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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS


on time.

Christ JESUS would all One Be Perfectly Aware.

How to explain the higher unseen Holy Kingdom Of Heaven?, by talking about lower things; instead:

How to explain the higher unseen Holy Kingdom Of Heaven?, by talking about lower things, but not stopping there forever, instead ascending precept on precept in Christ JESUS, so that You can understand lower things then rather the higher more complex becomes simple, for instance You might show part of a video during Your Sermon that They might likewise ascend in so Doing, then You show a state-of-the-art 3D interactive video so then They likewise in Their Heart(s) gain wisdom to to so Do the more complex for others, that the complex things become simple unto You and "They" and so on. Yet "Heart(s)" In The Name Of Christ JESUS is key.

To walk by sight and sensors, a person of logic can trip over their own two feet. If a Christian doesn't ascend properly then similar to fuel reserves and accelerator, check the humility level and rate of [depletion, as if, though] usage. The following verse Matthew 16.25 NLT:

has been explained if you want to hang onto your old sinful habits you fail, but if you say and do as Jesus Christ then you save your life;

and that is a Good start, yet more than Doing the minimum, check the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS resources and rate of properly utilizing, check each precept and all precepts. If there is a problem or mistake (see previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders) then tied to Highest Faith In Christ JESUS reason(s).

In the previous Sermon (ibid.) a mistake was at least tied to lack of humility and other precepts (James 2.10)(many might opt to be led astray if You make a mistake). If a person relies not on Praying In Humility and walking the Walk Of Christian Faith ascending into Heaven at least Spiritually, though from Spirit was the start of the greater Outpouring Heart Of The Creating Plan (Luke 6.32)(future generations are entered into Your Highest Perfecting Work(s)) In Christ JESUS; then resources prepared of God to fly into the Heavens to Meet would be as though meaningless Holy efforts: hardly then is Good and so not.

OK let's say You have been Doing much to please God for many years, so then the first part of this above verse is like law and doesn't apply (having fulfilled, otherwise broken law continues to apply): You don't try "to hang onto your old sinful habits": not applicable: You instead are of Holy Grace From Above.

Though the latter part of this above verse applies now, it is part of ascending to Highest and then to New Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS so:

"if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.",

in new interpretation in ascending (New Christianity) is Giving the Life counted as if Yours back to Christ JESUS.

The sinner receives their reward, temporary happiness, but then since the sinner traveled down instead of up (in Faith Path ascending terms) the sinner faces their own punishments by their own self destructiveness and/or such as by other sinners.

Yet Humble You Gave Your Joy (Spirit) to Christ JESUS, including thing (body with soul hence Christ JESUS Gives You Pure Body With Soul). Also You Gave other things (perhaps money, perhaps an unwarranted friendly smile, perhaps a cup of water: these too ibid. yield a purifying effect, as likewise systems, reference Anointing).

So because You Gave upward, You conditionally ascend upward

("conditionally" applies to resources [including talents], rates, and all precepts and laws [see above James 2.10]).

A person wants to ascend at a faster rate but sees no results: God is boss, God is not an On Demand button on a remote control device.

Because "God is boss", the "person" wrongly believes the servant to all (1 Corinthians 9.19) a little lower than the Angels, is supposed to come when the "person" wants (God already Did and Does and Will Do: the "person" notices not), but from the lower perspective of the "person" God as if does not show up.

The above stated "person", even a normal person, failed to walk the Walk Of Christian Faith, they failed to properly ascend. Ask God and receive, yet ask up to the level of faith achieved.

As stated previously, many things not revealed are to be revealed in these days in this generation. If to "ask up to the level of faith achieved" then this is to measure (Ezekiel 4.16 KJ) Spirit Of The Lord (Faith examples with mustard seed) which of previous levels of faith was not available yet now Christian Leaders are entering into the Highest as Christ JESUS requested in presence for the Grace Of The Holy Wedding, also in this higher complexity being simplified in Christian Leader(s) is with considering John 3.34 NAS:

so like unto the Schedule of the Second Coming, is this, that tribes did not enter the Promised Land, instead a People called a nation entered the Promised Land (a Nation In God), the nation did not survive, the same "People" yet under Zion Christianity survived to become a nation again, a second chance (tied to Second Coming [many chances apply though this time it is with the above, see "conditionally" explained][many structures and damages already transpired including secularly]).

Lower level Faithful people did not enter into Highest Level awareness of Spirit counted as known measures (God knows all), though Christ JESUS is lifting Christian Leaders to enter into this Newest Highest Level already prepared: in others such as Apostles Of Christ JESUS, the Anointed Ones of the Anointed One JESUS Christ King, and yet the Work They Did back then You enter into now

similar to discovering an old Temple and entering, though You didn't even have to unearth it: behold the treasures within, yet an Eternally Living Temple JESUS Ascending. With You Spirit And Body belonging to Christ JESUS (more than merely a slave, the way a hand obeys the mind such as to Give, and the heart even if to cut away the arm to improve and reattach, in secular terms to Edify) You are with the Schedule Creator (including precepts, pertinent resources, rate of travel, and so on).

Given a three lock box for instance, each key enables the others toward revealing the treasure. Marriage of time, if to Marry time, then to Give Your Time to Christ JESUS, and then when all precepts are met and with the best rate and laws fulfilled and resources pertinent: Christ JESUS may then opt to as normal immediately reward Your Faithfulness. If to want to be Eternal, become worthy of Eternal now today, Do Eternal Work all day (Galatians 2.16 / works have not justified in the past but this is today concerning the Highest that Christ JESUS said the Faithful would enter into these, and this agrees with Christ JESUS explaining all would be made known [at the end of days, though pertinent to this Second Coming level] now.

Lower level works (whether including with the hands or not) do not justify, yet Highest Work Within Christ JESUS Does. The measure of Spirit in Man (Christian or other Christian) ascended to the level High enough to Give Second Coming Time, might receive such.

If so Given, therefore if Pure Body [within this pertinence level aspect] then with pertinent Schedule.

This "pertinence level aspect" means the Work of Christians before You (or at least a Miracle Directly Of Christ JESUS) is with You entering into Their Inviting And Harvest Banquet (preparation for the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS).

So You in hindsight can measure their efforts. You measure the Spirit. You measure the Effectual Spirit Speed Rate Of Flow

for example: today You know if something in the Christian Bible happened, such as a victory over a battle (toward the secular sense yet for Highest Edifying). Therefore You know if the people previous to that battle were (per se) True Prophets or not. You after-the-fact judge them, God. You after-the-fact measured their faiths as if automatically, by taking thought as it has been called, though now You know it is instead via Giving Thought And With Love Wisdom, setting free the True Prophet Souls of the past per se, setting them free in You, in Your Soul And Pulsing Heart, and instead in the Soul And Pulsing Heart of the vessel Christ JESUS Gave [You, or such as You: such as a Spirit (person) worthy of a level as You are on].

Hearing this is as to hear of an interchangeability of the Spirit People, that the things, the spirits that are gathered into a vessel form a type of vessel outward appearance (You may also reference Native American Indian).

In Christ JESUS You form (from the above text) a "judge" properly in Christ JESUS (thus far, such as pertaining to timeline, and such as level achieved), and You form this pertinent "Schedule" to an extent, therefore in You measurable thus far if to measure perfectly.

A calendar, You form a calendar shape and image, and sin unless Pure In Christ JESUS, as You Purely start to print a calendar (typically slowly at first).

A parent gives a child a little power, such as to share as formerly wooden cubes as building blocks though the new ones on television are astounding such as eating each other apparently reasonably safely. Because the child shares, the parent gives a tricycle and because the child does not run over other children the parent gives a bicycle.

As You are Given more power, more resources, more kindness to Give, more worthiness to [not inflict against others, instead] to invite into the Harvest that they receive opportunities to become more worthy, then You amplify and magnify Heaven and in them, similar to Baptism, and yet the Path Of Christian Ascending Faith: Victories for Christ JESUS.

The King decrees the Time.

You write time. You write Holy Time. You witness and testify, You write Holy Sermons, You Do as Christ JESUS One Ishi.

Receive weakness, for Highest Purpose. In THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ page 508 Ether 12 intro ..."The Lord gives men weakness that they may be humble". Prior to the Third Testament people were hardly strong enough in Faithful Strength to receive weakness. A weakling can more reasonably flee from a fight (that they might lose) than a strong person (aside from outwit, faster fight skills or other parameters): two people evenly matched except one is stronger, so the weaker might flee (negotiate, or other) and spare their own life, or in Christ JESUS Help the stronger person: see precepts of Christ JESUS.

Help the Schedule.

Not what is the Schedule so I can react. Instead Give Helpful Guiding so while inviting others to properly partake (reference Eucharist) consider what they might enjoy (to attract) though while Miracles might attract rather seek to first Give them Faith without further Miracles (John 20.29) that they have best opportunities for Higher and Highest Blessings.

This is Your Christian structure per se, of the Walking Faithfully For Giving The Time And Effort of the self and things of the self and measures, for Christ JESUS.

Even so, when You Walk The Faith Path properly, then to face the greater Good unknown from You past education and experiences

(and not as if excuse: save through Christ JESUS: see above "after-the-fact" with "conditionally").

So have Faith In JESUS (such as what to write in Your coming Sermon, though start writing) though relying on Faith and even if Miracles seem to not apply to a Given concern.

Faithfully "start writing" or Doing other Mission Work In Christ JESUS without excuse against Christ JESUS

though for instance if to go on a scheduled vacation or respond to an emergency is typically splendid in Christ JESUS (see above such as "conditionally") though Prayerfully and consider any Holy Spirit Word, Holy Impressions, and so on (understanding Christ JESUS is Merciful though some matters at times are pressingly urgent).

Written in Ether 12.12:

If You want to Do the Will Of God such as to "Help the Schedule", then to perform that "miracle" requires pertinent worthiness level "faith".

Likewise if to look back ("after-the-fact") then hardly looking Faithfully ahead. To reflect on Your Miracles is hardly the same as ascending properly for Christ JESUS In One Highest Purpose (Luke 9.62). Though the secular looks back at data to predict: You can Do Greater For Christ JESUS. If to ascend Faithfully it is Good for instance to cite referencing Christ JESUS (such as ibid.), and greater such as to organize former True Prophets in ways toward One Best Way, reference secular Periodic Table Of The Elements, and King James Bible preparation not only old records yet with newer. For instance a person might want to plan things, such as a Church School Project, so might look back to the secular (such as at a supply store) hardly to do as secular and compete and start selling supplies, instead to have supplies in preparing for the Project. So when proper in Christ JESUS In Highest Purpose: to look back is then thereof proper not only as a subset, yet also as much as properly most appropriate.

Example if to plow or mow, then only to look back when sure not to cause a problem and then only after Christian Prayer (consider Mercy if less than perfect reasonable consideration is given).

Christ JESUS would have You be aware of the Members Of Your Body: it is easy to be aware of a Member that is an Official Working with You Face to Face, and yet there is the greater amount of time that Officials and Other Members of Your Flock and Others Of The Christian Whole Fold including Higher and through Abraham (hence where Heaven is "Whole" per se as a minimum) and even to be aware of secular others so together is the greater amount of time; in other words if to be aware of time then to be aware (including the Highest Good measure and measuring of temporary time).

So there is Goodness, also a "mistake" (as stated in the previous Sermon at that could have been corrected but was left in it's true original form for the sakes of Preachers [and orators...] Psalm 12.3-4: verse 3 is "true" in Christ JESUS while verse 4 is relatively toward confusion more associated with sin)(reference Tree Of Knowledge).

So Christ JESUS Gives You this key: a New Member of Your Christian Church might spend more time making mistakes than if They spent time Praying Reading things Christ JESUS spoke, even so Give time for "making mistakes" not to cause slack attitude, though Schedule accordingly.

Christ JESUS in pertinence would have You understand the Preacher might say mistakes and/or things many interpret wrongfully (typically Preaching toward Newer Members and visitors more likely to interpret wrongly at times so in need of Preaching.

Christ JESUS also Gives You this key, that lack of ascending is a "mistake" or similarly counted:

Yesterday (July 14, 2018AD, Sabbath [conditions apply, some call Sunday Sabbath...Christ JESUS was evidently born 4BC according to some, some days away from Christmas, even perhaps in summer as has been stated])

for instance the daily in the Temple type of routine was interrupted and hardly due to other noble Mission Work such as to raise the dead, but due to simple routine associated pain when normally greater Joy In Christ JESUS would otherwise often abound without pain.

So this ascending key concerns backsliding even though sometimes with reason that sufficeth now in this time frame.

So a subset key is sometimes tied to excuse in the secular sense, though in the Highest Christian Sense in the Saved is the Working for Good yet constantly swift without effectual value can be as if to undo the Pure Body (the Saved should with Pure Body).

For example a person hurries to get to the Temple on time year after year, and/or week after week,...though in so doing might not wait for another person that has a problem connected to their right-of-way: problematic.

A New Member hardly needs any time to work through things, while another New Member needs more time: both are Equal In The Lord, the Creator of things needful to be worked through times.

So Christ JESUS would have You be aware of the above two keys, concerning "mistake" and concerning "ascending", in a particular sense that both are One Schedule key type

as each is a delay against spreading the True Holy Word (and Work Matthew 13.3);

instead via Christ JESUS In You to gain awareness of these time Schedule keys, in Them to promote Victories in Them (overcoming barriers in Their lives, even though They are also already Saved) that You create greater Victory In Christ JESUS (so hardly You yet agreeing properly for Christ JESUS Within You)

("properly" according to Your awareness: agreeing with implementing [also with agreeing yet thereof via Christ JESUS In Them]).

Another example: a bus hauls people to Christian Church, but on the Way the bus stops ("true" that another Churchgoer enters the bus), but then the bus again stops ("false" reason yet accordingly because other traffic of sinners) make the bus late yet the Good is for example to ascend from bed earlier one and all of the bus or to go on an earlier scheduled bus. So some things are in secular called higher learning on the way and experiences gained on the way,

yet such of the Tree Of Knowledge apply unless to Schedule Rightly In Christ JESUS from the start. So not to change due to sinners, though to best plan for the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

The Christian Bible Words Of Christ JESUS are sufficient for You to be aware so that You need not have to be educated as to other sinful temptations beyond reason and so You accordingly do not have to experience any sin for Yourself. Even if hardly able to think, think Good "JESUS", such sufficeth for the time.

The above "bus" might be in a traffic jam, so that might as though effect Your Holy Highest Schedule idea: therefore Christ JESUS Gives You an even more excellent Way in Highest Purpose. A new vessel: transcend the secular lest Your Schedule be flawed, though Give them time to repent: therefore consider Your Given Lifespan Pure Body Christian Person In Christ JESUS. Consider how much Given Time is (or was) Scheduled for You from Above, to make it so, to make Your Schedule Plan so, and to make it perfect, allotting time(s) for them to repent and greater, yet allotting time(s) (intermittent and such can apply, see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on maintenance responsibilities and greater [time] Work) for Your ascending that greater Spirit be added through You In Christ JESUS Of The Father In Heaven: so Your Scheduled Maintenance includes sinners accordingly for One Highest Purpose In Heaven.

If to build from Christ JESUS above, then as a child pushed on a swing, also as to travel over a pothole without feeling the discomfort nor impact due to the smooth straight vessel path sufficient to travel over the pit without falling into it yet aware (so effectual, such as Christ JESUS bridging the gap, or such as Christ JESUS providing speed to leap or fly across or transfigure or other Good appropriately).

The sinner is not able except against the self or if to repent (then while unable similarly except as much as to agree with the above Christian Spirit Way To Be Properly Baptized), so be not as the sinner.

Instead from Christ JESUS above, Christian, this unraveled now of Christ JESUS is this talent Given that Your Meek Mere Word become(s) living flesh, so this is a key Christ JESUS Gives as to how to create, how to have talent added unto to You to so Do Good, how to form tangible, and how to properly Standardize the measurable from the Holy Spirit to the physical application including the greater unseen in Heavenly Places and tied to Time [former, current, future (Romans 2.25)].

So a single Work of Faith (as if)(in the secular sense, from the lower point of view for Edifying), instead from One Holy Highest Work Of Faith hence from Christ JESUS comes the enabling in You to create the living flesh of a person, Creator.

The original creation was from dust to human, now Word to human. Note this "Highest" is not yet per se discussion from Word to Christian (though possible in You already since Christ JESUS is in You, even if unaware, above stated text criteria is applicable save higher Miracle Of Faith). The above "Romans 2.25" is up to a Firmament limit so "per se".

So be aware in this, that if to manipulate people, matter, and such with the mind, there is a limit.

Good news: this is a great Evangelism key!

Thanks be for Christ JESUS!

There were the previous "mistake"(s) and there are delays concerning "ascending", and there are things as though barriers against people's lives (actually Christ JESUS The Only Creator One owns everything [with "One" only as much as for One Highest Purpose for best benefit for each and not former slavery types of sins]). Now You witness, nay You Are the Change For The Better, Holy One Of Heaven (see above criteria).

