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Nesika News

September     2001                                       We Hope You Dance!                                                        Renton, WA



Worthy Grand Matron Gerry Shafer


Worthy Grand Patron Bill Hammontree


August 15th was a very, very hot day in Renton!  It was also the official visit of the Worthy Grand Matron Gerry Shafer and the Worthy Grand Patron Bill Hammontree.


Worthy Matron Jan Horst and Worthy Patron Norm Horst and the officers of Amethyst Chapter opened the meeting in long form with the assistance of several Nesika members.


Introductions were brief and entertaining as Nancy O’Neill provided music from the musical South Pacific. 


The chapter room was decorated with live palm trees, sea shells. The officers dressed in Hawaiian attire and one of our guests came in shorts!


Worthy Grand Matron Gerry & Worthy Grand Patron Bill were presented with fleece blankets as gifts of friendship from the chapter. The 50 year members of Nesika Chapter & Amethyst were introduced as were the Past Matrons and Patrons.


Sister Gerry and Brother Bill both gave wonderful responses. 


Nesika officers took over the stations for closing of chapter.


Afterward we had fruit trays, cream puffs, and fruit punch to refresh us since it was so hot.


Thanks to everyone for making the evening a success!


Fund Raising 2001-2002


Smokey Point Reststop: Nov 2-5.



v      Chairman

v      Motorhome/trailer for the weekend

v      Donations of Coffee – Cookies - Hot Chocolate – etc.

v      Workers


Beginning Nov. 2  at 2 pm through Nov. 5th at 1 pm at the northbound rest stop at Smokey Point. 


Chapter – this was your idea – you voted to do it – now you need to put your time where you voted.  I will cancel it unless there are volunteers.


There are a number of us who will be working a Seahawk game on Nov. 3rd  and will not be available to help.



Husky/Seahawk Games:

You too can raise over $50 in one day for the Chapter!


Dates available:

Sep  22, 23

Oct. 6, 7, 14, 20, 28th

Nov 3, 11, 17


To sign up call Chuck Kent.

God Bless the American Spirit



September 14, 2001

                Chapter birthday

                7 yr honor night

                Honor 50 year members

                Honor PM & PP

September 16, 2001

Don Beck & Leonard Gottner’s Reception

October 12, 2001

                Halloween program

                Education night


November 2-5, 2001

                Rest Stop

November 9, 2001

                Sharon Klang’s Honor Nite


December 14, 2001


Fill Santa’s bag for food bank

January 11, 2002

                Unresolution night

                Top 8

February 8, 2002

                Men’s night

                Letters of Intent due

                Valentine’s Day

February 22, 2002

                Al Butterfield’s Honor Nite

March 8, 2002


                St Patrick’s Day

Events to be added:

                Visit to Masonic Home

                Laser tag


Service project this year:

·         Renton Food Bank

Goals for this year:

·         Raise $2000

·         Have at least one fun event that is free to all members

·         Have at least 4 fun events during the year

·         To initiate 4 more members

·         To increase number of members attending meetings

Worthy Matron & Worthy Patron

Tess Kent            ………


Hey!  Do you have email? If you do, please send an email to WM Tess at

News that I know

(and it ain’t much)


I know less than I knew last month – by the end of the year – this should be a one page newsletter….


I would ask each of you  to reach out to a member of our chapter in the coming weeks. Make it a point to call or stop to visit someone you haven’t seen in a while. 


In view of the events of the past week, it is clear that all too often we become complacent – and think that we can always do tomorrow what we could have done today. 


This week has given us a clear picture that we NEED to take a moment more to let our friends know that we care about them, to hug our loved ones, and to clear our minds of the unwanted clutter that seems to take up space.


Each time you see a minister, a police officer, a fireman, a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a paramedic  - take a moment to thank them for their contribution.  Far too often we forget to say thanks – or we’re too embarrassed to explain that we appreciate the work that they do to keep our society working, running smoothly, and keep us safe and well.


When you see a soldier, sailor, a military person – thank them as well.  In the recent past it’s become a uniform without much meaning – it appears that too soon – it will again become a symbol of bravery, courage, freedom, and war.


Who knew on Monday that ordinary people, doing ordinary jobs, in ordinary lives – would meet in such a catastrophic way?  What would those people have done on Monday, if they knew on Tuesday their lives would be ended?  What would those firemen have done if they knew that running into that building – as a first response – would be their last response?  What would they have wanted to do – one last time? 


I’ve spent much of this week feeling under the weather – but feeling so fortunate because everyone I know, every family member, every fireman and policeman that I know, every person I remotely care about – is alive today. 


I am grateful.  I am praying more – and on my knees.  I am telling my children a little more often that I love them, I hug them more often – and I’ve called a few of my friends to tell them the same – I’m working my way through the list. 

Many times we make a point of studying the Bible over a period of a year – why not make a list of people to call – to tell them thanks – one person a day – over the next year. 


Write your blessings in a journal – leave it for your family to read after you’ve gone – it will be worth its weight in gold.  But before then, tell them everything that is written there – make your journal of blessings an echo of what they’ve heard – so they know just how much you really meant it.


God bless America.  God bless you, my friends.


WM Tess


Next meeting: Initiation – chapter dress- short form – Education Night