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I would like to thank Dr.Sharky (cardiologist)
and Dr.Mendeloff (surgeon)
of St.Louis Childrens Hospital,
you guys are true angels
and I know if it was not for you guys
I would not have
had Jacob as long as I did.
You all were wonderful
and did such a great job with Jacob,
and I shall never forget you all.
Im also glad you guys were able
to be a part of Jacobs life.
Thank you for doing everything
you could for Jacob
and for helping give me the time I had with Jacob.

I have to also thank my dear internet friend Marlene
for teaching me how to make a website.
Your help is greatly appreciated.

I would also like to thank all of you
whom stop by to visit 'In Memory of Jacob'
It is such a pleasure to be able
to share my angel with everyone.
If you have any questions
or comments , please leave them in the
guestbook or e-mail me.
I hope you enjoy your visit
and will come back again.

Most importanly I would like to thank Jacob,
for being my son
though I am sad you are no longer here with me,
you were very special and dear to me
and you will always remain in my heart.
I will never forget you,
or the time I had with you.
You were the most wonderful little boy in the world.

Please come back and visit
as i will always be adding new things.