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There is no question you boys were here for a reason
Life changing as are the seasons
Everything you touched turned to gold
Leaving us with stories never left untold
The outcome was forseen
when was unknowing
For some reason you had to be going.

We tried to say good-bye while you were here,
Everyday bringing more tears.
Zac you passed so quick and to soon,
Jake you shared years with memories we'll never lose.

On Earth the days you died,
it felt the whole world had stopped to cry.
Shed tears for the life you never led,
Shared thoughts and feelings on the hearts you tred.

Into the sky your spirits flew,
Into the arms of an angel you knew,
Only to love,laugh,smile and never feel pain.
We'll live our lives while we wait for our day,
We'll see your smile and feel the warmth of your glow
Our spirits will fly through the sky
to the safety in the arms of angels we know.

Written By: Angela Hibbard






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