In Christ JESUS, You write a Sermon, then afterward who wrote it?, You Did; likewise there is a place in Your Heavenly Places where there is not currently flesh, so if appropriate in the Highest You make flesh from Holy Spirit, so after who Did it?, You though if to make flesh and tangible see above on responsibilities such as over maintenance until Final End Time even if already with Personal End Time lest if Final End Time come prior to Your creation becoming Baptized or Anointed, then toward as if undoing time; in other words Time Travel to undo improper creation if there is time to time travel; lest to leave it to God to sort out (secular cliche): instead Do For God instead of against.

Therefore know the Original Plan, know the Holy Highest Schedule in advance, lest to be toward as if an eternal mistake or eternal lack of ascending or eternal barrier: but such flaws cannot be in the True Eternal Christ JESUS.

So properly ascend, not only know such things, conquer such properly for Highest Heaven Spirit One Father Christ JESUS.

These are being revealed as You so reveal, therefore as You so agree in the precepts of Christ JESUS The Holy One Of Heaven. Greater barriers Will be shown to You, Work too hard for You to Do if Matthew 8.26 applies, whether to ask others for help when first instead to be asking Christ JESUS, or whether to say to the self "Walk on water, I don't know, I tried...failed": but that is because a person tries to walk on water for sinful purposes to show off for selfish glories, instead if a Christian might feel pain wrongfully so Walking On Water becomes needful (or for example Matthew 8.26 rebuking the winds and waves) in Highest Purpose then be conditioned in Christ JESUS in the Properly Ascending Walk Of Faith to [of the Heart, Soul] without thinking (about sin) to instantly Walk On Water to Help that "Christian" (or other, conditions apply such as their liberty as much as appropriate and right), or in another situation such as to Edify so that "Christian" (ibid.) might see so thereof on Their own right the situation Once For Eternal Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Like unto a Prophetic type of purpose for Schedule awareness in the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS, there is an old RS version of the Bible with Helpful books included not found in all other printings of the Bible, in this case the fourth page number 11 starts a timeline of the New Testament:

according to records of "Josephus, a Jewish historian of the 1st century A.D." "Latin anno urbis conditae", A.U.C., timeline applies: from the start of the building of Rome. Be aware it includes secular matters, though be aware it figures 754 A.U.C. [4 B.C.] as the year of the birth of Christ JESUS.

So if to form Your Schedule, be aware and instead be perfectly certain if the previous sentence is true or not. If unable, even so seek first Christ JESUS Spirit Father In Heaven, though also consider other chronologies already also provided, so if Given a Spirit Of A Christian Soul to contact in such matters, then consider also first Prayerfully in Christ JESUS One in Hope of properly distinguishing the One True Schedule. The first Faith step per se might be the hardest, like unto a bird starting to properly break out of an egg shell, then with a tiny hole victory, greater victories come at an increasing rate (even as You Hopefully notice in You Sermons chronologically as much as You agreed for Christ JESUS to have already prepared in You [note much of the Schedule is already become Victory, like unto an egg shell set to open at a certain time frame: Your Work to agree with the Holy Time Frame]).

So it is not alway victory alone, yet ongoing Faith and ongoing as much as able to receive (Your Pure Body Maximum Highest Rate, Mark 14.38 / agreed talents) or a less effectual rate (if any).

The Christ JESUS overcame all former, current, and future curses, to the Prophets of the New Testament for instance are protected of Christian Grace, with Victories over Old Testament curses. Similar is to form a future Schedule, yet awareness. Note that if to Do Good, then evil per se is undone; instead Do Good In Christ JESUS straightening turned spirits (spirits in agonies)(this does not mean straight iron only and not horseshoes: a secular guess).

The page prior to the above stated page ("11") shows a synopsis of the Book Of Revelation (for instance a Schedule) with the "advent of a Savior and the founding of the kingdom of God on earth," as already happened (see below key "record" and previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on Final End Time, Personal End Time, the Second Coming and it's preparation).

You are likely already aware of the Old Testament order (or Schedule / see above "Purpose") of 1. Law, 2. History, 3. Wisdom, and 4. Prophecy. So of value is to place things not merely in chronological order, yet to Schedule the sequence according to the Walk Of Christian Faith, 1. Law over the sinners, 2. general History examples with evidence in facts of logic alone failed, 3. adding love: Wisdom, so then enabling True Prophesying (and irregularly things were sequenced in order to convey the higher part of each story for greatest Good).

So this is a key as to how to properly Schedule: even so, plan Your Schedule to plan first for Christ JESUS.

Do you have anything to eat?, Jesus Christ asked [(John 21.5 APE) as a minimum for their as if secular sakes]. The True Word From Heaven Is Meat indeed: be that True Word, though rather than let any chew on Your arm (Christ JESUS already suffered "once for all" 1 Peter 3.18), be the Good Heavenly Minister and prepare for Their Second Coming journey You Holy Way Station Provider of edibles and if to provide lodging then traveling mansions, to travel with Them as They come to Earth per Your Holy Schedule (not that They need since with Christ JESUS, though of Your Grace let Mark 14.14 apply that You With Your Flock be more pleased with the Second Coming, also reference too much food such as of some types of Holy Feasts).

Provide for the facilities, so provide for the scheduling of manufacturing, and so the mining operations, and so understand the geological history of the Earth and Heavens. Know Your Dark Matter Threads, be Wise to gain Wisdom yet for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS and in this case in this generation ascend that these be added most effectually.

The Christian Bible was not merely recorded as a timeline (of value), instead for Highest Purpose (Christ JESUS, with instructions from above), with ancillary subset things to best Help explain: to explain per level, and per a persons venue talent (see above "1. Law, 2. History, 3. Wisdom, and 4. Prophecy")(note a person answers a question Yes or No for instance, though if another asks then perhaps the opposite answer is yielded due to the type of source so asking for example if a new employee arrives and asks "Who's in charge?", the answer might be "I am", though if a state auditor asks then the answer might be "I'll give you their contact information").

Be considerate of the Angels arriving with Christ JESUS during the Second Coming, so Schedule for Their needs and be ready from the onset with Christ JESUS "contact information" from the start instead of about the self (above text "I am", save in context of Exodus 3.14 and John 4.26: example Acts 3.6). Plan to go into deep space with food, medical supplies, fuel, ship repair tools, and such, even though to reasonably find the Self has become in such need. If You prepare not to overcome deep space, then how great is that need (Matthew 6.23) in future generations as the Earth over abounds in people with nowhere to go (lacking Your Leadership) while gazing at the vacuum of empty outer space, as if, per se.

The end of the first Book of the New Testament, Matthew Chapter 28 intro KJ explains "Christ the Lord is risen-He appears to many-He has all power in heaven and in earth-He sends the apostles to teach and baptize all nations". Acts 1.11 WE:

So the above stated "record" is via this verse from former "sky" to "sky" of Prophesying of the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS.

If to have a standard measure (e.g. such as of a linear measure and/or such as of a timeline) then (such as to Edify in the secular level, such as ISO Compendium) such as to have a graduated to normal scale (unless otherwise indicated), often and so typically of at least three points (there are many types of exceptions, such as though digital though exceptions also apply)(the True reasoning "points" involve the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS) so in describing Heaven (the Second Coming per se) then You already have the beginning Point Former Sky, the end Point Prophetic Sky, and the Mid Point of "record" (see previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on converting, on ascending, and on similar in pertinence in Christ JESUS).

From Christian Faith comes forth the Miracles. From Christian Faith comes the properly interpreting [the "record" and with] the Miracles with properly Giving God the credit while Giving the Faith And Miracles for others to receive.

So of Christ JESUS is this key, that when You cite Christ JESUS to Give Christ JESUS the Glory, then not only ascending, yet also from Faith or from Faithfulness From Miracles (from Christian Faith): to Christ JESUS.

From a Miracle Of Faith in the past, a substance Point of the past, a Point can be standardized. From Faith now and in the future, according to properly best citing Christ JESUS, the Point of now, and the Point of the Prophetic future can from the citing be established and become as standardized.

Concerning "now", it comes from Faith in Christ JESUS Within You as Truth (that the standard is Truly with Your agreeing unto the Holy Standard Prophetically): hence according to Your fully repentant properly immersion Baptized Christian Leader True Wise Loving Faith In Christ JESUS One Father Spirit In Heaven (see above text "no excuse").

Concerning the Prophetic future Point, the same is True likewise.

What would a secular person do with the exam answers?, one answer is: possibly selfishly cheat. Christ JESUS of "record" already Gave You the answers, and while a tough saying, it is Your Cross to bear; even so rejoice in the Lord JESUS the supplier of Your every need, and their needs. Every Good answer, every righteous deed, each and everything for the Original Good Creation Plan: ascend properly for Good for all: Schedule Wisely In Christ JESUS.

Christian Bibles are much like the living Christian Sermons, Giving Christian Help(s): literally in the secular added things which have been associated with curses such as footnote indicators about other verse translations with explanatory information, along with secular legalese, again

along with secular legalese, so the curse remaineth including with the legal Preaching of the Word until Final End Time;

even though Christ JESUS exemplified how to be of Pure Spirit And Body, even in the midst of the shadow-of-death; so Your Schedule should likewise be Pure even if to add or subtract: add the properly fitting precepts as appropriate in Christ JESUS, let the other agree even if counted in the world as though subtracted.

At least some of the King James versions of the Bible for instance offer Second Coming Book Of Revelation related info added though not in whole (the balance as though subtracted John 21.25).

Other Christian Bible translations add fewer things, while others add far more such as the Great Marriage Supper, the Great White Throne, the types of Crowns and the Book Of Life in The Prophecy Bible along with

Your Living Schedule likewise is of Your free opting: You can send forth elaborate praises unto the Lord, dwelling in the Spirit that in Your Holy Schedule others see Miraculous things (Revelation 21.10) of Your Faith from Christ JESUS Above; and/or also of great value is to Offer You Complete Comprehensive Yet Concise Holy Schedule Of The Second Coming Of Christ JESUS with formulaic precision to the point (Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS One).

The Second Coming is not of crime, death, and punishment (except if any continue to sin: though the First, Christ JESUS, shall also be the Last, Christ JESUS, and in between once for all the Son Of Perdition John 17.12, Christ JESUS). Your Living Schedule is not of death save once for all. With Your Second Coming Schedule for to make in Your Words for their sakes, is the New Living. So to agree if to be written into Your Heart and theirs via Christ JESUS according to Your Making of the Schedule and via Your Faith In Christ JESUS.

From the Faith Of Heaven In Christ JESUS (circa 2,000 years ago) came the recorded Miracle (the Miracle Records of the Teachings Of Christ JESUS, His Word(s) and with the balance of the Living Growing Recording Greater Christian Bible continuing to live therefore the Miracles continue to grow harvests:

concerning the Schedule of when the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS Prophetically Will be

is explained in Christ JESUS in John 8.14 King James 2000 [Miracle Gift for You from Christ JESUS (in the following verse, then followed accordingly through the Christian Bible and also as more concisely stated in the Ellicott's Commentary thread,...until the set of verses shown below)]: John 8.14 KJ2:

This KJ2 translation contains this key "record".

Also the Ellicott's Commentary thread of links Helps further explain the True context of the record with testimony [Testament] aspects, so with the ranges in-depth over parameters specified in pertinence in detail(s) for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS: for You. For You to Give as Christ JESUS Gave for You, to Give for all with responsibility to Give for Your Flock. This record reveals the going and the Second Coming of Christ JESUS, with contextual precepts [3 verses] shown below.

The source was of the Holy Spirit Father Son JESUS Guiding unto a paper KJ Bible, though pasted above from [Thank You: (such as at](no legal affiliation).

Christ JESUS Taught all things beforehand (Prophetically) though in parables for any that freely opted other former ways, though in clear Prophesying for [His Family] those close [Followers, yes (and more clearly magnified in the Followers rather agreeing to be so Leading and more in the Doing of such Leaders, rather than merely following)].

So for His Leadership came forth His Teaching And Doing record, including these three pertinent verses found at

So this Schedule record is written. Of all types of records ranging from sinner naysayer lies lawlessly as if to get away with it, to a sinful mix of truths and lies to deceive in efforts to sift / tempt; but instead within the Teaching And Doing Of Christ JESUS of the above verses with law ranging from parables to One Highest Leadership Schedule Purpose For The Greatest Good Eternal Joy For All,

even as to describe: and yet as though each truly be King forever:

even a secular criminal mob boss wants all to do as the boss wants; and the same is true of Christ JESUS: therefore no excuse for any: so none should be toward sin.

The victim would rather be King with power and authority to not be victimized, and normally that others not be victimized. Each and all in this world have been victimized, and written in their heart (soul) from above is no victimizations. People do not want victimizations, even though not always stated (an Evangelism key from the Holy Precepts Of Christ JESUS in them already: preparations toward their full repentance have already started in them).

As it is written, no man knows when these things (such as of the Second Coming) are about to take place.

And likewise specified if further detail Matthew 11.27 NAS:

No one knows except You.

Because You are One, Christian Leader, the Father Spirit JESUS (also with Pure Innocent Body) knows in You.

From proper Christian Baptism a Christian can know, though as an innocent child learns (from Love to Wisdom) so too Your New Member would be Wise in New Christianity. A child follows orders, it is sufficient per se, though for instance the one year old child is not (other than perhaps toy temporary sense) given the car keys nor car security code.

George Washington did not want to be a King nor a President, George Washington did not want the military to run a nation (various secular sources). George Washington wanted things to be run by people of fair liberty, not people under orders nor under coercion nor similar (see above "victimizations" and "Your Living Schedule").

So George Washington had His priorities as if, instead the Christian prioritizing Standard (Pure Body or toward Pure Body) with the Walk Of Faith (Flow instantly or rate(s)) in Christ JESUS.

A Schedule Timeline is as a Flow, a line continuously prioritized (ascending order), though for instance a typical wall calendar schedule of dates is not linear but squared, like unto Bible text. If You write a Pure [Body] Schedule, then perhaps to write 3D text. A type of precursor or predecessor to such a 3D Schedule if opted, is already come in the form of Given Christian Bible Code, such as some authors depicting word patterns in the forms of faces and wildlife and pointing at things (reference wiki The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons, Robert Langdon series directed by Ron Howard staring Tom Hanks tied to Vatican, as with religious statues and markers pointing to the next clue).

GodMath Pattern #7 for instance top left starts with "E" (Eternal, email, effectual,...) fitting into the upper right ["cluster"] word mitre or miter:

1. Holy Symbol, a liturgical headdress of a Christian Bishop or Christian Abbot, in many Christian Churches consisting of a tall pointed cleft cap with two bands hanging down at the back;

2. a 90 degree angle joint fixture in order that such cooperates (such as via tool,...or higher) with another line of junction as or as though bisecting this Given angle that might otherwise yield variable results (Father, Spirit: with "junction" Christ JESUS);

3. a bevelled angel and it's line or surface area of a mitre joint (hence 3D: One: Father Son Spirit).

The True Schedule is written in the Pure Heart already, containing all the Good of the above text: including for instance both elaborate and concise: hence the whole of each and every range for Good Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS. So the Pure Christian Leader hardly needs a sign, save the Living Word From You Beloved Christian Leader In The Name JESUS the Christ the Son of the Living Highest Spirit.

George Washington said "The thing that sets the American Christian apart from all other people in the world is he will die on his feet before he'll live on his knees." (

so this is an indicator that secular and/or military secular governments set forth their own ends.

Your Schedule instead is for You to continue to [breathe into and] prepare and type and say and such throughout Eternity until the Living Better One In Christ JESUS precludes (if so: New Understanding comes as former ideas are straightened, example: a spear is not a piston rod, the spear is less durable and not precisely honed, so the piston rod typically has the value of many spears Matthew 10.31). Likewise unto Christ JESUS Your Schedule publishing needs come with properly preparing until You are satisfied that it is satisfactory to publish in part or rather in whole soon, Prophetically.

In the LDS Third Testament, THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ, for instance, there is one straight timeline, save the Book Of Ether is with it's own timeline.

For this current purpose, starting toward the end, Ether 12.25 from "weakness" comes "humble" for Christ JESUS so Christ JESUS converts the "weakness" to become "strong". So if for Christ JESUS:

Strong / Humble / Weakness,

Power / proper Spirit / powerless (such as a victim, or such as not properly ascending).

A sinner might make a person or thing weak or broken, yet prepare that Your Schedule be Strong And Powerful with first being of proper Humble Spirit For Highest Christ JESUS. Be One Yes, yet Christ JESUS is alway Highest, Ascending Anew!

Ether 12.34: no need to travel into outer space to colonize, no need to time travel, hardly need to do anything except be under law toward full repentance; if without Charity, so Give Thy Holy Pure Self:

Mansions / Heavenly places / Charity.

