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~An Eye Cry For You Page~

~By Pixie~

~In Memory of Kathy~
Dear John, Donna and John III:
I wrote this in memory of Kathy.
I am so sorry to hear of her death.
May God comfort you and be with you at this time of great sorrow.
Kathy was a bright light here on earth and will continue to shine in Heaven.
She is at peace with our Lord.

October 15, 2000~
Updated March 22, 2001

~In Memory of Kathy~

~Marlene Porter~

Into our lives a sad change has made itself quite clear.
Because Katherine Madelyn Wylliie is no longer here.
The angels came for her and gently took her by the hand.
And led her sweet soul to our Lord and the promised land.

And now without Kathy we must learn sadly how to cope.
We must keep our faith and not lose our hope.
Hope that one day again we will have Kathy near.
Faith that God is with Kathy and she has no fear.

While here on earth we grieve and have to let Kathy go.
We know in Heaven now resides her sweet little soul.
And we have to remember as we all have cried.
That Kathy was greeted in Heaven with arms opened wide.

All her family and friends who'd gone on before.
Were there to greet Kathy at Heaven's great door.
"Oh what a joy!" they must have cried at her sight.
Come on in Kathy!" as she stepped into the light.

Her footsteps have been silenced, her voice it has been stilled.
But death cannot erase the place that in out hearts she filled!
Our lives will seem empty without Kathy in them today.
But we must continue on and each one of us pray.

Pray for guidance and the strength to get us through.
This consuming grief we're feeling and our faith to renew.
Pray for Kathy's soul each morning, noon and night.
We know she shines in Heaven, bathed in celestial light.

And so we must bid farewell to Kathy and thank God she came our way. .
To brighten up our lives before she went away..
Kathy in our lives will be forever, her memory will not part.
For she now resides in our memories and lives forever in our heart.

Pixie's Place 2001

Marlene Fay Porter