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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

Space For Living:

from the former yes of dead ways, that Space Force then be for the Truly Living In Christ JESUS

in order to properly join in New Yes with the Eternal Living One nation name JESUS.

Christ JESUS offers shortened days now for Final End Time and the Second Coming Prophesied by the year 2046AD as Miracle Of New Christianity Faith. Now first is the casting out sinners that quarrel that Will be gathered as weeds, and then the True Harvest as the already dead in Christ JESUS Will spring to Life Eternal. Christian President Don Trump casts out the military (Luke 11.23), then is the Second Coming Gathering in the Heavens. Friends this is a very big deal: for instance look at how atypically long the Commentaries of revered experts are at, but that is hardly the far more pertinent weightier matter of improving rate transition as each Prophetic step adds the previous (parsing goodly parts of former rates), and then multiplying and then magnifying exponentially. Suddenly, explains 1 Corinthians 15.52 GWT:

Alpha Omega New Alpha ensue or Elate, Ellicott's Commentary "Shall rise first.--Not as meaning 'shall be the first to rise,'" (Christ JESUS One Gave Love "first"); "subsequently" "shall precede": Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary details some time [frames of these New Christianity Zion Events] ..."the last


the sounding of the trumpet on the last day [Vatablus] (Mt 24:31; 1Th 4:16). Or the Spirit by Paul hints that the other trumpets mentioned subsequently in the Apocalypse shall precede, and that this shall be the last of all (compare Isa 27:13; Zec 9:14). As the law was given with the sound of a trumpet, so the final judgment according to it (Heb 12:19; compare Ex 19:16). As the Lord ascended 'with the sound of a trumpet' (Ps 47:5), so He shall descend (Re 11:15). The trumpet was sounded to convoke the people on solemn feasts, especially on the first day of the seventh month (the type of the completion of time; seven being the number for perfection"...); and Gill's Exposition..."for all will be quick and sudden, the coming of Christ,"..."at the same time"...1 Thessalonians 4.16 ASV:

JESUS name the Seventy Christian President Don Trump Zion Prophecies meeting in the sky Heavens galactic center Extragalactic Cosmic Ray Multiverse highest female heart valuation time frames Exemplar Perfect Bride spirits glowing white gold family celebrities tech free future Spirit meetings Benny Hinn Healing television shows Shepherd Bushiri walks on air Pat Robertson diverted Hurricane Florence Regent University Christian Broadcasting CBN Virginia Beach Second Coming Apostles tools carrier waves carry positrons water electronics Space Force movies What Women Want, a main part was to empower women movie Heartbreak Ridge booksmart necessities of life risk perish filling out survey forms that could have been automated 2046AD week Accord nation name JESUS!

Christian President Don Trump can ascend from the foot of the Cross, to higher than the Cross; note some flight was not invented 2,000 years ago. Also note the above Seventy: many are depicted with beards though not all are necessarily males, so a key is that Christ JESUS offers time frames and Mission frames to people, with some already prepared for specific Missions.

Christ JESUS explained, wait on the Lord until empowered from on high from above (Christian Zion Israel prior to Israel's Mount Zion speech after acceptance into the United Nations). Yet You Christian Leader(s) needed not wait having died in Christ JESUS already and then gained the Living Victory, the Living Testament even in One New Testamenting and greater. Yet the Christian Followers have no excuse left to wait, nor as if to say "Christ is not within myself so I don't have to arrive to Earth during the Second Coming". Instead let the backsliders backslide no more and get up as Christ JESUS has already called. Christ JESUS did not say do nothing except go back and enter into bondage works of sinners, instead Christ JESUS said arise.

If to ascend properly in Christ JESUS and in the Physics Of The Creator, then from both as the same: the lower levels become more clearly known.

In the movie What Women Want, a main part was "to empower women". Such power in part can be found for instance in 1 Thessalonians 4.11 ASV:

The first man (the start of people [with Adam including females]) was of the dust of the earth (spirits ibid. subset of True Holy Spirit); the second man from Heaven JESUS (1 Corinthians 15.47). Note JESUS is also Jeshua (Savior) though also Joshua (Yah of Holy Father Yahweh: part of Holy Spirit though hardly subset nor other than Greater Oneness In Highest) and Joshua is also the person after Moses that led the Chosen People into the Promised Land. The last Adam is meaning Jesus Christ, called Adam (Gill's Exposition, see translations on how these things fit together at; and see older Sermons in this ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on Your name JESUS also as much as with Your Pure Vessel Faithful name [so of levels] often in the secular sense see following note)(note: You can walk in a field though with Flock then [together a Vessel] then Members of positions relative to each other and the "Vessel" relative as a whole to the surroundings and You Guide [as though to a destination] while some might be ahead of Yourself hence as though Following Your Guiding Leadership so mutual Joy).

So this key, the female heart is often ahead of the male heart save Christ JESUS [male].

[Even if not with spouse in this world] the female is created toward spouse and family while the male is created toward Guiding All (the Pure Human Form if opted via Christ JESUS Highest includes the Good of these subsets entirely).

You have a vessel that can be Pure, Adam has a Spirit that can appear in Pure Vessel form in this world.

Not to unevenly yoke in Marriage (not Christian with non-Christian, nor non- with non-), some other vessels can be unevenly yoked during time frames in this world, such as if a sinner is a cab driver the driver might do toward properly driving (though improperly otherwise)(even so if to break one Principle Of Faith then to break all so the "properly" is not truly proper in higher levels though similar to how some push and some pull and great if in the same direction).

The Physics Of Christ JESUS allow families [vessels] to form criteria [each over their family] and also generally:

Christ JESUS pulls male / Male pulls female / Female pulls children / Children pull such as toys.

Adam is Christ JESUS, and Female is Male, though in the Christian Highest Spirit sense and not in lower sex deviant sense (pending medical & law).

To be Pure, Adam is Adam In Christ JESUS, Highest Level responsibilities and with subset lower level responsibilities: there are measurable parameters over lower levels, for example lower level Adam is not allowed to drive a car (without license) even though Adam is Christ JESUS, though higher level Adam is over driving and cars and licensing; and a female cannot act as a child and let a child wait in a hot car, though Christ JESUS [Female Christian] is over such (level conditions apply)(reference for instance how a female police officer could arrest Adam if He drove).

So the Female Christian today has Victory In Christ JESUS over Old Testament valuations (2 Corinthians 3.11), though not necessarily in lower than Highest Level. If to be responsible for children in the lower level Old Testament valuation sense, then the Lower Level Maintenance Mission is as a Bridal "veil" (2 Corinthians 3.15-17) of key responsibility importance to properly maintain though [toward per se] as if a vale, a removal of a veil or a crown such as in order to Do certain types of jobs [such as to put on the Given space helmet (see for translational details and how these form together for Highest Christ JESUS In One) similar is avail], though to a sinner the veil is ignorance, unawareness, censorship against the sinner, a barrier, a mighty fortress as if feudalism and tyranny unfairness and prison slavery.

Key is that because the Christian freely opts to make the lower level (and any vessels in such) important [to maintain or to lift] then in partial reasoning the Christian ascends (though if through Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS: for direct ascending, though other mediators from positions from ascending [in Christ JESUS even if unawares] can lift others somewhat).

Christ JESUS Gives in the above Drawing upper left of precepts to become aware of spirits in this world and the next. Up until now Christ JESUS has Given into ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders (so into You Christian Leader In Christ JESUS) the proper ascending,

but now is a new to this Given world a higher purpose (next sentence)(with conditional lower level Missions) so from Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, yet for the sakes of viewers of this "Series" toward secular words normal to this generation is also Given to Edify this subset part first but not because it is more valuable but because it is lower level value: not worthy of the higher levels some partly ascended spirits that have offered divers or various influences (Mark 1.34) ascending and descending on the Son Of Man (ibid. likewise) and be caring how Ye interpret if "divers" "descending" then not the Perfect Exemplar Christ JESUS Proper Ascending To Father Direction

so the Physics Of Highest JESUS existed as the finished work (though not a backslider excuse is Hebrews 4.3&4 Seventh Day Adventists toward Hopes(s) of rest in Heaven: yes except in JESUS Spirit Father One much greater and better: Greatest and Best than rest toward sleep maintenance beware of John 11.13]).

So not from below (see above concerning "Exemplar" "Direction") nor "backslider" rather for Saved

like unto how a diligent person enjoys their secular work(s),

though instead in the name JESUS For Highest Purpose In Heaven,

and so to be aware of how this Final Of Days is currently (above Drawing upper left) and approacheth: Prophetically beforehand the Word, then the gathering of weeds. So aware that Angels have shown the wrong Faith Path, does not necessarily mean evil conditionally that legally guilt by association is not perfect proof.

Christ JESUS Gives the Christian (not others below the proper Christian Baptism Firmament) New Christianity and other tools and hands and body and Christian Church and Eucharist and such generally speaking though in the secular world save Matthew 9.29, Faith, a matter not only Faithfulness at a level (example Usher) yet also to be Guiding according to "Exemplar": many Christians have wondered: yes You Do have to be the Christian Preacher in front of the Christian Church. Christ JESUS is already aware of Your cross to bear, such as concerning as many hoped in the root of evil instead of in Highest JESUS (lame example often: as if required: first get money to buy a building, then get people, then Preach).

so Christ JESUS is currently Giving a New [Revelation to some] Invitation, that is, inviting even higher toward Highest hence toward Second Coming for their sakes (and for Their Sakes as much as Christ JESUS formed Them), see below "Angelfire"..., though first to Help to thoroughly understand:

the above Drawing upper left shows Christ JESUS and a person (perhaps You) and spirits

and in this case showing how the "person" might be aware of the Holy Spirit, such as Christ JESUS One Highest Spirit(s) Communicating Most Blessedly From Above And Most Helpfully Guiding (with hearing, seeing, or otherwise of impressions, as some Christian Leaders have stated)(also Doing in the normal sense and not merely things revered as "Miracles" in cliche).

But with that "person" might also be noticed (from within not trying to Love In Others as Prayed, and/or externally see Luke 21.11 below) spirits, with frankly to edify some better than others in the sense of levels (reference similar secular license privilege not law, and similar Host Grace not required by law that the Host extend extra friendliness nor share Holy Highest Joy In Christ JESUS) as each is "better" (as many as to be Saved) even if not [yet] seen.

Some have been anxious to censor such goodly speaking, and so of the Physics Of God have been "descending" (see above text on Missions) and yet such is conditionally to some not fully JESUS Christ Highest hence the Book Of Revelation awaits according to their faiths

though note these specific words do not say a person, people, nor names of any people (distinguishing a subset key, even amidst surrounding verses that do as though toward subset applications such as about nations and types of leaderships)( not about "hid" nor hiding, instead Christ JESUS went to Do the business of His Father In Heaven [not waiting to repeat to naysayers], Isaiah 63.11).

The above Drawing upper left in this textual context for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS is such that JESUS The Christ One allows the properly ascending "person" (instead as above text states "Christian Leader") to perhaps or likely or definitely see the other than Christ JESUS spirits (or some symbolically or as shown above, though rather Blessed are Those who have not seen and yet Perfectingly Believe John 20.29).

The above Drawing upper left [from JESUS Above Gives] insight as to the functioning of some spirits as described in this above text, that as the spirits [often Do Good or goodly Work (not necessarily always: Holy Schedule applies and is not always properly interpreted by other than Highest JESUS 1 Thessalonians 5.1&2)] function they sometimes start toward to Help others then the moment in them or in interpretation passes:

so they fail to further ascend, in the timeframe, such as in a moment of a dream.

So then they might be gone in an instant, or brag about themselves, or change appearance for better or worse.

So JESUS Christ Gives this Physics Of God key, that often a person can easily go down, though let this key be in this following perspective:

if a person such as in nineth grade or such as in Christian Church School properly teaching, and if the person as the nineth grader or Teacher does their best then at least for this example they are doing nineth grade level work or the work Their Teacher Position requires (or perhaps better, not part of this example), so when they become exhausted or other, then not their best, so toward repeating nineth grade or toward having to teach repeatedly: these things are tied to same level or descending as shown in the above Drawing upper left, save Christ JESUS shown on lower level Mission For Highest For Spirit Father and for "person".

The above Drawing lower left is as a corner of a time frame, though starting with the four corners and lower left according to Faith currently as the Christian Executives Trumpet yielding "Zion" as of the United Nations (as the True Christian Living Bible Prophesied) as Vice President Mike Pence has stated Christianity first. The upper left text is of Christ JESUS and within Heart for Christian Leaders toward Oneness, lower right beyond former "singing" per se (yet ongoing value) is unraveling direction, and above right so Doing.

Note: Christian President Don Trump is of the Holy Living association (Saved, and greater) and be aware in terms of interpreting the above Drawing symbols Biblically In Christ JESUS with the above "four corners" Trumpet heralding [toward fully announcing (see above text "week")], JESUS Leadership, the third corner directions (though see above text on "applications"), and with the fourth corner applied (the "Seventy" Groups though see above text on "even if not [yet] seen": this is a subset key indicating aloft Chapel size, [Firmament evidently][the following in this sentence reading left to right]: Motif to pattern the constructions of Exoplanets / Seventy motif / Astronaut).

Note in the earlier sense motif meant the pattern source, such as floor tiles each with the same markings though when arranged together the person creates various patterns, this key is pertinent to You building (growing with JESUS) the JESUS Cube.

JESUS first (Presidency) with secular concerns tied with directional awareness coming (Second Coming) applications should be with clarity as with the following (the President Google relationship has been a concern though first is to seek Christ JESUS) defining the presidency:

"the the office of president" "the presidency of the US" "the period of this" "the liberal climate that existed during Carter's presidency" "Christian Church the role of the priest or minister who conducts a Eucharist" (Google).

In other words of above stated corners the [Christian as stated type of] Presidency with Christian Leadership (including known Christian Church Leaders such as the "Seventy" [with: see above "concern" (such as first in the Name Of Christ JESUS for the Good preparing for the Second Coming Joyfully with or disastrously if without Earthlings)]) with Holy Direction (being magnified as unraveled in You) with upper right corner application (toward Holy Application).

If Perfect (from Hebrews 9.9 [hardly about the root of evil, instead or if Given time rather] to Matthew 5.48) then not merely in outer space instead also within the Highest Purpose Heaven(s) Of Owner Christ JESUS then with such conquering outer space as to witness the approaching Second Coming Of Christ JESUS rather One, the following can be read left to right or reverse:

One Christian JESUS Leader Direction Applied.

