Diamondstarr's Message to Her Fans

Diamondstarr's Message to Her Fans

Hey Everyone,

What's up?

Hope all is going well.

Thank you so much for stopping by my Official Site. My mom put this wonderful site together.

Music Update: Ampathy didn't work out. My sisters and I decided to start a family group called, Sistaz 3. We are starting from scratch. This gives all of you a chance to grow with the band. With this being totally new to Liana and Noe. Right now, we are performing as an accapella group, once the family gets moved to Los Angeles and they have learned to play their instruments, we will record the professional "Asprinations" album. Until then, we are putting out a very fresh accapella cut. All accapella stylings of our songs will become a Collectors Item, as our harmonies get stronger the stuff we record now will be taken off. Until all that is left is the professional cd.

Lately, I've been asked from people around the world, what it's like to live in, Hawaii? On an island,living with so many different cultures and people. What I like to do? what do I listen to? and so on. Let's see.....
Living in Honolulu, Hawaii is cool. My apartment views are incredible. Every morning I wake up to the view of Diamond Head with the sunlit rays making it sparkle. I'm not sure, I think that's how Diamond Head got her name. Along with the beautiful Waikiki Ocean views.

We have two seasons here, hot summer (from about May to October) and cool summer the rest of the year. Which isn't bad if your tired of snow. If so, I'll trade places with you.

This is the perfect place to be an entertainer. With a very supportive entertainment community that's small and tight. You feel like a part of an over grown family. Plus, you'll notice alot of tv/film actors here spend a fair share of time on stage. Sadly though, my looks aren't local or Japanese. I've been told most of my life, you should be in Hollywood! (Even by stangers, who just happened to catch my plays and performances.) So, I'll take their word for it. Especially, since I am so interested in TV/film acting.

Anyway, The views are very inspirational for writing songs. Don't forget the wonderful movie/show locations. Perfect for music videos and more. I really enjoy composing songs with my electric guitar and keyboards. Of course the ability to sing is always a plus.

I enjoy a few outdoor activities like, skateboarding, at least you don't have to worry about sharks on the streets. Rollerblading, at least you don't freeze your butt off if you fall. Shootin' hoops with Liana is my most favorite thing to do. Once in awhile I can't resist the Waikiki waves and I'll go boogie-boarding with friends. My other fave thing to do, is cruise, the ever growing and best known mall in Honolulu with friends and family. Do you know which mall I'm talking about? Yeps, Ala Moana Shopping Center. In fact you can now visit the mall on your computer, you can find the link at my, Cool Links page.

The people here are generally really nice and open minded. It's very laid back Or Island style as we say here. In my neighborhood alone we have everyone from: multi-millionares, celebrities (You have to know their names because we don't adverstize in Palolo.) To low income families and everyone in between. One of my former teachers from Jarrett is a professional musician. There's no seperation, of the rich are here, the poor are there. Unless you enter a neighborhood like , Hawaii Kai, that's another story.

As for cultures, it's extremely mixed. Your always surrounded by, blacks, asians, jews, hawaiians, americans, and other fabulous cultures. Becuase of the high vietnamese population, I actually picked up a little vietnamese. Now I'm currently brushing up on, Spanish (good to know if you ever move to the west coast.) The sad thing about living here is, you learn quickly everyone knows someone, who knows someone. everyone is someone's aunt, uncle, neice, nephew, cousin, brother, sister and the list goes on. Everyone talks, at least that's what Palolo is like. So it's hard to get away with anything, litterally.

Growing up an only child (Until a few years ago.) in a neighborhood like, Palolo or just growing up in Honolulu, has been quite an education. Great place to just soak up all that you can and learn. Speaking of learning....

Being homeschooled can have it's ups and downs. Ever have a parent for a teacher? The worst part about homeschooling really is, missing out on all the school activities like: dances, being with friends, or the drama club. Oh well, What I miss out on now, I can make-up for in college, lol!

Now that I'm older, I'm ready to see something new, with the hopes moving to LA and going to USC to study entertainment journalism and Entertainment Law. So I have something on the side of acting, if anything should ever happen.

Although, my family knew I had a spark for entertaining, my years in elementry helped me to develope that spark. There were two very special drama teachers, Mrs. K was one of them. She especially helped me with on-stage performances between the ages of 5 to 11.
My Fifth grade year was amazing. I landed the role of a factory girl in an opera called, "Carmen" by: George Bizet. That was the best time of my life, well so far, lol! Also, the greatest graduation present I got. Learned alot from that experience, Opera is more than a large viking woman up on stage going awwww! at the top of her lungs, Lol! Also, made a lot of friends and met some awesome stage actresses. Trained with professional Opera Singer, Louise South, for about eight months. Gotta trust me, there is nothing like performing an opera, nothing like it.

On the side of acting and music I'm currently working on two tv scripts "Teenproof" and "Sad N Happy, True N False". With ideas for movie scripts, such as "Celebphobia" and "Bloody Mary Mysteries".

Currently, I kick back with the tunes of Linkin Park and Smittin ( Smittin's music is amazing and their independent. There are a few bands all three of us (Liana, Noe and I) agree on. Personally, I'll listen to anything that's wholesome, with a positive message, awesome beat, the artist's own experiance, or just soft n soothing.

I won't listen to things, that send negative messages, anything that brings, women, children, animals and so on down. Some songs make referances to it, then have a positive outcome, I'm all for that.

The hottest shows on TV are: "The Practice", when Lucy has more than three lines a show. "Party of Five", especially the earlier episodes with Jody. "Full House", definitely! My fave Marla made her debut on this show. Guest starring in 8 episodes. I also like Freak and Geeks. Busy Philips (Kim) and James Fanco (Daniel) are also very talented stars. I taped it from the day it debuted. I was disappointed when they canceled the show.

That's so kewl! You made it to the end of this page. Thanks for taking your time to read it. If we share any common intrests or you just wanna talk, feel free to EMAIL ME! I'd love to hear from ya! Thank you for all of your interest and support. Well, guess I should let ya go explore the rest of this awesome site.


By The Way, if you were wondering, lol, is an expression for lots of laughter. I use it to keep what I say light. You'll notice that alot, lol!

Note: This is, Diamondstarr's exact writing. Nothing has been edited.