"> Diamondstarr's Favorite Foods

In the morning Diamondstarr starts her day with two cups of . Breakfast is usually light. A yogurt fruit parfait, a roll, or an orange is all she prefers. Brunch is her largest meal of the day. Her favorite foods are macaroni and cheese, spagetti, and . Here are a couple of recipes:

1 cup uncooked macaroni or pasta
1/2 cup milk
1 tbl butter
1 tbl corn starch
1 cup shredded cheese
Cook macaroni until tender. Drain. Using same pan heat milk, butter, and corn starch to boiling, stirring constantly until mixture thickens. Add cheese, stir until melted. Add macaroni and stir gently. Serves 2-4

Sicilian Style Spagetti Sauce
1/2 lb Italian sweet sausage (optional)
....or 2 tbl olive oil
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1/2 cup diced onion
1/2 cup sliced red bell pepper
1/2 cup sliced green bell pepper
2 tbl sliced black olives
1/4 cup tomato paste
1/2 cup water
1 tsp garlic granules or 5 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp oregano
Saute sausage (if using it), onion, garlic , and herbs in large heavy skillet (I use a 9" cast iron). Add veggies. Cook until just tender, about 5 min. Add tomato paste and water. Cover, turn onto lowest setting and let simmer about 10 minutes. Serve over cooked spagetti. Top with shredded mozarella cheese.

Makes 2-4 servings.
Great with garlic bread and tossed salad.

For Pizza Diamondstarr likes supreme with lots of extra cheese. She also likes veggie pizzas with bean sprouts and lots of veggies and beans on it. (We are still experimenting with this one!)

Diamondstarr prefers potatoes to bread. Her favorite are creamy mashed potatoes with shredded cheese on top. Her favorite vegtables are: green beans, broccoli, tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, mushrooms, and bell peppers. She detests carrots and doesn't care much for

Diamondstarr loves soups! So much so that I have dedicated another page to them! So click the tomato and be on your way!