Caitlin on her way
YTV series starts shooting second season in Calgary
Calgary Sun

It was with no small amount of pleasure Helene White evicted a family from their home.

A second season of Caitlin's Way was given the greenlight last month and a primary location for the YTV adventure series is Tom and Rosemary Bews' beautiful ranch west of Longview.

"I think there was some mixed feelings, but they've been very gracious about it," Way producer White said.

Caitlin's Way stars Lindsay Felton as a troubled city teen who is sent to live with distant relatives in rural Alberta. (Or rural Montana, if you're watching the series on the U.S. network Nickelodeon.)

Just as viewers can see Caitlin adjusting to her new situation Thursdays at 7:30 and 11:30 p.m. and Sundays at 8 p.m. on U, it is apparent Felton has adjusted to working away from her home in L.A.

"It was hard in the beginning, but I now have friends here I look forward to seeing and I miss when I'm in L.A.," the show's 15 year-old lead said. "I'm still missing my friends there, but this has become a second home."

A crew of more than 85 Canadians has been making itself at home in High River, where the majority of Way's 26 episodes will film through November.

"We've taken over an old RCMP building and are creating some studio sets there," said White.

"We have a sheriff's office in there, we set up two school rooms and a corridor. A lot of action takes place in the school's hallway, of course."

Caitlin's Way has a way with action. The show has had its stars riding horses, rapids, bikes and, in the case of a scene shot in Calgary yesterday, skateboards. There's more to come this winter.

"Big and better, the kids love it," producer Jana Veverka said. "We have a lot of action but we also have great dramatic stories. People come back not to see a BMX race but to see our characters involved in a situation."

Situations facing Caitlin Seeger and her cousin, Griffen Lowe (Jeremy Foley), will include getting jobs and love interests for both.

"We touched on it last year. Dating is a part of a teenager's life and we always try to reflect reality," White said.

Veverka said the angst will be spread around the new storylines, as well. "Griffen has always been happy and secure, now we're going to give him an identity crisis," she said.

Vevenka also wants to showcase some of Caitlin Way's peripheral performers.

The first episode filmed this year has Caitlin visiting the city with some of her schoolmates.

"Which I like because the city is cool," said Felton. "Caitlin wants to go to a photography exhibit.... Eric (Brendan Fletcher) and Brett (Stephen Warner) have to buy a new amp for their band."

Calgarian Warner auditioned for a small role last season as a favour to a friend of the family.

"She said I'd be in it for probably about two episodes. I ended up staying for the whole season,"said Warner, who graduated last week from Dr. E.P. Scarlett high school. "It's unreal. I'd love to go places with it, but if I don't, this has been an amazing opportunity for me."

Caitlin's Way attracted 6.5 million viewers in the U.S. alone when it debuted in March. Caitlin's Way also airs in such foreign markets as Germany, Brazil and Australia.

"People know who I am in the States. There are little kids who will whisper to their parents," Felton said.

She noted with a laugh: "None of them come up and talk to me because Caitlin's not very warm and friendly."

Still, fame does have certain benefits. Through Nickelodeon's programs and events, Felton has met such stars as Will Smith, 'N Sync and Shaquille O'Neal.

Warner, 17, says he has no problems being labelled a teen star if it means he can continue acting. "I'd love it. One of my dreams is to walk through a mall and have a girl ask me to sign my picture in her magazine."