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I dedicate this page to my Aunt Tracy,
who gave me the gift of music!

A gift no grandeur
You have given
Playing notes of Gold
Music from my soul

This gift of music
I will treasure forever
The sounds, broadening my love
and understanding of heaven above.

You taught me how to feel
as each note my fingers touched
Emotions,touch and how to reach
My expectations, for me to someday teach

A gift no grandeur
Freeing me like a bird calling out a song
When life's fragile contents lurk
My music plays and seems to work

For this I thank you----
For weaving my life's tapestry
Music and love, the road to take
Your thoughtfulness and caring,
to never forsake

Music is my special friend
I close my eyes and for a moment dream
Images of the studio and piano unfold
Music is heard in the distance low

The studio my favorite place
My aunt listens as I strike each chord.
Angelical music peaks to the heights
The world glowing with twinkling lights

A gift no grandeur
you could of given
This little child, God knew would need
Traveling through life; the gift of music
would set her free!

written by "Janet Ford"7/2001

Thank you Aunt Tracy for taking the time
to teach me how to play piano
Many times it has been my light in the darkness

I love you and miss you!



Gold Keyboard by: