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Contents Page

Welcome to my newly redecorated and renamed graphics site. Turtle 'n Hare came about because I have always loved turtles since I was a young girl. I began collecting them at about the age of 12 in pins, jewelry, charms, pictures. And I thought that it would be appropriate to show my love of turtles here in this site and the name came to me in a burst of inspiration. First off though I must state that my first love above all else (even my family) is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For if He hadn't of given me the talents that I have, I wouldn't be here on the net to share my gifts with you. If you want to learn more about God's plan of redemption click on the link below and it will take you to my Christian site. Just feel free to return to Turtle 'n Hare Graphics :) Sincerely and God's blessings on you, Melissa K. owner of Turtle 'n Hare Graphics

If you'd like to link to my site just right click and save one of my two logos below and link back to