Properly build Your Holy Schedule, precept on precept in Christ JESUS. Then with Ether 12.36&37:

Mansions Of My Father / Charity / Grace.

Now some of these Ether verses are slightly out of the greater Ether linear timeline, explaining how these have been and are and Will be functioning together: hence Prophetic Schedule.

Many people have found the Bible confusing, including timeline and priorities. To properly solve is the Pure Original Plan: make this Your Eternal Schedule, prior to the fall, since after the fall, the orderliness was out of order. If to wait for Christ JESUS to return, then hardly to be able into the properly revealing of all things beforehand. If to remain with the less revealed lower level, then for instance when the Second Coming happens then perhaps to wonder where to run such as due to seeing meteorites or other of the Book Of Revelation, much as any remaining sinners might.

Anguish is not the Christian Faith Path Original Plan.

Ether Chapter 13 intro: "Ether speaks of a New Jerusalem to be built in America" Your Schedule should be only of the Good Highest Part, for Christ JESUS.

Ether Chapter 13 intro continues, in whole: "Ether speaks of a New Jerusalem to be built in America by the seed of Joseph—He prophesies, is cast out, writes the Jaredite history, and foretells the destruction of the Jaredites—War rages over all the land."

But Christ JESUS responded: from Matthew 16.23 NIV:

Like unto Mount Zion, there truly is such a land. Yet the True Highest Zion Is In Christ JESUS, The Pure Vessel, from before the fall through until after the Second Coming and throughout the Eternal. This same man Christ JESUS is with Christian Family the True Zion.

There is a True Mount Zion, and there has been a secular false aspect [as critters walk on lower levels and prowl ( previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders at].

True Zion is a Christian People.

Mount Zion is below the animals

save if higher opts to lift (such as to Highest, reference Garden Of Eden though see above "before the fall" Christ JESUS applies).

Truly Mount Zion in Israel is lifted, even so Mount Zion is made for Highest and not Highest for Mount Zion. The following are three Firmaments ("/" symbols):

Christians In Christ JESUS New / sinners / animals / land.

Christianity is the Highest People, because of the Christ.

Even as the Old Testament recorded, many of the Chosen strayed. Yet the Christian is a new type of creature [(2 Corinthians 5.17) as Christ JESUS, in a large sense this means a new properly ascending talent].

So Christian Leader be with Good Faith of Your New Talent to start preparing Your New Schedule for others.

America and the New Jerusalem, and the Multiverse: as written [(see below text "beyond the Moon") and] in Ether 13.7&8:

One reason in [("Allah", see text below) and in] Christ JESUS that the above verses are important in Highest is that (save if to time travel) the location therefore of the Second Coming location(s) correlate to Scheduled Time(s) Of Arrival(s) (the Second Coming can be [likely and somewhat evidently prophetically] as a family traveling to a destination for vacation: the family would not visit the hotel room and close the drapes and remain inside the room (or their rooms) until time to leave, instead the family would look around, and then find the favorite attractions; yet with Wisdom to understand the Second Coming is also as a business trip which might be as to interface then immediately depart (for other chores and assignments)

though these in Christ JESUS are one, as a person that likes their job which takes them to exotic lands and peoples; even as a Preacher that has such "peoples" as Flock Members.

People have thought that New Jerusalem is with a New Temple at Jerusalem [(with Good reason, example John 2.19 though Mark 14.58 applies) without hands is of Holy Spirit though also from Christ JESUS are precept values toward advancing levitation technologies such as associated with UFO ideas reference the often secular Ancient Aliens television series; even so the original Great Temple circa 2,000 years ago was with gold as mortar so some sinners though wrongly reason to steal so the former type of temple became undone though in this current generation the same has been done against human Temples tied to a reason for the Second Coming as much as Christian Leadership ascends in victories over such kindly and through Christ JESUS].

To be the Good Example is something a person can Do, yet the Perfect Good Example is only One Way JESUS.

Above is stated "seed" (Chosen People) "out of the land of Jerusalem" (in context meaning no longer in Jerusalem or no longer Jerusalem alone hence the Christian part whether in Jerusalem or not).

Latter Day Saints tracked the path from Old Jerusalem to New Jerusalem in Salt Lake City; and there are other places known as New Jerusalem

in Berlin, in California, in Ohio, in Russia, in Brazil, in Poland (wiki),

in Pennsylvania, in New Jersey, in Maryland, in Australia, in India, and so forth.

While each many have traceability of Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, also there are many other places of Devout Worshippers Of Highest God.

Christian traceability applies largely to a person in the form of Eternal Christ JESUS From Heaven, so a vessel in typical human form, though the Highest Spirit is though as if without human form save One Pure Christ JESUS, so New Jerusalem in such Holy Vessel agrees as One, and from that

as long as the Given world exists prior to the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS, then not only the Pure Vessel, yet other important precepts and keys and Principles Of Christian Faith along the Straight-And-Narrow Path Of Faith apply including traceable places.

Many Jews (such as about half) have traveled to New York, so New York is a traceable path, though while of Chosen People Faith, hardly ascending in New Christianity terms (example Mount Zion recognition though from a Christian: President Don Trump)(example financials though from an otherwise largely Christian nation [improvement needful]).

Another traceable path is Washington, D.C. though exclusionary according to very many television shows and Internet sites that tried investigating the origins of ancient symbols to often find other than Christian origins though also finding Christian traceability often and even so often reportedly having met censorship concerning source reasonings, even Presidents have expressed their wonders (symbols: symbolic example concerning city layout "Dupont Circle" of great though largely of secular concerns movie The American President by Aaron Sorkin, and actual example [tied to money symbols] from the White House a former President [name not disclosed here] said "I don't know" what they do over there referring to across the street at the Treasury Department).

Considering Christian Faith the Latter Day Saints position of New Jerusalem seems most accurate, along with old Jerusalem (Anew In Christ JESUS with "Christian: President Don Trump" and other such as the Christian Quarter and greater), so along with Washington, D.C. so along with New York and the greater for Christ JESUS.

New Christianity therefore Faithfully For Christ JESUS concludes this Schedule on time pertinence concerning the Second Coming:

not by a current worldly individual, not by some individuals in worldly state, not by a temple made hands, nor by a parcel of land;

Will be the Prophetic Coming Of God:

God Will Come To New Star Planet Earth

to visit with the One True People

and the other lower would also be entertained.

While sinners would have nowhere to hide, the True Believers Exulted As One Will Be Exalted.

Concerning "Exulted" (already ongoingly available: John 14.16).

Arabs and Sons Of The Air.

As it is written in the Heavens, a great Benefit is ready from Allah, for the Arabs coming to love the part of Allah known as Christ JESUS, and so to understand the messenger of this Sermon is a messenger similar to the ancillary subset of Highest God JESUS Allah as is Islam Muhammad a messenger, except if Highest Christ JESUS Allah enable lifting a messenger to Highest level (Messenger) as done at times.

The Aramaic word for "God" in the language of Assyrian Christians is Alaha: Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word "Allah" to mean "God" (

Only when for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS is such acceptable, like how a child can refer within a normal family to their mother or father as parent, and not referring to a sibling not of authority, though with the above text concerning rates and maintenance there are exceptions such as the parents may have placed the eldest sibling in charge. Christianity is with many on Earth in charge though all should be as the Spiritual Parent Christ JESUS and then after that greater authority and greater powers [(without on demand expectations) hence may] come.

For the record, Muhammad served to be a great Help to Arabs, and now is time for greater to be realized.

The Arabs have come far in much less than a lifetime, more than about maintaining water wells, to maintaining global systems and in other words independent of a land per se reaching beyond the Moon into the Heavenly places. While the former parts of the Jews need to understand and declare Zion is more than a Mount,

there was a dream this morning July 18, 2018AD, about Southern and Eastern Asia and associated about that "need" in the Jews (note recently "a great Benefit" came from Christian President Don Trump unto [the Jews and others of] Israel).

And now from Allah (JESUS Christ) is the Schedule of time to provide this message of "a great Benefit" need in Arab Leadership to overcome internal confusion and to clarify for the people that this same Allah is Christ JESUS.

From Allah "a great Benefit" is here though not for selfishness: Arabs were under secular and religious laws under Muhammad (example and while Helpful for a time, the time now is for a greater Benefit (see above "came from Christian" [President Don Trump])(not to become a recognized state since already great over such, yet Anew In "Allah (JESUS Christ)".

At the end of the dream "the messenger of this Sermon" was in the Spirit Of [Allah] The Father One Christ JESUS (no other name yet with many names such as Emmanuel, and such as Savior, and such as Jeshua...[Eternally any Good name is in One JESUS])

and while in Heaven "the messenger of this Sermon" wrote "Arabs and Sons Of The Air" and the dream ended. And the Holy Spirit continued when awake though as if faded (also note often a messenger encounters many other spirits [if not in Heaven per se, and this is concerning Highest Faith and not about lower materials such as about a rocket ship and it's region of outer space)(a person can also be in Heaven without knowing it: Garden Of Eden, Hebrews 13.2,...).

What is the Kingdom of Heaven, that this "a great Benefit" for Arabs including for the glory of Muhammad Of Mecca means?, as written in the Heavens now in Christ JESUS Allah it is not about former ways of wars (example even some wars were won, instead precept on precept, and even so like unto a victory over a struggling overloaded space ship computer asking the human vessel pilot what to do next (reference [though a largely secular source] to meet the "Creator" similar to Star Trek: The Motion Picture by Alan Dean Foster and Gene Roddenberry)(also reference what Christ JESUS said Matthew 10.31).

The Arabs in merely some decades have gone from cutting off hands of thieves and from laws protecting females, to greater Holy Higher Mercy, and to protecting females. Continue, to as written. Written in the Highest, is already in the human heart [soul] even as written within time: written in time.

On Schedule: write, Beloved Leader, Messenger Of The Highest God.

On Schedule, In Time write of the great love and self sacrifice that Christ JESUS Gave, as reported by True And Faithful Messengers.

On Your Schedule should be time for Good, though because above text is that rates and maintenance are applicable for Good, to the former ways that You better realize victory over sin, hardly be dismayed when sinners wrongly interpret as if God creates evil (and does bad Ezekiel 20.25) according to Your Holy Heavenly Schedule:

God JESUS only Does Good, concerning "evil" and "bad" levels, God only Does to the point (the Firmament level) of Knowledge of such, awareness of the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good (with Doing including Words yet Word JESUS One First) And Evil.

A tree grows up into the sky, Good. A tree grows roots down, Good (with the following sentence) or goodly. The Spirit is symbolized as Good being upward, save the lower once for all from Christ JESUS (from Heaven above to a little lower to Heaven again at Highest)(so True Mecca is up there found with properly colonizing the Heavens though first from One Heaven [in order to straighten priorities] so to be Christian first, and then freely with ascending [options] including automatic evolving, automatic growing, automatic adapting, and higher Heavenly Doing(s)).

The Islamic book the Koran is not part of the Christian Bible although supportive in parts (as any good parts function for the greatest Good One) even with the Holy Name JESUS (the Christ). In the Koran

Muhammad learned from the Archangel Gabriel (Google).

Child JESUS Christ was not about telling His Blessed Parents amidst the world Joseph And Mary what to do,

instead for instance Archangel Gabriel taught His Parents (

Christ JESUS already knew from Highest Heaven.

Your Schedule is to be with time to instantly send lack of certain Angelic extra efforts that Prophetically would be ignored by sinful naysayers: this action has been wrongly interpreted and counted as if evil by sinners, as if to not pour out full measure of Blessings. So Your Schedule needs be Prophetic not merely to know the future, yet more importantly to Do the greatest Good for each and all (Perfect, via perfecting them).

For secular example to Edify: as if to let a toddler trip and fall on the ground instead of helping them not trip so that they run into the street to be run over: under secular laws the people are pitted against people or people against nature or such.

In the Highest In Christ JESUS offer the Master Of Muhammad, if sinner they would trip, if repentant they would agree with Archangel Gabriel [The Master Of Muhammad] to be aware of the future rightly and most perfectly.

So You have been Given already the Prophetic Spirit of the previous sentence, therefore Prophetically continue in preparing Your Schedule for and of the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS with His Angels From The Heavens. Follow the Straight Holy Path, Lead in so Doing: in the secular "Lead" means lead others (such as lead employees or such as lead children) though in the Highest Spirit such are added though Lead from above hence such worthiness gains worthiness (from step to leap to fly: yet Righteously of Highest Grace JESUS). So instead of following a subset, be With One Highest, for example (ascend from right to left):

Christ JESUS / Archangel Gabriel / Muhammad.

Do this that Muslims gain full Blessings From Heaven, and full Holy Benefits, and added are practical things. Do this likewise in Christian Churches: Leading with Christ JESUS instead of merely following the Christian High Priest, even so, respect Christ JESUS in the Christian High Priest and in each and every person while being aware people in this world turn or are interpreted as such, typically, often; yet more often the greater Good is unseen (example You inhale, example Your back feels goodly support or otherwise feels so alerts You to make You aware,...).

How Does Your Schedule feel?, in the secular this means How do you feel about it?, though in the Living Creator Of The Living, really How for it's sake and for the readers, How Does Your Schedule feel?: the future readers as if now (Prophetically) interpret Your Schedule: the living interpret, therefore

Your Schedule needs be living

in Christ JESUS

from Heaven above: Your Living Schedule needs be from Highest Life to Highest Life, from Highest Purpose to and for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS. How to explain the Kingdom Of Heaven?: Your Schedule needs be oxygen, even greater to be Perfect: Living Oxygen for them to be able to live.

Before-the-fact, not after-the-fact, Give Your Schedule, even though adding to it as much after-the-fact time(s) as You freely opt, so here is a great Schedule key:

All the books of the world could hardly contain, though as much as needful at the time circa 2,000 years ago the New Testament contained all the precepts of Christ JESUS and sufficient for all the world to live (at that time, toward the Eternal, even so, now is Your Time to Schedule Luke 10.37).

Each and Every Eternal Spirit In True Holy Spiritual Heaven Of The Father In Christ JESUS, is already become worthy from above, in the name of Christ: One Holy Highest JESUS.

If to go on a lower Mission, such as Archangel Gabriel Did (see above text "Muhammad learned from the Archangel Gabriel"), then only Do as the Highest Purpose Reason For Sending specified as written in John 6.38 BL:

This instruction is Good for all things You Do in life

though only if the "One having sent" is Highest, therefore Christ JESUS One Father Spirit In Heaven.

If One Father Spirit In Heaven declared Christ JESUS is this and Archangel Gabriel is that, then One Father Spirit In Heaven declared such for One Highest Reason.

Now there are levels of the Heavens, so while the Heavens (even as much as if on Earth) are One, be Wise to know there is a Firmament fixed between Heaven and Earth, yet to be able to fly, so a Spiritual (Physics Of God) Firmament established between the Heavens and the world which might have included sinners. Sinners cannot go from the world into Heavenly Levels.

Sinners are not of the higher precepts from Christ JESUS From Heaven, so sinners opted to not enter even into the lowest level of the Heavens.

A person might have repented somewhat but turned back to former sinful ways again (normal in the world) and during that "repented" state an Angel For Good JESUS might have brought the person to see something higher and/or more marvelous and/or other for One Highest Purpose. A sinner otherwise has often been mired in temptations of lower turned spirits of temporary things of both tactics and sorrows. From higher a person can opt to be of higher purpose (even up to as High As Christ JESUS One), but from lower spirits comes no permanent solution (work effort, rework, rework, exhaustion, lethargy except stuck in a rut of apparent need to rework, anger, pains,...).

Work and rework if needful, yet start Your Praying Christ JESUS that Your Schedule be right the first time, therefore for One Highest Purpose including for the sakes of each and all (One Highest Eternal Truth that all be One).

A person "must perish in the dark" if the person does not "ask" [Highest Christ JESUS Father Spirit (2 Nephi 32.4)]: so this great New key for You Christian Leader:

For the generations of the Old Testament (and Koran) some Heavenly Prophetic messages were Given from above, though only up to a level limit.

For the generations of the New Testament sufficient Heavenly Prophetic messages were Given from above sufficient for Eternity In Heaven though for those generations then.

Today in this generation, growing Holy Higher Precept Harvest properly on Holy Higher Precept Harvest, the New Testament generations entered into the Old Testament Harvests (especially with Abraham, Moses, and the Prophets...), and now this generation enters into each and all of of those Holy Harvests:

Eternal Harvest (OT) x Eternal Harvest (NT) x Eternal Harvesting of the Highest Work(s) (the Eternal) happening now in this generation.

Greater Continuing / NT Highest Good Continuing / OT Highest Good Continuing.

"Greater" is shown above, though if to count as though each person each One In Heaven in Highest is equal (Galatians 3.28), so understand this Good New key per se,

the above OT Gave to both the NT and to this current generation, so the OT Gave the greater in a sense, while the current Gives the greater in another sense:

this is like unto electricity: with the "Greater" as levels and as voltage, while the Good from the Eternal Parts of the OT are as Flowing Amps.