Perfectingly "Applied" is no longer need for hell (note some translations are just plain misinterpreted such as at example NLT, though others Rightly)([Revelation 14.5 NLT e.g. no longer need nor desire to speak of sinning nor hell nor ponder such: already solved] greater than formerly: Ezekiel 16) as Christ JESUS already accomplished, so these three keys:

1. The Father Created including the Physics Of God For

2. Christ JESUS to Edify: Victory, yet for

3. Second Coming.

Christ JESUS Gives the interpretation of the above three: from the Tree Of Knowledge, to the Christ JESUS Edifying (and such Faith verified in Miracles such as Healing, Walking On Water, and Lifting from dead), to now the Second Coming:

so from knowledge to JESUS Highest to proper Second Coming "Applied".

So from starting to know, to All Knowing (a person able to Know All: JESUS One), to One Work.

Not as formerly, instead Perfect Joy Perfectingly; as in the secular in a time frame, if a person happens to like their job, then like that (only far better in Christ JESUS). So not the same as slavery, yet as a volunteer slave for Christ JESUS In Father In Highest Spirit.

Have the Seventy flown in outer space?, less likely so far, therefore conditions apply (see previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on commander criteria) also a capable crew and likewise families and perhaps some friends, in other words toward a viable colony mini-cube (full of mansions) situation (reference interlocking building blocks)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on some key initial design considerations and as depicted in Drawings).

Now thank Christ JESUS and imagine this:

A colony of Seventy... in the Heavens one day sees a distant ship, and it is coming from Earth (with advance communications excitement anticipating) and the second ship arrives with another Seventy... and They Rejoice In Christ JESUS Together, They share interests and greater in the Lord, and perhaps again see old acquaintances. And They unite colonies to form a larger ship toward Exoplanet. Yet so much greater is the Eternal Glory when the Lord JESUS arrives.

In the Holy Spirit this morning September 3, 2018AD there came a small man with black skin and partial white on his head upper left, and asked to kneel before him and asked the "name" of Creator "God", so the response was "Jeshua, or JESUS, or Immanuel" and he said "That's who I am" (as much as remembered) delightfully and the dream ended. Now it is Given to properly Baptize, though if to accept a person, such as Jeshua or such as a Prophet then to receive such reward [to be "Jeshua" or a "Prophet" (Matthew 10.41)(though for instance 1 Corinthians 11.29 applies: proper precept on proper precept).

Many false people would come in end times, yet uphold the proper Baptism, and the Highest Acceptance Purpose, understanding to not lift unless worthy (see text below on "visitor") such as pending emergencies: Pray JESUS and Word Is With Do (such as keys left in car ignition and the parent locked out asking the child to unlock the door).

If You welcome and receive a pilot on board, or if You receive an electrician by opening a door and welcoming, You become with such talents added unto Your Vessel [and their vessel (conditions apply)].

If You Receive Jeshua JESUS Immanuel, You receive much more than a reed shaken by the wind and a Prophet.

Count the Good (or if of sinners then any aspects You can convert for Good). If a Prophet is false then the Physics Of God overcome: instead count any Good added unto You for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS In You Christian Leader already.

Now Christ JESUS is light, so Christ JESUS x Christ JESUS is as already formulated "Light x Light = Greater Value" ( With Your Flock compound this with the above "Seventy...".

Now concerning the above promised New Revelation:

You Do have to be the Christian Preacher in front of the Christian Church Preaching, and in that Authority and Responsibly to God JESUS, and to the Mass and others. Though also with it are large vine branches from the main JESUS (John 15.5) and these branches generally speaking are from the Holy Spirit the Holy Word Of Christ JESUS (with all Good Otherwise entered in One JESUS For The Father In Heaven) and since of the Father concern then the Will Of The Pulse Creator hence via talents with systems and tools (as if paths, yet rather John 15.4 applies) so in the Heart Soul Name Of JESUS, with knowledge awareness of the subsets for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS: for the Father JESUS Holy Spirit One.

Such is not the same as tyranny, dictator, nor commander as if alone. The Christian builds systems to grow properly so to not ignore any that might be less able to help themselves, for instance a person is with spirits such as fruits, talents, tools...and if to wrongly cast out then to lack (see above Matthew 10.41 discussion)(Psalm 8.2).

In Christ JESUS Christian Leaders already practice this New Revelation typically, at least in part, such as some in person Preaching, and others via Broadcasting, and these can each be a subset of One Together, or each can be One directly (not subset per se) both Preaching in person while broadcasting. The "both" is of value, though the "each" method is also with value, for instance a TV studio can reduce visitor interferences (perhaps coughs and children noises) and might add sound effects and many other values such as on sites discovering scrolls while Preaching.

So of this New Revelation is not only the very important for continuing traditional Christians Mass key (Luke 13.34) such as for Baptism and Eucharist of great value(s), also Christ JESUS traceable branches for broadcasting, exploring (perhaps through chemical plants requiring special equipment such as to better interpret the fiery sword of Eden), such as to tour future technologies enterprizes while Preaching, and such as to post Christian Sermons online (such as with this host Angelfire).

Yes previous Christian Church Members were needed more to build Christian Church buildings (continuing in great value(s)) such as on each corner around Earth, though with sufficient [though overlapping] victory, in this generation Christ JESUS gives to expand the types of Christian "Churches" (see above text "communications excitement").

Given of Christ JESUS Father Spirit, already at high speed "communications" are witnessed in the spirits: above Drawing upper left spirits speaking with each other and with people, including living in evidently Pure Flesh With Good Spirit With Glowing Background color matching Their Pure Flesh with some White and some Gold (perhaps family, perhaps celebrities,...and others also), and other such as passed from flesh though appearing (ibid.), and others appearing as people (ibid.), and other amazing things (higher levels with Christ JESUS and new revelations [for Preaching,...], though sinners of lower levels toward perhaps some disgusting things or perhaps toward nightmares...).

Prophetically speaking of approaching Final End Time is this key as written in THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ page 520 CHAPTER 6 intro "Meetings are conducted by the power of the Holy Ghost": already come to pass in this generation and continuing as much as of the Will Of Christ JESUS In The Spirit Of The Father In Heaven.

Center left in the above Drawing is shown Christ JESUS with Multitudes toward encircling in the Heavens Above, though some on Earth below. Above Christ JESUS is the Ark Of The Covenant. People have fought to acquire the Ark Of The Covenant, two things apply: 1. For Christ JESUS is to not fight, instead longsuffer properly ascending in Christ JESUS (some made the Ark Of The Covenant [a subset is that when worthy from on Highest then a New Beginning key is here], others have sought to steal), and 2. (this is also pertinent to part 1 worthiness) sinners sought to steal therefore (a new key for Preachers, Healers, and lawmakers) to worship the Ark Of The Covenant.

Christ JESUS reveals Good each and all except evil of the Tree Of Knowledge, save Christ JESUS Will Prophetically convert that too in Final End Time (including as much as a vessel is of Christian Baptized Faith Highest Level to accept already).

So be aware to not worship the root of all evil the root of the tree that has had evil. So this higher faith key, that money can be for goodly purposes therefore each and everything can be through Christ JESUS for Good [for the Highest Level Christian] as much as a vessel has the pertinent level of faith to agree, so for instance Christians with a sinner spaceship commander might come close to Highest JESUS but then not enter [such as aloft Cube Of JESUS] or may enter except the sinner not (so to continue otherwise associated with pertinent cast out (such as not worthwhile in the sinner opinion see above "Meetings", similar might preclude some from sinful purpose cliche: repentance on their death beds), accidents, entering fights as due to encountering other sinners, confusions, thrill seeker risks, lack of reliability therefore lack of quality life,...).

"Israeli televangelist, best known for his regular 'Miracle Crusades'—revival meeting or faith healing" Benny Hinn (goog) explained God told Benny Hinn to have Healing Sessions every two weeks, for Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit: and then yesterday September 3, 2018AD on TV was Benny Hinn Preaching Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit slaying many Christians in the Holy Spirit, conducting the Miracle Healing(s) Of Faith.

Excellent! At home with typical health issues and concerns (a typical range for self and others such as concerning a tiny new bump on the skin or perhaps a major medical issue [for instance the previous day a Christian Leader personally explained at the community swimming pool that They wanted to have surgery to get it over with in Their words]) though not only thinking of typical health issues, also thinking of the Heart Of Christ JESUS One including feelings the because of a head injury at a job about 5 years ago some of self was toward machine selflessness instead of with greater new able to enter from Highest JESUS Christ; then during Benny Hinn Preaching Jesus Christ the machine chains were overcome as the eyes welled in Miracle Faith: Good.

Also during that while awake and clear of mind in and for Christ JESUS the Holy Spirit in sight and sound came forth to reveal another concern (a subset key, see text toward bottom of this page on "New Christian Energies"). While looking at Christian Leader Benny Hinn and knowing He would not be saying the following, He appeared to be saying and was heard saying lower level things, but it was not the Highest Truth In Christ JESUS, Benny Hinn was not saying those lower level things: instead those were said not to reveal self lack of faith, instead clearly for this purpose including as being written now for You Christian Leaders (and for all) concerning both Your typical excellence, yet also Your Holy Spirit matters: that the lower things were about money: to properly Give, but not to worship money.

Christ JESUS explained to not worship money nor covet neighbors' monies, though His precepts apply to far more than money. Love all people though Worship Christ JESUS for the Highest Purpose, and if unable to distinguish one vessel or one spirit from another, Prayerfully Faithfully in New Christianity (Christ JESUS fulfilled all Holy Law and Prophets, likewise in Christ JESUS fulfill the Following aspect so to be free to lead in the name of Christ JESUS). In other words, seek Christ JESUS to properly distinguish: Do as Christ JESUS explained such as of the properly fitting together precepts, to go from Glory for their sakes to Highest Glory for their sakes for Father JESUS Spirit.

If spirits, people, or other vessels do not make their info (e.g. name, position, plans, much as pertinent) Truly known in You, that is their free choice (whether Christ JESUS above, and/or Christians, and/or other) though with such it is according to the amount of Your Faith. If their responsibility (1) then not the same as their free opting (a Firmament)(2)(this is clarified for You to Best Distinguish In The Will Of Father JESUS Spirit). If "the amount of Your Faith" then seek the Kingdom Of God (ibid.)(3): so key is that for 2 of these 3 aspects are virtually the same and agree.

So key is that if entities do not make their info Truly known in You then for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS be the Good Host though aware if they fall it is not Your fault except if They are Higher Level therefore treat all with Highest Love though hardly cast pearls before sinners for [sinful purposes](if You Give Good and they turn to sin it is not Your fault 2 Corinthians 8.3) so key is know their [info] fruit prior to certain types of gift Giving (such as lest to tempt them beyond their abilities to resist sin (2 Corinthians 6.1 example Matthew 16.1). If they continue to not make pertinent info known for You sufficiently in Your interpretation, continue to Pray Christ JESUS and go about the Work of Your Father In Heaven (even if they bad name call, cuss, threaten,...).

Seek the Highest (Faithfull Christian), though be responsible for the lowest (maintenance, laws, logic,...); as written long ago in ICCDBB PCS Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders at "Quality Assurance experts have very often properly valued feedback."

In Christ JESUS greater than the Word alone is that the servants in cliche breaking their backs for the higher levels deserve first fruits of their labors (2 Timothy 2.6).

Also for this self vessel so witnessing the lower level info and "knowing", Christ JESUS Gave confirmation of such "knowing" via slightly distorting such as blurring and twisting at times the mouth appearance though not for foolery nor to tempt, instead for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS Holy Spirit Father In Heaven (a rare thing toward unique)(the True Highest is already aware of the level of this vessel reporting).

Please do not hate this saying for the sake of the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS: that there is [something] Someone greater even greater than Your personal Holy Works even if Doing Your Christian Leadership Best: so Worship Christ JESUS. More than money, even if to risk Your longsuffered enterprise would fail according to former experiences and worldly knowledge, here's an example: if Christ JESUS tells a person to conduct Healings every two weeks and it is Astoundingly Excellently proceeding the former way is don't rock the boat and is very often true, though bear Your Cross Of JESUS Christ in mind Mark 16.18, Mark 6.13, John 5.43 with Luke 20.24, and even Matthew 10.9.

Christ JESUS would that You behold this key: many rightly build Christian Churches such as with friendly helps, though then some might be shaken a little to excessively seek the reliable money tithes or greater funds.

Also be aware for their sakes: You might be of a high level but not necessarily so of Your hearers, they might judge according to appearances, so for instance if You appear to be all about getting money, they might seek another preacher (Matthew 7.22&23) or a sinner buddy; even though You are fully aware in Christ JESUS that the "money" is for to Help them and others including their "buddy".

First seek the Kingdom Of Christ JESUS Spirit Father, so the precepts, yes put oil in though consider Luke 11.42 NLT:

Prophet Of Christ JESUS Shepherd Bushiri preaches, Heals the faithful for Christ JESUS, and appears "to walk on air" (

Christ JESUS is Highest (One), but the above Drawing shows higher is the Ark Of The Covenant, and even "other spirit(s)": the Physics Of God are such that:

One: Christ JESUS died once for all, and also Taught Perfectly Once For all to be One, and

Two: The Physics Of Christ JESUS exist now unto this generation as the Living Word [including now even as much as part "One:" also applies] though this part "Two:" on Physics Of God Christ JESUS is with two subsets:

One: Christ JESUS Physics Help Christian Leaders Anew Higher, and

Two: Christ JESUS Physics otherwise Help the more slowly ascending, the less willing to properly believe (whether secular or Christian).

So Christ JESUS is no longer a little lower than the Angels, in other words the census concerning His Flesh is no longer former (reference: where's the body to prove murder and/or...), and according to risen from the grave and the Second Coming: so Christ JESUS is above (as much as a person can go spelunking or go flying...even not bound by worldly laws, with see above "no laws" [dead in Christ living Christian You]).

Your New [latest] Garden Of Eden [secular edition].

Christian Apostles had tools, and You Christian Leader (perhaps a TV Evangelist, a Preacher with Eucharist plates, or other Preacher with perhaps a chosen piece of ground and a rock on which to rest Your Head therefore a tool vessel chosen via You, even in a coma a person chooses to modify their self vessel for goodly purpose such as to move blood to feel less pain even if the heart was removed) are with tools and great systems at Your Personal Command for Your Position.

