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Nesika News

We Hope You Dance!

April 2001                                                                                                       Renton, WA

Installation of Officers

Installation of officers was held Saturday, March 31, 2001.  The evening was opened by PP Chuck Kent and PM Tess Kent as WP Jerry Randolph & WM Laura Randolph were unable to attend due to other obligations.


There were approximately 80 people in attendance for the evening’s events. 


The officers for 2000-2001 took their offices. After introductions were concluded, Al Butterfield, Grand Treasurer was introduced as the Installing Grand Officer for the evening.  He then introduced those assisting him with the installation:  Jennie Davis, Installing Grand Marshal; Valerie  Harvey, Installing Grand Secretary; Carolyn Anderson, Installing Grand Organist; and Vicki Little, Installing Grand Chaplain.


The officers for 2000-2001 retired and a musical interlude was presented by Carolyn Anderson.


The entrance of the 2001-2002 officers was announced and they marched in  to “Wild Thing” the incoming Worthy Patron’s song. The officers were attired in black skirts and white blouses with vests of purple, blue and black.


The officers installed were: Tess Kent, Worthy Matron; Chuck Kent, Worthy Patron; Carol Vaughan, Associate Matron; Don Beck, Associate Patron; Eunice Butterfield, Secretary; Sharon Klang, Treasurer; Barbara Moore, Conductress; Vicki Little, Assoc. Conductress; Heather Farrish, Marshal; Amanda Holler, Adah; Nicole Turner, Ruth; Christie Wild, Esther; LaVerne Barnett, Martha; Daisy Ward, Warder; and Mary Calhoun, Sentinel.


The Worthy Matron then gave her address for the evening which focused on the opportunities we have to make our Chapter grow with the  changes in membership requirements.  She also spoke of beginnings and endings and what that meant when there was a change of officers.  She thanked those who have served as officers for so many, many years and for what they’ve taught her. 


The Worthy Patron then addressed the chapter and spoke about how things get done and how we can’t always just do things the ‘way we’ve always done them’ by using a story about apes (wild things).


The Worthy Matron then ‘installed’ the new kitchen crew Gary Wild as the Kitchen King and Dixie Wild as his support staff. They were admonished as to the seriousness of their duties and invested with the ‘jewels’ of their offices – an apron and spoon respectively. 


The announcement of the tribunal and audit committees were made; introduction of the family of the WM & WP; Worthy Matrons & Patrons for 2001-2002; and then installation was closed. The Worthy Matron’s song was played while the Bible was signed by Chuck & Tess.


There was a spaghetti dinner and dance after the installation. The dinner was cooked and served by Gary & Dixie Wild with the help of Chris Williams, Christie Wild, Steve & Vicki Little, Ben Wheeler, Chris Norlund, Marcia & Don Beck, Tina Walters and a host of other very kind and helpful friends.


Amanda Holler was the dj for the dance. The decorating for the installation and dance was done by Vicki Little, Christi Wild, Amanda Holler and Tess Kent.


Fund Raising 2001-2002


During the next year we will be raising funds for the chapter through the following events:


Smokey Point Reststop: This is set for November 2-5. It begins on November 2  at 2 pm and goes through November 5th at 1 pm at the northbound rest stop at Smokey Point.  We will be needing a chairman as well as people to work the booth during that time.  Please  call Tess if you want to volunteer to chair this event, work the booth, or to donate cookies or other items we will be needing at the booth.


King County Line Officer Instruction: This is still in the planning stage; stay tuned as I know more.


Husky/Seahawk Games: Any person who is over 16 (and all of us are) and has a food handlers permit may work these games.  The hours vary from game to game.  Please contact Chuck if you’re interested in raising money for the chapter by working these games.  Last year, the chapter received about $500 from Tess & Chuck donating 1/3 of what they earned to the chapter. 



Keep your eyes on the Stars

And your feet on the ground


Balloons, Stars, Music Notes


Purple, blue and black


Work like you don’t need the money; Love like you’ve never been hurt;

And dance like no one is watching


To be a Star;

You must shine your own light

Follow your own path

And don’t worry about the darkness

For that is when

Stars shine the brightest!!!


