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So Long Ago!

So long ago I prayed for a child
To fill my heart and dreams.
My arms wide open, waiting for that day,
A precious child, I've never seen.

So long ago, my prayers were being heard
To bring a child with moon beams from above,
To gently rock and sing melodies as
I hold this gift firmly with my love.

So long ago, seems like yesterday,
As I look upon that little face
And smile at you as you smile at me.
What a masterpiece for my eyes to see.

As you grew I placed you in God's care;
That God would guide you through the day,
Keeping His watchful eyes on each step you took,
So not to wonder off, but close to Him you'd stay.

So long ago I held you in my arms
In that special time of night
Watching moon beams dancing above your bed
with shining stars in your window, with such glorious light.

So long ago my dream came true,
My yesterdays now gone, but kept securely in my memories.
I thank God for always protecting you
With all His heavenly remedies!

~written by Janet Ford~
May 2001

"Most of all" I pray He keeps you
safe all through the night.

I thank God for my 4 children and pray all
mothers give thanks to the Lord for the gift or
gifts He has given to you.

Happy Mothers Day!

©Danny Hahlbohm ~ used with permission
name of painting is "Little Precious One"

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