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~August 23,2001~

Today would be Jacob's Birthday, our first one without him.Although it seems like yesterday that I lost Jake, it has been 10 1/2 months now. I try to think where this year has went to as it has flown by so quick to me.

Although Jacob is no longer here physically with me, his birthday is a day I shall never forget, it is a special day when this beautiful angel was brought into this world.This is Jacob's Day.

I am sure if Jacob was here I can picture his Birthday in my head, we would definately have that Blue's Clues Birthday cakes, lots of presents and we would have family and friends over to celebrate this special day with Jacob.

Since Jacob is not here, I plan to still make this his special day, I will go to the cemetary and take some things to put on his stone along with balloons, he sure loved balloons, his aunt has asked me to make a birthday cake for him, so I will probably make one.I am also making this page for Jacob to show him I love him and have not forgot his Birthday, it is a Day I shall cherish for the rest of my life.

Jacob would be 4 today, my how time flies.Jacob loved Birthdays, even if it was not his he would get excited when he saw the Birthday cake and presents.Jacob passed away a little over a week after his sister's first birthday, although Jacob could barely walk at that time, he managed to help his sister blow out her candle and helped her open her presents.

On Jacob's last Birthday, he was taking a nap as we decorated the house with Balloons and filled the table with presents and his birthday cake, to see the look on his face brought chills to my spine. He was so excited and Happy.I shall never forget that beautiful smile.

So although you are not here with me today Jacob, Happy Birthday my sweet angel.I love you and until we meet again you shall always remain in my heart and never be forgotten.

~ Please click the Cake to visit a special Page a dear friend made for Jake's Birthday~

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