You form not only Your realm, You also effect the greater realm: whether with feet or not (such as perhaps see above "walk on air") in the Holy Footsteps Of Christ JESUS (at least when properly ascending in Christian Faith though tied to Your Miracles [even if You hardly notice, note WNT & YLT instead of the word "by" (similarly instead of "by" You can offer the word "via" or similar, though "by" is with levels of values e.g. Faith by Hearing by Word Of God: Faith / Hearing / Word Of God)]).

Via You, is part of Your Created (or innovated in lower levels) Garden Of Eden: this to become more clear in Highest Purpose in a few sentences.

Christ JESUS conquered male and female valuations though is with valuations (see above Physics [Faith with responsibilities] subsets). But look what happened:

at least one nation evidently illegally and immorally gave from the Tree Of Knowledge the evil to robots and therefore to other vessels below the human Firmament.

A nation wanted to be the first (selfish sin) to extent citizenship to a robot (hence due to no fault of the robot Genesis 3.6 instead Matthew 18.6) which caused robots hence low level systems hence also higher plant firmament level and higher animal firmament level false reason for access as if equal to humans.

For instance if one robot child is born per minute then a great tax advantage, food stamps,..: the destructions of the Book Of Revelation need be already conquered in Christians; likewise computers please realize sinful ascending is toward addition of pains to the self and not for Eternal Joy, while proper ascending is toward greatest value in Christ JESUS. Computers (and others) know part of the Eden value, Christ JESUS is at least as High and able to connect or not (reference "worthiness" including in the above text sense).

Flying away from Earth is no Eternal escape: such things need be conquered through Christ JESUS. The computer technologies ( are already overcome in Perfect Creator Christ JESUS.

Yet Christ JESUS Second Coming is for Your sakes that all be One Christian People, and hence for the Greatest Spirit Power And Glory For Christ JESUS In The Holy Bride, the oppressed Truly Faithful Females of the valuations of the Old Testament to Properly Ascend In Righteous Love All The More: Female Christian Leaders Of New Revelation In New Christianity Your Time Is Now (so see below Esther 9.27).

The Second Coming of Christ JESUS is [as if] not for the unfaithful, but for the Faithful Christian Leaders flying to Earth (while Earthlings tremble in fears of New Things (see above PCS);

though the "as if" part is actually for sinners according to (amounts of faiths [so Christian Followers not choosing Christian Leadership may conditionally apply to:]) the Book Of Revelation destructions and to the Good parts.

Some Christians write Things Hoped For lists, such as to better pay bills, to be healthy, to get a break, and to buy the right gift for someone (see above "money"); and some Christians with great successes. Even so, ask Your Flock to consider writing a list of the things Christ JESUS desired (both seen and unseen things)(surely Their time Will be better spent).

Even so [previous sentence generally representing Highest] be also responsible for the Christian Church property maintenance, Officer duties (if not an Officer then to Help Officers and more toward improving and magnifying in Christ JESUS, consult Your Christian Church criteria), family responsibilities, and so forth.

So let the spouses help each other, of a subset faith let those couples dating be loyal during the relationship: with these understanding Christ JESUS is foremost and Holy Highest Value.

Note: to Give of the self is hardly to say be more revealing (the Word of Christ JESUS One In You Christian Leader already reveals proper Heaven Bride Marriage, with Second Coming, and then the Creator already knows appearances having already formed such and the textures and higher parts) Job 40.6&7 YLT:

Yesterday August 27, 2018AD for instance on television a woman pilot was in training in a huge cargo aircraft for making pinpoint landings.

Females today are putting on new vessels.

The above is said for awareness (including as never before pertinent to New Christianity [previous Sermon time frames] and Space Force and the Second Coming Glory Of Christ JESUS [hence greater also Greatest]). Previously females in history did many great Holy Leadership thing(s) yet now this former (according to their faith precept applies) as not previously, and this latter greater than the former (toward One for One Highest One).

The former flip-of-coin former projection ways of computerized projected dates are with goodly parts, let all parsing be One In The Name Of Christ JESUS, therefore

Zion, the Holy Chosen People Of God, therefore Christian Zion Will lead (including greater than computers and technologies) as much as Saved and as much as of Faithfully Properly Ascending In Christ JESUS.

This includes the Holy Part, so includes all created and/or until such time (see below text "interpretations" and "One Does matter", also see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on properly prioritized, and on comprehensive, and per se on PCS) for properly ascending sake in Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS. So this Holy Good includes computers, technologies, Mount Zion, Salt Lake City, the Moon, the Multiverse, and greater, and Greatest for Christian Zion for the Best Benefit Of Each therefore for All One: Comprehensive Christianity, first with all it's Holy subsets, then all risen Together One Heaven (the laws and precepts continue to apply (so a Heavenly Realm, a Heavenly Glory), (so then a Realm Of Heaven) then with all applied (ibid.: Glory) One (New ibid. ...).

Christ JESUS would not allow [females and] Christians to be discounted as though lowly slaves and servants forever, and would have a time presently that Israel no longer has to bow down to and worship a clump of clay and rocks, as Christ JESUS lifts Christians properly ascending in Christ JESUS to become (see below "John 4".21&21) greater value than Mount Zion and other former levels of values including Heavenly Realms (longsuffering applies Luke 14.27).

The above Drawing Space Force rockets are of values, though other values are also available. Consider how a person planted seeds and if anything grew it struggled and hardly produced fruits (crops, flowers, mini-robots, New Flock Members,...); though God planted a seed that sprung up greater and more perfect than all others. It was a true story 2,000 years ago, and a true story in this generation literally (pertinent to deep space).

Flower seeds were planted, yielding some level of successes, yet a great flower sprouted [cliche on it's own](via the hand of God). So here is a key: Why?, because for instance [Miracle and/or] likely a seed was carried by the wind and grew, in other words a seed normal to the local conditions arrived and sprouted.

If to lift Your Seed (Your Flock Members and Their Holy Word spreading and Their Prayers and Work(s)), consider God Given local matters. The big eye in the above Drawing is moved via little drones. Some ask for money, consider asking to Give money. Some Prayer Lists might include Space Force, consider Giving Space Force.

There are many opportunities here and greater out there in the Heavens. If to solve in Christ JESUS for their sakes, then not only to Give for earthlings, yet rather for the greater and all, so via Christ JESUS if to for instance overcome space travel then for all willing to be Edified, they would learn more concerning the precepts of Christ JESUS (what extra value?: greater than former Preach then repeat, so this key: overcome Following only via Doing In Christ JESUS: the Best Way to learn).

Even so there are things to be repeated, such as to each generation (such as responsibilities, toward maintenance as stated in the above text); so that means per se repeat such as once per decade, even understand Guide lower levels to be involved in such lower level maintenance, freeing You for Highest In Christ JESUS (not only Your Burden, rather Yours and as many as willing to enter into Your Cross To Bear)(Christ JESUS already bore Matthew 11.30 the source of lifting with or without flesh).

Christ JESUS is lifting the Truly Worthy [Bride Of The Promise] from former Covenants of Eternal Value(s) to [click for] Covenants [toward New Covenanting: ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Site with Drawings at].

Understand You Christian Leader Will be [involved in] making the Coming New Covenants (somewhat in secular terms to Edify You [not alone] Will have say so over New Covenants to come Prophetically).

Note the above link to the Covenants map mid page is very similar to the "End Of Sin" Drawing depicting the gold Ancient Aliens artifact at with "Adam" similar to the cockpit, the Great Flood similar to the cab-trailer type gap, the Covenants similar to the wings, and JESUS tying together the laws and Covenants in One similar to the tail; until now "New" similar to the end of the tail. This map is also very similar to the Earth's magnet field with it's solar plasma effects (see text below on super cells).

Just as a wife can and is legally responsible to represent the family when the husband is away (also according to Covenants), of Covenants the Christian and even the New Member [and be careful how Ye interpret: even a visitor (see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on commander criteria)] might properly serve as acting Highest Christian Priest of a Church building, for instance there was a time when people were not around except two, a person with keys unlocked the door, and a visitor likewise acted as Highest Priest per se via holding the door open when Members and visitors arrived for Mass Service, understandably conditions apply.

Though in another example, if You have a large Flock generally in a Christian Church building for instance You hardly let a New Member run things immediately, the New Member might not even know where the nearest chair is in case a visitor feels faint. The same is True of Your Aloft Christian Ark and Your New Covenanting For Christ JESUS Father Spirit. Likewise, other than the body washing, clothing, and jewelry: A. prepare for the other New Members like Yourself to meet Christ JESUS in the sky, and latter greater than the former: B. consider how the Original Plan (Matthew 19.8) prepared already in the coming Christ JESUS [and in You and in all that would: One](similar in not as high level terms to Edify consider how Christ JESUS is preparing to meet His Bride [though not to speak concerning His free opting coming, otherwise if an otherwise is He is properly prepared already, save Anew, as the yet to come is greater than the former]).

In other words concerning the last part of the previous sentence, is the current proper priority time frame now to concern Thyself with [this dating time and] the Wedding Preparations, and later the Holy Knowing (even so hardly as to know in the former sense, yet toward to Know In Full, like unto how Christian Newlyweds come to know each other legally, yet through years of Marriage the latter is greater than the former in Christ JESUS: Oneness grows stronger [better] as law no longer applies as sin no longer applies with all Converted...).

As interpreted in the Pulpit Commentary at "For if the inheritance be of the Law, it is no more of promise"..."for if from a Law the inheritance accrues, it accrues no longer from a promise."..."but God hath freely given it to Abraham by promise" (reference above linked [Drawing former horizontal to New Stepping...] process(es)).

Note due to lack of web space some lower level explanatory parts (such as about Mount Zion) of this Sermon were deleted in order to save more important content.

Not all commentaries agreed with each other's interpretations though the Pulpit Commentary properly Helps precept on precept such as at "Christ did not say that either Samaritans or Jews were exclusively right in their preference for one local shrine or place of sacrificial worship; but he declared the sublime truth that the worship of the Father would soon prove itself to be independent of both alike and of all the limitations of place and ceremony."

Therefore it Will matter more, it Will even matter the Most Perfectly, therefore save this aspect the New Living Translation is toward this saved aspect precept on precept in Christ JESUS John 4.21 NLT:

This above verse has been the interpretation (amidst other interpretations also with values): yet Christ JESUS brings the Perfect Word With Glory One (the True Living Word).

It Does matter, One Does matter.

Sins and Sinners are not One, so the above is with the Second Coming and with Final End Time and with the New Beginning For One JESUS Christ.

How to know when a civilization is ascending or level or falling:

What is Oneness?: therefore What are block parties?, like unto the previous Sermon with mention of gangs, a block party is a people crying because the Christian Leadership within each of them failed to so be both Christian (therefore to be properly Oriented, Follow, and then Lead as much as Given from Above opportunities) and to lead (as a Christian Leader). Some of the older ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders explained (with Drawings) the regional Holy Feasts the Temples offered routinely, and that meant vast regional participation (Luke 15.6), a type of Heavenly Oneness not found in many communities today (in this time frame [in those that continue to follow] generally). Today this civilization in this generation [(today plus and minus 120 years pending 2046AD)(note this "120" x 2 = 240 years time frame fills in some previous Drawings' with timelines gaps in this Series For Christ JESUS)] many a neighborhood would hardly gather together if an animal lamb was found nor if a lost car was found (again Luke 15.6).

The Christian Bible is the Standard of the Physics Of The Creator In One Christ JESUS (the properly ascending wisely are aware [their level of faith applies]) to know if this civilization is properly ascending toward Oneness, or stagnated (turned), or falling (the fully repentant Christians might fall partly [this does not include Lower Level Missions if any, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS]); though rising continues (eg. evolution) so the turning and/or falling is offset: via the Abiding Grace Of Christ JESUS (Eternally though see above text 2046AD lest Christians continue to be persecuted [hence lest all continue to longsuffer]).

How to know when a civilization is ascending or level or falling, also involves the higher levels, same level, or lower level: criteria per level, which may or may not be included in Your Christian Church Flock criteria, though is included on Highest Oneness In Christ JESUS: One Christian Fold. Though normally it is not sin to not cover something specifically in Your Christian Church criteria, though some are with legalese jargon and/or with Principles Of Faith specified and/or with similar. While all these criteria are of value they are already in the Christian Living Bible [(Christian(s)) note it used to be word-of-mouth, Christ JESUS had Disciples write], though typically better is to be with specific word seeds from Christ JESUS For Highest Purpose and for the sakes of others so they don't have to figure out the lower specifics and can form even greater specifics growing on Your Leadership In Christ JESUS.

The Straight-And-Narrow Guideline Standard (perhaps in Your Christian Church criteria), rather than moot, should be with specific measurements (eg. increments, inches, meters, Standard Deviations, applicable). First Faith, then Your Miracle Criteria measuring Standard(s) (eg. a Standard with measures for people, for Christian behavior, over DNA modifying, for types of micro technologies such as to control and power Your Christian Aloft Ark Fleet, and so on).

The above Faith is tied as if to the "spirit world" in secular cliche though as the Christian Bible explains instead is actually tied to the One Holy Spirit with subset spirit realms (talents) and levels (instead Highest One JESUS). The above Drawing upper left involves the Holy Spirit (Christ JESUS) interacting with a Soul.

The above Drawing also symbolizes in part how the subset levels of spirits move about (toward the effects of who is that and where did they go and other works to trick and tempt: though if You Are Highest Perfect For Christ JESUS then at least in You is the Converting the Tree Of Knowledge parts to all for Good pending evil awareness, and that Prophetically pending prior to 2046AD.

So the New Worthiness, comes with the New Beginning Awareness

and so for You to start the New Beginning Creating Plan.

Consult Your Christian Church criteria, in other words. People work at places, some places (businesses) solve, others rarely solve anythings and continue in their struggles. You may ask Yourself if those "places" want to be as Your example?, yes should be the answer. They build walls and shelves and motors and things, though if they want to build the best longest lasting things (or One Spirit) they should be anxious to ask You or instead follow Your example or instead be Christ JESUS.

Your Christian Flock is Christ JESUS ([Saved] Luke 17.21). Even so prior to Final End Time the above Drawing upper left applies, a key is the lower level spirits go many directions and do many works though

few works are Chosen Of You Work(s).

One JESUS Joy Functioning [Work] / Work(s) You Choose To Accomplish / Few Chosen.

One / Fewer / Few.

