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Miscellaneous Team Rocket scans

Part of a holographic Pokemon sticker

Another Team Rocket sticker from a vending machine

A trading card of James. What happened to his glove?

Team Rocket Gum? It doesn't taste very good, but comes with a neat Pokemon card which I promplty lost. Oh well.

The American and Japanese wrappers for the Team Rocket Edition of the Pokemon CCG. I personally like the Japanese version much better.

My Team Rocket Vinyl Figurines. They each came with one of their Pokemon, a Pokeball, and a PokeDisc. (All stuff I didn't really want)They ran about $7.50 each. If you look hard enough though (Try Blockbuster) you may be able to find a set of just "Kojiro and Musashi" in Japnese packaging without all of the unwanted extras. I added the rose to James.

A Burger King PromoCard for MewTwo Strikes back.

A Tshirt I made for my school's annual KIDNAP activity. The theme this year was "Chillin' like a Villain. I of course dressed my junior up as Jessie. Pictures of her will be up later.

A sign I made for my bedroom door. I wasn't planning to ever put this on the net, but I want to add it. The pictures of Jessie and James are SOMEBODIES fan art. If you have any idea whose they are, or if they are YOURS please email me so I can give you credit.

A Team Rocket Puzzle I got for Christmas last year from my friend Julia.

A holographic sticker of James in his classic pose.