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Whenever someone is received into the membership of some congregations either by baptism, confirmation of faith, or Letter of Transfer, he/she receives an English Ivy plant.

The plant serves as a reminder that: Just as the plant needs to be securely rooted in the soil to receive nourishment, so too must we be securely rooted in our Christian faith to receive nourishment.

As the plant's stems go out from the plant, creating yet other plants, so too must we go out and tell others the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The plant serves as a sign that: As the plants leaves are various shades of green, yellow and white, this congregation represents all of God's people of various races, nationalities and denominational backgrounds. As the leaves of the plant have three points, yet are one, our God is Three in One: Father, Son and Holy Spirit

I found this article to be so imformative.
As a Christian we know that our roots must be deeply planted
in the things of Christ as not to fall away.

I remember a family member who bought a house and had a carpet of English ivy growing all over the backyard. It took a lot of time and effort to remove it because of it's deep roots. I see now why the english ivy plant represents a sign of the Christian faith. For a plant not always well liked it can play a role in our Christianity by some of its bad points.

Its deep roots are like what Christians need; to be rooted in Jesus Christ. Its toxic poison can be a toxic remedy for sharing the word of God to the world.
Its quality of spreading so fast can be an example of us Christians spreading the word of God to all creatures.

Yes this plant definitely serves as a sign. As we look at the three pointed end of the leaves we are reminded of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.


Ivy hanging everywhere
Climbing high amongst the trees,
I see God's hand of greenery
Looking at the flossy leaves

Ivy scrolls a carpet in the yard
growing, spreading everywhere.
Roots are firm, the ivy travels
spreading its carpet here and there.

I'm sure to keep the ivy here
An English garden to display God's love,
A nusance to some, but to me a blessing.
For there's a story to tell from heaven above.

God painted His greenery
For so many different reasons;
He made it all a part of the scenery
That keeps my faith rooted through all my seasons.

The color green is to refresh,
The climbing leads toward the heavenly host,
The three pointed leaves, the Trinity.
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.



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