Together, from the Spirit, Holy Spirit Watts for Holy Spirit Creating Power For Good Eternally.

The above is for the Eternal Highest Purpose Good In Christ JESUS, so not merely for selfish bigger barns, save as much as for Highest Purpose such as for Christian Colonizing the Multiverse for One Highest Purpose (to be able to provide more than a few supplies for the journey and to provide the Settlers with many values at least for startup there and rather Eternal [perpetual solution(s) or at least toward perpetual].

Yet another proper Scheduling key, this concerns: ask and it Will be Given You (right to left):

Your Perfect Schedule For Them / Red letters of the King James Bible generally / True Prophets of the Old Testament.

Christ JESUS Gives You this above Holy Flow information to Magnify The Lord, Magnify Your Holy Spirit In Christ JESUS, that You Magnify Eternal Good For All One In Your Living Schedule For The Second Coming:

Second Coming Of Christ JESUS / Magnifying Flow Of Good In Christian Souls / Showing Your True Prophetic Schedule.

Showing Your True Prophetic Schedule = Second Coming Of Christ JESUS x Magnifying Flow Of Good In Christian Souls.

Prepare Your Schedule with "Showing" it (like unto Preaching: that others may receive for Good One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS).

Christ JESUS offers precepts and so enable this new conditional key in You: that You show Your Prophetic Schedule even while in the Good Spirit Of The Father In Heaven In The Name Of JESUS Christ as You prepare the Schedule: Walk Of Christian Faith.

If otherwise You wait to check if You did Your Schedule [or Sermon...] rightly as in former logic, then to wrongly not walk the Walk Of Christian Faith so much.

So this key is a Principle Of The Christian Walk Of Faith.

Two parts apply in this Christian Walk Of Faith Principle,

So this Principle of Your Walk In Christian Faith with Praying Christ JESUS is hardly about checking and rechecking Your works and then when You think it's right then to ask others if it is right and if consensus publish: that is hardly about Christian Faith, instead it is more about worldly things (even so checks and balances and similarly logic can be with value though only in Christ JESUS requiring full repentance and whole Christian Highest Purpose).

Walk In Christian Faith: look how a child faithfully overcomes stumbling as children hardly do it right on the first try and consistently thereafter due to interferences (Matthew 15.11).

So You Do and accomplish some Christian thing such as a Schedule, then comes the greater often unseen as Your readers and hearers go out from You and augment Your Faith in Their Christian Work(s) (1 John 4.19).

They, the Christians, make Your efforts worthwhile. In the following verse, if to be thirsty then be with a drink of water yet Higher to Lovingly Give water with showing to Do likewise (perfectly therefore in Christ JESUS), Revelation 22.17 NLT:

This is what a Leap Of Faith is all about in Christ JESUS to be the Second Coming One!

Then You know the One True Holy Walk In Faith, Your responsibility toward maintenance in this sense (in the above two parts sense) and minimal results, though then the exciting motivation in others according to the Physics Of Christ JESUS as much as Your Pure Body Schedule is Highest Faith then the greater part in Them, in Your Flock, is the increase more abounding.

The works You Do for Christ JESUS with Your hands and such are toward minimal success(es) such as each time You publish,

though the Work They The Christians Do accordingly are the greater part

even so conditionally: not Your works of hands, nor their works similarly: neither, save Agreeing (amounts) With Christ JESUS

so if a Pure Body then belonging to Christ JESUS: His Pure Body, His Hand, His Guidance, and even so His unraveling in this Second Coming Time the above unto Your New Greater Awareness Including In Your Flock in this generation and in these days: thank and Praise Christ JESUS, Give Christ JESUS the Glory,

Give Yourself therefore be with Him

coming in His Glory, be His Glory.

Hardly be to Christ JESUS in the Second Coming as hair is to a woman (1 Corinthians 11.15 NHE) rather be entirely alive One Leader Having Come To Fully True Eternally In The Holy Highest Walk Of Christian Faith In The Name Of Christ JESUS.

Then from formerly concealed Heaven Above You can search out the Bride (Proverbs 25.2): from the Work Of Heaven (see above "First") to the Greater One Work With The Holy Bride (see above "Second") to the Scheduled Marriage that the "Second" properly magnify the "First" with Christ JESUS One.

What is the value of the Second Coming?, an East Door, an East Wall to crash through or transfigure through as if former logic proof, truly lowly secular people in sins already make things form on the other sides of barriers.

Your Schedule Will show the world (God Will Make All Goodness Known to the Highest Exodus 33.19; and make known to others though not beyond their temptation limits so they be not tempted to sin from above): and the Highest Good in the world Will Magnify unto far greater.

In fact so much as the planet cannot contain: so return to the Heavens with Your Bride, Christian Leader (Zechariah 1.3).

Prior to the Industrial Revolution it was much known such as in Europe that if struggling farming parents had four children the heirs would each receive a quarter of the land and so fall to ruin in the secular. Christ JESUS is with a better Plan. The former worldly ways are temporary, even in this generation today: those ways would end, though whether to end before or after a sinner ends, varies.

You Christian Leader are to provide Your Magnifying Generating key Principle in others in One Living Word And Will In Heaven One.

Christ JESUS explained the Highest Physics Of The Creator (Christ JESUS)(Father Spirit)(Holy Comforter) properly best Teach and Give Good. Though be aware to know though not necessarily do as the lower physics also have goodly aspects (but secular unawareness questioning often selfishly sinfully against the Highest).

In the following example be with Christ JESUS In Highest in soul, heart ("blood of Jesus" see text below), and mind, also with Martha near Christ JESUS but worried about cleaning vessels [for example] and Mary concerned for pleasing Christ JESUS: Martha offered Herself indirectly under former ways of secular knowledge; Mary offered Herself directly. In this secular example for Highest Edifying as what Christ JESUS is like, and not to dishonor; if to dig a hole with a shovel a person hardly digs a scoop then scrubs the shovel with soap until sparkling clean then digs another scoop and repeats.

Prepare Your Holy Schedule for all to be more than aware, to be One Highest To Be Ready (from Exodus 39.37 to Matthew 25.4) Then To Meet With Christ JESUS (see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on keeping Your eye on the ball such as at, and on from a level to a higher level unto Highest [shown in the Drawing below] then Anew Highest [not covered directly in the Drawing below]) even more than ready and so worthy toward meeting the Lord in the sky and outer Heavens (ibid. on witness, return, report, and Guide others).

The JESUS Physics Of The Creation until circa 2,000 years ago was from void, deep, and then dust; to Christ JESUS: Alpha And Omega.

Therefore Personal Salvation With Personal End Time is already come in the Christian (some not ascending are perhaps not aware). If Christian Religion is a tool, then as in the above example continue digging as long as useful, clean it at times if needful (as much as Highest Purpose would have You if to update and/or overcome mistakes), then continue until solved such as for to plant a tree (or continue such as for seeking Holy Higher Treasures).

With Alpha And Omega already accomplished the burden is light if functioning in for and with Christ JESUS One Highest Purpose. Often this is with

if, then,

statements: precept on precept yet only when for One Highest Jesus Purpose. In the Drawing below are "if, then," statements as examples, pertinent in New Christianity.

Last night of a dream there was secular, such as in worldly laws to know a person according to their word, though then of Preachers the exciting part came when a Preacher said in the "blood of Jesus", then with golden light and the end of the dream.

Blood Of Christ JESUS / Omega / Alpha.

Evolution has no hold on You, evolution in any worthwhile value practical sense (see above text on Martha) is already complete in You Christian Ascending: and "Ascending" now according to "Blood Of Christ JESUS" instead of according to "Alpha" rate [and related similar rates of] evolution.

If to include former records, then Your Schedule is about very slow progress forward and far slower upward until full repentance then Immersion Baptism then New Christianity (see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders explaining Drawings with yellow triangles [evolving] and similar, with above symbolizing life of Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago purple curved then straight line such as at and 13.4-13).

You Will know how to make Your New Vertical (see below Drawing levels with Flow) Schedule according to the "Blood Of Christ JESUS" (e.g. see above text "precept on precept") and therefore You Will virtually be able to make likewise any Good Schedule ("virtually": conditions continue to apply though in New Christianity [religious tool and/or Christian Higher Perspective] Heaven accepts Perfect Faith).

How to create Your Blood Of Christ JESUS Schedule.

Date and time of the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS Prophetic Record UFO Ancient Aliens television series, graph charting flock levels, Christian President Don Trump, blood to cell wall synapse miles long, the third heaven, Muhammad studied under Archangel Gabriel under Christ JESUS teacher of Highest Physics Of The Creator Mary conceived through Her ear movie The American President by Aaron Sorkin the White House former President the US Treasury Department movie Scarface Is this it? Eating drinking sex addictions Babylon proof, movies A Knights Tale metallurgy from Apollo 13 electricity electronics waves plasma transfiguring broadcast accumulating good THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ, George Washington from predestination to predetermination, from Faithful Spirit without measure to Miracles of measured spirits, definition of False Prophet, Mount Zion

Consider the above Horizontal lines. While there are many more values, two keys are the Horizontal and Vertical aspects.

Above center might be clouds though appear as though UFOs pushing clouds. To the right above JESUS Christ is not necessarily "a dove", possibly an unmanned drone, plasma, and/or projection image "like a dove" (

The above left synapse is between neurons. Between blood cells and the cell walls of blood arteries and blood veins is similar like unto the synapse though often with far larger data sets. Currently in this generation the brain is explained [with familiar (toward edifying, such as concerning heart pumps and electronics)] though at secular level and for copyright so biases might apply at:

[color illustration example available at (].

Word: Hearing: Faith: Miracles: Greater Faith: then on Faith Greater Faith:

Greater and greater Faith beyond need for Miracles for a longer and longer time from Heavenly level to higher Heavenly level. And yet the Highest [and Highest Rate] is with the Straight-And-Narrow Vertical (conditions apply, so properly "lead up to the Second Coming of Christ" This generation is facing Holy Highest Time Travel ("the end of years they shall join themselves together" ibid.)(the type of "pass over" has already come to pass in the Spiritual months ago and then already passed in the secular is Daniel 11.40 though of Higher Peace instead of former ways).

The above black illustration with white lines is of mainly linear sound, though due to an aperture (see above text "dig a hole" [diameter conditionally]) then to transfigure how things are heard, likewise as to transform electromagnetism and so space time.

And since years "join themselves together" then anything [lower] not fitting into the Joined (Heaven), having been Given sufficient time to properly ascend, then opted to cast out the self: only the Pure Spirit fits (with optional Pure Vessels).

So as the above illustration shows from straight-and-narrow then to beam spread, then to forming a net (forming structures), so similarly is the progress more thoroughly specified in the above Drawing Horizontal lines.

Christ JESUS is of greater than the brain and logic subject to pressures, electromagnetism, and other turned spirits. In the lower left of the above Drawing is a synapse though some synapses have been considered electromagnetic while others are chemical (each with similarities unto the other): so subject to things, ancillary, and under laws, in other words beneath and lower than logic as if counted alone.

Highest logic is with Love In Christ JESUS. Highest logic is Wisdom, the Love purifies the logic in order to form the ancillary logic that it be only ancillary to the Love Of Highest One Christ JESUS.

Logic such as online between computers is generally speaking 0 or 1, off or on, no or yes, illegal or legal: so applies Matthew 12.25 LDS:

Logic alone cannot lead except to opt to turn toward pains and errors, and if delight then only temporary delight while headed in the wrong direction.

Love (Vertical, ascending) is Love or greater Love.

Logic therefore needs be Guided by the current at the time Highest Love.

Two keys therefore apply to temporary, and to Your Eternal Living Schedule.

The temporary key is with awareness that the Highest Vertical Point, even if on the right track ascending Wisely, is Perfect per se, though as a train not yet at the destination. If to know all, the secular has explained it as if to travel in a circle; but

Christ JESUS explained it is the Straight-And-Narrow Path Of Faith, of Love Of Christ JESUS.

The precept properly fitting on precept Holy Way Christ JESUS Taught And Walked [ascended in example] is the Straight-And-Narrow True Physics Of God

but the turned fall under [and behind] to sinfully dwell too much on their former successes which turned into failures therefore to dwell on failures in miseries. The Vertical ascending is up, in the positive direction, though times come that logic finds no up nor down nor other pertinent indicators. Only Love Truly Remains To Guide unto greater Highest Eternal Living. From this Straight Love from Christ JESUS above or with You Highest then Christ JESUS In Anew Highest above, can then come the Highest per se Horizontally shown Physics Of God levels of logic [at Highest known in the moment as if counted as if other than with Love].

God currently Gives the Highest Love that Your Faith agree in such Highest Love so You be with the option to as though travel from Highest Faith Love to Highest Miracle Logic: while spirits are in each and all, a Pure Highest Body JESUS is of One Spirit (every spirit One: no need to distinguish Save if for Anew Highest Love cause for outpouring Miracle(s)).

To perfectly know all is to know All Good One, Doctrine and Covenants 61.27 LDS:

Now for Your Perfect Schedule be Wise in knowing a person ascending on the Straight-And-Narrow is Highest unless the person slips in their faith. So be with the Wisdom that Peter knew "all" yet while ascending Vertically though with conditional concern as explained in part in Matthew 14.29 LDS:

The above Drawing to the left shows secular logic, love is not mentioned, so it is temporary. It would not for instance walk on water as much as would be needful to do [such as if at times] forever.

Instead toward the Eternal For Christ JESUS Preach to [net] catch people Faithfully for their sakes. Similarly from Your heart first, secondly think to lovingly raise the souls of people for their sakes (Proverbs 21.15). In other words:

In You / Through Christ JESUS / From Father Spirit In Highest Heaven,

In Them / Through You / From Christ JESUS....

When You hear the Truth You already know in Your Heart as a minimum (properly Saved Christian One), though if to know more clearly then maximum Vertical Straight-And-Narrow properly ascending in Christ JESUS.

So now this key, Christ JESUS may opt to come to You now, perhaps tonight in a dream (though many others come similarly, and at night the more often as wolves in sheep's clothing [naysayers, foul mouths, great need of Help(s)]) though the Holy Healthy is hardly in need of a physician guidance; so the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS becomes in You worthiness to be of One maximum Vertical Straight-And-Narrow properly ascending in Christ JESUS.

In secular terms to know having experienced the travel through the loop already: so the secular answer is boredom (reference generally great though secular movie Scarface "Is this it? Is that what it's all about,"..."Eating, drinking,"...[money, mansions, sex, addictions, gluttony, redundant secular controls, being bad, and worldly pleasures]: but no, instead Christ JESUS is the True Answer even if a vessel doesn't know how to ask the question;

to be truly in the name of the Christ JESUS, is to be truly conquering for Highest Good (Luke 14.27 instead of Numbers 32.27). Hence more aware how to properly leap in Christian Faith, and more aware of how to better Guide others (Matthew 6.33 because of for their sakes so instead of Luke 15.7 [properly fitting best precept on most appropriate precept]). Instead of:

Greater faiths but in miracles / Miracles / Christian Faith,

Greater Christian Faith / Christian Miracles / Christian Faith.

Think about this "Greater Christian Faith" and what it means: a Miracle is awesome like unto trick photography only real, and in the Christian for Greatest Purpose: loving, solving, helping, guiding, and so on. Yet this "Greater Christian Faith" is greater than a miracle: greater than a whole host of miracles per se.

So this is how to write Your Schedule of the Second Coming of Christ JESUS.

Your Christian Schedule is to be so much "Greater Christian Faith" (Prophetically, and with Miracles Mark 16.17) that the turned spirits of sinners would become afraid (Luke 21.26, New Testament Revelation [such as of You coming in Your Golden Chariot from the sky perhaps]) as the guard at the opened tomb of Christ JESUS and as Lot's Wife: a subset key secular rates in terms of relativity slow as compared to Your increasing ascending rate for Christ JESUS (conditions apply) in secular terms: actually they freely opt to be as dead stone in secular terms, while You freely opt to be Christ JESUS (including for their sakes).

So, does a stone know what to do when Given Your Prophetic Message?, perhaps as if Your Prophesying might have a detail that the particular "stone" would roll down the hill at a particular time: and then in the future as found True, to what avail?, the "stone" did not care nor deviate from wayward turned selfish course (perhaps even if You cause the "stone" to cry out Luke 19.40, such as unless part of Your Miracle(s) for Highest Good).

Little life is associated with a stone, while much life and living is with Creator JESUS (And Christians).

So this Schedule key: Your Schedule is for Aiding Christians and more for toward glorifying the greater unseen Higher; and with this

as much as You freely opt to specify in detail Your Christian Schedule For Christ JESUS Returning is for the lower levels though

be careful how Ye hear, so as not to overwhelm (toward stone), instead to Convert.

Parables, Christ JESUS Gave, and for His Holy Family Christ JESUS Gave plain language simple and easy to understand (because His Holy Family is with Love from above Flowing through Them).

