Copyright by the Punxsutawney Chamber of Commerce
FEBRUARY 2nd......Pennsylvania's earliest settlers were German
and they found groundhogs in many parts of the Pennsylvania.
The groundhog resembles that of the hedgehog and
is a very intelligent and sensible animal
and with this information they decided that if the
sun did appear on February 2nd, a wise animal as the groundhog
would surely see his shadow and hurry back into its underground
home for another 6 weeks of winter.
The first public prediction of Punxsutawney Phil was in
1886 and the following year at Gobbler's Knob. Punxsutawney
is only about an hour from where I'm from. I've been there many
times but never on that day. Not brave enough
and I don't think you could get near it on February 2nd.
Woodchuck Day
William Dudley Foulke
Out from his borrow in the ground,
Softly (you cannot hear the sound)
The woodchuck comes, so people say,
On February's second day.
And then he looks around with care
To see if his own shadow's there,
Lying beside him on the snow.
And if it is, back he will go,
And six weeks more he will abide
In the warm hold where he doth hide.
What makes the tiny creature run,
Seeing his shadow in the sun?
He knows that winter cannot bring
So soon the promise of the spring;
He will not let the sunshine's smile,
But burrows deep to keep him warm
From icy blast and wintry storm.
So, children, if you seek to roam
Too early from your cozy home.
Look for the shadow at your side,
And if you see it, run and hide.
You'd better not come out to stay
Until your childhood melts away.
Punxsutawney Site