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This is the Special of the Week page. Every week will be something that will topple your knobgobbler.

This week the Blue Light Special will something totally ridiculously hilariously funny. HAHAHAHA

Once upon a time, there was these 2 bitches, and they were hot. And they liked each other. Use your imagination.

Moo, ruff, meow, naaaeee, eaeaeaeaea, gobble gobble, cockadoodledoo, cluck cluck, baa, blub blub, oink, heehaw, bugauk, grrrr, roar, woof, bark, uh uh uh, pffffffff, emu emu, spt spt. IF you can guess all the animals, write us an email with them in there, and we'll get you something cool via the SUPERFANS

FRoStIe and Dc'S LinKs Of ThE wEeK

Mullets Galore

Megadeth Webpage">

Both sites contain quality mullets, and I really like Megadeth If anyone missed the first CTopp poems, it is now available on the Cory Topp Memorial Page.

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