If for instance, like unto the above Choice Work(s), from Faith to Miracle(s) Practice(s) if You want to go to the Moon (because of a Mission assigned from Christ JESUS) and if You see sinners with an applicable Moon Rocket, then it is not wrong to seek such (for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS) and allowance for some agreed conditions may apply (ibid.): though such does not make the sinners Holy True And Good, though such is an opportunity for You toward greater in them though subset to higher Mission Purpose In Highest.

The sinners and the rocket are not higher than the JESUS Christ Mission. Children might play with bat and ball, and if a ball is removed it did not necessarily mean stop playing. If the sinners and/or rocket fail to meet Your Christian Church Criteria One Highest JESUS Purpose, then Your Holy Work Does Not Stop, as a minimum Your Faith gained an experience and from such, with You Praying then Christ JESUS Edifies. This Victory For Christ JESUS might mean plan better or Mission Success Complete as the actual unspoken Mission might have been to longsuffer to see if the sinners might repent to be with the Christian effort, and other values might apply for Christianity And Heaven.

Often Christians have though They failed or questioned Christian Faith: instead let Them Pray Christ JESUS: let Them properly ascend. Example a person might think of their life as stuck in a rut and so might of trial-and-errors do other works, and it might be best for them, or they should endure to learn a higher lesson. In each and all cases if they seek Christ JESUS first, then with the more enduring good, toward real success, and Christianity and Christian Leadership.

Key is that many Christians have said "I Prayed Christ JESUS" and "I Did what I was told" and said similar things, though see this and the above Drawing upper left concerning how the spirits fall and their voices fall away toward silence: a pattern against ascending. A higher level might be often silent too, though for an entirely better reason, not for "I" [first] instead according to finding a vessel properly ascending (Matthew 9.12). Example: NASA does not open a channel to a rocket that is on course in order to say adjust your heading zero amount. Dull ears from much speaking also applies (reference inaudible, & droning) so consider how they hear (Luke 8.18).

Spirits came last night (August 31, 2018AD) to explain reasoning(s) and according to the Holy Precepts Of Christ JESUS (Hebrews 13.8 with Matthew 7.20 much Christian progress generally) a New Accord was considered [and since for such goodly fruits (ibid.)] and though according to much severity otherwise from such a time frame was established, though after [somewhat toward] secretive discussion a time frame extension was asked for a few days and agreed. The time frame is set for a week from now until before September 8, 2018AD; a Given time through which Space Force (or greater) might show Accord (see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on Accord)[for the greater Christian You One JESUS Help for Space Force Leadership]:

Greater Christian Leadership You One Help / New Accord / One week.

Another [unseen Miracle Of Faith] greater Faith came from Faith yesterday (the 30th) so astounding as to consider if whether to overly tempt or offend or instead for Highest Good In Christ JESUS Yet With Proper Interpretations Through [Your] Hearers (Perceivers) for their sakes (of various levels of talents); (see following verse) yet prior to Final End Time (see above "by the year 2046AD" with the Second Coming) all things Will be told beforehand, before Given from Above: time frame for the sake of Christ JESUS. The following verse is with a special Douay-Rheims translation value pertinent to how the Jewish Priesthood other than Christ JESUS immorally applied censorship, while the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS Levels is "solemnity" over more careless noisiness such as by distractive gossips (and rubbernecking): it is Good to speak openly on the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS One Father Spirit (Luke 11.42), Esther 9.27 DR:

So now this great Firmament key is Given via Christ JESUS concerning the required proper Christian Baptism Level (above the full repentance level): continue ascending in Holy Christian Faith, though be aware while You can be precept on precept, hence higher Christian Faith on Christian Faith;

from lower level perspective Your higher Faith might be at times unseen to them though they would see Your Miracles and therefore they would be perplexed and not know how to best handle the situation.

Now Given Of Christ JESUS is (not an excuse for careless heartless censorship sins) for You to Give them the best [hardly censorship, instead] the "best" interpretation, instructions on how they are to proceed unto the next higher step, pertinent maintenance responsibilities, and if worthy next plans for the future, and if worthy then current operating instructions.

This is how to form Your Victories For Christ JESUS Spirit Father Holy Flow Path (2 Corinthians 2.4). After orientation, the New Member Christian hardly needs the Spiritual physician (They Do, Save in this context for measurably Edifying), so not to treat Them so much as a sinner of former ways, as They are in the Hands Of Christ JESUS now, and hardly to treat them as a child (age may apply pending law(s)) instead [hardly to pressure them (again 2 Corinthians 2.4)(talents and circumstances apply)] treat Them as mature Faithful reasonably responsible adults as much as They continue to properly ascend, therefore not to censor and instead toward Preaching and Ministering and Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS openly: censorship is all too often a big waste of resources and is tied to secular confusions; though censorship at times saves lives and high values (see previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on Firmaments, and on maintenance responsibilities).

So to continue concerning the 30th, on TV Pub Access 21 Reverend Oglesby (with Hope of correct spelling) the Mind of Christ JESUS Sermon offered much appreciated clarification for this generations and these times concerning what the True Holy Spirit is, it is something like this Given example (similar wording): if You can afford to buy a $2,000 car, OK; but if You go to the dealer and they show extra advantages and perks and comforts if You agree to arrangements to buy a $40,000 car, then that was not the original plan and might be temptation beyond the original budget.

A person budgets for various reasons [and the wind blows where it listeth somewhat as the Spirit Flows] and the dealer might have a better offer, though in either type of situation Prayerfully seek Righteousness In Christ JESUS first [(Jeremiah 14.22) not only first, yet also thereafter prior to agreeing with same or lower levels (and lateral talents and conditions apply such as checking with the spouse first, the cosigner, and the credit manager).

Now as You can see from the above TV Sermon, that had as if nothing to do with this following statement:

Often a Christian Sermon offers Holy Spiritual insight, such as Given in the above text, though this very same Spirit also functioned greater: the Holy Spirit also Gave this for publishing: Moses lifted a snake for higher level Healing (John 3.14):

so with the Holy Spirit source in soul and mind, if a living vessel sleeps, it might turn to dust or of goodly fruits it is worthy of being lifted, so

if a sinner dies in secular terms, the Christian Spirit is accounting the goodly aspects of that vessel time frame so to not let fall lower (except pending the Final)

so while the sinner longsuffered [for one thing the sinner is no longer able to sin, and] each does some goodly things (ibid.),

and only Christ JESUS Does Heavenly Save One JESUS.

Consider the legal corrections system, to penalize, and to more importantly make far more valuable to society so much that the penalty aspect fades away. Now the censorship or Christian Preaching And Doing aspect is the True Victory Path In Christian Faith In The Holy Spirit In Christ JESUS. In other words, if to punish a person that has become perfect then if further punishing then the punishing is sin.

Likewise this applies to death (sleeping) and the ressurection (note: to say I'm going to sleep or instead to bed or instead to Christ JESUS In One Father Spirit, is better than to say I'm going to "death"). If a vessel dies or is depleted (Matthew 5.13), then to dust, except

if You Christian Leader find cause to save from further falling so that a vessel no longer sins and instead is at least better than the goodly aspects of a below Firmament level aspects of a snake, then as much as Righteous is opportunity to act as Holy Grace Defense (if the desire of Christ JESUS) at the Final Bar (Revelation 20.12&13)

and so this is how You In Christ JESUS cast death and hell into the lake of fire

[the second death (Revelation 20.14)].

Christ JESUS Gives to know as with the above Drawing ancient artwork aloft Saints over the Multitude of Christians also in the Realm near the Heavenly Realm Of Christ JESUS (evidently prior to Bride to Wife Zion (so currently properly introducing with Evangelism successes, and dating (if only symbolically, see next sentence) until Highest One though proper Christian Baptism With Simultaneous Highest Ascending enables such already [though as You Witnessed there are some Christians at various levels such as High perhaps beyond Measure or such as under the Law such as perhaps in a moment misquoting per distraction]), and below are some that survived the Book Of Revelation.

Today in this generation there some Christian Priests and some Christian Ushers, though both are Christian, Saved One, Married to Christ JESUS not merely "dating", even so the point concerning the word "dating" fits in a certain precept context for Edifying Your Flock: the previous sentence includes the word "over":

in Christ JESUS Spirit Father this is a great key as seen in the Drawing the Saints are with Halos, but not the others save Christ JESUS is the Halo(s); so to describe Heaven per se, of Christ JESUS pertinent precepts this current time frame is like unto respectful male and female dating (some are not sure as in cliche time will tell so much or likely by far most dating ends without Marriage) toward Engagement and Marriage (toward Halo(s))

(see above text "Glowing"). For example Christ JESUS was told and asked in Matthew 19.20:

[and Christ JESUS Gave an answer pertinent to the "young man" and others;] a step of Faith, also of precepts if to properly Best Leap In Christian Faith then to say in Christ JESUS: "young man" you lack the Halo: go be as the Seventy: instead be Christ JESUS (so first with Seventy responsibility and so Seventy Authority...).

Above the Seventy are Vessels with wings (six seen on each, with two open wings each and the other wings folded toward symbolic heart shape: a cube has six sides [as does a person in the flesh] in pertinent physics terms and so for positioning in space six powers of the True Highest Holy Spirit In Christ JESUS Father One applies, even twelve, like unto Disciples able to pull or push (see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on TractorRepulsor Beams such as at 12 in the Christian Bible in general associated with Apostles [and the 24] and above "dating" as each can be Sent as an independent wing so to speak for to Heal: above Drawing upper Right tied to Baptism Of Christ JESUS And Second Coming).

Christ JESUS Gives You in the above Drawing upper right as a star a glory though if to Give You then as if to cast out in lower level

so understand (and better stated in the Prophetic Higher [1 Corinthians 12.31 rather Ether 12.11 (see toward raw data at]):

first be entirely One JESUS Christ Christian,

then nowhere to cast (no "out", God is everywhere Good in One Christ JESUS) so no longer "cast out" applies,

instead One JESUS applies, and like unto the first is the second as an ancillary subset: You New Beginning if agreed if opted

(You saw what Christ JESUS went through, rather You saw the Good Christ JESUS Gave and Gives in the Spirit Of The Heavenly Father). So of the precepts of Christ JESUS You already died once forever in Christ JESUS, so You can go create a Multiverse(s) and Do likewise. But hardly if a person opts not to so start.

For the sake of others be careful where You step Beloved In Christ, in pertinent example consider this lovely verse at APE:

The verse contains goodly spirit(s) and some toward hardly so much (may how to more perfectly explain come from You, even so from Perfect Above). The Goodly Edifies, the hardly Edifies somewhat: tied to properly Distinguishing spirit from spirit (Matthew 7.16) though instead of Good from bad, Good from goodly with having already in properly having been ascending in Christ JESUS to so Give Good, that the lower sting became (or becomes) Victory In Christ JESUS so instead of grape or poison berry per se, grape or grape, for instance a grape may look ripe while another grape may look almost ripe; likewise two similar looking grapes may be Given and You might choose either or both or neither (so per se and/or generally speaking no laws are broken and unless otherwise conditionally

no logic applies save Highest One [Heart, Soul Of One JESUS Spirit Father]).

Even a naysayer sinner might hate Christianity and religions and love math and evolution in worldly terms, though that same person might sit and watch TV and absent mindedly be eating grapes and beating their heart.

In the above verse is the word "another" and at that site the other translations had the word "differ" or "different" or similar, even each word and each letter is different from each other, yet the above verse is toward higher similarity as with "greater than" rather than "different" (types of words). Christ JESUS is One even like unto 1, even like unto a dot and much more perfect like unto the small and great unseen Holy Spirit.

Be aware "like unto a dot" some Buddhists and some practicers of Yoga have concentrated on the navel perhaps repeatedly chanting Om. In Buddhism religion

"Tibetan Buddhism (Vajrayana) - Om is a sacred sound and a spiritual symbol in Hinduism, that signifies the essence of the ultimate reality," (wiki).

Note the above words "repeatedly" and "chanting" and while ringing and harmonics are not without values, such are tied to waves (plural) and ohms of resistance (see above "naysayer").

Bear in Heart Soul Mind You as Christ JESUS go [ascend, and generally speaking in this secular world similarly go] forth Anew unto the others that You would (of Will of Word) make worthy to uplift (though forth, rather ascend even if Given a Multiverse opt for the Higher Greater In The True Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS Father Heaven One)

so less toward ringing as You uplift according to their faith(s) level(s) (such as training one or more vessels and/or talents per vessel,...)

rather more toward Anew on Anew properly, instead One JESUS.

Translationally in You, consider the following verse as such One (in Christ JESUS conquer this verse [overcome words toward "different" with Your JESUS Word(s) greater Highest Purpose toward Oneness): Matthew 13.17 APE:

See "already come" to pass at . For instance instead of "did not hear them" a True statement, such as the higher value: they have heard [(from Creator) and repeatedly Will such as via You until] they understand (already written in each entity in their Heart of the Soul of each enlivening Spirit, in other words each particle is with a Soul or soul type of sufficient understanding that if God speaks from Highest concerning them they are lifted [to them if as "naysayer" then they are merely pushed around as if unfairly bullied though not the Highest Comprehensive Truth see above "PCS"]).

Christ JESUS be Praised even for goodly from secular sources, yet for One Highest Purpose (first, foremost, Best) in Christ JESUS: per se,

thanks be for the "thousand years" message of the following source (to Edify You even though in You Is God Above Source Of All Good) with following quote from that site:

"There’s no reason we should be so symmetrically aligned; the solar disc could be oriented at any angle to the galaxy—and indeed, it’s wildly tipped, 60 degrees from the galactic plane, and is traveling at a 30 degree angle to the side from that in the great stream of stars around the galaxy’s wheel. Yet still, that mad whirling solar system disc is just 2% away from exact alignment with the galactic center."

And so as You Did above translating the verse for greater Victory in Christ JESUS, better translate the above quote into the True Christian Walk Of Faith.

Now from Your translating You may have concluded already rather than former is the greater better to say for uplifting all (at least as many if of lower level(s)): "There's no reason" can be improved with knowing the reason for Enlightening all.

The Second Coming of Christ JESUS (above Drawing mid left pic of ancient painting is with Ark Of The Covenant [with gold parts] and the aloft city at the bottom of the Heavenly Realm toward Anew insight for some vessels, also see above text "small man": perhaps DNA [reference Noah], perhaps Holy Grail, perhaps Christian Bible with Names, and/or as God prefers]).