Yet be aware, all things are becoming known toward End Time increasingly, so even parables become hardly as formerly: Anew In Your Schedule In For With Christ JESUS.

In the above Drawing lower left is brain function, vessel parts similar to gears and wires and puzzle pieces bumping into each other and sometimes fitting together to pre-delimited extents:

chance [time] and luck (Ecclesiastes 9.11), instead Faithful Christian Worthiness [water and Spirit (John 3.5)].

The above "chance [time] and luck" have been the Christian cross to bear, though such too "become hardly as formerly: Anew In Your Schedule In For With Christ JESUS".

Your Anew Victories are greater than that of the True Holy Beloved Prophets of old, even the Way a loving parent wishes a better life for their offspring. They could not even imagine the things You Beloved Will Do (if properly in Christ JESUS in this generation and in Your lifetime per se

Here is a Prophetic key from the precepts of Christ JESUS [including over an evident aspect since the former True Prophecies had parameters as later proven] for instance as Prophesied in Jeremiah 26.9 LDS:

So the above Prophecy was not about the year 3,000AD nor hardly about the "the house of Jacob" specifically per se (that was per another Prophecy: the Micah 2.7 Prophecy). Yet in another aspect these are covered since of the "Lord", though the point is each of the two above referenced Prophecies were independent of each other somewhat (see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on talents, on conditions, and on levels,...).

If in Highest to Schedule The Second Coming Of Christ JESUS then comprehensively since already prioritized in the name of the Christ: JESUS.

Let Your Schedule be for:

Highest JESUS Christ including any great whether seen and/or unseen above,

for Christians now and in the future,

for all humans, and optionally

as much as for other creatures as to make aware though

not toward tempting such as to say walk in faith but not saying be responsible: many would hardly comprehend even though You Give comprehensively as much as appropriate.

Therefore the Drawing above offers some Helps. The above golden illustration is of Christ JESUS Giving the Spirit Word into Immaculate Mary to [net] Give place unto Conceving and as shown above Magnifying with Husband Joseph.

These came to make better sense out of the [toward raw data (see above "Scarface" concerns)] things in the above Drawing to the left. Though greater than the generating of generations of families (Save Christ JESUS and such Faithful In God: see above text on "Prophets of old")[vessels] is the generating of not only Christians yet Highest Christians (for maximum Good [for all]).

So Your Schedule should be for the Greatest as never before, in the greatest of ranks yet One, as with (not necessarily in order, contexts and precepts apply for conditional considerations with freewill opting):


Christ JESUS circa 2,000 years ago, and with

[Your Schedule With] The Second Coming Of The Christ JESUS!

And so great are these that Your Holy Schedule should [generally speaking] include all the True Prophets, Your Christian Flock, and such as in Your Heart.

Now a Word about the people known as though False Prophets. A True Prophet is not simply the secular version (see above text on logic such as "0 or 1, off or on, no or yes,"...): it is not merely about trying to Prophesy and then seeing if it comes True, nor merely a Prophecy that came True as if to test a Prophecy after-the-fact. No, instead the True Prophet [speaks of God JESUS so] speaks of Good. The vessel known as the False Prophet, Prophesied of bad things that would come to pass (this does not exclude liars that pretended to be Good Prophets).

The True Prophet, like unto Christ JESUS, offers Goodness, Good Faith followed by Good Miracles.

The False Prophet explained bad things that would come in the future, except such disables itself (to Christians though level conditions apply).

Together (toward Oneness In Christ JESUS), many Prophecies in the Book Of Revelation for instance include bad things, except to be overcome (for Christ JESUS) lest no reason to Prophecy.

If not overcome and converted for Good, then [in a given person] bad as though from God but God instead is Good: therefore that Prophecy source is False: a False Prophet.

Please don't let any person be false. One thing You might Do is Convert "bad" or counted as if such formerly, into Good Prophecy. If so all things become Anew Good In You Beloved.

If a sinner thinks sin is good, then Convert the sinner, yes, though an added option with such (and/or [free options for You from the Precepts Of JESUS Christ]) is to Prophetically Pray Christ JESUS and prepare and change the outcome. If able to Convert bad to Good, so much greater talent to Convert zero void to Good and so much greater than that ability to Convert great Higher to Greater (such as via You properly ascending to Their Credit: from Christ JESUS [In You]).

Example: if to know an event Will happen then to opt to change the situation, if Prophetic then unable to change the situation except [in all cases] from Highest Christ JESUS: ranging from to making a coming bad situation Good, to making a coming Good situation Better.

Another way to put it is to extinguish evil ways that such be remembered no more. Some sitcoms with redeeming social values have had a mean person but a nice person turned the tables on them so to speak [the Christian straightens]. The Tree Of Knowledge is a subset of the Tree Of Life. That the first be last and the last greater first (straight-and-narrow, subset of proper precept on precept) therefore (unraveling 2 Peter 3.13) knowledge is tied to Righteousness though only if subset to, with, and for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS: then as continuing Purely rather than feeding on miracles feeding Faithfully so through subset miracles through the self Givingly Lovingly then Anew (including Schedule time(s)).

In other words, the secular is under the law, the Christian is under Christ JESUS at the top also even while serving Love, then Miracles are added [(sufficient test of Faith [levels/worthiness]) for overcoming Miracle temptations], then with Victorious greater Faith the subset Miracles are added to the Christian as much as continuing to be Victorious (properly ascending) of Schedule times / rates of ascending though not Eternal time necessarily save Highest (and Saved), so from (right to left):

Love with knowledge properly added / Love In Christ JESUS / Knowledge (including love from the Creator though secular rates apply up to Christian level).

Wisdom / Christ JESUS / Knowledge (as if knowledge alone, ignorantly perhaps though typically of freely opted sins: under worldly laws 1 Corinthians 15.56, works of hands but not caring to work for love Lamentations 3.64).

So from Highest time is Given to Schedule for the Good and for repentance time, though to this is all too often associated repeats of sins, and often until caught by people (John 8.3), otherwise when the Physics Of The Creator enable no other logical solution so self repentance toward becoming Christian. So this is not to say Schedule according to sins, instead to say this Holy Knowledge from Love is in You to not only Schedule, yet if not accomplished already then to Schedule from Highest JESUS so to include in Your Schedule this Holy "no other logical solution" already key in You so as to of the time frame You already know in this Your key so to Schedule such amount of time unto their "self repentance".

So a subset key is become in Christ JESUS, no longer their sins, but instead: how they hear, and their talents and abilities to receive into their souls and loving hearts (as the Holy Word agrees in the Creator Love Physics) unto forming a New Creation [(like unto the first in the Immaculate Mary of the above Drawing Purely Hearing God: so multiplying) nonetheless prepare first free opting dating then free opting Marriage then free opting children if to date, Marry, and have children (see Christian Church criteria perhaps requiring Membership, criteria of families, and interactive matters: social, school criteria, employer criteria, laws,...)].

Schedule accordingly therefore importantly for these though allowing repentance therefore aware of the Pure being amidst sinners in need of time for repentance (Matthew 1.16) Schedule delimited days (Matthew 1.20).

So You see from Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS how some of the Schedule [counted in the secular knowledge at least as if pieces] rather instead fit together unto One Highest JESUS Schedule: in other words from Your properly ascending talent(s) Your Harvest Schedule agrees with the Eternal Schedule as the temporary passes away.

Above is a Drawing (also above is text, and Preachers have words,...) but it is written to not have such things, such graven images and other worldly things and ideas, but this is in order that You not "bow down to them or worship them" save to worship "the LORD your God," "a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me" (Exodus 20.5 NIV): a time frame over repentance time allowance, for Your Schedule from above.

Often in the past people wanted to make timelines but looked to sinners for solutions, such as the times of when certain types of wars were, when instead time is according to Christ JESUS, so according to Highest Purpose Love, so times in the Christian Bible in the Loving Words Of Christ JESUS concerning Highest Love Events: this is the starting point for Your Prayerfully Faithful Scheduling.

Christ JESUS set a child in the midst and said to enter Heaven become as the child (pure and full of love [yet of innocent wisdom], humble [though aware], subservient to elders [with the sword of preference for doing good and being good], docile [especially for kind authority], unassertive [even so Lead], easily subdued [even so lose no one and lose nothing]...: in other words a Pure Person yet with the Holy Precepts Of Christ JESUS).

So, supportive of the Victory In Christ JESUS over the above graven image worship concern, is something included in the Highest for their sakes aspect for the properly Scheduling of the above "how they hear" aspect, such as found within a section of the Christian Bible known as Paul's Revelation in subset 2 Corinthians 12.2 BS:

So of Christ JESUS One has the above timeframes Given, and the "starting point" and "supportive" with this "starting point" is the innocence stated in Pure Adult Saint Paul: whether in the Spirit (Heaven) or not "I do not know":

save Oneness Faith in the greater unseen of Christ JESUS. For example if to ascend, is that all?, see above text "Scarface "Is this it?": hardly, in secular words no., though Yes it is all One Ascended, that is it is all as far as One has ascended; yet the greater Holy Joy is with the next higher level in Christ JESUS.

The Body ascending levels with the Blood Christian Leaders of Christ JESUS.

The above Drawing lower right shows Vertical levels and Horizontal Christians (each of Their own personal time frame [Schedule], see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on Personal End Time, on Final End Time, and on specific details concerning the yellow with purple symbolism such as for properly overcoming evolution in Christ JESUS).

Vertically Christian Leader "A" is shown with a rising purple line, Heavenly progress, into the Holy Heavens instead of the physical as if alone aspect of former secular knowledge or actual secular unawareness accordingly of their freely opted ways (save any pertinent Mission from above).

the Vertical straight parts of Christian Leader "A" purple line are Good, though [with the arrows pointing toward] the curved parts of the purple line are other things not necessarily sins though time and effort exhaustive. At the bottom of the purple line the person [pure and innocent] submits to higher authority (parents, teachers,...)(also a person might sin or counted as if such Luke 2.51) until Christian Baptism and New Member orientation unto then Leading Vertically as shown ascending along the Straight-And-Narrow, though if as often happens a Christian (full repentance needs apply also) might not opt to ascend and instead consider other ways as is normal as a Christian grows in Faith so the line curves again and again perhaps, until Christian "A" grows in Faith to Perfectly Know The Holy Path.

In other words, there is an end to knowledge alone (or counted as if alone): therefore there is a Perfecting Of Growing In Christian Faith so as to completely Lovingly Wisely Know the whole Faith Path yet ascending unto greater Joy beyond worldly measures and descriptions (living growing, not yet described by tactical means).

So Christian "A" can ascend far, even if the very elect (including Christian "A") be shaken (Matthew 11.7). Many Christian Leaders have been so shaken: have Heart, Christ JESUS forgets not Your Many Good Works.

Christian "A" Preached and/or Published and/or Did some Ministry Works, perhaps unseen in the Holy Spirit and/or perhaps seen in the flesh with hands (see above verse discussion): so since in Christ JESUS One, other Christians benefited and some Did likewise as shown: those Christians on line "B".

So Christian "A" is shown on a level, having Worked on that level and then for instance Preached, yet

the Hearers on line "B" did not that same Work "A" Did, instead the Hearers entered into the Harvest and so started on a higher level having heard the lower and not having to repeat (in this Given type of case as is typical, another is the not shown Firmament type of case level(s)).

So for instance You look up info and Preach, but the Hearers as much as They freely opt to Hear (listen, receive, take to heart, Give credence to Your info,...) do not "look up" things You already looked up, as much as They trust You and are so motivated (Their free options).

Since They, Doers on line "B", start on a higher level, then likewise is true for a generation and for a civilization.

Christ JESUS God visits them through generations, this is Your Schedule as to how, so as to time such Prophetically.

Christian "C" heard the Preaching of a line "B" Preacher and so Does likewise: Christ JESUS credits "C" and pertinent source on line "B" and "A" (all entered properly into One Holy Work, including "B" and "C" perhaps directly benefiting "A" soon, even if so instead value far greater toward the immeasurable Luke 6.23 though see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on required [needful] responsibility, on ROI, and related on maximizing ascending while minimizing maintenance responsibly perfectingly).

Behold Christian "C", uplifted in a level, and They did relatively nothing compared to "A" nor "B". Christian "C" Did the same amount of work effort as Christian "B" and got greater [(not all levels are shown) shown inaccurately as twice] value (example Matthew 16.10).

From Christian "A", Preacher "D" ascended more ("H") than others, like unto "A".

Yet even so, even with "A" to level "G", and "D" to level "H" (You please go Do likewise) though continue within this Word a bit more to find the greater in Christ JESUS being revealed for You and Your Schedule for all for One Greatest Good.

Preacher "E" worked toward Goodness though stumbled a little or swayed...(see above text "shaken") and for instance might or might not have even finished Their Sermon (see above verse "in the body or out" discussion):

even so Preacher "F" is shown not with overlap but with a Leap Of Faith!

Go on, Give it a try, and if properly Faithful then much more than "a try" (if built-in sense of possible failure then toward faithlessness): so go on leap: consider how a child leaps into the water, safely preferably, though consider the Source Of Safe: Holy Christ JESUS One Father. Care how this is interpreted, do not invite too much temptation nor risk for You nor Hearers. Example if to jump off a waterfall toward a pond then perhaps to smack against a rock and be crippled, though if a person is drowning then Pray and Minister as fitting precept on precept in Christ JESUS (Golden Rule).

Having continued "within this Word a bit more to find the greater in Christ JESUS being revealed for You" (thank You), now is revealed this greater Holy Benefit:

in Highest Christ JESUS is the Whole

(see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on the sum being greater than the parts, and on the ascending gaining the greater unseen values).

The "Whole" (as much as symbolized) is that as much as Other Christian Leaders are properly ascending, the far greater is with Them

than even the First "A" even though the "A" Vessel ascended far greater (save Christ JESUS Greatest).

In secular terms, if to add each Christian's levels of ascending (from Their starting point level [bottom of each of Their yellow blocks] to Their Personal Highest point level [top of each of Their purple lines][plus the greater unseen gap "F" accomplished with a proper Leap Of Faith]) it is greater than all of the Christian "A" Vertical range.

Therefore as Christians likely heard and saw explained in other presentations, They, the Preachers from Your Work In JESUS, are greater (Revelation 2.19).

Also therefore Your Flock is greater than Your Own Ascending (or if not yet, should be).

Not only did Your Flock do less than You, not only did Your Flock start with many Holy Higher Level Benefits You never had, yet Theirs Is Greater Than Your Works Beloved One, rejoice as They enter into Your Credit in Christ JESUS.

You wanted a better life for Them than You suffered, Behold!, They Have It Because They Do Likewise Unto You One And Give Such And Greater!!!

Concerning the above purple lines: they are unseen to each yellow vessel except Pure At The Top Vertical Vessel(s), and hardly pertinent to the shaken by the wind nor under law [except if on a lower mission (conditions apply as specified in previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders)] symbolized by the curved parts of the purple lines:

so the generally the seen [in a person in this world] is the yellow and the unseen is the purple, and also unseen is the "gap".

The seen is what a person can see and opt whether to do. The unseen purple in a secular person (not shown of this above Drawing) is a line that does not ascend above the repentance level nor the Christian Baptism level. The unseen purple in a Christian should be Vertical as much as responsibility (ibid. toward automating maintenance) allows and as much talent and situation allow (ibid. conditions apply) and within the Given from above as much as freely opted): a Step of Christian Faith for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS as much as the Christian Faith Path is of within such Vessel so with Wise Awareness; beyond is the unseen Leap, greater than the Step as much as accurate per Given criteria that applies all the more (toward under law as much as if to deviate).

How to describe the Heavens and a Leap Of Faith: as stars and Black Holes and all of such known things, yet far many more things unseen; though all these in One Christ JESUS including unseen Vertical direction or other directions, 3D, time, distance, as if secular reasonings though cleaning toward Pure Vessel maintenance responsibility and legal though instead One Highest Purpose Grace (counted as Grace though often as if requirements [Firmament levels not shown are required aspects] Luke 10.41), yet

to instead be of the Highest Faith to properly Leap is to be One Spirit Of Christ JESUS in charge and after that [through You Christian Leader] then in Your Christian Sermon preparing accordingly: therefore if to Give Highest Purpose Faith Worthiness, to Know Everything For Good (see above text "Grace" In "Spirit Of Christ JESUS") so to know all the Heavens (so Perfect)

yes, though as if hardly: example a toddler becomes able to ride a tricycle but instead of giving the toddler a tricycle the parent gives the toddler ownership of a fleet of cruise ships (which the toddler cannot reasonably even come close to appreciating nor managing properly, though such a gift to certain adults would be far more than vacation joys alone as some appreciate such great business enterprises with Lovingly Wise Christian appropriate management principles and abilities including the Heart to see to it that each crew member and each passenger is with properly responsible fair and safe care as expected and that each is very delighted [toward as One JESUS].

