We always thank God for all of you,
mentioning you in our prayers. We continu-
ally remember before our God and Father your
work produced by faith, your labor prompted
by love, and your endurance inspired by hope
in our Lord Jesus Christ.
I would like to thank once again my family and close
friends for being there for David and I in our time
of need.
I would like to thank Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Catholic Church. Especially to two kind gentlemen,
Rev. Msgr. Michael McCarron and Rev. Timothy
Keeney. Msgr. Michael came to me in the hospital
after I was admitted and the nurse asked me my
religion and if I would like someone from the
Catholic Church to come and see me. Father Timothy
did my son's funeral. He did a wonderful job. I
will never forget your kindness.
I have another thank you to all the nurses that took
care of me at the hospital when I was ill so many
times. It was really nice to have people not come
into my room everyday and not say that my illness
was actually my being crazy but in fact I was really
ill. I really enjoyed seeing them everyday, I was
so lonely in the hospital and they came in everyday
with a warm smile on their faces. I will never for-
get how made me feel comfortable.
A special thank you to Kevin Smith and associates
from R. Hayden Smith Funeral Home who provided the
funeral arrangements for our son and the beautiful
arrangement you made for his viewing. His funeral
was very beautiful. You will never know how much
your kindness meant to me.
I would also like to thank a very kind lady from the
church I go to, she came to see me in the hospital
after David was born. She sat and talked to my
mother and I. Thank you.
I would also like to thank all the ladies that
allowed me to use their graphics.
I have met on the internet that have helped me out
and they are:
The Women of Country Blessings Friendships
The Women of WOSIB
The Women of Our Country Nest
The Women of Still Greiving
The Women of BunnyChat
have crossed mine and my son's path. Thank You.