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Your Dedications, Your Gifts To The Stars Who Have Touched Your Lives

Welcome to The Hollywood Junction! This page is here for all of you fans and admirers of the stars to share your dedications with the world. Your poetry, your artwork, anything you have created for them, because they gave you something in your life. It can even be a simple letter that expresses how something has affected you forever. Also if you have a page in honor of a certain actor, or a mailing list, or club online, the links are welcome here too. If it is for an actor in particular it will go under their name, if it is for all actors or some actors it will go under the main links page. Anything, that means a lot to you that these wonderful people have helped to create is welcome here. Inspiration, a desire for something new, or a love for something you never knew. Please share with the world your gifts to the stars! This site is just beginning so I will be adding a list of stars as the dedications for them come to me. Email me below with DEDICATION in the subject line with your work, and it will be put under your favorite star or idol. Make sure to include your name and where you are from, and any other information you would like to share. Thank you for your participation and hope to hear from you all soon! Remember, this is what these actors really get out of their work, touching your lives, so let them know through your expression what they have done for you or how you feel about them!

Sincerely, ActressAmy

[Email ActressAmy]

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