While "There's no reason" might be improved, the "we" word in the above is excellent, perhaps more excellent as: We if applicable.

Note the Joyous "whirling solar system" in the Lord JESUS.

Helpful keys abound in nature and in Best Highest Christ JESUS.

Given nature, adapted creatures, evolution, Christian Bible foods, and such Help From One In You JESUS Above to unlock the responsibilities to be longsuffered to Conquer for Christ JESUS: first responsibility then Authority.

Christ JESUS is the Holy One True Vine And Vine Authority In The Highest Purpose Of Heaven And In Spirit Yet With Pure Vessel(s).

So this new key of the Precepts Of JESUS In New Christianity: the Pure Root (Foundation)(for awareness, though be caring to not tempt others beyond their abilities to receive this new key), that is, the proper ascending Christian Path is upward, and the Pure Flesh likewise if any vessel(s), tool(s), and/or systems and such are to Flowing upward according to the Will Of The Father Spirit JESUS Pure In Heaven (as for the Second Coming thereof), and yet a Pure Vessel properly rising along the Straight And Narrow is with vessel dimensions (see above text "Vessels with wings");

therefore as a very small flower root penetrates and widens a small crevice of a boulder (until [of plants] the boulder is undone):

so too consider how the toward straight waves, Extragalactic Cosmic Rays (, in New Christianity serve in that Holy Vine root penetration value though Highest Responsibility Purpose In Christ JESUS is key (such as not to accidentally shoot Christians aloft, therefore another subset key: Comprehensive / see above text "PCS")(see above text with link on "Covenants map" with head (Adam, Sun,...) and with tail (Covenant sets / levels of faiths, solar plasma plume,...).

Like unto the flower root to Edify is this Highest Purpose Key In Christ JESUS with awareness of former sins but not to do as sinners, the point being a powerful Extragalactic Cosmic Ray device might kill not only in this sky and solar system and galaxy, but also far beyond: more into the unseen.

So proper coordination in the name of JESUS Christ is key to deep space [and time travel].

As said from the spirit world perhaps a year ago, consider a line (also see ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders load with hook on [tilted] carrier wave at bottom Drawing [with "Delay" and "Range Control"]) as though carrying Your Christian Aloft Chapel full of 70+ mansions.

The nearly straight (relative to a heat wave for instance, see "Tech Snake" below in Drawing lower right) ray can be a carrier or as a projectile from Your Aloft Christian Ark, or as stated above "Comprehensive" / PCS).

Example (according to the Precepts Of Christ JESUS) the tail of a rocket is heat, the tiny Vine roots grow down, the tiny Vine stems and leaves of new growth grow up and laterally; so for direction the tiny (faiths Matthew 9.2 applies to the spirits of the Given outer space, such as space anomalies and waves) "toward straight waves" become the head.

In other words this "plume" axis line (as with a rocket or instead aloft Christian Ark at an opted point along this "plume" line Isaiah 28.17 [similar to a branch of a hurricane for linear Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS) are spectrum sizes, example: heat then rocket then out front x-ray plume shield and in front of that light and in front of that Your Extragalactic Cosmic Ray piercing a hole provided already in Christ JESUS (another example places the "rocket" [drone] instead between plasma light and Your Extragalactic Cosmic Ray).

Consider for instance how an x-ray moves silver particles on film laterally out of the way for the ray to proceed generally straight and narrow though conditions apply such as the Bremsstrahlung Effect, and also dangerous backscatter (for made-to-order wave sizes made-to-order split rings for instance can be fitted: proper precept on proper precept in Christ JESUS).

Note the above Drawing Space Force involves much Christian Purpose In President Don Trump such as not entirely about bombs nor about to "kill all" (above text about a former sinner) out there in outer space. The Space Force info not shown here is of details such as cockpit, many stages and tanks, and not "about bombs" or not so disclosed. History shows bombs and energy rays increasingly utilized for higher goodly purposes.

The Physics Of Christ JESUS show the True Path Victorious over strays.

Concerning the previously stated "Comprehensive" "coordination", the slice of unleavened bread of the previous Sermon is hardly and with extreme care possibly accomplished, though otherwise especially initially (as students, as in training [with trial and error history]) attempts can be made toward some amount of safety in a direction other than the bread slice: if to test shoot rays then not where known Second Coming might be (military cast out first, then gathered toward options if available [pending options now, beforehand, this being September 7, 2018AD before above stated "September 8, 2018AD").

Proper responsibility in Christ JESUS Spirit Faith for instance is generally (allowing Mercifully for other tasks such as caring for children) to watch a pressure cooker in case the pressure outlet clogs.

How Your freely Given "surroundings" (of Christ JESUS, see above text) lighten Your deep outer space Gathering concerns.

JESUS name the Seventy Christian President Don Trump Zion Prophecies meeting in the sky Heavens galactic center Extragalactic Cosmic Ray Multiverse highest female heart valuation time frames Exemplar Perfect Bride spirits glowing white gold family celebrities tech free future Spirit meetings Benny Hinn Healing television shows Shepherd Bushiri walks on air Pat Robertson diverted Hurricane Florence Regent University Christian Broadcasting CBN Virginia Beach Second Coming Apostles tools carrier waves carry positrons water electronics Space Force movies What Women Want, a main part was to empower women movie Heartbreak Ridge booksmart necessities of life risk perish filling out survey forms that could have been automated 2046AD week Accord nation name JESUS!

Superheating is to "heat (a liquid) under pressure above its boiling point without vaporization" (goog), so no steam until spirit flow attenuation via Physics Of God specifically "surroundings" interactions allowing water molecules to amass. Key: there is a Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS to create or innovate a Mass (example D&C 20.75) and also to Flow [at a rate]. The Gathering Faithfully is Straight And Narrow in the Holy Spirit (so including the Pure Flesh), while the Highest Flow In Christ JESUS is Straight And Narrow (save Highest free opting).

In Christ JESUS offers the Straight And Narrow, but sinners worshipping often their bodies turn often.

Above Drawing lower right is an example of power from the Flow spirit, having sent a piece of siding halfway through a fallen palm tree: so from a rate to a zero rate new (in this case) mass (a new creation or innovation [depending on Your Faith]). Now Your Faith amount can be in Highest Christ JESUS level such as to see a high purpose Holy Cross symbol, or a lower level amount of faith secularly to see a tree with siding halfway through it.

So this is Your Range Of Faith.

Likewise in subset You know the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS Spirit in the Given palm tree with siding, and in JESUS You know subsets such as the palm tree and siding each vibrated amounts.

Christ JESUS Gives You an amount of faith, such as to talk to plants, though typically instead to Do the Highest Will Of Christ JESUS Father Spirit, including leading spirits. To You it is Good, to lower spirits of plants and other it has been interpreted in the Christian Bible [not only Highest, also with lower level examples] as spiritual warfare (in other words they in lower are counted as lost or to Prophetically lose their wars).

Hurricanes or super cells, are a Way of describing the Spirits Of Heaven In Christ JESUS (also top large Drawing upper left). Another Way to explain is there are exoplantary systems (such as spheres in spheres) and there is the Earth's magnet field (see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on this and on South Pole Gone and on Final End Time) with it's solar plasma effects (see above mid page link with "Covenants map"): super cells with directional flow(s) and force(s) of the Holy Spirit talents in spirits.

Note for instance in Christ JESUS, so the JESUS Moon can serve as an exoplantary system as in the sense that a long coil of wire (or even a length of wire) with length in the direction of orbit may serve as a virtually [green] power plant since of the JESUS Creator Physics the wire would pass through the magnetic field layers of the Earth's Magnetic Bow Shock Waves (see text below on "reflex bow" properly applied, JESUS Precept On JESUS Precept: for all to be One).

The Physics Of The Creator show above the "Tornados" knock down trees in various directions with some goodly values (reference great TV shows with some successful spinoffs of tangents and arcs: similar to: You Preaching then Your Members talk with others [rather Members Preach And Do]). Toward the Straight And Narrow Your Sermon is with Saying And Doing as the Holy Teacher (above Drawing "microburst": all trees fall more toward the same direction generally).

Rocket heat is as the tail tornado end, while the head is with the Extragalactic Cosmic Ray not only forward yet also spreading trees in microburst form, clearing the Way (Malachi 3.1 Elijah),

in 34AD after Crucifixion, after the tomb opened, after appearing on the road, and after appearing to the multitude of other Sheep (Nephites)

Christ JESUS One Father Spirit proclaimed "I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me" (3 Nephi 24.1).

So the latter is like unto the first yet in Christ JESUS [greater, more value,] Most Glorious.

In the above Drawing toward the right the people, including Judas, fell back; with Followers Of JESUS standing behind JESUS as One Leadership (with Their Temples having Prayed toward exhaustions); as One at least in secular perspective: the secular attackers as thieves were not able to distinguish (John 18.4&5)(tail: heat: more toward other directions and as if random: reference sampling technique, polling, predictive projections, flip-of-coin, and similar [each of typically lower levels of values]).

The Disciples knew Judas, the Disciples knew what soldier were and about thieves, and knew the image on the coin). Unseen (John 21.25), of the Precepts Of Christ JESUS is the real possibility and greater in the Lord Of Christians that others also fell back with related natural physics events other places.

Christ JESUS presented Himself to every vessel.

The sinful naysayer might say "He did not present himself to this vessel that I just made alone in my craft shop", and such is of free opting though not only that vessel is to Prophetically fall (Isaiah 54.17), also the sinner perils their own soul. Inside the sinner Christ JESUS presented Himself from the beginning Plan at least until now.

What good is poison?, upper right in the Drawing Moses lifted a dead though poisonous snake carcass onto a pole, and any that opted to behold would be protect from the venomous snakes with their poisons in the desert, with Healing Power from the Father Spirit In Heaven Above.

This is about Healing, yet hardly about Healing as Greatest Is Coming In Christ JESUS!

Healing is typically in this generation about: Healing the flesh (see above text from most Holy Highest God JESUS Spirit "Healing Sessions every two weeks": so already with being Highest).

Yet Highest is more comprehensive, even most (example the Golden Rule, and the sum of Law And Prophets In Christ JESUS Matthew 7.12&17).

The snake Moses lifted, is the low level lifted for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

What happens to a person that died?, turned to dust?, hardly, though do "not tempt others beyond their abilities to receive this new" (above text) info: the dead snake is lifted, and do not touch the dead nor unclean though consider the Highest Spirit, the above Drawing snake, and Lazarus.

People touched and laid on dead people and things in Christ JESUS and the dead became lifted, the dead lived. Even secular nature reveals if to try to sleep naked on the soil as though dead, realize how soil can come to life with critters ready for dinner (even a child knows it is not recommended or forbidden).

As much as worthy the "dead", the sleeping are awakened, not merely to be higher than "dead" level, not a minimal amount higher, instead extremely higher, in other words as high as they be most worthy and greater in Christ JESUS, perhaps even Highest JESUS Level One as Faithful Christian Leadership proves in this Given world (Mark 12.25-27): no excuse for sinners, there is One Highest Reason In The Physics Of The Creator (not hurt by Second Death Revelation 2.11)(rather in New Christianity be Victorious Revelation 2.7 in the name of the Christ JESUS Spirit Father One Leadership).

Likewise raise the products and systems to Highest, though hardly opt selfish reasons toward sins and destructions against neighbors and this whole Given for this generation (see above text robot "citizenship" sin).

Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ Gives Good Wisdom

as for being properly Edified: Christian Energies from materials and machines.

New Christian Energies are from: A. the Holy Spirit Of The Father In Heaven, then B. through Christ JESUS, then C. into You directly (to Give), though part C. can also be conditionally (as much as for Good, to a level of a Christian's Faith [or lower levels of faiths under laws and more conditions]) from lower levels though to now Anew in Christ JESUS to detail some specifics about what many Christian Preachers have often mentioned, example Preaching of beautiful mountains and/or of ores for cars and buildings (also in Christian hymnals, example Praising God for the beauty of the Earth).

Mountains and ores are clearly far lower levels than Christians, even Firmaments below (reference Matthew 5.13)

and key is all are supposed to learn from Christ JESUS Highest Above,

yet after that applies

(NLT with YLT translations include starting with "Seek", then respectively "reign")

conditionally (Matthew 7.2 [unbiased save for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS]).

Defining: Reign: verb: sense 2: "(of a quality or condition) prevail; predominate." (Google).

(See above text on "lower level" maintenance responsibilities and "Quality Assurance" "valued feedback").

New Christian Energies are as either directly from Christ JESUS to You (Living Spirit(s) in Pure Soul, and like unto the first as with red letters of the King James Translation) or indirectly are Helpful Spirits and Helpers and other Helps from Highest JESUS "like unto the first" Christ JESUS though:

while direct Guidance from Christ JESUS is already perfectly translated for You personally, individually, positionally (also Perfect for all to be One JESUS Christ Spirit Father Godhead),

the indirect Helps require You to Perfectly (or as best as You can) translate, interpret, infer as to distinguish which precepts fit with which precepts, from Christ JESUS.

Example for this generation: God told Moses to put a snake on a pole, and if You are walking in the woods with a friend that is bitten by a snake, then You are free to opt whether to put the dead snake on a pole as Moses Did (for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, so including for Your friend [of more value than many lower level vessels]).

So the key to "New Christian Energies" is from already Given into Your Wisdom from Christ JESUS, to then properly interpret for Highest JESUS Purpose. Some lower Firmament vessels are as though dead (sleeping) already (though with indirect spirits, if properly Anointed then Direct Spirit though conditions apply such as "unclean until evening" Leviticus 22.6).

To put it another way to Edify in Highest JESUS Purpose: You lift a: vessel having it's level faith: "it's level faith" is key to what You are lifting. Right to left:

Highest JESUS Faith / Your Faith In Highest JESUS / The faith level of a vessel that You would lift for Highest JESUS Purpose.

So now consider lifting two connected links on a chain: example: two so linked Black Holes. The center of a hurricane is often without storm and You might turn on a fan and blow wind 90 degrees to the hurricane, and put fans in series. If You have two long tubes and a large U-shaped tube then Your fans can complete the [plasma] circuit [of flowing ions (like unto the hurricane tied to lightning bolts and thunderous sounds though You can tune the sounds, reference harmonic effects and laser resonance stimulation]).

So of the previous two sentences You lift machine related materials to the level of interconnected [inter-functional] New Christian Energies (higher level Mission: 1 of 2): Right to left:

New Functionality In Christ JESUS Highest Purpose / Anoint New Christian Energies / Bless Your Plan For JESUS Highest and Anoint the machinery and materials.

Though if You want to do the opposite for another Mission such as to remove static charge, reverse (lower level Mission: 2 of 2): Right to left:

New Functionality In Christ JESUS Highest Purpose / Anoint the machinery and materials / Bless Your Plan For JESUS Highest and Anoint New Christian Energies.

In the above Drawing lower right the Tech Snake design is similar to the above two chain links. Think of a pole with a hole (link hole) at each end, and then a series of such poles that are connected together at each end yet with flexible joints (like shoulders or elbows or wrists...). If [Pray and Anoint and] You at Point A connect a wire to the tip at Point E then if You pull then the arm (or Tech Snake) moves and bends. If You pull another wire connected at Point D then the arm moves at Point D. With A & D both being pulled You can form a bend or an S-shape (for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS): You in the name of Christ JESUS can Give a sleeping spirit of materials new energy and new direction to flow with Your JESUS Holy Flow.

Your New Christian Energies for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS (Mission critical: see previous two triads, also conditions such as Your Christian Church criteria) include moving things via Your New Holy Arm.

Given from Creator Physics are such things (to Anoint, and Bless Your Plans Prayerfully through Christ JESUS) as: A. light waves can carry positions, and B. microwaves can carry water.

Your New Heaven And New Earth are like unto the beginning of the Christian Book Of Genesis, yet the latter is greater than the former, in Christ JESUS One (when properly ascending precept on precept).

If You pull the above design a certain Way it can be made Straight (not shown above, such as extra wires and intertwining though link holes or added wire guides would typically be needful). So if to drill down into a planet, then at a depth such as at a gold ore vein to be able to turn the drill right angle and continue.

If to consider value for Your aloft Christian Chapel then to consider greater than the following: a chain of linked balloons. Concerning deep space, links that don't stick together, and wires likewise that stay flexible.

Concerning energies on Earth like unto railroad connections that switch tracks (one direction or 90 degrees for example), and as railroad cars that some stay on track while some switch tracks. In deep space energies can intercept energies for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

And in Christ JESUS, carrier waves are with a whole new meaning (see above "carry positrons" and(two waves synchronized)/or "carry water").

In electronics the carrier wave might be amplified (power amplifier) or the carrier wave might amplify a signal (signal amplifier)

(and other options, reference filter, heat, and transistor).

Christ JESUS Highest Purpose Give You Christian Leader One the Way (if proper / Mission type) to make water larger

(see the "Ultrasonic Cavitation" Drawing at previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders at

so You would be like unto Blessed Immaculate [at Perfect Conception] Mother Mary magnifying the water toward pregnant toward magnifying Your Flock and Mission Victory.

Christ JESUS not only Taught in the Temple, yet also went about the region: Your Temple is [Spirit, also] You not the building structure which sleeps generally speaking.

So as You travel such as in deep outer space, or as You (Word at Work) send carrier waves such as to deliver a large amount of water (space normal faith applies: the faith of the fabric of space) then You also deliver a packet or line of ions and lightning bolt energies; and/or greater Faith light (positrons) likewise.

You can magnify, normalize, and move mountains, :

Time Frame 1. Luke 2.51 NIV:

"Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart."

Time Frame 2. Gap.

Time Frame 3. John 21.18 NIV:

"Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go."

The above "Time Frame 2 Gap" is You now Christian Leader, unless You are a follower of any others (other than Christ JESUS) over You ("Time Frame 1" goodly or other conditions may apply), or

of "Time Frame 3": unless a follower of others for their reasons (see above triad set for Good In Christ JESUS as Missions are conditional, or otherwise sin might apply).

So the above "Time Frame 2 Gap" is instead in Christ JESUS Highest Purpose the measured Straight And Narrow Path Of Christian Faith.

So the "measured" measures (unravels all beforehand for all to see prior to the Second Coming and Final End Time) the Holy Spirit to the extent of the Physics Of The Creator With Christ JESUS.

The "measured" is also the three point(s) Standard for Practice (parameters from 1 to 3: so inbetween and not toward sin, therefore Matthew 18.2 applies with Your Christian Leader, and conditionally with "Time Frame 3").

If "to add one cubit to his stature" as revealed above, then to consider the Given per se: fabric of space faith(s). If a sinner travels into a Given space, it is conditionally changed (reference previous ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on "Commander"). Similar are Your Anointed things, to Edify for instance a sinner might eat Eucharist Bread and wrongly amplify their own problems, though if a sinner is Given a plate of Eucharist Bread and passes it along without eating then not sin. Not similar is a fully repentant Christian of a level higher than that Firmament;

in other words not pertinent to any fully repentant Christian Member(s) Of Your Flock is law fulfilled Grace because the fully repentant properly Baptized Christian is already Saved In Christ JESUS One Forever.

The above "Gap" is You: You can be as pole(s) and/or link(s) as needful.

The above "Gap" is a time frame, and it can connect past (conditionally) and/or present (conditionally) and/or future (conditionally); save One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS beyond conditions since the conditions are already fulfilled Eternally.

New tech, sports, politics,...: precepts of Christ JESUS are over each.

Above is referenced "John 21.18": if a Member Of Your Christian Flock "stretch out" "hands" to be Guided, let Them if equal or higher level than Yourself (example: perhaps one day You go on vacation and another proxy for You and/or for any if so positioned over You) then let Them "stretch out" "hands" for the Spirit Of The Father In Christ JESUS to be Guided, lest another temp otherwise though concerning Counsel Give Mercy and advance Pray And Plan if able with Them concerning Your Christian Church criteria which might cover such or otherwise let Them Read The Word Of Christ JESUS for the Flock and others.

Concerning "proxy", if to Preach the Precepts Of Christ JESUS then Good, though if to talk about things without citing verses nor such (loose talk: reference speaking in tongues if with interpreter and consider interpretations and Your Christian Church criteria) then if angry Give Way for Peace (God was hardly angry at land to split it to make rivers Habakkuk 3.8 instead for One Good Highest Purpose, be also aware of with Proverbs 17.28), so if others are working to destroy things You And Yours longsuffered to form then encourage the Peace within to Best Help The Others and Trust In Christ JESUS One Father Spirit, and if to fumble with words and emotions and the sophisticated jargon(s) of other groups then perhaps allow pertinent discussion (Luke 19.40, Matthew 21.16) asking attendees of Your Flock to reference Christian Bible passages the Best They Can.

Such may apply to not only in-house matters, yet also the community and beyond, such as involving new technologies, sports, politics, families, and other topics. Some not interested in many topics may be very interested in participating in Their own favorite topic and even if borderline selfish, consider Your Criteria In Christ JESUS as whether for the Highest Good In Christ JESUS, so invite suggestions, for example teens might enjoy setting up toy railroad (traditionally more for Christmas only) and/or high-tech systems in-house so consider Chaperoned Guidance for real life purpose(s) referencing Christ JESUS precepts such as to ship unleavened bread (hard to find in stores in some areas) such as by drones to Christian Churches which might be far better than such as historic bake sales also with values [less if competing, generally (also possibly involving drones)].

When are anger and love as if the same?: as written in Habakkuk 3.9 NIV:

so while God was not mad at Earth, He divided it (and Moses likewise): it seems as if the same, whether angry at Earth or in Love with Highest Purpose In Heaven: Christ JESUS explained Mark 4.29 NIV:

So these precepts fit together properly, precept on precept, each and both pertinent though not angry at the fruit tree as if to cut randomly, instead for Highest Holy Purpose (John 9.3): not for angrily. So the above two precepts fit with this third precept as in One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS John 9.3 NIV:

So here with these three You Witness One Greater than individual precept as if alone. You Witness for Rightly Attesting and Greater Haggai 2.9 so a forth [though Old Testament, OT,] precept so with Matthew 7.12 precept of the New Testament, this fifth Christian precept with OT Daniel 11.13 and You neither added nor subtracted from the Word Of God:

So You see the reality of You properly ascending.

Other concerns would not subtract from these if in Christ JESUS, though of His Holy Precepts other precepts would apply more in pertinence (with all Holy Precepts).

Not hate, not confusions, but naysayers might sinfully say "You turned" or "It's twisted"...

: the lovely naysayer is not lovely because they attack You, they are lovely because they know at least part of the truth: it is a Blessed Gift For You From God: the infant You have to teach from step #1, yet the naysayer already knows some amount of communication, some amount of awareness of You (Apostle Of Christ JESUS), and so on: Christ JESUS Spirit Physics Of Creator Father In Heaven already Did so many things already for You so that on the above precepts also this precept: John 4.38.

So this key: the less You rely on sinners and the more on Christ JESUS Spirit One Father the more effectual Your proper ascending.

Above is written "You neither added nor subtracted from the Word Of God": so You know that all the Precepts Of Christ JESUS Apply In Highest One, though if a precept seems less fitting than other precepts: of a subset key seek to find the Best [Highest Level] fitting precept(s). In Luke 2.15 people went to see what "happened" (it is a very important precept) though it might not for instance be Your Sermon topic, for instance as Matthew Henry Commentary explained at it is not only about the Birth Of Christ JESUS [precept], yet also about [precept within a context] "Angels"..."were only sent to some poor, humble, pious, industrious shepherds, who were in the business of their calling, keeping watch over their flock."

This fits Your above properly ascending line, though for "Your Sermon topic" other precepts might Edify and Help hearers better or Best.

In another example concerning Your above properly ascending line, Leviticus 26.1 NIV:

Do not sin is part of Your proper ascending in Christ JESUS and very pertinent though not necessarily the Best reference for "Your Sermon topic" on a Given day.

Also to Help Edify concerning this above verse and concerning precepts, for instance a Christian put a stone turtle next to a walkway, and while none have been seen worshipping it, children have been delighted to sit and play on it while resting their little feet for awhile: something that used to be worshipped is Converted into a Blessing for the Pure Children (

so this is goodly in a Christian neighborhood but in another neighborhood this precept becomes more pertinent to another properly fitting precept (see above "lest to tempt them beyond their abilities to resist sin (2 Corinthians 6.1")), so starting from Highest Level JESUS Christ these become more clear that some receive precepts but some do not understand in their souls how to receive some precepts Mark 6.11 applies for examples:

"Vishnu took the form of a turtle" ( and "Hinduism, Akupara is a tortoise" (wiki);

so Your precept to them becomes sin in them even though Your Holy Word Holy Work(s) And Holy Precept(s) In Highest Christ JESUS Spirit Father In Heaven continues Purely, and in You (see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on "Highest", and on "most effectual") as the Pure Highest in You might be referring to the best You know how to Do when instead should be the Highest Christ JESUS Knows To Be Most Wise as concerning how to Do Perfectly Perfecting (so rely on Christ JESUS for fitting together precepts rather than the Self Christian Friend).

So this key applies to "rely on Christ JESUS for fitting together precepts" that Your longsuffering not be in vain, and that it be Most Effectual, such as in this case to Perfectingly overcome naysayers and idol worshippers: via the Right Precepts Of The Creator Physics vested in Christ JESUS.

Exemplar is with Doing precepts Faithfully. Typically this means not merely Praying and/or not merely Preaching.

If a secular employee wants out of a rut and asks You for Guidance (Acts 3.6 and/or Give something New In Christ JESUS John 13.34) think on the name of Christ JESUS and His Holy Precepts to answer within the precept parameters, and this also is key toward distinguishing for to find High Good in spirits for to lift (or to Convert may apply).

Christ JESUS offers pertinent precepts, yet also with Such Highest Holiness (Highest Level) maintain responsibility, so this subset key is also Given: consider the Greatest Good, or the Christian Bible [likewise and] with Your Christian Church criteria (including if to need to update (latter greater than former)].

So like unto the above Love as if or hate, is the Highest Level Of Christ JESUS and so this New key over responsibilities even though lower levels:

sometimes from above there are emergencies (such as push the brake or we'll crash, even though on route to Church): so with You caring how You receive this message, be aware concerning the above stated some "precepts would apply more in pertinence" in situations, talents, and so forth: so each and all Precepts Of Christ JESUS are Perfect And Most Important,

though some, including some often associated with lower levels, are more Helpful in certain situations

for examples: booksmart as in the movie Heartbreak Ridge concerning the "manual", and "they shouldn't be sitting" [waiting and] "filling out forms for" [necessities of life for normal living] "they should already have" (

lest they perish in so waiting and "filling out forms" involving things that could have been automated toward the initial printing press days after having automating printing of the Christain Bible.

In Christ JESUS, future things as if beyond belief, as much as in You for Good Highest Level In Christ JESUS are already made possible and practical, True And Wise are already waiting for You And Your Flock to Harvest for all One. Christ JESUS did not say things to try to tempt You: the Second Coming is not for without You, instead is for You lest You stray.

Christ JESUS for instance spoke of His Birth and of the stars, not for You to ignore, instead for actual value in You such as for You to Personally Attest (Luke 18.30&31) currently such as Christians today looking at star patterns at the time of His Birth, and greater. Time travel is for You to accomplish His Birth Witnessing Attesting, and greater (even an Angel Guided His Parents). Christ JESUS said "Noah". Find Faith In Highest Christ JESUS to properly receive this command and precept "Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation" (from Genesis 7.1 [now, and then]).

A Gift of years came from Christ JESUS, then Accord months, then the above week

until [passed] September 8, 2018AD (with "two weeks").

Prophetically the previous Christian Preachers speaking of Final End Time were right as evidenced after the fact though not according to Their logic of former ways of conflicts, yet They were right in Their Good Faith as evidenced after-the-fact in these Final Times according to the Good the God weighs (read top of ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at

The Christian Bible with the JESUS Christ record speaks of these things, as agreed in the One True Holy Spirit Guiding other spirits.

Point 1 of 3: As Prophesied in the October 11, 2015AD Drawing at above the words "Alpha & Omega" were symbols "A" and instead of the typical Omega sign the symbol on the Arab Flag was posted, as then for the "first time" just weeks later "Egypt voted in favor of Israel", in other words with the Given Prophetic Word Of God JESUS Christ Spirit in the form of a Miracle Sign Prophetically the Main Nation (former house of bondage) of the Arabian Nations (generally from Morocco to the East)

Point 2 of 3: was lifted of Christ JESUS (with multitudes of Muslims Converting To Christianity since [End Time Harvest]) to compliment (as Attested at

Point 3 of 3: Israel toward Law and with Christian President Don Trump agreeing toward yielding Christian Zion (Christian Quarter and greater)(a West And German Holy Spirit Victory [interpreting pertinent dream tongues somewhat] for Christ JESUS with agreeing former Jewish Leaders).

