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Manga Scans

These are images that I scanned from some of my brother's manga comic books. As it took me a very long time to scan them all, PLEASE ask before taking them. All are watermarked. I made the background using an image from Salon Roquet, which there is a link to in the Links section. Go visit, it's a great site! Enjoy!

The end to Jessie and James' 25 year long treetop existence
Team Rocket's gonna get your Pokemon!
Fooling some naive Pokemon...
Everyone's Favorite Villainess
Wow! James looks good!
The Cover of one of the issues
These are a few of their favorite things...
We can still beat you!
Who's a fool?
The power of Arbok
Someone must stop
Someone's being devious
Jessie lets us know her species
James takes on Ash
Jessie takes on Ash
Alternate forms of defeat
Stupid Clefairy!
Reaching Pokemon Paradise
The motto: Part 1
The motto: Part 2
Team Rocket (almost) never loses!
Maybe that wasn't such a good idea...
Taking pain like men...
Panic! Panic!
James is jealous
Temporary Job for extra cash
Doing what they do best
Aww..Sleepy Jamesie-poo
Beware the Stupidity
All tied up...
Jessie asserts her womanhood