Diamondstarr As Author


We are happy to announce that Diamondstarr has written the first in a series of ongoing stories about teen adventures here in Hawaii! We are sure you will enjoy them! The first story,
"The Flame", is now available for only $5.

Here is a sample:

".....By now Leilani has hiked a considerable way into the hidden Hawaiian wonderland. She turned around to see this very tall slender guy right in back of her. Totally freaking out, she screams loud enough to alert Dallas and Sammy. They hear her screams faintly. Dallas yells, “keep screaming! We’re coming!”......

THE NEXT STORY IS NOW AVAILABLE! Parents continues the story. Read about the how Lei and her friends solve the mystery! Here is an excerpt from the story:

"Lei then leaves the house and runs as fast as her legs will let her go, through the park, then the field, up the hill. Finally where she demands to take a break. Breathing extremely hard, the same little musical rainbow appears in front of young Lei and says......"

Ready! All excited?

If you have any questions or problems, please let us know. We will do everything to help. Diamondstarr cares about her fans!