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      This page is for Jacob Samuel, my new grandson.
      Jacob was born Sept 4th, at 4:14 in the afternoon.
      He was 7 lbs 15 oz. and 21 inches long.
      He had the sweetest little cry you could ever hear.
      He is just beautiful!

      He was born into a musical family, so I felt
      this page was very appropriate for him.
      He has the lonest fingers; a sign of a musician!
      I plan on giving him piano lessons.

      His middle name is Samuel and he is named after
      my Uncle Sam who was a musician and jazz player.

      Please visit page 2.
      Baby Gifts!


      Lullaby, and good night,
      With pink roses bedight,
      With lilies o'er spread,
      Is my baby's sweet head.
      Lay you down now, and rest,
      May your slumber be blessed.
      Lay you down now, and rest,
      May your slumber be blessed.

      Lullaby, and good night,
      You're your mother's delight,
      Shining angels beside
      My darling abide.
      Soft and warm is your bed,
      Close your eyes and rest your head.
      Soft and warm is your bed,
      Close your eyes and rest your head.

      Lullaby, and sleep tight.
      Hush! My darling is sleeping,
      On his sheets white as cream,
      With his head full of dreams.
      When the sky's bright with dawn,
      He will wake in the morning.
      When noontide warms the world,
      He will frolic in the sun.

      Big sis, Lindsay, with new brother, Jacob!

      This set created for Janet.
      Please do not take it.