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~ More on Jacob ~

~ Jacob with His baby sister ~

~ Jacob with his Bubbles ~

~ Jacob on his swing ~

Here are a few pictures of Jacob that are very important to me.I took many pictures of Jacob from the time he was born and up until he passed away at age 3.

Jacob was very special to me and he was my whole world I feel lost with out him but knowing that he is in a place where he has no more pain makes me feel a little better.It is very difficult to lose a child of any age and I think thats what personally got me into wanting to build a website in Memory of Jacob, so that Jacob would live on.

Jacob appeared very strong and healthy most of his life, he seemed to have more energy than I did at times.It was hard for people to believe this little guy had such a major heart disease.Jacob was always on the go, and after his heart surgeries he'd bounce back so quick he'd be out of the hospital within a week or two of surgery.His strength was amazing as well as his personality.Even when Jacob was diagnoised in heart and lung failure he was a happy little guy and tried to have a smile on his face.

Jacob tried to even remain calm while in the hospital during surgeries, although it was hard and terrifying for me.I know he had to be scared and sometimes sore, after surgeries but he rarely let it show.

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