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      Welcome to My Daughter's
      Wedding Page!

      Debbie is my oldest daughter!
      I would like to share a little of her wedding day!
      Moms always cry at weddings, but I think I
      flooded the church! All brides are beautiful,
      but my Debbie was more than that. She was so
      Gracious, and her inner beauty just seemed
      to shine through that day!

      The picture of Debbie and Rancy was taken at
      Outwater Park, next to the Flower Garden.

      Aren't they a beautiful couple?

      Love this picture of them kneeling at the altar!

      So cute! My grandson, Russell, was the
      ring bearer, and granddaughter, Savanna, was
      the flower girl. What a pair of sweethearts
      they are. I am so proud of all of them!

      God blessed them with a picture-perfect day.
      It will be a day that will live forever in my heart.