Mirror box for the 6-inch
The mirror box has an aluminum handle from a kitchen drawer that allows it to be easily carried on the plane. It is 8x8x10 and made from 1/2" plywood. A top and bottom of 1/4" plywood velcros on to protect the mirrors which are inside. |
This shows the top of the mirror box removed revealing the focuser board with the focuser near the top. The board rests at the corners on 1/4 round and stays in place with velcro. A slight tug removes the focusing board. |
The focusing board not only holds the focuser, but also the secondary mirror which is glued (silicone) to a brass single-stalk holder.
The brass stalk for the secondary goes through a hole in the focuser that I drilled and fits into a piece of aluminum with a lock bolt that tightens it as shown. By pushing it in or out of the hole, the secondary mirror can be accurately aligned with the primary mirror.
The focuser is from AstroSystems |
Removing the bottom piece of 1/4" ply reveals the collimation bolts. They are #10-32 bolts with tapered heads that snug down (and are glued - silicone) into countersunk holes below the mirror.
The mirror cell (pictured below) is |
The mirror cell is very similar to the one described in Berry's book (pages 86 & 87) except for the collimation bolt system described above.
The mirror is held in place by
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