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Nesika News

November 2001                                             We Hope You Dance!                        Renton, WA

Smokey Point Rest Stop


Chilly, gray, wet, and tons of fun! 


Vicki Little with the help of Nesika members set up the rest stop on Friday, November 2nd.


Although the weather was nasty (at best) during the weekend; those who helped had a wonderful time talking and laughing.  Oh yeah, and they gave out coffee, tea, hot chocolate and cookies too!


Vicki will report at the November meeting how much was earned over the weekend.


Thanks to Don Beck, Wayne & Sharon Klang, Velma Weber, Alma Michelson, Carol Vaughan, Christie Wild, Dixie & Gary Wild, Amanda Holler for staying up all night, setting up, taking down and generally being there to help Vicki.


A huge thanks to Steve Little for being at the rest stop on an off all weekend – considering he drove from Tacoma to Smokey Pt several times during the weekend – and he’s not a member (YET).


Thanks as well to Drew Baker, who is a member of Frank S. Land Lodge, for the use of his motorhome for the weekend!


Thanks to the ladies who made cookies, supplied coffee (Velma & Alma), made phone calls  (Sharon) to get more people to help!


Ask them about the guy in the gray car – or the man who stayed half the night! 


I know this was a lot of work and preparation.  Vickie did a superb job (as always) in chairing this event – and again, thanks Vic!




…thank you very much!!!!



Fund Raising 2001-2002


Husky/Seahawk Games:


You too can raise over $50 in one day for the Chapter! Dates available: Nov 11, 17. Dec 2, 16.  Jan 5.  Please contact Chuck Kent at


Grand Representative’s Dinner January 14 – Monday – at St. Andrews.  If you’d like to help please contact Sharon Klang at . She is the chairperson for this event.


Community Service

Food Bank - Daisy Ward is the chairperson for our food drive to help the Renton Food Bank this year. If you have a food donation please remember to bring it to our next meeting!


Help us fill Santa’s bag at the next meeting!!!!



December 14, 2001


Fill Santa’s bag for food bank

January 11, 2002

                Unresolution night

                Top 8

February 8, 2002

                Men’s night


                Letters of Intent due

                Valentine’s Day

February 22, 2002

                Al Butterfield’s Honor Nite

March 8, 2002


                St Patrick’s Day

Events to be added:

                Visit to Masonic Home

Service project this year:

v      Renton Food Bank

Goals for this year:

·         Raise $2000

·         Have at least one fun event that is free to all members

·         Have at least 4 fun events during the year

·         To initiate 4 more members

·         To increase number of members attending meetings

Tess Kent


Chuck Kent     


Hey!  Do you have email?


If you do, please send an email to WM Tess at


New email address for Tess!



Help Wanted


FOOD - At the November and December meetings we will collect food for the Renton Food Bank – please bring your non-perishable items and give them to Daisy Ward.


DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CHAIR – Heather Farrish has volunteered to chair this – please contact her if you would like to help!


PUBLIC RELATIONS CHAIR – The Worth Grand Matron has also requested that we appoint a Public Relations chairperson to interact between our chapter and the public.  If you’d like to volunteer, please contact Tess Kent.


GRAND CHAPTER YEARBOOK – I am in need of a chairperson for obtaining orders for the Grand Chapter Yearbook – there are perk s with this position!  Please contact Tess Kent if you are interested.


BOUTIQUE CHAIRPERSON – Carol Vaughan has volunteered to chair this event.  If you can provide craft items, please contact her.


GRAND REPRESENTATIVE  LUNCHEON – Sharon Klang is looking for a few good women and men to assist with serving the Grand Representative’s luncheon on January 14, 2002.


BINGO AT MRC -  Chairperson wanted to take charge of obtaining refreshments and gifts for us to take to the Masonic Retirement Center for our annual Bingo Sunday.  Please contact Tess Kent if you are able to help with  this event.


What I know – and it ain’t much…

v      Chuck & I would like to thank each of you for all your help in the past few weeks while we were getting ready to take our  vacation.

v      We had a wonderful time in New Hampshire and the weather was beautiful.  We drove to Maine for lunch one day, drove to York beach – north of Kittery, Maine to see the ‘other’ ocean.

v      We were in Salem, Massachusetts on Halloween.  Chuck enjoyed it so much, he’s making plans to be there again next year. (I had fun too!)

v      We also drove to St. Johnsbury, Vermont. What beautiful homes and buildings!

v      The down side?  No espresso for Tesso….so sad…

v      We’re looking forward to the holidays and we hope that you are too.  Our son (and his BRIDE) will be home for Christmas – yes, that’s right – Bryan got married! We will actually be in Montana for Christmas but will get to enjoy their  company before and after here in Seattle.  He is currently stationed in Savannah GA; hopefully, won’t be deployed anywhere soon. But he is re-enlisting and will be transferred to Ft. Lewis!!!

v      Call me – email me – let me know what’s going on with you – or others – so that I can include it in our newsletter!



Did you hear about the blonde who died raking leaves?


She fell out of the tree..