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I Wonder

I sit here and wonder as I look outside my window,
As the darkness turns to light.
In Heavenly places the day never starts
And there's never any night.

I wonder how many precious souls will be won this day
That God has blessed us once again to see.
I wonder what its like to see the angels rejoicing,
When that child's name is placed in the book of life.
The child that was bound is now set free.

I wonder as I look to the heavens,
The hearts that will finally surrender.
The sick that are recovering,
And the broken-hearted, that are being mended.
I wonder at the goodness of the Lord Who never sleeps,
But keeps a watchful eye on His children.
From the beginning and till our journey ends.

Above the heavens Spiritual work is being done.
Prayers being answered, and our foundation He is building.
I wonder and I dream of a beautiful world to come.
Where all my tribulations will finally be laid to rest.

I wonder at the fullness of God Himself.
Amazed and humbled I become,
As I wonder how I ever deserve
What His only begotten Son has done!

Written by Janet Ford

Our lives are like inns along the road of life
and Jesus is still at the door
waiting to come in and occupy His rightful place.

Make room for Him today!

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