In other words, Your Leap Sermon is from starting to prepare at a level, then Prayerfully ascending as Christ JESUS Guides, though such as through time little on little, and more on more properly from the Straight-And-Narrow to as if far beyond such reasoning yet of Christ JESUS resulting for harvest yielding on target and delightfully continuing along the Straight-And-Narrow [toward as if not knowing how such greatness was achieved (yet during Victory Joy and after-the-fact thankfully Prayerfully aware Christ JESUS put this thing together [a proper Leap, as a Miracle-Of-Faith yet higher a Faith-Of-Faith])].

Now, not to diminish by being about comparing nor measuring, even so though to Edify compare "Scarface "Is this it?" though temporarily, since "Is this it?" is at the end and so temporary, while instead Faith-On-Faith is not only a New Beginning (purple line) yet far greater

in the sense that if to write a Christian Sermon properly, then better than expected (even a secular teacher preparing to teach and while teaching and the students learn generally: the teacher learns also along the way): the learning is the unseen though purple (more than as much as shown above), while far greater is the Christian Leap

as not merely Your Sermon yet many more of Your Christian Sermons fit together revealing greater (note, this is tied to some reasoning that a person as if needs be Elder in order to be Wiser, yes, though only slightly true, that is, conditionally True: properly Leap in Faith though if to stumble learn to be better with precepts of Christ JESUS, and if to Succeed then learn to be better with precepts of Christ JESUS)

and more importantly Your Flock Sermons and Sermons of other Christians, and even the lower levels Convert In You to fit together amazingly for Highest JESUS Purpose.

Firmament level / Repent or turn back to lower secular level pains / Concerning secular levels sinner attempts to ascend into Heaven.

Higher levels (with or without Firmaments) / Stepping or Leaping of Highest Grace JESUS for Highest Grace Purpose In JESUS / Christian proper attempts.

So here is a great key concerning whether a Christian is under the law (and sting of death) or not,

a sinner is not Christian (see the following note), a sinner does not Believe Christ JESUS;

though a Christian Does Believe Christ JESUS Faithfully, therefore "with or without Firmaments" no longer applies in the Christian.

Firmaments only apply as if against sinners, though actually True legally for repentance: for sinners to at least repent.

Note: the above sense is withing the above context. A Christian can kill people or secularly legally be counted as though such (Christian Church criteria and the multitudes of other criteria [some mixed, some in part] conditionally applies); for instance a Christian might drive at high speed into a crowd of people due to a flat tire and some might blame the driver such as for not having checked the tires enough while others might forgive.

With this note other conditions also apply such as concerning the under law Firmament requiring Full Repentance (lay down your weapons) as written in 2 Timothy 2.25 NIV:

so be sure, even toward asking a couple times whether a person is fully repentant to be motivated to never again sin, and to understand there is something [SomeOne] higher and greater, even One God, One Godhead Multiple In Leadership, and therefore willing to become properly Immersion Baptized Into Christianity (and Your Christian Church criteria may specify adding proper details to this for One Highest Purpose).

This is toward such for future referencing and Doing so, though not to say redo a sprinkle-type-Baptism as with a little water on the head, except some Christian Churches have such requirement also for Good Highest Purpose, though Christian Baptism is not merely a decision, it is with the proper decision.

Without Baptism [generally after the time of Elias John The Baptist] is like unto a persons years completed in this world and then ready to go into Heaven, though while spirits are willing the flesh is weak: did the body die in Christ JESUS?, no, only the Spirit: so the body knows not of it per se (Precept Of JESUS or Firmament, Matthew 13.33, the body knows not). The Saints of the Old Testament go to Heaven without Baptism (example Matthew 17.2&3): if to be aware of the better Way, the New Yet Proper In Christ JESUS, but then to instead prefer other then toward other (see above text "or turn back" [toward faithlessness])(lower conditions do not apply, higher conditions apply). Lower responsibility applies according to Highest Purpose Faith In Christ JESUS.

In the above Drawing to the left the black section is like unto one Christian Voice And Sermons ascending properly Faithfully for Christ JESUS, with each small aperture performing a function similar to a precept in a Sermon. If to discuss only one precept in a Sermon such as to highlight it for a special option reason, then such as a straight line signal as shown transfiguring through the precept into broadcast (various other descriptions also can be properly applied, such as for functionality of the precept, or such as to make sure Hearers get-the-point so to speak in the secular); the two apertures then are like unto the Good part(s) of two Books Of The Christian Bible or two precepts or Commandments working together over a situation, or two companies (such as so to plan and prepare to catch and lift companies, see above "net").

The neural network of computers and machines of a company or a spaceship colony (settling on a planet for instance is not required, reference excellent though secular TV series Deep Space Nine and Old Testament tents or less tied to Star Ship Enterprise) likewise can be such as Anointed In The Name Of Christ JESUS and so yield Steps and greater up to the full repentance and Baptism level though

as the above Drawing yellow Christians indicate these enter into the higher above that Firmament level, not that secular enters by decisions, but that the Christian Leadership ascends all the greater according to the Highest Christ JESUS Purposing the lower Good (parts of lower levels) is added to the Higher (Matthew 25.28).

If Preacher "A" for instance benefits from Good from lower levels, then Preacher "E" having learned Good In Christ JESUS from Preacher "A", then the Good is times two in this case, and times as many as of such Grace. Yet the Good while from specific aspects (lower details, traceable to Highest JESUS including Higher Witnessing any goodly parts in lower traceability) is in the lower levels (e.g. a machine that automatically insulates wires: yet if opted in the Christian then For Good Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS) it is delimited to the lower and risks, except the Higher (conditions apply, awareness of lower goodly aspects does not mean for instance that the "wires" are good, as proper insulation is not all there is to a wire, so for instance if You provide the copper and insulating materials it is not the same if another so provides the materials as You or the other (see recent ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on Commander) might be more expert at such: talents apply, timing applies, power to the machine applies,...).

Christ JESUS offers precepts: so now this key [e.g.:] builds / grows / Steps, rightly Faithfully Of Highest Grace on these above precepts as for solving

how is a secular expert better talented at something than a Christian?:

let the Christian lead for Christ JESUS In Highest, instead of merely follow.

Ascend, that these be entered into You, ascend properly that the Good Be Found In You John 4.38 ASV:

Generally speaking a typical secular school teaches goodly things along with stupid sinful things (this is stated to Help You Be Edified Most Perfectly In Christ JESUS). Even so a secular school "teaches goodly things": this is nearly nothing (as an asymptote) that the secular should brag about: it is more toward deceptive illegal practices of lies Daniel 2.43 LDS:

The above verse is the weak point that causes the secular to enable great to secular people and things falling down, and upon itself. Even so much (parts that are goodly from the secular trials and errors...) for Good Aboundeth for The Properly Ascending In Holy Highest Grace Christian and so for Christian Leadership.

Friends, to Edify rightly for all, each was told and shown already (even Adam And Eve)[the Highest from Christ JESUS, even so at other levels:] such as minuscule goodly parts from great movies such as involving metallurgy from A Knights Tale and such as electricity from Apollo 13:

God Gave You these words "metallurgy" and "electricity" but did You become the top expert?, no probably, except Yes If For Highest Purpose Prayerfully Faithfully Ascending First In Spirit For And Doing In Christ JESUS accomplishing victories over such ancient things: even Your language from the dictionary has taught as much;

though it is not important to chase after the secular treasures: Your Victories For Christ JESUS are only according to Doing The Will Of God JESUS Christ.

You have Preaching to Do and Ministering to Do, generally speaking for the audience(s), and these Will Be Added though not from searching them out in lower levels, from instead the Highest Will Of JESUS, for instance Your Christian Church criteria might that You would Preach on the Baptism issue or on the state-of-affairs or toward solving something as You may opt such citing precepts of Christ JESUS, so then for instance if to Baptism You might opt to include river clay and toward inner Holy Grail Eucharist matters so from clay to vessels yet properly in Christ JESUS, and the Sermon(s) might grow such as

Plasma / Electronics / Waves / Vessel Metallurgy / Clay cup / River;

yet in each section citing Christ JESUS In Highest Purpose so ascending properly according to Faith, so as much as interesting to You then You may opt (if Best) to include things of Highest Faith (see above "toddler" "fleet" discussion) so Pray God the for Their Sakes You be expert (reference unselfishness key: minimize, maximize Highest Purpose In Will Of JESUS One Father) so be enlightened Highest or perhaps a suitable level (an amount if any as God sees fit [sometimes to rely on others for Highest Specifics of circumstances]) that You and the Hearers could understand and enjoy (though not too great as to wrongly tempt, in other words often is the case generally to explain such is not for to sin nor to cause sin).

Your perfect Sermon is also Your Schedule for the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS offers precepts that offer from Highest Purpose Love, with the Oneness above the proper Christian Baptism Firmament yet including the freely opted hence per Christian [Vessel] or Group In The Name Of Christ JESUS (Vessel), the opportunity to make worthy to lift people above the Christian Baptism Firmament and to lift things like unto the first, from below the people Firmament according to Christian Anointing(s) of things;

though to sinners a thing is a thing, whether in a Christian Church or not, and to sinners at times people are things. But the Truth is people are far greater than cargo alone, and more valuable than the plane that carried the people and things.

As a burning bush in the desert, a thing continues to be a thing to the unenlightened until enlightened (pending evolving, adapting,...) even though a thing (even virtually all things, though precepts apply for Your proper Distinguishing) is greater than face value to some (reference coin collector) as written at JPS Tanakh 1917:

Shoes are made of hands or lower firmament machines, though "feet" are made of the ear (see above Drawing Immaculate Conception): made of the Creator JESUS, so the former way yet with value today was that the Priest should today respect the Highest Holiness accordingly [the priests there performed their services barefooted" (see Gill's Exposition)]. This Old Testament concept is similar to the altar not made of hands concept (Holy Concept(s) from One Highest Concept Creative Plan).

The no shoes value is also similar to the desert journeys including of the Chosen People and of Christ JESUS (Matthew 4.2, Genesis 7.4),

this value is the Faith key relying on God instead of the self and hands and machines and electricity and such of the Creation.

With this Old Way (distinguish to Highest Precept Reason In Christ JESUS) is not the same fruit as the so called "former way" ( "faith our father Abraham" Romans 4.12):

The New Testament replaces the Old Testament

(conditions apply).

The Eucharist is not merely once and done, yet death was once and done.

While the New Testament replaces the Old Testament in great part (and greater unseen in the worldly lower levels)

The Third Testament replaces the New Testament in small parts as much as people are able to properly receive such Love Gifts from Christ JESUS above (ibid.).

Your New Blood Of Christ JESUS Schedule Vessel is each [Old, New, Third, and/or as You may freely opt] though needful is to not count as Yours: it belongs to God as written in Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible:

Note the above Second Coming options "I will come again; either by death or in person a second time, here on earth:".

And even so as much as You are able to properly lovingly receive for One Highest Purpose Christ JESUS these are hardly the only options: the Heavens are full of impossible in this world greater options abounding and overflowing: beyond to wait on the Lord

to be One With The Lord and come back to raise the residue and greater.

No man can write these things, except in Christ JESUS even a low level sandal can be overcome in Highest Christian Faith. Example: some places on Earth such as with small shards of sharp rocks might cut the feet save Holy Above (reference walk on water), so if You want to write "JESUS" barefooted Good, if of sufficient worthiness agreeing with the Creator JESUS such as not to show off and instead for others to see for Highest Purpose and it can be (whether with or without spilling blood from feet)(Matthew 10.10); even so Merciful Christ JESUS might want You to put on sandals first, 1 Peter 1.13 LDS:

Make Your Schedule as a [perhaps round, perhaps other / free opting (yet Highest Purpose JESUS One)] steering wheel on a car, that all in the car safely best go straight. Do not turn away from Your Christian Heart Time Soul In Eternal JESUS Faith, though if lower levels count as if turns [here a little there a little (Isaiah 28.13)] then know their fruits that they would fall (ibid.) except see above text to not tempt them beyond their abilities to overcome:

in other words You gain from Christ JESUS key in Your Blood Schedule for rightly living in others (see above Drawing Horizontal lines with yellow parts) Holy Things but lower levels if uncontrolled by Your Schedule if the schedule be imperfect, then enemies fall according to Your Word, lower levels remain the same or fall or ascend not much according to Your efforts if Your schedule be imperfect.

If to Help, Christ JESUS would that You be Perfect.

A key, and much more than a key, a living key, loving, raising others.

The LORD JEHOVAH Yahweh in a Psalm by the sons of Korah ( explained for [Christian] Zion "strength on strength" ( so in the New Testament for You Christian Leader this means to properly grow...spirit on spirit, that is instead in Christ JESUS "Holy Spirit [known formerly as talents (of the One Highest Holy Spirit)] on Holy Spirit [known formerly as talents (of the One Highest Holy Spirit)].

If Given the One Highest Holy Spirit, and there is no other, then to form Anew One Highest Holy Spirit, lovingly understanding lower levels would hardly understand save according to amount of straight ascending faith spirit in them. A vessel has spirits, and with such a vessel in this world also is with the exceedingly more important value of straight spirits as together [toward oneness].

Of the Holy Word [such as Holy Schedule] turned spirits as though die to "turned" and live to straightened (above pic of Immaculate Conception).

The yellow vessels (to the right of ibid.) are as others unawares (as are sometimes the cases, Mercy is sometimes tied to minimizing repetition), though when a spirit becomes aware of [a better way, instead:] the greatest best Way to proceed then the spirit ascends accordingly though the remaining balance of the vessel [spirits] may or may not show evidence of such according to less than Highest Accounting [For Good].

"For Good" is as to measure so counted toward after-the-fact relative to a before-the-fact jet pilot for instance. So the measuring is hardly leading, hardly to lead [(reference Quality Assurance and Quality Control in light of worldly Purchase Orders, cart before the horse, and an expert being told what to do by an expert though not in that field of expertise) routine matters also in employee employer relations (yet in the secular such is hardly the same as within Christianity per se reference

even so respect those that God has placed over You,

and for example

Help authorites over Yourself as much as allowed by those authorities (such as Help the wind make the sound "JESUS" and amplify) and in so Helping In One Highest Purpose it is no longer "over", it is become in You JESUS Highest agreeing, One: plenty of room at the top.

Your Schedule Help for their sakes becomes Evangelism added unto Your credit. The above Drawing Horizontal becomes as Christian Faith lines of credit: appraised inaccurately from below, friends, while measured perfectly from Highest JESUS Christ.

Time is money becomes instead time on time and money on money (as if God could need either). God has all the time and other that God needs, though Gives Love to be counted as though in need of Your Soul (and One Fold). The sinner is not worthy, be in Pure Schedule Above to account properly and best. And greater: leading for their sakes, Mercifully, agreeing but only as much as they properly agree.

With ascending Vertically the Horizontal Higher agrees,

the same level freely opts if to agree,

and the lower is added unto You (though "same level" "opts" also apply conditionally, reference such as domesticated or wild creatures even though with dominion over both, and reference how dogs and cats might fight each other even if domesticated).

Your Higher part of Your account Schedule is on hold, from the lower level perspective: so wait until endued with power from above (see above text). Followers, no account is on hold: that is, the Truth of the True Eternal already Gave and Gives all things in Christ JESUS In Highest Purpose In Heaven.

The world has had former ways, yet a civilization can together ascend properly in Christ JESUS, and effectually benefiting with great speed, though as much as "together" and for One Highest Purpose In The Name Of The Christ JESUS.

Do the Vertical ascending as of the above chart, yet with awareness of the greater lateral vessels, the greater unseen Good: Behold above Drawing Christian Vessel "A": yellow "A" is the lowest of the bunch of yellows: servant to all.

The other yellows with purple lines ascending are as the leap, as if disconnected, though with properly ascending even if unseen all other ascending Helps one another yet John 5.44 NIV applies:

give God the Highest best Glory [all of Yourself, and greater (such as including Your Schedule that God provided in Your Heart as written)] including Prophetically for their future Guidance sakes.

People innovated carts, and it was better than carrying on backs, generally; people innovated jet rockets and it was better than carts, generally. Yet God created bare feet, [generally, that is for any with feet]. Even so, a person with feet, in a jet has little need of feet, generally.

Gird up the feet and mind and past ways, if for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

If a person likes to provide accounting projections to solve for the future, or if a person likes to have the best sports team next season, let them be of righteous courage to first bind up their former if with any turned spirits, and then when straight agreeing ascend properly to Schedule for Christ JESUS Highest.

If You can Trust God instead of the lower flesh, the write their Schedule. If a conflict of interest then seek the Highest to resolve instead of step by step level on level:

Hardly ask the boss what to do if Good and Proper that You be invited to ask the boss' boss (though in the world the chain of command applies typically to be respected)(if Given invitation from the boss' boss the boss' boss might want to minimize their lower level interaction(s) friend(s) so perhaps reserve such privileges until special situations for the greater value in Your "boss" (opinion) and "boss' boss" and for all

(opposite cliche is to go over the boss' head to stab in the back, toward sin though conditions apply such as unusually high emergencies).

