as would be One In Christ JESUS would no longer be as though apart, and rather as One Christian Fold, therefore only One Cross To Bear already accomplished in Christ JESUS and therefore hardly as "Your Flock" nor the other Preachers' Flocks, rather One Christian Fold In Christ JESUS therefore Prophetically is become (already in Christ JESUS though many as yet seem unawares): One Street Of Clear Gold.

ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders

August 25, 2018AD

Click for ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Main Site at

tags: Final End Time and/or the Second Coming Prophesied by the year 2046AD as Miracle pertinent signs abound Revelation 10.11 as JESUS Christ answers why spirits move for Christian Leaders (without having to ask) with specifications concisely illustrated and plotted in graph form with Prophetic directions of movement(s). Time frames concerning time travel for the sakes of others. 3D Blood Of JESUS depicted in 2D in various ways such as for preparing to conquer time warp sequences as the Second Coming and Final End Time approach (or in Highest Eternal sense: come already in JESUS Christ). Great as Christian Faith indicated was how Christian Leaders can be over time control as Christ JESUS revealed, also Christian President Don Trump Leading Zion toward the Second Coming signed the $717 Billion Defense Bill within the stated time frame enacting Space Force. China against Christians so far has been Chinese leaders against Chinese lawmakers, and against all, as their Articles of law clearly show, also including expansions into the other nations and 45% usury. Christian Preacher Ernest Angley for instance visited Germany and Preached and it was Good and Faithful, but many rejected the Christian Word and as soon as His jet left a terrible hailstorm struck Germany, and just recently Christian Preacher Ernest Angley won a federal appeals court case which overturned a previous federal judge's ruling. Movies: with Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, and James Garner Space Cowboys, movie Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade with confiscated books and of true history, as sinners repeat low sins so cannot hide, movie Noah they eat because they think it gives them strength movie Godfather 2 when the Extortionist the Black Hand Don Fanucci for to be seen as if good gave 100 at the Church Parade Mark 12:42.