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Nesika News

December  2001                                            We Hope You Dance!                        Renton, WA

Sharon Klang’s

Honor Night


…..November 9th


Did you think you’d suddenly arrived in Colorado and that you were in State History class?


We all learned quite a bit about Colorado – and we had a  great time doing it! We also learned a thing or two about Sister Sharon!


But more importantly, we had a  wonderful evening honoring our Sister, Sharon Klang, the Grand Representative of Colorado.


The room was full and smiles were plentiful throughout the evening. All who were introduced were given a question concerning Colorado state facts.


We learned that the word Colorado means ‘colored red’ in Spanish.  We learned that the state fossil is the Stegosaurus and the state grass is Blue Grama Grass.


We now know that Colorado has 64 counties, the cheeseburger was invented in Denver by Louis Ballast, that Colfax Avenue in Denver is the longest continuous street in America and that the 13th step of the State Capital is exactly one mile above sea level.


We also learned that the capital is made with “Beulah red” marble and Colorado Onyx.  The capital  contains the  entire supply of both stones. If any portion of the building is destroyed which contains these stones, they cannot be replaced.  The supply was exhausted in building the capital.


Responses were given by PGP John Grobler on behalf of the Past Grand Patrons, PGM Alexandra Schenking on behalf of General Grand; PGM Beverly Haave on behalf of the Past Grand Matrons; Al Butterfield on behalf of the elected & appointed grand officers; and Pat Schaefer on behalf of the Grand Representatives.  Sister Sharon gave an entertaining history of her time in Eastern Star. 


Also present were brother Wayne and their daughter.


Congratulations to the Klang family on the addition of a new grandbaby born in November.


Sharon, thank you for a wonderful and entertaining evening.  Thank you for all you do on behalf of Nesika Chapter and most of all thank you for honoring Nesika Chapter as Grand Representative these past few years. 

January 11, 2002 




v     Unresolution Night (I’m not telling….)

v     Top 8 Honor Night

v     Chapter Dress

v     Short Form



Fund Raising 2001-2002


Husky/Seahawk Games……$397


Thus far, WM Tess & WP Chuck have earned $397 for the chapter from working SeaHawk & Husky Games.


You too can raise over $50 in one day for the Chapter! Dates available: Dec. 16 and  Jan 6.  Please call Chuck Kent.


Grand Representative’s Dinner Monday, January 14 at St. Andrews.  If you’d like to help please contact Sharon Klang 206-772-5628 who is the chairperson for this event.


Community Service




Food Drive – please give your non-perishable food donation to Daisy Ward.


If you’ve forgotten a food donation but still want to help, please leave your cash donations in the container provided in the chapter room and we’ll announce the total later.


Help us fill Santa’s bag!!!!



Calendar of Events


December 14, 2001


Fill Santa’s bag for food bank

January 11, 2002

                Unresolution night

                Top 8

February 8, 2002

                Men’s night


                Letters of Intent due

                Valentine’s Day

February 22, 2002

                Al Butterfield’s Honor Nite

March 8, 2002


                St Patrick’s Day

Events to be added:

                Visit to Masonic Home

Service project this year:

Renton Food Bank

Goals for this year:

·         Raise $2000

·         Have at least one fun event that is free to all members

·         Have at least 4 fun events during the year

·         To initiate 4 more members

·         To increase number of members attending meetings

Tess Kent


Hey!  Do you have email?


If you do, please send an email to WM Tess at


New email address for Tess!



Help Wanted



Contact Daisy Ward




PUBLIC RELATIONS CHAIR – The Worthy Grand Matron has also requested that we appoint a Public Relations chairperson to interact between our chapter and the public.  If you’d like to volunteer, please contact Tess Kent.


GRAND CHAPTER YEARBOOK – I am in need of a chairperson for obtaining orders for the Grand Chapter Yearbook – there are perk s with this position!  Please contact Tess Kent if you are interested.


BOUTIQUE CHAIRPERSON – Carol Vaughan.  If you can provide craft items, please contact her.



Sharon Klang  is looking for a few good women and men to assist with serving the Grand Representative’s luncheon on January 14, 2002.


BINGO AT MRC -  Chairperson wanted to take charge of obtaining refreshments and gifts for us to take to the Masonic Retirement Center for our annual Bingo Sunday.  Please contact Tess Kent if you are able to help with  this event.


What I know and it ain’t much


A big thank you to Bethel #45 for the desserts for tonight’s dessert auction. Let’s help them raise funds for their Bethel – it’s growing and they need the money!


Merry Christmas to all! Happy New Year.