Life’s a dance you learn as you go; sometimes you lead,

sometimes you follow


Wild Thing


Worthy Patron: Wild Thing

Worthy Matron: I Hope You Dance




Dues for 2001

If you have forgotten

please send your checks

made payable to Nesika Chapter to

Eunice Butterfield


Committees 2001-2002

Audit:     Chuck Kent

                Richard Moore

                Carol Vaughan

Budget:  Tess Kent

                Carol Vaughan

                Chuck Kent

Finance: Chuck Kent

                Don Beck

                Carol Vaughan


                Laura Randolph

Sally Jones


                Gary Wild

                Dixie Wild


                Vicki Little

                Amanda Holler

Masonic Visits:

                Line Officers


                Sharon Klang

Newsletters & Publicity

                Chuck Kent

                Tess Kent


                Alma Michelsen

Rainbow Board:

                Jennifer Craig

                Meredith Doll

                Christine D’Annunzio        

Tess Kent

                Chuck Kent

                Yvonne Koehler

                Scott Salvner

                Dixie Wild

                Gary Wild

                Glenda Williams


Richard Moore

John Swafford

Gary Wild

Wayne Klang

Dixie Wild

Sally Jones

Mary Spunaugle

Velma Weber

Cindy Cook


            Mary Spunaugle

            Velma Weber




April 13, 2001

                Easter Bonnet parade

                Honor Jr PM & PP

April 22, 2001

                Florence Morris luncheon

May 2, 2001

                Haunted Forest Mtg

May 11, 2001

                Mother’s Day

                Flower talk by DeMolay


June 6, 2001

                Haunted Forest  Mtg

June 8, 2001      

                Father’s Day

                Men’s fashion show

                Grand Chapter resolutions


June 25-28, 2001

                Grand Chapter

July 8, 2001

                Mariner’s Game

July 13, 2001


August 15, 2001

                Official Visit w/Amethyst

August 25, 2001


                Lazer tag

September ?, 2001

                Breakfast for King Co. Line

September 14, 2001

                Chapter birthday

                7 yr honor night

                Honor 50 year members

                Honor PM & PP

September 19, 2001

                Don Beck’s Reception

October 12, 2001

                Haloween program

                Fill Santa’s bag Food Bank

                Education night

November 2-5, 2001

                Rest Stop

November 9, 2001

                Sharon Klang’s Honor Nite


December 14, 2001


Fill Santa’s bag for food bank

January 11, 2002

                Unresolution night

                Top 8

February 8, 2002

                Men’s night

                Letters of Intent due

                Valentine’s Day

February 22, 2002

                Al Butterfield’s Honor Nite

March 8, 2002


                St Patrick’s Day

Events to be added:

                Visit to Masonic Home


Service project this year:

·         Renton Food Bank

Goals for this year:

·         Raise $2000 this year by fundraisers

·         Have at least one fun event that is free to all members

·         Have at least 4 fun events during the year

·         To initiate 4 more members

·         To increase number of members attending meetings


                Events for April:

13th , Friday

7:30         Nesika meeting

Easter bonnet contest

Honor Jr PM & PP

8:00         Valley City installation

16th, Monday

7:00         Renton DeMolay meets

19th, Thursday

7:00         Renton Rainbow meets

balloting & initiation

21st, Saturday

8:30         Husky booth

10–3pm  Rainbow Car wash

                Big O Tire on Benson

7:00 pm   DeMolay installation

22nd, Sunday

1 pm        Florence Morris luncheon






Tess Kent  



Renton DeMolay News!


1st Place- Overall Ritual: assisted by DesMoines DeMolay


1st place – Initiatory A Degree: assisted by DesMoines DeMolay


2nd Place – DeMolay Degree: assisted by DesMoines DeMolay


Open & Closing – B:  2nd place assisted by DesMoines DeMolay


1st Place – Jacque DeMolay:  by Brian Greiner


1st Place – Master Councilor :  by Matt Luedke


1st & 2nd place- 9 o’clock interpolation: Matt Luedke & Nick Williams; Brian Greiner & Devin Treichel



1st place – 1st Preceptor: Devin Treichel;  6th Preceptor: Tristan Taylor

2nd place – 2nd Preceptor: Devin Treichel; 3rd Preceptor: Devin Treichel


Fourth Section:                 1st place


Ceremony of Light certification: Matt Luedke


Renton Rainbow News!


March 11

helped with Bubble Breakfast – as did the Job’s and DeMolay.

March 24 –

District Meeting – Under the Sea with Amanda  & Mrs. B

April 1 –

Rainbow Sunday at Grace Lutheran Church followed by lunch and making swappies at Vicki Little’s

April 4 –

Galloping Gavel in Bothell & Honor Night for Grand Deputy Jennie Davis

April 5-

Casual meeting and Easter Egg Hunt


Grand Assembly Ritual team: 

10 person team: Kirin Salvner & Tiah Burkey. Alternate: Brittany Koehler


15 & over: Amanda Holler, Charity’s lecture & rose lecture


Grand Assembly Talent co-chairman: Brittany Koehler


Don’t forget get your car washed April 21st at Big O Tire


Bethel #45 Job’s Daughters News!


April 21 – Jobie Weekend