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Chart Disection

Astarot Chart Disection

This month we are going to take a astrological look at a man who has achieved world fame, notariaty and success and is approching his sixtieth birthday.

Borne the eldest son of a poor black family in the early 1940's, his mother was a homemaker and his father painted signs. Little is written about his life prior to the age of twelve.

At the age of 12, upon having his bicycle stolen, went to report it to the police. Then he met officer Joe Martin, who worked on training athletes in boxing and he later gained Fred Stoner as a coach. Cassius Clay, Jr. won an Olympic gold medal in boxing at the age of 18.

In 1964, Malcolm X recruited Cassius. Cassius converted to Islamic faith and was given the name Muhammad Ali by Muslim patriarch Elijah Muhammad. As the Vietnam War pressed on, our query stood against the war and refused to enlist. His actions lost him his boxing title, as well as banning him from the profession and a conviction of five years in prison. He appealed the decision all the way to the Supreme Court and won.

As early as 1982, Ali began receiving treatment for Parkinson's syndrome. In 1980, he was originally misdiagnosed as having a thyroid condition. Yet another doctor states that as early as 1977, he saw decreased motor skills and reflexes in Ali.

The early 1980's saw Ali begin working as a political figure, supporting Carter's run for presidency, working for the Democratic National Convention in New York City, and a futile attempt at diplomacy when he tried to release American prisoners in Lebanon.

Muhammad Ali has seven daughters and one son, four wives, 3 divorced from. He was known for his sharp tongue, biting wit. Some of his better known comments indluded : "It's hard to be humble, when you're as great as I am.",
"I am America. I am the part you won't recognize, but get used to me. Black, confident, cocky -- my name, not yours. My religion, not yours. My goals, my own. Get used to me.".

Muhammad's Leo Ascendant and Carpicorn sun in the sixth house, strengthen his desire to be in the spotlight and his ability to stay there. This sun placement speaks volumes about Muhammad, his work ethic, his focus, ambition, drive and determination.

We notice the Aquarian moon depicting his leadership abilities, his need for freedom and to chart his own course.

Next, his Mercury, also in the sixth house with his Sun and Moon. This placement amplifies Muhammad's need to express himself and defend the rights he believes in. Also this could explain his sharp tongue and witty outbursts that have made him known as a loud mouth.

Muhammad's Venus rests on his descendant in Aquarius as well. This would make him uncomfortable in relationships, fearful of being stripped of his freedom, and explains his multiple marriages and relationships.

Mars in Taurus in the ninth house explains Ali's willpower, and strengthens the drive we saw with his Sun placement. Stubborn and true to his word and desires, he is not an easy man to disway once he has made up his mind. This placement was most likely one of his greatest challenges in his walk in the Islamic faith as he tends to get possessive, jealous, angry and violent after brooding over hurts. This is clearly proof of how our charts do not shape us or make us, but how we can grasp hold of and change our own destiny.

In Muhammad's chart we see a great deal of focus on a need for freedom, indepence and free will. This is marked yet again with both Saturn and Uranus in his tenth house in Taurus. There is a materialistic quality or need that must be met, and a demand that he seems to place on himself that he does not have enough. This conjunction does offer the ability to plan for the future realistically.

Jupiter is seen in Gemini in the tenth house, which must place quite a strain on him now that he has Parkinson's. This placement depicts an individual with expansive mental and intellectual capabilities.

Pluto rests in Leo, which makes him examine his need to honour his country and his self.

He tells of a story of when he had returned from Ital with the Olympic gold medal and went to an ice cream parlor for a pop, the server informed him they didn't serve colored people. He stated that afterward he went and tossed his medal in the river as he felt he was good enough to win medals for his country but couldn't order food alongside other Americans.

This is a prime example of Muhammad's twelfth house Pluto in Leo struggle; feeling as though their is a debt or commitment owed to his country and people and yet fighting with the inner voice of Leo screaming where is my attention?

Like many freed slaves, our query's family name was "borrowed" from an infamous Southerner. Upon being freed, many slaves who had only first names, or none at all, took on the names of prominent politicans and persons. The white Cassius Marcellus Clay of the 1800's, took it upon himself to free his slaves, helped establish the first interracial college in the nation and aided Lincoln in drafting the Emancipation Procamation. January 17, 1942, our querent, Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. was borne.

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