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Heaven's Doors Were Open

Heaven's doors were open
As soon as the Word was spoken;
Pearly gates and golden streets, oh,
What a time when Christians will meet.

Heaven's doors were open
As soon as the Word was spoken.
Will we ever understand this?
How undeserving, yet forgiven,
To be on God's list.

Heaven's doors were open
As soon as the Word was spoken.
He said, "Come whosoever is thirsty,
Accept the waters of Life
For all, I have an abundance of Mercy".

Heaven's doors were open
As soon as the Word was spoken.
He named the light day and the darkness night.
'Til someday forever,
We'll have eternal life.

Written by Janet Ford

He is the first and the last!

And He said unto me, "It is done.
I am Alpha and Omega,
the Beginning and the End".
"I will give unto him that is athirst of
the fountain of the water of life freely.


The painting on this page is called
The Alpha And Omega
by artist Greg Olsen
and used with his permission.

Please visit his site here:

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