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~Jacob with Daddy~

Jacob was very close with his daddy as well.Although Paul, my husband ,was not Jacob's bio father, he was there from the time Jacob was 4 months old. Paul stepped in and took the place as Dad and what a wonderful father he was.

Jacob only knew Paul as his father they were close and I thought it was wonderful that Paul just stepped in and did such a wonderful job with Jacob.Paul was with us for most the surgeries and all the hospital stays.

Jacob was definately mama's boy but Jacob shared a special bond with his daddy as well.Some things they enjoyed doing together was going fishing, running errands, playing nintendo,and watching movies.Jacob loved the outdoors so me or his daddy went out with him when we were able to.These two always found something to do.

I know Jacob's death has impacted other people's life,including Paul's, not only were they close and shared a bond but Paul did do cpr on Jacob as well.This page I have put together for my husband Paul (Jacob's daddy) to tell you I love you and you were such a wonderful father to Jacob, and I also wanted you to know I know you did everything possible to help Jacob that day of Oct.14 th. Jacob loved you so much and looked up to you.It was obvious you ment a great deal to Jacob.

Jacob was such a wonderful, caring little boy.He bonded with people very easily and touched so many people.

On this page I just wanted to tell you how special you were to Jacob and I know he loved you a great deal.Not many men step in to take the place as "daddy" and you jumped right in and did not think twice.I'm very glad you had the oppertunity to become a part of Jacobs life.

I know Jacob ment a lot to you as well and he will always be in our hearts.

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