*1 year later*
it has been a year now since me and Jess have met.Everyone seems to be happy.Brian and Emily are planning to have a summer wedding this year and AJ and Lesley will be getting married some time next year.I haven't purposed yet,but I am going to,but I don't know when.I went into our room.Jess wa slaying on the floor.I went to see if something was wrong.She wasn't breathing right.I picked her up and took her outside to my car.I drove her down to the hospital.
*Hour later*
I noticed movment.She was waking up.
~Jess's P.O.V~
That stupid bitch! It's all her fault that I am stuck here in a hospital.I felt my body getting weaker. Hopefully Nick is here to see me leave my life,my body and soul.Nick brought me my journal so I could write in it. I decided to write in it cause I knew this might be the last time too.
~Nick's P.O.V.~~
I saw a pay phone.I quickly dialed Emily's number.
Jess is still some what going strong.I know this is her last hour of living in her body.
*Next Morning* ~Brian's P.O.V.~
I wondered why Nick hadn't come over yet.I decied to take a walk over there.I turned the door knob 'unlocked' how funny I thought. When I walked in I saw blood everywhere on the floor.I followed the 'blood trail' to where it had ended.it ended in the bedroom. I saw Nick.I turned Nick over.He stabbed himself with a knife.He was still a little warm.He also had been crying.I could tell. I started to cry.My best buddy.I hopped he did the right thing by doing this.What's everyone going to do? Emily was sad to see Jess and Nick go in the same night.We were going to have a burial for them.Even though they weren't 'offically' married the gave will still say: In Love 4ever Jess and Nick Carter Chapter 7