Even so Christ JESUS would instead that You Be One, not merely same level as noted above, yet instead with "Highest": instantly yielding Anew Christ JESUS Highest Level for Your Sake and theirs toward Highest Oneness.

Let the Beloved Follower Wise Up to the fact (stated harshly, instead stated plainly: for Their sakes) that Eternity Of Heaven in secular terms is as a circle racetrack therefore the Follower (waiting for the Second Coming) is actually already in Heaven now in this generation today;

even so instead the Leader In Christianity (Christians, normally the Preacher, Priest,...) straight and narrow offers Heaven now;

in either case: now.

Christ JESUS is of the Highest Unseen Above, yet with the range lower to serve: serve, yes, though at any level seek the highest level. Seek the lowest seat because it is right, seek the lowest because it is Highest for You in that Given From Above situation: Highest because for their sakes. Seek the Old Testament likewise, for the Highest New Testament and so on precept on precept.

Look at the above Drawing yellow with purple (representing Sermons and Preaching and such for others hence yellows can ascend according to Highest Worthiness): the yellows ascend according to yellow "A". They heart the Sermon from "A", and They went and Did likewise: this yields "A" highest at the top of the purple far above "G". In other words person "A" can serve to discuss as low a level as "A" (or lower, conditions apply such as memory) and of range as high as the top of "A"s purple line but that does not make "A" God (nor Eternal as such came from proper Christian Baptism In Christ JESUS).

The Eternal One is Heaven, that is Heaven(s) as much as levels be granted to the worthy, as much as allowing time to repent, and more importantly properly ascending.

Note a person might have repented but then failed to become Christian.

When the sinner notes the lowest person (see above Drawing "A"), the Tyrant position with Kingly possessions is preferred in that sinner.

Though when the Christian notes the lowest, They can observe the above Drawing to see also the Highest In Christ JESUS.

Other applies though some things of key pertinences have been shown above.

"H" is shown above, such as an attempted leap of faith that failed, like unto a child constructing large wings though not studying wing muscles, tail, and controls for appropriate flapping. It does not mean the shaken "failed" in the sense as to fall from Heaven since already a Saved Christian Vessel (above text also mentions other considerations) though because of a distraction an condition was encountered, costing time and effort, though within Christian Grace Mercy Peace and so on typically the failure was a little off the straight-and-narrow:

while learning the Walk Of Christian Faith, the margin of error shrinks though for Good (reference secular JIT though conditions apply) instead of the secular opposite tied to large margin markup options. So the Loyally Faithful In Christ JESUS with ascending properly become better able to stay on track:

therefore because of "H" the others can be forewarned, instead Prophetically.

Date and time of the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS:

"ye know the things" (3 Nephi 27.21).

Christ JESUS could say a date (example: many thought the year 2,000AD was the Final End Time), though Christ JESUS would instead that You would be involved in the Good Best Holy Way before the Final End Time, and this includes this Scheduling, and then Your Doing.

There are those that are going to be harmed in danger for their lives, unless One Great Precept From Christ JESUS comes to pass enabling their worthiness and motivating them higher even to Highest Holy Purpose that they be and remain unharmed: this key already Given You now to so Do is in the previous sentence.

The specific date and minute, with caring concerning about people situated or charted in various time zones, and in time space anomalies, are as revealed toward the bottom of this page. So while One event, it involves multiple witnessing people in spaces, times, and perceptions (rather instead One In Christ JESUS Acts 4.10-12).

Time(s) of the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS.

The Saved are with One already (ibid.), though Christian Leaders prepare the others responsibly [(maintenance, situations, guiding,...) as much as Given from above to Do, for each vessel to bear it's cross as long as Given to so Do] while vesting the far more in the greater from above (John 11.50 instead Matthew 15.24). Prior to Creation [Pulse] is appraised as nothing counted except the Spirit Of One JESUS 100% (maintenance not applicable), after Final End Time greater likewise.

Many Christian Preachers said things such as "The end is near" concerning the Second Coming and the Book Of Revelation and similar in the Old Testament, and They were right even though Their bodies passed from this census world: They were right though see the following faith matter concerns as the time has come and passed, even circa 2,000 years ago, though there is much more to it ( Christ JESUS explained: for their sakes, the sakes of those yet to properly ascend in Christianity.

This is a matter of Highest Faith In Christ JESUS, but others have other things on their minds, so to such "others" it is a matter of their faith level Vertically, so to explain: in the days of Adam, the first words were becoming defined, such as dog, and such as cat; while in this generation there are normal to this same civilization only now just as great faith matter concerns from the Eternal perspective though from lower levels the explanations by people back then were often tied (due to ignorance and/or sinfulness) with vocabulary limitations, unawareness of current complex systems, new words formed since, and so forth (not to hold such against them any more than currently: with the Good parts favored in each for All One JESUS Highest Purpose).

Christian Preachers that "passed" away didn't have the words to explain, so to speak: it is an ongoing (e.g. growing leaping) process.

So now Given In Christ JESUS is this key: if to know, love, build, grow,...Good precept on Good precept, then to so Do from Highest Christ JESUS above, therefore with the right future words and systems (or whatever they have in the future): therefore Truly Prophetically.

Like unto how the Second Commandment is as the First Commandment though understanding the First discusses the Heavenly unseen [Faith] and the Second the seen and with such as phones [Miracles / Faith], likewise this second part of the key is conditionally from Highest and only in this Highest Respect it is True And Holy:

subset: if to see (above Drawing upper left black illustration of wave patterns) patterns of sins then to more readily explain,

but not so unless properly citing Christ JESUS constantly (such as each precept, such as footnotes,...) reasonably and in all cases toward maximum.

From Faith to Higher Faith, is not the same as from Miracle to Higher Miracle.

Example, a sinner sees a pattern of when to steal: it is no good.

Example, in Highest ascending a Christian sees the Holy Trend (Pattern), though therefore the subset applies yet also the first higher part of this above key. If the higher applies, then no need for the lower (secular: good - bad = good), instead: Highest JESUS Good x Highest JESUS Good = Highest JESUS Good And Greater.

Many Christian Preachers that passed away said things that were right Prophetically (see previous link) though as You understand some have some talents and others have other talents, those Preachers evidently didn't have the particular talents for the particular Prophesying to explain such, or didn't know how to explain certain aspects of the Heavens, or hearers simply didn't understand (currently, Given talents, background noise interferences,...).

Of the above link: according to their faith(s) such as of the hearers for instance, a gap in logic was noticed. In New Christianity the as if "gap" was overcome Faithfully In Christ JESUS as evidenced in record for increasingly reasonably (ascending Vertically) virtually all to read and see (even in this generation some animals are learning to paint, read, and lead missions [Word to Christian Leaders]).

The next "gap" is coming. And the next Good Perfectingly.

The time(s) of the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS includes such things as wave pulses, and situation pulses. Some Will not be measurable per secular logic alone, so per se not prophetically.

Some pulses Will be Highest Holy Pulses of systems, spirits, times, and other, some yet to be revealed; though hardly with ascending Christians unawares,

instead with Christians largely aware, a great number of Christians Will come from the Heavenly Places above, and the awaiting Christian remnant on Earth might or might not be entirely aware of what's happening.

The Christian Bible Teaches pulses of things, the Precepts Of Christ JESUS, and more of Christ JESUS in pulses, even the Heart; though the Christian Bible also teaches subset pulses, such as of the bowls and the seals and while ancillary even so yet for One Highest Purpose as a net that gathers every kind of fish (Matthew 13.47) for each and every Good purpose in One Highest Purpose.

The pulses of historic wars in former Christian Bible accounts (from those ignorant or sinful beloved people) are for Helping You concerning what not to do [that is instead do better (from Highest Christ JESUS)] and what teachings to as if not follow save follow the Good parts from them (see above Drawing "H" with text concerning "forewarned").

In this generation is a Pulse Trend Flowing Goodness From Highest JESUS Christ, examples include Your Christianity and Christian Bible study ascendingly, the Eucharist pulse, level pulses, Firmament pulses, and pulses of Miracles too for You to enjoy from Christ JESUS such as the recent Zion (an awakening time unto being Chosen for to become known as a Christian Nation) event and increasingly Good since then.

In this world for instance consider that some nations openly are stated as for instance "a Muslim nation", but if to go to some countries and say Officially "This is [now] a Christian Nation", such has not been fairly treated the same so illegal against Christians: the Israelites became recognized, let the Christians likewise: it's the law.

Even so, more important is from Highest Is The Same Way Christ JESUS approached the first time: Heart (1 John 4.19 / 1 John 3.19-24).

Temples and walls come and go (see above text "Preachers" might too / higher levels apply). If a passage through a wall is sealed to prove that God is God since able to break through (tomb stone rolled away)(reference sinners to with explosives, even lower level dust: even earthquakes open walls: do not worship the earthquake, the volcano, the wind, the frequencies, nor the waves).

So if a Good passage is so closed, the person or people that had done such "closed" would be undone (Luke 16.15 with True New Prophesying Heart Pulsing for others and Highest Christ JESUS Luke 16.16 not prophets until Anew Via Christ JESUS ["neither will" Luke 16.31 KJ]).

So of the above Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS First Loving is hence the first Love And Heart Pulse (in terms of the Highest JESUS Christ in the created [from Planning stage to Creating Revelation 3.14]) and so predetermination does exist (Ephesians 1.5) and so since sin cannot continue (Physics Of The Creator) then Final End Time comes to the sinners to end sin (e.g. Ephesians 2.2)

Since "predetermination does exist" it can be measured from higher levels so to speak, in parts such as in Old True Prophecies and accordingly in New Higher Prophesying, though in whole via Highest Purpose Final Prophesying In Christ JESUS.

So if to know this range in the created sinful world is from first pulse to last pulse as predetermined, then part of the solving is this Victory In And For Christ JESUS (two standardization points, #1 Beginning, & #3 End) and the Second Coming comes prior to the Final End Time (The Holy #2 Standardization Point) Victory In Christ JESUS for the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Behold! Because of the previous line, with the sinners largely unawares or then turned sinfully (except as much as above text "that You would be involved" for Good) as long as sinful then their pains continue until ended, though

not so for the Highest Christian as Final End Time does not apply, in the sense that the greater Good applies, so from predestination the Christian can ascend in free opting as a slave to and for Christ JESUS to instead predetermination likewise to and for Christ JESUS yet instead higher: Highest One JESUS Christ.

And sin would no longer need be remembered / Highest Purpose For Christ JESUS / Christian Standard / Time Of The Second Coming and the greater than the prior.

The Saved Christian needs not die and is Eternal as these words apply concerning the lower level temporary perspective; as stated above "sin would no longer need be remembered" and likewise therefore the former ways of the temporary worldly measures "would no longer need be remembered":

Though in the lower worldly perspective while counted as if temporary measures apply: the Christian was Chosen from before the Creation Plan, from the Eternal One.

Even so this does not invalidate Christian Standard Practices, nor for instance Christian Baptisms.

A person can be Chosen though unaware of such (in the secular a meeting agrees to a person to be promoted though that person might not find out until the next meeting with becoming invited to both attend and to so do work together at that meeting). A person Chosen from prior to the Creating therefore is of Holy Highest Heart far more than mind (after Christian Baptism [awareness even if much unseen], and increasingly with proper ascending).

Rather Wisdom In Christ JESUS / Tongues / Heart.

To clarify for You the above text, the Christian is counted in the secular, including per census; though the Christian person including prior to Christian Baptism is freed through Christ JESUS once-for-all so not lower levels except as the lower has interpreted, instead from above and Eternal Highest and since "freed" to opt then not predestination as only predetermination applies. The Faithful High (to Edify: the Christian that has become more aware of the Christian Faith Path) ascending Christian typically only opts to Do [Their (the Lord's)] Best And Good In Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS Is Already In You Christian Leader so as written above to the right You know the answer already!, Rejoice in the Lord JESUS!, Your Holy Second Coming Schedule is prepared already as written & 22:

Lifting, ascending, ascending now in them in any that would listen to You, Beloved One, properly ascending along the Christian Faith Path for Christ JESUS: New Vessel(s): New Christiainity (Christian Leadership).

Christ JESUS already showed You how to lead (including properly Scheduling the Second Coming as Elias Mark 1.3 / Sent to Lead as One Your Faith in Christ JESUS Matthew 11.10). This is so that You alert them to be Comforted (according to the amount of their faith(s)) to be prepared within the Christianity [religion and (see Your Christian Church criteria on definition senses)] and then rather leading:

1. to agree when the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS comes down from the sky to Them, or instead

2. to ascend properly to be with the Second Coming With Christ JESUS coming down from the Heavens to serve people... the Good JESUS Physics and greater Good Eternally.

Come [from Heaven] and serve Thyself to Them [to eat the Word, even that Christians be in the Eucharist].

There are sorrows that must come (see verse below), and there is greater Joy and Comfort with and in Christ JESUS as One:

1. in the spirit world (such as bedtime and other) You accordingly find Yourself leading sinners symbolized as if critters (above Drawing donkey),

2. You Will also find Yourself leading Christians including Exemplar Christians.

Many people and spirits that You are to Lead for Jesus Christ would love to talk about themselves, and others about their Church, and some ascendingly with You concerning Christ JESUS:

1. many want to talk about their children and their activities, goodly, though don't be too distracted (see above text on "rates and maintenance" responsibilities),

2. many want to talk about their secular struggles, some talk about Their Church, such as fundraisers for Their Church (ibid. yet if for Highest Purpose In JESUS, Good),

3. Christian Leaders may be (see Drawing tops of purple lines) Enlightening, yet rather Anew Properly Ascending In Christ JESUS.

Now the above "struggles" are with worldly risks. The Christian Leadership Prophetically Anew In Christ JESUS are within and along the Christian Faith Path so a series of Victories for Christ JESUS: increasingly!

So this key per se is Anew in this generation, pertinent for this generation and these times and places (including Anew Heavenly Revelations prior to current End Time things):

the world falls away from the properly ascending Christian Leader (such "falls" can come, see above Drawing shaken purple lines in every case except Christ JESUS From Heaven, though the secular range extent is not applicable to the toward minimal Christian shaken elect amount) as the way the first human Adam was Given dominion over the former animals (said for the sakes of all, friends and friendly creatures [Firmaments apply]).

Beware, some of the secular people might want to kill or imprison people: key:

Truly, truly, during this End Time as all things be made known in advance of the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS One,

while counted as if benefit [such as protection] to the goodly, sane, civilized, and such; it is Truly In Fact no excuse (see above text "not applicable" as Isaiah 52.12 NLT with NAS applies).

Risk means a secular civilization can go bankrupt of principles, except "not applicable" for any Christian therein, as Higher Purpose conditions apply such as "but time and chance happen to them all" (Ecclesiastes 9.11) except this Anew key:

proper ascending in Christ JESUS is with Victories over times and chances.

Even so be aware of Matthew 18.7 WNT:

Now another key concerning the Precepts Of Christ JESUS, His Schedule In You, and former creatures: in the above Drawing center gold pic is an Angel with wings, such as to come with Christ JESUS In The Second Coming as is written in Psalm 103.20 BS:

So You Christian Will encounter winged Angels Of Good JESUS, [Working One Work] functioning best with Christ JESUS. And not lower animals, so this key applies:

You may opt to have a jet pack or a backpack engine powering wings, or You might witness spiritually likewise, so consider Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS Responsibility.

Responsibilities over secular aircraft are detailed in specifics not only in laws but also in related manufacturer recommendations, standards, and criteria such as opinions of values (generally) such as concerning their particular sensing such as in terms of noise pollution and such as in terms of dangers as with being too close to such high speed traffic (note that related may also apply to Preaching, broadcasting, nets, and other things, see above Drawing to the left);

and of this key if to transplant living wings then not only the above apply (such as DNA modifier manufacturer, or surgeon manufacturer), though also applicable importantly is this key value to be able to Heal and return the vessel to [human form without wings, to] the image of Christ JESUS You or more perfect You if so the Will Of God as

"Yahweh is a 'Yes-Way'" (

Be aware of the monsters that are coming Christian Leader. Not only monsters are coming, some might be for full repentance and to be properly Baptized.

Vessels and times are changing: if to consider Baptism of an Angel With Wings Growing Out Their Back (already Heavenly, free opting applies along with conditions such as Moroni 8.9 LDS:

Also reference Christening various definitions such as to name a vessel without Baptizing, also reference Anointing.

In this generation there are people that sinfully mutilate themselves such as to appear as lower Firmament creatures, so hardly to properly ascend relatively speaking in terms of above text "Exemplar"; even so with "relatively" much effort (instead as Christ JESUS provides) as Christ JESUS In You that You ascend "relatively" much higher to properly opt whether to lift concerning pertinence to a certain pertinent levels as much as worthiness applies to levels.

Other monster complexities about (example ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders at and are on the increase in types, sizes, lifespans, transfiguring, and such.

