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~ Jacob and Mommy ~

Jacob and I were extremely close from the day he was born.The bond we had was incredible.Jacob and I were rarely away from each other and every where I went Jacob went as well.

Jacob was also close to his sister,his dad,his nana, and his aunt well as his godmother Angela.Jacob bonded with people very easily,of couse with any mother and son that bond is unique and special.

Although I did not have Jacob for a very long time I am very greatful for the time I did have with him.I will cherish that time forever,and Jacob will always remain in my heart.Jacob was very special to me and I knew what a strong little guy he had to be, to be here with this particular heart disease.Jacobs strength was incredible.

Jacob did have an older brother,Zac who also passed away of this same heart disease.This Heart disease is not hereditary in this case,in fact I was told that Jacob had a 3% chance of even getting this heart disease,that is 3% out of 100%.

Although I am saddened that Jacob is no longer here with me I will never forget Jacob and the bond we had.I have put this site together to remember Jacob and so that he may live on.Also so people can get an idea of this heart disease and also so everyone can see what a wonderful child that Jacob was.

You were the best child a mother could possibly want, and I can not express in enough words how greatful I am that Jacob was my son.I will never forget you Jacob and I love and miss you so very much.Until we meet again Mommy loves you and thinks of you every day.

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