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      ~What Easter Means To Me~

      From early years I've learned
      The baby Jesus from above
      Would grow up to be our King,
      A Savior full of ardent love.

      I forever owe Him my gratitude
      For the road He once did walk
      Carrying the sins of a dying world,
      Shedding His blood our redemption was bought.

      He became that lamb for you and me.
      Seeing His people were hopelessly lost.
      So in the flesh, He arrived to die;
      Was humiliated and hung on an old rugged cross.

      Death could not keep Him,
      Sin would lose it's sting.
      The grave was then opened
      And the angels began to sing.

      My Savior is alive!
      Even though He died alone.
      My precious Lord endured the pain
      And all His children are welcomed home.

      ~written by Janet Ford~

      Easter means everything to me
      because I know some day I will dwell
      in heaven with Jesus.

      His dying on the cross and ressurection is a gift
      that no one could give to us but our Father in Heaven.

      Song playing is ~Calvary~

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