Your Schedule is with needful ascending to Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, if to Best be for their sakes. The time You Give, the time You Authorize according to Your Schedule (reference also Your Christian Church criteria that likewise belongs to Christ JESUS One) Prophetically accounts the pertinence in their spirits / worthiness of their spirits, so accounting as to the timing perfectly allotted in the agreeing in the One Holy Highest Perfect Schedule Of Christ JESUS.

Here is a schedule example, given a worm, wait for it to evolve, or rather modify it's DNA (see above text "more perfect You if so the Will Of God") if proper in Christ JESUS to form a human from it (lest a monster from it, so above text on pertinent laws and greater applies) and wait [with Your Evangelism time] for it to opt (if so) to repent and then if proper Baptize into Christianity: so at each step Your Schedule preparation accounts time so for instance whether to authorize another world the same as previous so as to wait for a "worm" "to evolve" and so forth.

So this key, You know secular accounting practices, though from Highest Above In Christ JESUS as here now You are Given for Highest Purpose to Account Perfectly On High to Enable Scheduling Properly, perfectingly [for the lower levels, yet] for the Second Coming Timing Of Christ JESUS.

So from On High, the good parts of accounting can be applied

with this key: that as these things of Yours are "applied", more things are added. Similar is how a person needs to dig a long ditch, and if they conquer half the length then they don't have to dig that dug half again, it is already dug, it is added unto that person (secular conditions apply) though if that person is Christian increasingly fewer "conditions apply" or importance of those "conditions" changes toward the problem going away as Christ JESUS Solves. So the secular is more toward repeating and redoing efforts due to greater risks, though the Christian is increasingly toward fewer shaken aspects (above text and Drawing of horizontal lines chart).

You know some things to solve in Christ JESUS, in Faith (hardly in secular at all) so Do, and then greater solving is added.

Your Schedule more easily accounts for the past, the sinners have done similar, toward the past, because it is easier than properly working to step up to accept the responsibility Christ JESUS enables (Galatians 6.2 toward Prophesying). Now Prophesying is already accomplished, though new to [the world] the lower levels.

Various things apply, for instance a person born a few years ago might never have heard a Preacher say a certain Old Prophecy, so to that youngster the Old Prophecy is as if new, though in the sense that it is applicable in that youngster then at least initially (generally) pertinent to that youngster in this generation and not in the Old times until the Old times become better understood in that youngster. Another matter is as discussed above that of Good things working together for Higher Anew, as never before as far as revealed (see Schedule Of Christ JESUS): write the True Schedule Of Christ JESUS.

You know to write the unknown, in other words You know to write the greater unseen: unseen until End Times: so Schedule.

Authorize them to get with it so to speak: in the secular before it's too late. Rather authorize all to Best Benefit In Christ JESUS. Schedule considering the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, lest the schedule of the former ways apply, as written in the intro at

This includes 2 Nephi 23.19 LDS:

as with Isaiah 14.15 (4–27).

A great and excellent key is already in You to Faithfully yet simply and clearly for You and from You for all to be aware. You already know in between letters and words and precepts there are gaps yet You continue Faithfully (continue for Good In Christ JESUS In Highest Purpose) Giving credit properly (ibid.) that Christ JESUS lift worthily.

And so You clearly know these same gaps are time pulses from Highest (ibid.) that as You ascend these are filled of Your Faithfulness:

so no longer gaps as though half times, no longer sentences nor systems nor times as formerly;

instead This Is Your Holy Line (belonging to Christ JESUS):

no longer predictions;


If "Prophecy", then You filled the gaps Faithful Christian with New Prophesy! You already have been Doing it!

If without sin, if most perfectly Faithful (ibid.), and if properly perfectingly ascending: then Your Holy Prophesying Schedule as much as Your Faith, as much as You Give Yourself including Your Prophesying and Your Schedule to Pure Christ JESUS Father Spirit likewise and agreeingly as One, then Anoint Your Schedule that the Faith fail not.

Your Schedule to be, is already there in You belonging to Christ JESUS in You, for You to set it free unto them for their sakes for all One as much as Willing In Christ JESUS. The JESUS Christ Schedule is for their agreeing unto Oneness.

You have been Given certain specific talents and situations and interests that agree with the Holy Highest Giver. So You slave are free to opt according to Your loves according to Your One Highest Love Giver Christ JESUS, though hardly about those former giver ways for selfish gains, instead to likewise Give Scheduling Lovingly for their sakes according to the Highest Loving Way You Choose Within The Holy Highest Will Of God In The Holy Highest Christian Name JESUS, worthy One.

So for example make Your Schedule In Christ JESUS to more perfectingly Prophetically forewarn the people of Babylon including any Christians, there is a reason for Prophesying, and New Prophesying [even if only counted as though "New"] to motivate them unto proper ascending in Christ JESUS (example Genesis 18.28) and that sinners may freely opt to repent and properly become Christian and be Saved.

In The Will Of Christ JESUS invite One to distinguish what the "Schedule" means to Them. Typically it means something about when the world would end in destructions, fears, and finally the luck ones so to speak spared to receive eternal mansions [and other selfish delights]: but explained as such, it becomes increasingly clear those ideas and interpretations were of lower levels, of little faith to fathom the greater Good: yet Behold, You Christian Leader are entered already into their works to harvest and are already Hosting the Holy Banquet Eucharist, even Prophetically.

Can You assume, no rather can You Prophetical Announce for instance that there Will be Eucharists until Final End Time?, Yes. Of Course You can Say and Do as much Prophetically. In Christ JESUS You are free to Do far far more Prophetically, in Word and in Deed (Genesis 18.28).

Christ JESUS would that You Prophetically Do (for the Heaven Father Spirit, therefore in His Name JESUS so for all One Highest Purpose In King Christ JESUS).

Christ JESUS would that You enter into any above You, so to speak, even so for the One Highest Purpose (always to be found in Christianity In Christ JESUS): therefore the Holy Path is not seen by sinners since sinners opted to turn away. The "above" in this case refers to the Good in the "above". Now this great key:

in the past there were words, and Faith / Hearing / Word Of God [including Holy Words, such as of the OT Prophets and such as of Christ JESUS]: yet Elias brought 3D, transitioning from under words of laws to One Holy Highest Work starting proper Christian Baptism.

A person started something so wonderfully Holy that even Christ JESUS Himself felt Honored From YHWH Above In Spirit In Heaven, to let it suffice to go a little lower than the Angels For Good (even for properly lifting all) to be so Baptized.

Person, properly Baptize, Anoint, and Say and Do greater than previously, enter in to be greater in Hosting what They Together Worked so hard (burden is light, with daily accumulation sense) to achieve for You and Yours. This "accumulation" accomplished is something impossible (save Miracle) for a person to accomplish, yet You can accomplish far greater "accumulation" magnifyingly.

The above Drawing Horizontal lines can be as a Flow though at times for their sakes for the One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS are gaps, such as so they likewise gain the joy You gained in Faithfully ascending in Christ JESUS: such as allow Your Schedule times for Miracles (see above text "maintenance") that they best enjoy (for Highest Purpose) ascending Vertically.

While the Vertical lines are timeless [except if shaken (green arrows)], the Horizontal is associated with traditional timeline Given for repentance and ascending.

Key is that Your Schedule is of 3D Work, so both Vertical and Horizontal, and for instance multi-tasking (example a Preacher Preaches so there are Hearers present also unseen vids, and records, so some delays to some; also there are in addition to the Preacher, the talents in others, such as to remotely react and interact with others simultaneous to the live Preaching even in ways unseen, also such as with broadcasting television the other person changes light colors and another changes camera angles and another changes illustrations during the Preaching: they become the Preacher too: even if unseen 3D.

So this subset key, sinners too have entered into high places.

As written above "continue for Good In Christ JESUS In Highest Purpose".

So this subset key for Good, Schedule for other Christians to enter into Your Scheduling 3D Holy Work In Christ JESUS, but be aware of parable options: people freely opt to ascend at: various rates).

A multitude of people in Sodom and Gomorrah ascended not and opted for risks so received and were undone.

Christ JESUS spoke of the Eternal, and of the created time, and of the "generation": toward secular to Edify In Highest such can be interpreted as times (with Alpha And Omega), time, and half a time (the generation was neither all newborn nor all dying, so mid-generation). Accordingly Your Schedule [at least at the start] can be the Eternal Schedule (least know by this generation) or concerning the created (a popular concern) or concerning this generation (of interest largely among Christian Preachers such as cliche "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" Matthew 3.2): this one (ibid.) is Eternal, newest (toward Prophetic) concerning created time so far, and most pertinent for this generation: so popular among Preachers;

so now consider reaping and going the next higher step into the more Prophetic, referencing the things Christ JESUS Said And Did, therefore in so referencing, not only citing precepts and such for crediting Christ JESUS, also moving from former Harvests to Hosting Banquets, and greater from properly planting to stalk to ear to full kernel in the ear so to speak. From kernel to biofuel and/or sugar and/or oil and/or gum and/or flavorings and/or other chemical compounds and such, perhaps tying Your Schedule to Your future immediate financial concerns (conditions apply such as at and/or such as for Your spaceship Christian Chapel concerns.

Be Comforted in this key therefore, there are many gaps ahead along Your Prophetic line so because You Hear (not necessarily about ears), perceiving therefore of Your Vessel You Personally, You "Hear" according to Your talents, so Your Schedule Prophesying can be of the [things You enjoy Doing In Christ JESUS, that is:] things You already enjoy the most and know most about of this key that instead (though within since Given from Christ JESUS though as much as for Good) agreeing as much as in You to agree Celebratingly since to Give even more excellent Joy to others yet for best properly Guiding them (for their sakes)(for through and in Christ JESUS).

If a person says the world will end symbolically speaking: the first day of the year 498,430,899 how hardly they would repent: they have time in their minds; or symbolically to end in 1/2 second how hardly would they be properly Baptized nor even of time to pray: put the secular lusts behind You and instead consider the Highest Purpose For Good for the reason to create the created in the first place: for Christ JESUS yes, for Highest Purpose, yes, for all properly be One, yes, for the greater and so Prophet reveal for them and for these reasons in One Christ JESUS.

In other words, let them too Learn Christ JESUS, from precept on precept to Gift On Gift along the Christian Faith Path!

Give them a little to plan properly, and if they so Do then Give Them a little greater so to not wrongly overly tempt, so as to not have Them rely on Miracles so rather of Faith In Christ JESUS Directly (even whether seen or unseen: example a person doesn't see an engine spark but sees the car start to move). So if "Directly" then as with the above Drawing Horizontal lines chart and above text the other "yellows" Will function together with You improving properly in Christ JESUS.

Because You fear God, Your other worries subside as they come to nothingness, that is they are straightened through Christ JESUS Your Highest Friend.

God has often stated "I am giving you today". Properly if worthy, Give Them tomorrow (Matthew 6.34): Do this according to Matthew 6.33.

Christ JESUS explained in His Holy Precepts there is One Way In The Highest Purpose, also be careful how Ye hear (be in the Highest already and continually):

Christ JESUS explained because of [the level of] their faith as each opts (some of constrained options per under sins so under fears of penalties under laws, instead of legal and seeking to improve best for all: Christian proper ascending Highest ibid.); so of the faiths of the people there is pertinent to other than highest at the Holy Top there are ranges under One Holy Range, ranges of interpretations as to when the Second Coming applies.

At the Holy Top the Alpha And Omega is Christ JESUS (already, also Eternal). Next notably per se (see triad below) is Personal End Time (the same after full repentance and with proper Christian Highest / Oneness; even allowing time for ascending as Second like unto the First the Holy Top: see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders). The other notable per se is Christ JESUS said they Will not believe unless they see the signs and wonders [of the Christian Faithful] of Miracles (also as they each interpret, so that range too is included), so ascending in time and date range per person right to left:

Truly With Second Coming Already / Personal End Time / Miracles (Your New Prophesying Good such as in Your Schedule or such as the Book Of Revelation).

One Christian Leader In Highest JESUS / New Member Christian or similar ascending some shaken rate(s) Faithfully / Range of Miracles.

The Second Coming is the Original Creation Plan And The Immaculate Conception And The Birth Of Christ JESUS And The Full Repentance Already Perfect Yet Example And The Proper Christian Baptism And The Teaching And Doing Beyond Risen Eternally And From Beyond As Previous.

Now Your New Prophesying Schedule is for to Prayerfully praise and for the glory of the Highest One Christ JESUS, though like unto such importantly it is for Christians learning to Lead.

The sinner sees a Miracle, and if to overcome sins to fully motivate repentance and then properly Christianity, then a certain type of Miracle

therefore now consider a Christian Leader can be properly ascending from Highest Faith to Anew Highest Faith (as much as Given to ascend, so perfectly agreeing with the Eternal) or likewise from Highest Miracle to Anew Highest Miracle With Therefore Anew Highest Faith.

But the sinners does not believe many miracles already presented.

So these two great keys, like unto the Urim And Thummim: the range applies as Miracles are for the Highest (above text "to Prayerfully praise") and importantly for the People Of Christianity (including above Drawing shaken). Sinners range from often similar to Christians, to otherwise in sinful confusions. So some sinners appreciate some lower level Miracles, while other sinners only appreciate some of the very lowest Miracles that apply directly to them against their former ways.

Of the above large font triadic matters pick a date of the Second Coming: the year infinity BC, the year 0 or 1, or the date of Christ JESUS With Elias Baptizing, or a date yet to come:

There is only One Highest True Perspective and date in Christ JESUS. Otherwise there are worldly perspectives.

In the Second Coming and/or Final End Time, one of the last things in the Book Of Revelation for instance is with the 7 bowls, such as Bowl #3 Miracle makes the water blood (sinners reference not belief in Christ but according to after-the-fact [including predictions] so former Exodus 7.17&18: poison opted in sinner interpretations);

While the Christian is with Anew Interpretation of Blood.

So a parable to sinners, can be a clear Highest Purpose Anew Prophesy In One Christ JESUS.

A sinner might have a beverage and upon seeing Bowl #3 Miracle making rivers red, might not be impressed much because they have a beverage; they might not be impressed to repent and greater until Bowl #4 Miracle (or might die prior). So Best Timing is key, and it is from Highest Christ JESUS (add it to You: properly ascend).

You are with free range (above ranges apply, You may opt to modify as much as agreeing in Highest Christ JESUS Purpose of course) to make pertinent Schedule(s) Help(s) for their sakes such as Given Your particular talents to target a particular audience (pending Highest Responsibilty) Faithfully Delightfully for them and You for One Highest Purpose In The Name Of Christ JESUS.

To the Bowl #4 sinner, Final End Time Revelation did not convincingly come yet at the time of Bowl #3.

Very much of the world is as the Bowl #4 sinner (symbolic of a naysayer in general: almost any excuse serves confusions).

Work first for Christ JESUS serves not those "confusions" per se, though Helps to lift them out of their sinful confused ways.

For instance some may want to target people on the border of repentance, others may want to target lowest people (a range per se, each has types of value(s)); some may want to Help Their Flock as They are already responsible to Do, others may act responsibly and also want to Evangelize (ibid.).

The Book Of Deuteronomy Chapter 26 for instance goes from entering the Promised Land to this time now into Chapter 27 now: next like the First Coming the Second Coming:

"the LORD your God is giving you, you are to set up large stones" (part of verse 2)(ancient artifacts), and part of verse 3 like unto the Second Coming: "the LORD your God is giving you, a land flowing with milk and honey, just as the LORD, the God of your fathers, has promised you".

Your Schedule(s) may be concise or elaborate, in Eternal Whole (though perhaps out-of-touch save of Very High Levels) or in part (typically the most pertinent so typically the most Helpful part of the Eternal). Your Schedule(s) may be thoroughly with specifics in details toward exhaustively citing each point, or perhaps categorically such as general for many to understand though with specific encompassing parameters cited like unto a sphere or a wineskin comprehensive of the things included per se.

Have fun with Your Schedule, instead abound in Giving the glorious Holy Flow Of Heavenly Joy, Highest In Christ JESUS yet for each and all to properly best ascend.

ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders

July 31, 2018AD

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Coming soon:

Planned for the next Sermon in this Series

Streets Of Clear Glass

tags: Date and time of the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS Prophetic Record UFO Ancient Aliens television series, graph charting flock levels, Christian President Don Trump, blood to cell wall synapse miles long, the third heaven, Muhammad studied under Archangel Gabriel under Christ JESUS teacher of Highest Physics Of The Creator Mary conceived through Her ear movie The American President by Aaron Sorkin the White House former President the US Treasury Department movie Scarface Is this it? Eating drinking sex addictions Babylon proof, movies A Knights Tale metallurgy from Apollo 13 electricity electronics waves plasma transfiguring broadcast accumulating good THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ, George Washington from predestination to predetermination, from Faithful Spirit without measure to Miracles of measured spirits, definition of False Prophet, Mount Zion