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~ Some Information on Jacob ~

Jacob's Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Cartoons:Blues Clues, and Barney

Favorite Movies:The Man In the Iron Mask,The Mask of Zorro

Favorite Animals:cows,dogs and cats

Favorite Stuffed Animal:"Blue" dog from Blues Clues

Most Favorite Toys:plastic sword,toy gun,bubble gun (blows bubbles),finger paint kit

Favorite past time: Jacob enjoyed sitting in his recliner most days and watching movies.Jacob also loved the outdoors and would go outside to play on his swingset.Jacob was also very creative and liked to draw and play with his fingerpaints.One of his most favorite things in the world was bubbles, he would blow bubbles for hours or get somebody else to blow them for him.

Among many other things Jacob also enjoyed playing with his baby sister he was very fond of her from the day we brought her home.Although he did not care to share his toys often, he did play with his baby sister and helped a great deal with her.

Jacob also loved planes, every time one would fly over he would run to the window or outside yelling plane.

I use to call Jacob my shadow as he went everywhere I went, he loved going for drives rather it was to the grocery store or where ever.



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