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Lets take a trip to paradise
Where God first formed perfect life.
Sit back, imagine that you're there.
A place where beauty was so fair.

The beauty of the creatures,
So impeccable their graphic features;
The fish of the sea,
The fowl of the air,
The beauty was beaming everywhere.

God created man in His own image
But God was still far from finished.
Man was to multiply, replenish the earth.
Dominion was given but God would "disburse".

Man could not follow God's rules.
The evil serpent made them fools.
Disobeying and failing to listen
Brought their relationship to a distance.

Then God provided His Lamb,
Knowing we could not stand,
So we would come out winners
Instead of hopeless sinners!

A trip to paradise, back then.
God showed His preparation for life.
Heaven's waiting and He'll open the door;
A garden awaiting with Jesus forever more.

~Written by Janet Ford~

There's a new paradise waiting for each of us.
All you need to do is ask Jesus to come
into your heart. Adam and Eve had a bit of paradise
but failed to listen to God.

God set the record straight once and for all
by the shedding of His Son's blood.
A new paradise is waiting for all who are
born again. Hope to see you in Heaven
which is our new Paradise!



