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~ Nana with Angel Jacob ~

Nana and Jacob

This page is for Nana, also known as Grandma Griffin.As others, Nana had a special bond with Jacob, before Jacob was even born, Nana began purchasing numerous things for Jacob, baby clothes,baby furniture, and numerous other things.

As Jacob got older, he bacame very close with Nana, even as a baby they shared a bond. Nana was extermely worried about Jacob with this heart disease as we had buried little Zac (jacob's brother) to this heart disease.

Nana referred to Jacob as munchigan, and wildchild, he was definately a wild child, besides the scar Jacob carried on his chest, it was difficult to tell this child had heart disease as he was so active.

Nana was a big part of Jacob's life besides always purchasing things for Jacob, she was very loving with Jacob, I remember when Mommy or Daddy said no that Jacob could not do something then he went to Nana and sometimes she would give in, but what are grandmas for.

Nana always came to the hospital when Jacob had a surgery and helped out a great deal with Jacob, you could tell that they as well had their own special bond. I know Jacob ment the world to you Nana , and you ment a great deal to Jacob as well.

Although Jacob was my son and we were extremely close Jacob was loved by so many people and referred to others as their boy. He was such a happpy little guy that many people became attached to this little guy.He was so outgoing. Somebody could walk by us in the grocery store and Jacob would smile and talk with them and even as a baby so many people would stop to say what a cute little guy that he was.

I can not thank you enough Nana for everything you did for Jacob you were there for him since birth, and i know he was very special to you and I know it broke your heart as well when Jacob passed on.

I learned a lot from Jacob, I think he was sent here to teach people lessons as well as bring happiness to people's life. I know he brought so much love and happiness to all of our life's at a time that I thought I would never smile again. The most important thing I remember is Jacob's bravery.

Even though each day is difficult, I know that Jacob would want us to be strong and to go on with our lifes. One day we will all be reunited in a place of no more pain, for when Jacob passed a piece of all our hearts went with him.

We have all had a difficult road Nana, and I know how much you miss Jacob as well and how you would do anything to hold him one last time, but please be strong and continue to take it day by day and know you will once again be with little Jake. I know how special Jacob was to you as he was to others, but I think you were pretty special to Jacob as well.

The love you gave to Jacob was very special and I am sure he will always remember that love. Thank you again for evrything you did for Jacob as I said I can not thank you enough and I am so happy that you were able to be a part of his life for those 3 years, although Jacob is physically not here we will always have his memories and those are so very special.

Nana was so caring for Jacob she bought him anything that he wanted, toys, candy, the night before he passed she had bought Jacob a race car track as we were not sure he would make it to christmas.Jacob did not have to really ask for anything just looking into those dark brown eyes, he usually ended up with what he wanted.

Jacob Aaron Oakes

8-23-97 to 10-14-00

Jacob, you will be greatly missed by all that knew you, you were such a special and wonderful little boy.You shall remain in our hearts forever and until we meet again we love you and miss you.

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