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There is a Secret Place I like to go
A place so awesome I'll share it with you.
A place where I can rest in the Lord;
A place of peace and protection too.

The Lord speaks to me there
His arms are embracing,
Taking my burdens
And sins He's erasing.

When lights are all out
And silence has come
His spotlight from heaven
Lights my room like the sun.

I then lay there waiting
For words that He'll speak
From that secret place
So special, so sweet.

Have you guessed it my friend
The place where we meet?
In my room, in the night
When He turns off the day's light.

He then turns it back on
With the light of his Son
Then my Heart starts to pound
As I long for the run.

Right to the wings of my Father I hide
As the night once again, slowly passes by
Never to feel such love and peace
In my Father's arms I fall fast asleep.

~Janet Ford~
September 1997

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Midi playing is"Morning"