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~An Eye Cry For You Page~

~By Pixie~

This page is dedicated to my dear friend Theresa,
Shawn's Mommy Forever.
God bless you Theresa.
Love: Marlene
July 1, 2001

The Angels We Never Met
Marlene Porter

We are brothers and sisters of angels we've never known.
And this poem is for all of our feelings to you to be known.
We never got to meet this angel who was our sister or our brother.
But we love them just as much as we love our father and our mother.

We hear stories of these little angels we never got to meet.
And it's really kind of sad, for to have known them would be neat.
Now these little angels are always within our hearts and soul.
And we all have learned to love someone we didn't get to know.

Some of us have pictures of the angels we never met.
All their little faces sweet and that we'll never forget.
Others of us have only heard from our Mom and our Dad.
About the little angel sister or brother that we all once had.

So to our angel sisters and brothers in Heaven far above.
We send to you our thoughts and prayers and all our love.
And one day in the future, let not one of us ever forget.
We'll all be reunited with the little angels that we never met.

Love:The Sisters & Brothers of Angels
We are all Brothers and Sisters

We Have Never Met, But Love


Pixie's Place 2001

Marlene Fay Porter