Diamondstarr's Favorite Coffees & Cocoa


Now there is nothing better on a cold night than a hot cup of cocoa! We have two ways of making it here.

Cocoa #1
1 tbl powdered cocoa
1/4 cup sugar
2 cups milk
whipped cream
2 cherries
Mix cocoa and sugar in a large saucepan. Slowly add milk and stir until dissolved. Heat until hot but not boiling (it will boil over if you do). Serve with the whipped cream and cherry. Yum!

Cocoa #2
This is a good way to use that dreadful tasting powdered milk. We fill a jar with the powdered milk. Add cocoa and sugar to taste (our is semi-sweet), a bit of powdered creamer for richness. Then when you want a cup just boil some water. Add about 3 tsp of mix to your cup and stir gently. Really good when your tired or on the go!

Coffee is a regular ritual at our house. Here is my recipe for spiced coffee. Diamondstarr loves it! She hopes you will too!

Spiced Coffee
4 tsp coffee grounds
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cloves
1 tsp orange peel Add the spices and orange peel to your coffee in your coffeemaker. Serves 4. Great with or without cream/sugar.

*Note: Diamondstarr drinks her coffee with one sugar and two creams.

Bet you're ready for dessert. Yes, our Diamondstarr does have a sweet tooth! And she makes a great batch of peanut butter cookies! So come along!