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Tonia special in herself, being born with cerebal palsy and handicapped, was very close to Jacob in her own way, and when Jacob came along he might have saved Tonia as she was extremly skinny weighing 70-80 pounds in her early twenties, due from depression from losing her father and my first son, her nephew zac.When Jacob came along, Tonia began to gain weight and once again was a happy person.

Tonia and Jacob did many activities together, they would color together go outside and play on the swing set and Tonia was one of many people that Jacob would get to blow bubbles for him for hours.Jacob would even climb up in her lap to rock in the rocking chair and watch movies.

Angela, a very close friend of mine whom stayed with me when I was put on bedrest for preterm labor and moved in with me after Jacob's birth to help out, and I was also scared to be alone with Jacob at first afraid he would pass away as Zac did and Angela was aware of this, I had named her God Mother before Jacob was even born.

Angela moved out after living with us 2-3 months but she was a great help, she developed a bond with Jacob very quickly and loved him very much as he did her.I can not thank Angela enough for all the help she provided and she even went to some of the heart caths and heart surgeries.

Jacob was "angela's buddy", when she came for a visit Jacob would just smile and play with her for hours.She as well was one of the people who would blow bubbles for hours but she would also jump right into the floor and interact with Jacob, he liked to pretend to shoot her with his toy gun, to many zorrow and man in the iron mask movies.Angela would also take Jacob outside to play when he was up to it.

Angela was at almost every Birthday and this last Birthday we did for Jacob she helped decorate the house and set up his presents and cake while he was taking a nap, when he woke up he had a big smile on his face and was so excited.

I know that both of you were close to Jacob and miss him as well and I know that Jacob loved you both you could see it in his eyes and smile every time that he seen you guys, I know his death has been difficult for you guys and this page is for you guys In Memory Of Jacob may he live on in your hearts forever and may he always hold a special place.

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