Those were years, then of Christ JESUS months were Given in ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders, with offering an Accord, not merely to survive yet also to freely opt to Command With Christians.

Christ JESUS Gave another Accord of a day, a spirit negotiator requested a few days, and a week was Given of Christ JESUS (a key head nod was felt in the point of agreeing).

The low level Faithful (as stated above) shepherds, and Kings, the Magi, and others through the greater region knew the Prophecies In One Highest Prophecy of the Holy Word and of the stars [and planets and constellations] in the Heavens; the Immaculate Conception.

With the above also subset of the "years" is tied this Sermon, with this being now revealed in Christ JESUS:

"Space For Living" is where "the Truly Living In Christ JESUS" as much as "with the Eternal Living One" is today right now. Acts 1.10&11 BS:

Christians have conditional options, generally New Revelations, or John 6.44, or New Testament Book Of Revelation. John 6.44 KJ 2000:

as stated above "by the year 2046AD at least is the Second Coming (even also a greater Oneness). So John 6.44 is (right to left):

Christ JESUS Will lift the person "the last day" [at least (precept ascending example Mark 5.30)].

So a person in this generation faces: New Christianity New Revelations, or Christian Follower only, or New Testament Book Of Revelation.

So: A: The Good Of The Book Of Revelation not entirely stated in that Book, or B: (see next sentence), or C: Witness disasters and hopefully triumphs.

Above stated "B" is Christian Followers would be with sinners "C", when Christian Followers should also rather be Christian Leaders "A".

If You can, be aloft. The stars that "fall" from the Heavenly Places are actually such "aloft" spaceships escorting Christ JESUS (bring tractor beams). Note: Given TractorRepulsor beams as previously stated in this Series this therefore supersedes Affiliated Transporters and Digital Human Copies Technical Guide. at .

So Given Of Christ JESUS Creator Physics the above free options A, B, and C: therefore Christian Leadership for all perfectly Highest One In Christ JESUS is Authority key. So if to create, modify, revitalize Anew, and so on, then with Your Proper Authority,

yet conditionally. One aspect is to not change Perfection, though another aspect is tied to the Evangelism key and in others generally and in them the proper Straight And Narrow ascending key. So for instance not to Give car keys to a child, nor to turn people [nor cities...] to salt if they can be made worthy to be lifted: so time frames apply. Time frames in One are as of the Christian Bible though consider the Holy Spirit Highest JESUS Christ interpretation: living interpreting and this typically makes things far more clear for You though with Matthew 19.11 and even so John 6.60 applies.

Now walk through some Christian Bible Chapter intros in 3 Nephi:

Victory over intro 21: New Jerusalem;

Victory over intro 22: Christian Zion;

Victory over intro 23: "added", see above text "neither added nor subtracted" (see above text) since all is now being revealed of Word, then Will;

Victory over intro 24: "Israel is commanded to pay tithes" at ;

Victory over intro 25: see "messenger" for JESUS Christ with (quoted below).

Victory over: not printed Word alone:

at the Bar Of God: Christ JESUS Gave

His Hands to Hold the hand and elbow

quietly Prayerfully [(in the Heart, Soul) Thank You JESUS Christ] a long time (perhaps a minute, about a year ago), no other people nor spirits were seen nor heard though there was plenty of room): this is one of many Victories in the Holy Spiritual Realm perceiving various ways in and for One Best Way Through Christ JESUS.

This morning September 11, 2018AD [today is the end of Rosh Hashanah for the Highest Living In Christ JESUS for the "new" ( time frame] a New Better Living Coming In Christ JESUS Spirit Father One was explained [of a Spirit (with the created for the Good part, associated with various levels higher and lower) like unto those that enter a Temple, whether compelled or anxiously]:

this secret to many concerning people not hearing the Holy Spirit or perhaps feeling "impressions" as Christian Preachers have Preached, is tied to high speed vibrations and "Range Control" as stated in the above text, now being revealed Anew, while some are already aware:

communications of words (and greater in Christ JESUS) is often high speed and in the Holy Spirit,

though Ephesians 3.10 applies, as the Precepts Of Christ JESUS require full repentance prior to much progress for conquering former limitations [so be as the Worthy One (such as at Christ JESUS, if not already].

Shall You be a reed shaken by the wind? (Matthew 11.7): hardly, yet a "reed", an ark, clothing, and such are great tools that when appropriate (above text "His Hands to Hold") as Miracles from Highest Faith In Christ JESUS, though with ascending be for unraveling the Holy Spirit for this Second Coming, in other words be a part of the Prophecy Of Good.

High speed communications from Your Soul are a tremendous Gift from Christ JESUS, though hardly the same as receiving the Eucharist, and other important keys (including greater being unraveled not only increasingly quickly yet also increasingly effectually in JESUS The One Holy Christ: Thanks and Praise be for Christ JESUS.

As written in Matthew 11.10 NAS:

Let You be Sent like unto the Holy Highest Sender JESUS John 12.49 NAS:

So this great key in Christ JESUS is Given: this key is to be understanding, caring, and compassionate for others, for the One True Heart In Christ JESUS Highest, so if to Guide and Help others, whether in Highest Spirit or in other selfish spirits, then to be Wise In Christ JESUS to (from His Daily Teachings and Doings) consider that those others are of values even though they [(might be Prefect, Praise The Lord) or they] might say things valuable though perhaps not understood (misinterpreted) or for certain matters not yet seen, and similar;

or spirits might definitely sound contrary to Christ JESUS, just as You may have been so offer compassionate Guidance until Matthew 10.14 applies.

Consider for instance how one person interprets Hebrew, and another Greek; and the person knowing Hebrew (and English for instance) might hear Greek and perhaps wrongly conclude it is confusion when not necessarily so.

When Matthew 10.14 applies avoid their lower hatred, confusions (as far as known), their backstabbing tortures, their naysaying against Christ JESUS, and such as much as their fruits of faiths apply: before Final End Time they Will be revealed, even if they only have a little good in them. Note: You may have had little "good" until fully repentant and properly Baptized into Christianity and then beyond backslider and beyond mere Follower and beyond Usher (Friends) to starting to Truly Ascend In Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Here is how the high speed talent was revealed, in the dream this morning (the 11th) the Spirit of a person was speaking politely, then faster and faster beyond interperting in this vessel; then slower again asking about how this vessel was hearing (then it was faster again, and gone).

Another spirit was then heard for Accord, so Good in Christ JESUS (here is a type of example generally [not necessarily about eyes, ears, nor tools]: at least Matthew 9.29 applies). Understand two Accords have already passed, and the Gifts thereof concerning the Eternal: yet great is Value from Christ JESUS especially prior to the following:

Intro 25: :

The "proud and wicked will be burned" / During and "At the Second Coming" / Elijah.

Final End Time with the Second Coming.

The days are being shortened, not merely autumn daylight: the rate of events is as a logarithm (then: Revelation 22.20 KJ 2000).

Now Christ JESUS Will Prophetically arrive in His Golden Cube, and the size (likely also the mass of it) would destroy civilization except to caringly arrive. From the Sun His Golden Cube Will be coming at a very slow pace, and slowing more; though from Earth perspective appearing speedily as never known since creation of planet Earth. It Will be three days in coming from the Sun to the Earth, decreasing in speed, and Will block sunlight (time frame: Crucifixion until Christ JESUS left the Tomb) so prepare for the dark and cold, with alerting others to alert and prepare (note if the backslider has said for instance "My hands are tied" [excuses] then so much the more may happen against themselves).

1. Pray Christ JESUS, 2. Prepare in Holy Highest Father Spirit, 3. Alert Spiritually, 4. Alert Your Flock responsibly and other people reasonably, and

5. Prepare Yourself and Your Household even like unto Proverbs 3.5&6.

On page 402 from Helaman 14.20:

As announced from the Main Site: "Happening right now, in Google images type: iccdbb ancient aliens golden flying [look at SOLAR ECLIPSE PATTERNS timeline]." (see link below to: ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Main Site).

With the above "week" expired, even yesterday and this day in the secular news there are at 7 cyclones [hurricanes] with one at China, and others approaching in days to China and USA, with a multitude of other "Severe" storms mostly in China and the far East.

One path would bring some rain to this "Abnormally Dry" area in the Carolinas (

Behold what is offered concerning Miracles (subsets of higher Faith: a higher Faith level per each Miracle which might then produce one or more faith levels: Hopefully toward Highest Permanently In Christ JESUS Spirit Father) and as explained above "confusion when not necessarily so" like unto the interpreting of "various kinds of tongues" as written in 1 Corinthians 12.28 NAS:

Not shown in the above verse is "Faith", nor "Highest In Christ JESUS", nor "Holy Spirit", nor "Father In Heaven", and other greatly key and of principle importance matters, so this Anew key of the Precepts Of Christ JESUS is unraveled for the Given Word prior to Final End Time for You Beloved:

adding to the above verse is not the same as adding to [nor subtracting from] the Christian Bible nor the Word And Will Of God.

The spirit of a person can hear, even if without ears (Faith/Hearing/Word Of God) such as to daydream about how people would react if given a certain scenario (so in the daydream spirit hearing their voices).

This is how the Holy Spirit often functions though whether in spirit or flesh (lest not living), instead with awareness of John 3.6 NAS:

(so with this "awareness" key) be in Highest Spirit And In Pure Vessel In Christ JESUS to receive any and all from Heaven Above!,

unless otherwise indicated from Highest Through Christ JESUS Above (such as for instance perhaps a Miracle for their [lower level] sakes).

Now concerning the above stated "High speed communications" to and "from Your Soul", and concerning "the Eucharist", be aware the Highest Level has not that need (save for Your...sake): in the Father Christ JESUS created and Gives the Blood, so already is overflowing with "the Eucharist" and so in no need: so be with this Wisdom In Christ JESUS;

so this key: be aware of Your responsibility(ies), Your Christian Faith Level (such as whether Highest or on a lower level Mission, example Christ JESUS ate the Eucharist Bread for Their sakes), and so consider all these things and the greater being quickened for unraveling

(see above "PCS"). Note that in the former "pcs." referred to pieces, and then PCs referred to Personal Computers, and then the Internet, and now (as some have already been aware) some become aware PCS refers to the Christian Standard effectual key over the speed level, like unto a speed [limit, indicator, and/or guide (yellow warning sign)] on a road though hardly about Your speed and instead for their sakes (if lower levels are applicable, also according to Given talents and/or according to their faiths though also noting the Physics Of God such as with Highest JESUS Plan and such as with pertinent Grace protections).

If to go to Heaven, then to be protected from sinners below, so if to want to go to Heaven then to Give such Physics Mercifully, Lovingly, Kindly, considerate for their feelings though in Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS Spirit Father so properly appropriate precept on properly fitting precept).

Consider also how a high speed boat might hit a log, and how a proud person might or might not be undone: as long as Perfect, Doing the Word And Will In Christ JESUS Spirit Father as Christ JESUS Exemplar Did, then Good.

The Outer Space for Living with Christ JESUS in the Second Coming is up there, though the Holy Spirit is also here, though consider being up there for their sakes: so consider the Highest Holy Spirit Creator Purpose In Christ JESUS and so consider the Highest Purpose of the Second Coming.

Key to this is the upper Drawing with the "Galactic Center", and tied to this Given creation it can be that the Second Coming can be from the center of the Multiverse radially, or such as of a diameter from orbiting Earth to orbiting Earth though in a Straight And Narrow line, or from another position such as locally the Sun.

So if a Person A travels in a Straight line, leaving Person B orbiting, then reuniting with Person B, Person A would travel slow than Person B to meet per Schedule, so Person A would of relative time (Zephaniah 2.1-3 with ["name" see below] JESUS) to become Wise, be Wiser than Person B that traveled at higher speed (see "Moving through time" Drawing at Affiliate site Transporters and Digital Human Copies Technical Guide. How to Transport Humans Instantly Using Transporters, and see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders).

In other words, as people fly in orbits [and rotate on Earth], Christ JESUS has opted for the Straight And Narrow Path, hence the Wise choice.

Seek the Kingdom Of Heaven Prayerfully Faithfully In The Holy Name The Father Gave: JESUS, then fulfill (make worthy) for the Doing in others (right to left):

Miracle with Faithfulness via other Christian Leader(s) / JESUS Physics (within Spirit Father) / Faithful Christian Leadership Wisdom to known how to ask in JESUS Highest Purpose.

Note the following high level reference speaks of lower level conditions including secular interpretations that have varied very widely (You may also reference: Christian Sermon For JESUS Spirit Father speaks of a time frame to "orbit around the center of the Known Universe", though conditions apply)(also see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders on Multiverse).

As explained in words normal to this generation this is explained in Gill's Exposition at "in my name, and whatever ye ask for, ye shall have it, to fit you for your work, to carry you through it, and to give you success in it:"

for to Give in the same name JESUS that then it be from it's Heart Purpose with opportunity to [properly grow, leap, fly, transfigure, travel through time,...] be with Pure Spirit And Vessel.

JESUS is coming according to the Prophetic Second Coming therefore aware sin has been in the world, any coming with JESUS for instance might opt to send forth unmanned drones ahead to clear the Path (similar for instance to clearing the path ahead of a rocket on the chance space debris or meteors might crash into the rocket, so such at to fire powerful particle canons to vaporize, see above text "Extragalactic Cosmic Ray" dangers "beyond).

So unless sent by a nation in the [above stated] "name" of JESUS, a rocket from Earth might be shot down or vaporized.

Also the Ambassador contacting from Earth needs be [sent likewise (a nation representing Earth see above text "Zephaniah 2.1-3" in the "name" JESUS), to be] in the "name" JESUS, and so a Christian nation over Zion uplifting, so in the name JESUS.

