*Please check out the new chat room, The Great Hall. Use the portkey under Things to Do.
*I'm starting a Harry Potter Fan Art page. If you have fan art, and would like to get recognition for it, send it to me. I'll put all tasteful fan art on the page, but some will be singled out as Best of the Harry Art.
*Also, I need Harry news, rumors, anything! Please, if you know anything, tell me.
*Send me an owl at wiseguy1986@hotmail.com
*Thanks and come back soon!
PLEASE click on this ^ and make me 15 cents! I'm strapped for cash. I NEED that dime and nickel! My bedroom payment is coming up! So I admit it! I need money! Just dye my hair red and call me Ron Weasley! Oh, and it doesn't cost you anything, but it gets me something! They just want you to see their stupid site!