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John and Linda were your rare couples you see known as soul mates.They were best friends and did everything together.Their love they shared for each other was so amazing.As any couple they had their share of problems, but not many and they were always able to communicate and work through their problems.

I felt I should add this page to honor this woman of great strength. You see when John passed away, Linda was left with 3 kids to care for.At one time even working 3 jobs to care for her family.

After John passed , it was apparent Linda had a broken heart but she continued on and remained strong for her children, and for that she should be applauded.

As the years went on after John passed away, Linda's only son passed at age 25 to a drowning, then lost 2 of her grandbabies to heart disease, one was 2 months and the other was 3 years old.

As everyone has crosses to carry and has endured such a loss I can not think of a woman who has still went on and remained strong.In addition to the losses Linda cares for her handicapped daughter whom has mild cerebal palsy, and works hard as an RN.

I love my Mom a great deal, she means the world to me but as I make this page to honor her, It still amazes me that she has cared for her family and kept such strength during all of these losses.My heart goes out to you Mom.May you continue to be strong and know that you are loved.

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