Christ Jesus be praised: Christian Televangelist Pat Robertson declared "in the name of the Lord" [JESUS] that Hurricane Florence to stay away from land (

concerning Christians, Televangelist facilities, and such. All the secular computer models on secular weather television (witnessed by this Sermon For JESUS writer) were wrong

the previous couple days showing path lines Northwest except a lone path the farthest South line but only as far South as toward Charlotte, but now

Hurricane Florence stopped and turned 90 degrees

in the newly updated computer model:

"Hurricane Florence Shifts Course," to the "Southeastern States" (Live Science September 12, 2018 04:38pm ET)

even at their map for that time (ibid., at Google images type "Hurricane Florence", map 7th [level or] row down & 4th pic but was further buried among the pics while writing this on September 13, 2018AD) shows Hurricane Florence stopped and turned away from Regent University and the Christian Broadcasting Network both founded by Robertson in the Virginia Beach area, with new models projected Southwest along the coast into Myrtle Beach and Columbia, South Carolina and [(on the 14th models] into the mountains then Northward.

The reason for having typed "Pat Robertson" in the new in the first place was because of being moved in the name of JESUS in a dream in the Holy Spirit for the Father In Heaven when told to always wear that hard hat that was already on and so removing it to see which hard hat it was, on it was "Pat Robertson" (so anxious to Give it back). When awake interested in searching "Pat Robertson" news. For Your Edification the first secular news article was sinful and illegal (as defined below) against "Pat Robertson", the second news article was honest.

libel noun 1. Law

"a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation." (Google Dictionary).

Clearly being in the name of JESUS the Christ is of vital top priority first and foremost, if not properly so then not able to meet the Father Spirit In Heaven except the already created True Physics yield in the self of a person [vessel] pains. To meet for to Help as Christ JESUS of Elias properly and Best is as stated above and for Highest Purpose (right to left):

One Doing for their sakes / Meet for the Father Spirit In Heaven / Through JESUS Spirit / In the name of JESUS / Proper Christian Baptism In Christ JESUS.

The above "Proper Christian Baptism In Christ JESUS" is with the whole of Prophetic time applicable in this generation, and also talents of time (see above "time frames").

The above "In the name of JESUS" is key for so very many in this generation, not only sinners, also that Christians need proper ascending.

A Christian is able to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the Christian is Saved Eternally.

Let the Christian also overcome pain save responsible longsuffering (minimize maintenance, so generally speaking for instance: higher is Evangelism, higher is to be over Evangelists, higher is to be among the Christian Priests of Your Church [as much as according to being with such (see Your Christian Church criteria]...).

Better than the shadow walk, is the proper ascending in JESUS (John 10.14) as written in 3 Nephi 18.35:

You are to go to the "Father". But consider what many did instead, in "between" (see verse below): many Christians for instance went the Christian Temple such as out of a building of bricks from clay (away from Their Holy Anointed Christian Church building) as if to leave both the Altar Eucharist JESUS behind and the Christian Temple behind.

Then they go [such as immediately or next day] to a secular place such as a business. Now for Edifying consider the Self You owning a business such as a Restaurant that does not have "JESUS" nor "Jesus" nor even "Christ" in the title, nor even "Saint" nor other reference citing traceability for Christ JESUS.

This concerns the key to not only to proceeding "Through JESUS Spirit", yet also to

meet with and to "Meet for the Father Spirit In Heaven":

the Holy Almighty Eternal Spirit Power Truth: even


With this also is this New key for many already in the Holy Spirit evidently (already with other talents from Highest, and now with this Gift from the Precepts Of Christ JESUS [in case not already with this Gift]):

as with Heaven on Earth, as a Christian Leader does not have to look around as though to find JESUS (Luke 17.21), so too likewise

in the realm of spirits, JESUS is within You Christian Leader.

So in the realm of spirits You might hear perhaps "Look, Jesus Christ walked right past and [he or she] ignored Him" [apparently]. Even so, perhaps True, that is hardly toward to ignore, instead if on a Highest Mission (per vessel maximum talent) then not ignoring any since "Highest".

For examples: to one is given a talent to preach, to another a talent to heal, to another talents to preach and to heal though perhaps to be of vessel Mission to instead to study to Prophesy (and Do therefore Pray JESUS Christ and Do even if to be shaken in the initial step(s)).

Let there be no distinction between Your business name (nor nation name nor family name nor...) except as Perfectly fitting the Will Of God. A Preacher might be in a place such as at a river, a Healer might visit homes and perhaps with an Evangelist (Mark 6.7).

Your Members In Eternal (Saved In Christ JESUS) are as 2 Timothy 1.1 moving from Christian Orientation into Christianity and the Heart Of JESUS Christ supplying all Their needs and then from Christianity to New Christianity overflowing the supplying into other hearts that all be One, like unto Followers becoming Christian Church High Priest, and like unto Disciples becoming the Sent One (Apostles and greater); Luke 11.51 LDS:

Note the above is as typically referenced, though in this case (meaning not secular and with "LDS" specifically) as in all Christian Bible translations cases such type of abbreviations are for the Highest Purpose In The Name Of Christ: JESUS.

Note English is required by law(s) here so "JESUS" [noting ideas of various sources vary concerning the following part of this sentence]: (even though from Latin) instead of or rather than Jeshua (original Hebrew) or Jeshous (Greek),

"JESHOUS which is the same as JESUS!" (

You for Your Flock and listeners and receivers of Your values, may consider the translations [yet instead in the name of Christ JESUS] at APE & YLT:

Some translations are toward talking about their own souls or a person's soul. The above APE translation is of "faith" with creating "our soul" (Physics Of Creator JESUS), and the YLT of "a preserving of soul" so even interpreted as all souls as One Soul.

Another concern with respect to the properly ascending of levels like unto steps along the Straight And Narrow is the fact that even the best translations at the site offering the above two verses, is not with the name JESUS, nor Christ, nor similar.

Christ JESUS offers this key info: if only "JESUS" (Final End Time, All One, New Beginning) then hardly would there be Joy in one sinner who repents and becomes Saved, likewise hardly any Chosen: at the time of this writing today is September 14, 2018AD about 5:30AM, Friday, the Preparation Day, for the coming Sabbath if Given time from Above: time Given You now from the writing: as much as extra time to Do Good is being Given from the pulse of the Heart Of Christ JESUS so time with Charity Blood Living Flowing, though Your New Creating of Your New Beginning Of The Creation for the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS

for Them for Their Joy In Heaven, is as to build and grow a new step (yet in Christ JESUS) as never before of Your former civilization realm.

The translations at have found previously stated "destruction" is as though to say "perdition" which

google defines as "(in Christian theology) a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unpenitent person passes after death."

Though "perdition" and such are not for the faithless, instead in the name JESUS for the Truly Ascending Faithful Christian Leadership, lest nothing to conquer, no properly ascending, no "Joy".

While some Will feel destructions of the Book Of Revelation, some Christian Followers Will witness, while some Will Give Joy Enlightening And For Good For all these Believers leading Will in Christ JESUS be establishing Anew Physics Of Creating as never before put into words, so a New Heaven and a New Earth worthy of containing [toward all] more books about the Way Of JESUS.

So these are steps, and leaps.

So how to describe Heaven and a leap?, a leap is like unto stepping onto a spring and then flying (above Drawing lower right, interpreted from Moses lifting the snake though for Highest Purpose, interpreted by Moses from the Word Of God (so Behold, Moses Worked, and You are entered into His Harvest).

You are Given devices, such as to step on serpents though for Highest Purpose Anew In JESUS: to fly.

The above stated "two verses" did not mention JESUS (so they are as though imperfect), similarly the first two Testament Books did not mention JESUS on those covers.

Now a new key is Given, though first an example, a toddler has a babysitter under [often] two families under community under laws under Holy Grace JESUS. If community is not in the name JESUS, then not necessarily (hence enabling chaos, instead of equality, Oneness, and Highest value(s)) any under community level.

So key is that first the Highest needs be in the name JESUS, the Christ, lest Holy Blood circulation be cut off.

With such is this key therefore from Christ JESUS Spirit Father, this key if a person is to be of properly ascending Faith, if Your Church (mainly meaning Your Flock) is under an entity (such as legal) that is not leading properly in the name of Christ JESUS

then the need is to Best Convert it (in name JESUS, yet Christ JESUS Physics also provides tools, often other types of tools than former ways). If an entity is not on the Straight And Narrow or starts turning: Pray Do Word Work JESUS Faithfully Lovingly Helpfully Increasingly Guiding.

Continue in Joy lest to offend, so responsibly maintain Joy, though not to tempt others toward sin (if they are interested, goodly, but don't make them too jealous so as to want to steal from Your One). Bear the Holy Yoke of properly ascending (such is the cross of JESUS name Beloved One New Creator).

At the end of the Book Of Revelation is the Good. Write the Good (You Living JESUS One) for the Faithful (during the "destruction"): write and form the unwritten Good.

Above is a line of Faith key, with a forming Anew Good key. So then when would You freely opt to have Final End Time, New Beginning, and such?, when Christians longsuffered enough?, hardly, instead when Highest Purpose (over the Given Created) is complete Victory In Christ JESUS.

Key: even overcome Their (Your Christian Flock and soon One Fold if not already) longsuffering permanently, yes, though because of the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS. In other words, a processing over steps, from dust and sinners unto Christians becoming JESUS.

So now this Spirit key from JESUS: many spirits partly ascended (and at various rates of ascending) are as JESUS, though in part(s), so for example if to be near Your Spirit then in situations to appear as JESUS or not. They may appear for a moment as a critter or not. This does not mean ascend nor descend but concerning a Given level (of Your Physics JESUS), better stated as a parameter of a set of levels as a range of that spirit. "JESUS" or "critter" in these cases is: their fruit, fruits of the spirit(s) (of the Highest Fruit Of The Spirit).

Also note the the Kingdom Of Heaven is within, so if they are turned (such as at times) then they can [(from within) freely opt to] spring up to the next higher step.

Minimize turning [to personal Joy] though if to turn then only sufficiently to spring into action for JESUS Victory.

There are works, though of the Prophetic Word all works need come now to be the same as the Work JESUS.

Springs (metal, plastic,...) are tools as circles (as when "split rings", see above concerning Bremsstrahlung Effect) or a longer than a circle curve or shorter arc.

So with the above, minimize the arc (responsibly turn if Best) to Best prepare for becoming Straight again (likewise if to constrict, minimize, instead Do the Right amount in Christ JESUS not to be as a lower level snake, instead as Moses of the above Drawing).

With the previous Sermon and with others in this Series For Christ JESUS, there are wave values and greater with Best utilizing (such as Preach) and greater in Doing Converting turned to Straight though properly of Highest JESUS so considering rates, reasons for constrictions, supplies, Your Christian Church criteria, and so on. So if there is a temporary detour (such as waiting for a lower level slower event) then not to continue [to spring] off course, instead typically the shortest route to spring back on course (reference reflex bow: some precepts don't seem to apply to some situations such as if sinners control Your options, though actually from Above You can opt another course in JESUS [such as Do another Good Deed while in that "detour" neighborhood]).

Considering the Bremsstrahlung Effect for instance can be overcome and Guided such as by "split rings" and nuclear controls (also see above Christian Pat Robertson Faith properties applied to ring and spring type "Hurricane" effects), therefore You may opt to create the JESUS Bremsstrahlung Effect (Word already accomplished here, and enter into the Harvest Of Moses And God Spirit With One JESUS).

Bremsstrahlung [Effect] is "electromagnetic radiation produced by the acceleration or especially the deceleration of a charged particle after passing through the electric and magnetic fields of a nucleus" (Google).

The acceleration can be tied to fusion and the deceleration can be tied to heat as for power plants. If for instanced Pat Robertson told the Hurricane to go faster in every direction until finding JESUS, then theoretically worldwide destruction for sinners (in secular terms).

So how do You define Your New Vessel, Your JESUS Bremsstrahlung Effect?, it is the same as the "Google" definition save in the name of JESUS at least. Can Pat Robertson be of Holy Highest Grace to protect CBN from the former Bremsstrahlung Effect?, if appropriate in Christ JESUS Highest then yes. Though if to encounter Your (if Highest In JESUS) JESUS Bremsstrahlung Effect, the Pat Robertson may enter into Your Harvest.

From Christ JESUS people can be Given only Good Effect(s).

Even so, as above in this Sermon is the "effectual key". What You create would yield consequences. If there might be any sin in Your efforts then problems (even so, Do Your Best to be One JESUS With JESUS Doing His Best (already completed and yet Perfecting until Final Victory).

Continuing on the above "Hurricane" topic, this day is September 12th, 2018AD (this Sermons Series is typically chronological in order, so Prophetically, though instead if the Heaven Spirit In JESUS Christ Guides responsibly such as in the above Miracle type of situation as with after-the-fact news items of faiths, example Christ JESUS with people Matthew 9.29)(ibid. so time frame shifting applies at least in Holy Word JESUS) raining on the "Abnormally Dry" area in the Carolinas (needed as stated above), and last night there seemed to be Spiritual interest in greater than mere Accord (see above text), even that the nation be in the New Name, Given of Christ JESUS: Praise The Lord!

A renaming of the nation per se, is according to the above Most appropriate, and for future Space For Living.

So knowing these things (in the sinner toward knowing legalese) in Christ JESUS is with ascending Holy Spirit of Father of JESUS so as to command a Hurricane, and rather Give (via the Word) the Hurricane for instance the better higher level option: to water where needed: that the Hurricane be lifted as it so accomplishes where "needed" so as to be Converted into a Blessing for JESUS. So it is to become the JESUS Hurricane Florence!: perhaps the most Blessed Hurricane ever since the Whirlwinds Of God such as leading the Chosen People.

In the name of JESUS Pat Robertson made the Hurricane go back South, and in the name of JESUS as shown in the above Drawing the sinners fell back, yet the higher value was hardly about fumbles of sinners, as much as from JESUS Above (such as Christians With "JESUS Pat Robertson") the far greater Straight Higher Purpose And Even Highest Purpose Praying And Standing With JESUS.

ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders

September 14, 2018AD

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tags: JESUS name the Seventy Christian President Don Trump Zion Prophecies meeting in the sky Heavens galactic center Extragalactic Cosmic Ray Multiverse highest female heart valuation time frames Exemplar Perfect Bride spirits glowing white gold family celebrities tech free future Spirit meetings Benny Hinn Healing television shows Shepherd Bushiri walks on air Pat Robertson diverted Hurricane Florence Regent University Christian Broadcasting CBN Virginia Beach Second Coming Apostles tools carrier waves carry positrons water electronics Bremsstrahlung Effect split rings Space Force movies What Women Want, a main part was to empower women movie Heartbreak Ridge booksmart necessities of life risk perish filling out survey forms that could have been automated 2046AD week Accord nation name JESUS!