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:.``~``KraZie BrOWN eYEz KraZie LiFe``~``:.

HeY YoU CaMe Up In tHiS PaGe So I GuEss YoU WAnNa KnOw HoW MaH LiFe HaS BeEn TReAtIN me WhAtEvEr I SaW I DoNt MeAn To oFfEND PeOpLE Or HuRT AnYoNe ItS JuSt All ThA TrUtH!So LiStEn Up Den If YoUr DoWn To KnOw WhAtS SuP!

TodaY isH May 25,2001

~!~sHoULD You BELieVE OThER PeOpLE OTHER tHaN Ur sElF?~!~

Damn know what imma come straight out and letchu know somthin past couple days i been hella stressin it...I dunno there is alotta questions that need to be answered...I care about mah man alot and he means so much to me,pero when people tell him shit to get shit in his head pisses me off tha most.. Some of the things that people tell him ishnt even tru.. namsayin.. yet he believes it.. and i dont say anything because im not the type of person that would.. cuz i can care less of what people might think of me.. and if people want to talk shit i dont let that bother me... I mean i do get pissed off about it because this ruins part of our relationship... But if he cant ever learn to trust me than there is no relationship what so ever... i Been threw hella shit this month for real.. A fight and i got kicked outta skoo.. almost got off probation until i got into it wit that Bitch Nerida and Natasha... that right there is another story you can check out in my HATERZ page.. on tah real... *ugHZ* but life isnt so easy for me right now.. im thinkin about leavin to texas.. to get away frum alotta pain that im in and alotta stress thats causing me to have emotional break downs... I'd do anything really to show Lupe how much i luv him but he dun let me when he hears alotta shit frum people and they all go along wit it.. its krazie but its sumthin i gotta deal wit... Everything ish okie i aint gunna let no one get me d0wn....-K.B.E-

:.``~``ThA EnD Of DaT!``~``:. cOpYrIgHt@buGgAbABy_43420

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