___Live & Kicking Interview
Source: Live & Kicking

( NB this is lifted from the press conference in Sweden)

Q: Have the BSB's ever come close to breaking up as a band?

Nick: No we've never come that close to breaking up, have we?

Kevin: No, but when we were splitting from our management company, that was stressful. We were fighting with lawyers, and at one point we thought, 'if it's gonna be like this we don't wanna do it anymore.' That was the closest we've been to a split, and that was right before our Millennium album.

Q: So then guys, just how Rock'n'roll are you lot?

Kevin: We're not your classic rock band or anything, but I think the entertainment business has a lot of dodgy parts to it and you've got to be careful making decisions and think about what you do. We're not perfect, we screw up. I'ts not easy.

Nick: We respect and look out for each other too. I wouldn't do anything to hurt the other guys 'cause it's not just me. There are four others I share this dream with.

Q: Do you want to have kids?

Kevin: Eventually, I want to be a fathere, but right not I don't really have the time to do that. I would want to be able to spend a lot of time with my kids and BSB are a little busy right now!

Q: What about the single guys in the band?

Kevin: The other guys are taking up the slack! (laughs)

Nick: I'm looking! And who better to tell than you guys? Anyone out there?

Q: Do you have any mad fan stories?

Kevin: ...what freaked me out the most was when we went to South America and there were like 8,000 people in front of the hotel. I couldn't believe it! We've had crowds before - but 8,000 people crammed in the streets was just crazy. We needed police escorts in riot gear! But we were just afraid that the fans were gonna get hurt. I mean, they were trampling each other and that's scary!

Nick:Howie had a backpack on once, and a bunch of people grabbed it and jerked him off his feet. He fell right on his back and he looked like an overturned turtle! Hahahah! We've all had our hair pulled out and AJ's had his earring ripped out. It's wild!

Q So what's this about you lot starting up a new band?

Kevin: Well we're producing a record for a new artist called Krystal, and putting it out via the internet on our new label - but we don't have a name for the label yet. Basically we've learnt a lot and we'd like to passs our knowledge on to people who are just starting out, and there are a lot of very talented people out there.

Q: And you're bulding some hotels too?

Kevin: I met some guy about maybe starting a development company that would build a movie theatre, hotel, shops, restaurants and clubs and things like that in rundown areas. It was just a preliminary meeting but basically they would allow us to use our name and call them the Backstreet Buildings or something! It's very early days, but people are already saying 'Oh Kevin's building hotels now!'

Q: Do you use the internet a lot at home?

Nick: We do fan chats on our website 'cause you connect with your fans a little better.

Kevin: Actually we're totally reconstructing our website and have loads more day-to-day stuff on it. So we're gonna take a digital camera with us wherever we go and totally update it to make it more interesting for the fans. It'll be like you're travelling around with us!

Q: Do you guys plan to make music for years and years to come? Please say yes!

Nick: Well, as long as people like us we will! When we first started out, people thought we were going to be just in and out really quickly, but we kept telling them, 'hey we're gonna be around forever, so don't get sick of us yet!' (laughs)

Q: So do you treat this all as a game?

Kevin: I'm a competitive person, you know, I like to win. We're all competitve, we like to play basketball, sports and we don't like to lose. So yearh, Ilike to succeed in whatever I do.

Nick: Me too!

Q Would you say you're addicted to success?

Kevin: Success? I think overall success has a lot more to do with your entire life than just a career in the music business. I mean, I think success has to do with your family life and the quality of your life.

Nick: I mean, if we're not selling as many records this time around, so what? If we're having a great time, we're all healthey and we're still getting to tour and perform anddo all we want to, I still think that's a definite success.

Q And what about touring, are you coming to the UK?

Kevin: Yes, we are busy touring and we will definitely be coming to the UK.

Nick: So get ready Britain cause the BSB are definitely coming back!
