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Truly a 21st century artist, Diamondstarr has created these works in such a way as to make her audience a part of her work. Try and see the different characters and designs each has. Which speak to you? What do they say? Do you see a common theme, a funny story? Please feel free to email your comments or discuss them at the fan club list.

These works are blown-up to show details. This also causes some distortion.

Item #Art1

Item #Art2

Item #Art3

Item #Art4

Item #Art5

Item #Art6

Item #Art7

Item #Art8

Item #Art9

Item #Art10

Item #Art11

Item #Art12

Item #Art13

Item #Art14

Item #Art15

NOTE: Items 16-23 are not zoomed!

Item #Art16

Item #Art17

Item #Art18

Item #Art19

Item #Art20

Item #Art21

Item #Art22


Item #Art23