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I have many memories of me and my sisters growing up together.
God blessed me with three sisters. Doris the oldest, then me,
then Norma, who God took home to be with Him on April 29,1999,
and then the youngest, Carol, who is the only blond in the family
but smart as a whip!

I must say we were very blessed, even though our
Dad died at the age of 49, God had plans for us.

God gave us Christian aunts and uncles to help our
mom to watch us while she had to work to support us.

I have to give a lot of credit to my oldest sister,
Doris, for putting up with us because we sure gave
her a hard time while our mom was working.
She would always get back at us by sitting on us
and tickling us to death.
Doris, whenever you read this (giggle) I will
never forget that.

Our family was very musically inclined. My Aunt
Tracy, bless her heart, made sure we all learned
to play the piano and play at recitals. There
was always music permeating through the house.
Out of all of my sisters, I was the one to really
take interest in the piano. I think my aunt had
to bribe my other sisters to learn.

I treasure the memories of growing up with my
three sisters. Even with the arguments of who was
going to clean the room or use the bathroom first
and the little disagreements we had, nothing could
ever replace those fond pictures that play over
and over of our youth, in those special moments in time.

I would like to dedicate this page to my sister Norma,
who was not only my sis but my best friend.

I love you Norma, and you will always
be close to my heart.

I wrote this poem for my sister Norma-Jean.
She was my best friend as well as my younger sister.
I thank the Lord for the time we had together on
earth. I miss her deeply. She was a diabetic
since the age of seven. The Lord took her home
April 29, 1999. I wrote this poem for her in 1997.
This is in memory of you Norma!

My little one I haven't forgotten you
You are more precious than gold or silver
You belong to Me and I only give good gifts
That's why My child you'd be greatly missed.

My little one I gave My Son for you
I gave My all to save you
no love could be that strong
through Jesus Christ I see no wrong.

My little one feeling alone
I'm here and I'll never leave you
I'm caring and I'll wipe away the pain
You'll stand out and never be the same.

My little one, I've chosen you
to sit by My side
to share in My glory
What a true and wonderful story.

Its a free gift from me
to the faithful like you
Hold on to that faith
and you'll be saved by my grace.

~Janet Ford~7/97

Norma was faithful to the end
I can just hear Jesus saying to her
"Well done, good and faithful servant".

This is a picture of Norma and me
when we were younger.


The wonderful painting that this set is designed around is by artist,
Paula Vaughan and used with her permission.  An icon of the entire
painting is below.  You may visit her gallery by clicking on it or on her logo.