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Anime Comic Scans

Episode 11: Charmander, The Stray Pokemon
Team Rocket gets ready to attack with...Another hole
..Next up, the Rubber Balloon Bazooka..Success!
"Didn't I tell you we needed Fire-proof Uniforms!!!"

Episode 12: Here Comes the Squirtle Squad
Even villains have to eat.
Tricking some Squirtles
This scene was a lot funnier on TV 'cause James claimed to be "gunning ice packs" instead of "packing ice guns" and they also demanded a large roll of dental floss for their teeth.
Payback Time

Episode 13: Mystery At The Lighthouse
Karate Introduction
Becoming Hardened Criminals
The Melody of Dragonite
James laments wrecking everyone's plans
Future Dreams

Episode 14: Electric Shock Showdown
Watching the battle
Pikachu's Beautiful Decision
Feeling Victorious

Episode 15: Battle Aboard the S.S. Anne
Title Picture
Giving away tickets
James may be cute, but he is SO easily tricked...
Rocket Revalation
Reluctant Motto
The Ship begins to sink...
...with Team Rocket inside!

Episode 16: Pokemon Shipwreck
Bad Place for a nap
oops..that ws a mistake..
Goldeen makes a discovery.
One of TR's less beautiful moments..
Calling a truce
Looking for a way out
Uh oh! No water Pokemon!
"I'm not worthy! No wait..I take that back."
Pidgeotto finds Team Rocket
The Undead
Getting veeery huuungry
James' Big Mistake
The appearance of Gyrados
Run Away! Run Away!
Dragon Rage